Dear XXXXXXXX , We invite you to participate in the Portfolio Commons project during the 2005-06 academic year. Please email to me by June 10, 2005 whether you are able to accept this invitation. Your acceptance indicates a commitment to carrying out the following: 1. Attend the workshop meetings, September - June as indicated in the attached schedule. The location will rotate among our home institutions; 2. Complete a course portfolio for a course of your preference from among the courses that you indicated in your application; 3. Read a small number of papers that will help in carrying out the goals of the project; 4. Undertake a peer observation of another participant, as well as being peer-observed by another participant at a time of mutual convenience; 5. Read and critique portions of other participants' portfolios; A note on the schedule. One of the main challenges in putting this together is that many people do not yet know when they will be teaching after the fall quarter, and will not find out for several momths. And for some, the fall quarter teaching schedule is subject to change right up until the quarter starts. The other challenge, no less formidable, is finding a time when almost 10 busy people have 1/2 day available that is common to them all. As a result, I felt that my only choice was to schedule it Saturday afternoon; all other times had too many conflicts. I know that you indicated that Saturday is OK but not preferred -- I feel the same way! I also know that this might "cost", along several dimensions -- believe me, I am incurring similar costs. But I felt it was the only time possible. I hope that the following are mitigating factors: o it is only once per month o since the schedule is locked-in now, it increases the possiblility that you can plan around conflicts; o The initial and capstone workshops have been reduced to 5 hours from 8 hours; o It does not conflict with any dates any of you specified on your application; o No Saturday is scheduled on any weekend involving a major holiday (Columbus Day, Halloween, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year, MLK Birthday, Washington's Birthday, Easter, Memorial Day); o No Saturday is scheduled on any weekend conflicting with a conference that several of us will be attending (SIGCSE, CCSC-NW, ICER); I welcome your participation as long as you have less than two known conflicts that you will be unable to reschedule (but please let me know if this is the case, and which dates). However, if you more than two unavoidable conflicts, it will be too difficult to establish the continuity necessary to sustain our momentum. In such a case I ask that you not accept the invitation to participate. Again, let me thank you for your interest in the "Portfolio Commons" project. I hope that you are able to attend! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Josh Tenenberg