Fall 2005

Chapter 1 Assignment
Select one of the exercises from the Web Research (except Scavenger Hunt and Search Sleuth) or Case Studies sections at the end of the chapter. Be sure to use the Web link to additional information. Compose your answer and submit it as a reply to this forum.  Your answer should be around 250 words or so.  Thats two or three well rounded paragraphs.  I'll grant extra credit for thoughtful replies to other's threads.
Click here for Assignment details or select the Assignments link in the menu on the left.

Student: _8256_1 Date: 2005-12-11 14:58:43 PST
Journaling 4

After reading the chapter I started to realize how much I rely on computers in my everyday life.  From waking up to an alarm in the morning, to making my breakfast in the microwave, to talking on my cell phone all the way to work in my car, inputting data from our prehistoric work computers to the new space saving flat screens with a full spectrum of color, not to mention taking pictures on my camera phone and sending them to friends on my phone internet access, text messaging, e-mailing, researching products for work...my day is filled with machines.  After a day of computer based work I then come home to relax in front of the television, DVD player and sterio (for a very short time.) 

I am finding that so far, just reading the first chapter, my computer terminology is broadening!  My life completely revolves around computers, I don't know what I would do without them. 

Chapter 2 Assignment
Select one of the exercises from the Web Research (except Scavenger Hunt and Search Sleuth) or Case Studies sections at the end of the chapter. Be sure to use the Web link to additional information. Compose your answer and submit it as a reply to this forum.  Your answer should be around 250 words or so.  Thats two or three well rounded paragraphs.  I'll grant extra credit for thoughtful replies to other's threads.
Click here for Assignment details or select the Assignments link in the menu on the left.

Student: _8256_1 Date: 2005-12-11 15:01:09 PST
Journaling #4
The first time I used the internet was for a class project in seventh grade.  The link we used, I believe, was Excite and the teacher walked us through every step.  From that point on I knew I had made a new best friend!  I then started to use Yahoo, Google, Ask Jeeves, and Hotmail, pretty much anything that showed a variety of ways how to look things up.  In high school I used it mostly to research reports and e-mail friends and family.  I tried the chat rooms, they were interesting, people from all over the world were connected it seemed like all day long.  My favorite past time now is shopping on the internet!  I get the sizes I need in the clothes I want,  there is more of a variety, and it's always fun to get something in the mail the next day! It's all around a more convenient way to shop using the internet.

Chapter 3 Assignment
Select one of the exercises from the Web Research (except Scavenger Hunt and Search Sleuth) or Case Studies sections at the end of the chapter. Be sure to use the Web link to additional information. Compose your answer and submit it as a reply to this forum.  Your answer should be around 250 words or so.  Thats two or three well rounded paragraphs.  I'll grant extra credit for thoughtful replies to other's threads.
Click here for Assignment details or select the Assignments link in the menu on the left.

Student: _8256_1 Date: 2005-12-11 15:11:51 PST
Journaling #3
I can't even recall how old I was when I first used word processing.  I know it was for a report that the instructor required it to be typed.  I was never good at writing super long reports, so when they had a required length I used to fuss with the report on the word program a little to make them seem longer.  Like changing the font size and shape, indenting paragraphs a couple spaces more, filling in bigger words that I would look up in the thesaurus at that time.  A little Doctoring on the word processor always made the difference!

Chapter 4 Assignment
Select one of the exercises from the Web Research (except Scavenger Hunt and Search Sleuth) or Case Studies sections at the end of the chapter. Be sure to use the Web link to additional information. Compose your answer and submit it as a reply to this forum.  Your answer should be around 250 words or so.  Thats two or three well rounded paragraphs.  I'll grant extra credit for thoughtful replies to other's threads.
Click here for Assignment details or select the Assignments link in the menu on the left.

Student: _8256_1 Date: 2005-12-11 15:14:12 PST
Chapter 4-Journaling
The first time I went shopping to buy a computer was with my brother who was at the time a computer programer.  We went to a few different places like costco, best buy, circuit city, and a few stores he knew of.  The whole time he asked questions.  When we got home he told me that he knew that shopping on line would be the best deal for us, because the sales people didn't know what they were talking about.  We ended up buying a Dell, which at the time price wise was in our budget and it came with everything we needed it to have.  They even threw in the CD burner that we never use, but we hae it!  I shop on line for almost everything and I would have to say I usually have found it to be a better deal in the end.

Chapter 5 Assignment
Select one of the exercises from the Web Research (except Scavenger Hunt and Search Sleuth) or Case Studies sections at the end of the chapter. Be sure to use the Web link to additional information. Compose your answer and submit it as a reply to this forum.  Your answer should be around 250 words or so.  Thats two or three well rounded paragraphs.  I'll grant extra credit for thoughtful replies to other's threads.
Click here for Assignment details or select the Assignments link in the menu on the left.

Student: _8256_1 Date: 2005-12-12 19:17:10 PST
Journaling Ch. 5
The first time I used a mouse was probably when I would go into the "paint" program my Dad had on his computer.  I would spend hours just using the mouse to write my name and try to keep it as strait as possible.  My first experience with voice recognition was with my new cell phone,  I only programmed a few friends that I talk to the most.  I hardly ever use it cause I forget its there.  I haven't suffered from any repetitive strain injuries yet even though I used to use a computer day in and day out at the doctors office I used to work at.  I actually worked for a had specialist which performed surgeries such as carpal tunnel release and trigger finger release on a daily basis.  It's amazing how many people work with their hands so much that they end up having these terrible injuries.   

Chapter 6 Assignment
Select one of the exercises from the Web Research (except Scavenger Hunt and Search Sleuth) or Case Studies sections at the end of the chapter. Be sure to use the Web link to additional information. Compose your answer and submit it as a reply to this forum.  Your answer should be around 250 words or so.  Thats two or three well rounded paragraphs.  I'll grant extra credit for thoughtful replies to other's threads.
Click here for Assignment details or select the Assignments link in the menu on the left.

Student: _8256_1 Date: 2005-12-06 23:45:49 PST
Journaling Ch. 6

I use output devices daily since I love to take so many pictures with my digital camera.  I of course have to print them right away and frame them!  At my old job I did all of the ordering for front office supplies.  We went through so many toners and ink cartridges on a regular basis that I made sure they were recyclable. I cant imagine how many people just throw them in a dump, and over the years that just adds up because of how many large companies use them day to day.  We also disposed of our old dinosaur computers to a store that actually wanted them when we upgraded to the new flat screens.  Im glad more and more companies are being more proactive when it comes to recycling used supplies.

Chapter 7 Assignment
Select one of the exercises from the Web Research (except Scavenger Hunt and Search Sleuth) or Case Studies sections at the end of the chapter. Be sure to use the Web link to additional information. Compose your answer and submit it as a reply to this forum.  Your answer should be around 250 words or so.  Thats two or three well rounded paragraphs.  I'll grant extra credit for thoughtful replies to other's threads.
Click here for Assignment details or select the Assignments link in the menu on the left.

Student: _8256_1 Date: 2005-12-11 14:51:33 PST
Journaling Ch. 7
There are so many ways these days to store information.  The main way I use to store things off the computer are floppy disks.  For instance my resume or reports I write that I like to go back to for inspiration when writing a new one.  I get pictures stored on CD's, my smart card in my phone has a bazillion numbers and birthdays in it and certain songs for certain people when they call.  I have to say I'm realizing how many things I store everyday.  I take care of all the storage devices so that I can always retrieve information that I may need down the road.  My floppy's are all in a box made for floppies, and CD's in there cases.  I know how important it is to maintain them because I've lost info before. 

Chapter 8 Assignment
Select one of the exercises from the Web Research (except Scavenger Hunt and Search Sleuth) or Case Studies sections at the end of the chapter. Be sure to use the Web link to additional information. Compose your answer and submit it as a reply to this forum.  Your answer should be around 250 words or so.  Thats two or three well rounded paragraphs.  I'll grant extra credit for thoughtful replies to other's threads.
Click here for Assignment details or select the Assignments link in the menu on the left.

Student: _8256_1 Date: 2005-12-04 16:43:45 PST
# 3 - Journaling Ch. 8
My home computer has a few different antivirus programs that we check occasionally.  Nobody in my family uses our home computer very much because it's on dial up!  We kind of avoid it like the plague because it is so extremely slow!  Since I've taken this class I've had to use it more and more so I've been the one to check for the new virus definition updates.  I usually check about every two days. I have been using a friends computer more so she checks I bet every day, she's so worried about viruses! At my old job we had every kind of program imaginable to protect us from viruses. They even made me take backup tapes home every night after I closed out everything just in case the building burned to the ground!  I've never run into any viruses myself but I've seen my friends computer just crash because of how many viruses they downloaded.  They had to get a professional to resurface everything!  It was terrible.  I know my Mom has a backup on our computer and a recovery disk we are pretty careful.

Grading Rubric

Please note the following grading rubric will be applied for chapters 9 through 15

The assignment is labeled and titled as directed 1 point
The composition is of the assigned length and is organized, readable, and correctly punctuated 1 point
The subject or topic of the writing is clear and the author's answer is clearly and completely expressed 2 points
Thoughtful replies to other's discussions 1 point (Extra Credit )

Chapter 9 Assignment
Select one of the exercises from the Web Research (except Scavenger Hunt and Search Sleuth) or Case Studies sections at the end of the chapter. Be sure to use the Web link to additional information. Compose your answer and submit it as a reply to this forum.  Your answer should be around 250 words or so.  Thats two or three well rounded paragraphs.  I'll grant extra credit for thoughtful replies to other's threads.
Click here for Assignment details or select the Assignments link in the menu on the left

Student: _8256_1 Date: 2005-12-11 08:55:49 PST
#3 - Journaling Ch. 9

I have never visited a Cybercafe nor do I find them very interesting, too busy.  I have used a global positioning system when I took a trip with my Grandparents, they had one in their R.V. so we could find our way to our destination.  It was pretty nice, we always knew where we were at and how much further we had to go.  The best part of the GPS system is that you never get lost!

I have seen people cheat on tests using those TI calculators that look like mini computers they would type all the questions of a test in them to give to their friends that had the class too.  Also, text messaging was popular at our high school as a method of cheating.  But I have to say the teachers caught on quickly when one of them gave side A of a test to one class and side B to the next.  The cheaters just filled in the answers without looking and five kids were pulled out of class and had to explain how they got their answers.  It was pretty funny.

Chapter 10 Assignment
Select one of the exercises from the Web Research (except Scavenger Hunt and Search Sleuth) or Case Studies sections at the end of the chapter. Be sure to use the Web link to additional information. Compose your answer and submit it as a reply to this forum.  Your answer should be around 250 words or so.  Thats two or three well rounded paragraphs.  I'll grant extra credit for thoughtful replies to other's threads.
Click here for Assignment details or select the Assignments link in the menu on the left.

Student: _8256_1 Date: 2005-12-11 08:51:28 PST
#3 - Journaling Ch. 10

My brother created a whole database for me to store music and clips in.  I actually store the music in a file so that I can easily access it when I get on the computer!  And of course I've shopped on line, I'm like a professional! Nobody had to show me, I think some things just come natural for people! I love the internet for shopping, especially during the hustle and bustle of the holidays. It's so much easier plus I usually save money because I can check out a few stores on line within minutes. 

I do not think they should require national identification cards at all. I know it might help national security.  But I feel that it would be going too far. I mean fingerprints and facial scanners, i don't want to live like that.  Too much control, and I feel that I agree with the article that it would just lead to unjustified suspicion if someone lost their card or couldn't produce one for some reason.

Chapter 11 Assignment
Select one of the exercises from the Web Research (except Scavenger Hunt and Search Sleuth) or Case Studies sections at the end of the chapter. Be sure to use the Web link to additional information. Compose your answer and submit it as a reply to this forum.  Your answer should be around 250 words or so.  Thats two or three well rounded paragraphs.  I'll grant extra credit for thoughtful replies to other's threads.
Click here for Assignment details or select the Assignments link in the menu on the left.

Student: _8256_1 Date: 2005-12-07 23:33:57 PST
#3 - Journaling Ch.11

I've never suffered from any repetitive strain injuries yet!  But I worked for a hand specialist which preformed tests and surgeries on people who did. It's amazing how important your hands are when they aren't functioning correctly.  I have even sat in on some of the carpal tunnel releases' and trigger finger release surgeries.  Its pretty neat to see the process of recovery the people had to go through.  My employer monitored all of the employees to make sure they weren't keying too much. 

I do not approve of an employer reading e-mails at all.  It's an invasion of privacy totally.  But I do think if I was running my own business I would have the manager make sure to check on the employees to see if they were getting their work loads done in a timely manner.

Chapter 12 Assignment
Select one of the exercises from the Web Research (except Scavenger Hunt and Search Sleuth) or Case Studies sections at the end of the chapter. Be sure to use the Web link to additional information. Compose your answer and submit it as a reply to this forum.  Your answer should be around 250 words or so.  Thats two or three well rounded paragraphs.  I'll grant extra credit for thoughtful replies to other's threads.
Click here for Assignment details or select the Assignments link in the menu on the left.

Student: _8256_1 Date: 2005-12-07 23:26:23 PST
#3 - Journaling Ch. 12

At the offices I've worked at I guess I was part of a steering committee.  We usually discussed many different "plans of attack" to bring in business, advertising techniques, organization for the company so that it always ran smoothly, etc.... I thought it was very useful since we had so many ideas from everyone brainstorming, come together to make a plan.  It was pretty much like how the book describes "The Planning Phase". 

Reguarding the Case study 1- I believe the system development cycle would be the perfect approach to the managers problems with organizing the employees requests.  Even though the problem isn't computer related the manager can still utilize her time and organization by involving the computer to do the work. I wouldn't change any of the steps. 

Chapter 13 Assignment
Select one of the exercises from the Web Research (except Scavenger Hunt and Search Sleuth) or Case Studies sections at the end of the chapter. Be sure to use the Web link to additional information. Compose your answer and submit it as a reply to this forum.  Your answer should be around 250 words or so.  Thats two or three well rounded paragraphs.  I'll grant extra credit for thoughtful replies to other's threads.
Click here for Assignment details or select the Assignments link in the menu on the left.

Student: _8256_1 Date: 2005-12-07 23:23:47 PST
#3 - Journaling Ch.13
I think it would be actually very interesting to be a beta tester.  To look into a program and find all the "cracks" basically.  I would like the detail that is involved in being a beta tester.  I think software can be more accurately tested by sending it through a few different cycles that the book describes, plus having more tedious testing.  I do believe that the software manufacturers should be held accountable for any buggy software causes damages because it's their software and they should stand behind their products.  But also putting it through a few more tests before releasing it would probably be a good idea on their part so that they don't go in the hole for little mistakes that cause huge problems.  I know that the company I used to work for had software that the company stood behind their product one hundred percent.  So any time we had a problem we were able to call the tech support free, until the problem was fixed properly.  I think it also helps if everyone in the office goes through thorough training before they are let loose on the system.

Chapter 14 Assignment
Select one of the exercises from the Web Research (except Scavenger Hunt and Search Sleuth) or Case Studies sections at the end of the chapter. Be sure to use the Web link to additional information. Compose your answer and submit it as a reply to this forum.  Your answer should be around 250 words or so.  Thats two or three well rounded paragraphs.  I'll grant extra credit for thoughtful replies to other's threads.
Click here for Assignment details or select the Assignments link in the menu on the left.

Student: _8256_1 Date: 2005-12-07 23:18:35 PST
#3 - Journaling Ch.14
I think my mom does the "back up" on our computer every few weeks, not very often I know that.  We don't have really important info on this computer but her own computer I know she does regularly.  At the office I think they back up the files every other night or on Friday i think.  I've had nothing but good outcomes when I've used e-commerce.  Since I'm a shopaholic I've used it too many times to count!  I've ordered concert tickets, airline tickets, clothes, presents that I had sent conveniently strait to the persons house, pretty much anything you can think of, I've probably have ordered it online! I do like to actually get out of my house and shop but definitely not around holidays or weekends.  It kind of takes the fun out of shopping when the eighty year old woman in her motorized cart is bumping into your heels as you shop.  I would rather be reclining in my chair making a few clicks on the mouse to see what the stores have!