~~~~~~~~ COURSE PORTFOLIO ~~~~~~~~

Introduction to Computer Science: A Course Portfolio for CSCE 144
Part of the Disciplinary Commons Project

Laurie Murphy (Pacific Lutheran University)


Related course objective Sample student work Motivation & significance
FUNDAMENTAL SKILLS Final assignment (lab #10) Chosen because it requires students to demonstrate nearly all of the programming skills learned over the semester and because students' grades on this assignment tend to vary more than others. By analyzing the variation in the skills high, middle and low performers demonstrate I hope to reveal areas/topics that need to be addressed more thoroughly and/or taught differently, or ways the assignment might be improved or clarified.
DISCIPLINARY CONTEXT Breadth assignments My intent had been to assess students' learning and appreciation of the breadth of computer science by analyzing the content of their breadth assignments (short essays and summaries of talks they have attended) over spring 2006. Unfortunately, I didn't get around to doing this, although my general impression was that students did seem to get a better understanding of the field. This was particularly true of the summaries they wrote of the senior students' capstone projects, I think because they saw these students as "accessible role models".
HOSPITABLE ENVIRONMENT Minute paper lab CATs (lab #0) In CS1 first impressions can make a big impact on students' feelings of self-confidence. My motivation for analyzing students' electronic Minute Paper Lab CATs responses is to assess the impact of recent changes we made to our first lab assignment.

[TOC] | <-Philosophy | Conclusions->

Last Modified: 2/10/2006