Portfolio: Levels of Access

The Course Portfolio can be thought of as a document that provides different levels of access to different audiences:
Private: The Individual Teacher

This material is for your eyes only. Designating a private portfolio from the outset provides a space for self-disclosure and reflection. In doing my portfolio, I found it particularly useful for asking and discussing questions that arose as I was putting together my portfolio (e.g. "what student work do I want to analyze?"), for providing a rationale for the choices that I was making in the construction of the Public portfolio, as well as in discussing lessons learned from completing the portfolio. Because this portfolio is strictly private, there is no need to spend time defining terms or context.

Protected: The Group of Peers
This is material that you will share only with a group of designated peers with whom you share some context. For our purposes, we can consider one another within this group, though you might want to consider colleagues in your department or in the discipline as part of this group as well.
Public: The Wide World
This is the material that you will post on the Internet, for all eyes to see, what is often referred to as "The Course Portfolio". Partly as a result of this being accessed by a wider audience, you might want to include more context and navigational aids for the reader for whom little shared context can be assumed.