Self (video or audio) Observation Guide

Your video or audio need not be long to be illuminating. Consider taping as few as 10 minutes. The video/audio tape is completely private. For each of the phases below, write brief responses to the questions.

Before the session to be taped:
  1. Determine what part of which session you will have taped.
  2. Why this particular piece of teaching?
  3. What are the learning goals for this session?
  4. Why this particular way you teach?
  5. What do you expect to happen?

After the session but before watching/listening to the recording:
  1. How do you think the session went?
  2. Do you think that you achieved your goals?
  3. What do you expect to see/hear on the recording?

After watching/listening to the recording:
  1. What did you see/hear? First describe. Then interpret and evaluate.
  2. How do you think the session went?
  3. Do you think that you achieved your goals?
  4. Any changes you'll make next time you teach this unit?