Cosmogenic-nuclide measurements and stratigraphic info

Borehole 1-A-76

Key to drillhole logs

Be-10 and Al-26 in quartz

Depth [Be-10] [Al-26]
Sample name (ft) (atoms/g) +/- (atoms/g) +/-
1-A-76-204 204 2.53E+05 6.71E+03 5.86E+05 3.35E+04

Bulk Be-10 in sediment

Depth [Be-10]
Sample name (ft) (atoms/g) +/-
1-A-76-85 85 6.83E+07 2.29E+06
1-A-76-145 145 4.76E+07 1.38E+06


Mass depths reflect the following density assumptions:

What?TillGlaciolacustrineSandLoessSilty sandGravelly sand
Density(g cm-3)

These are averages derived from the density measurements here.

Top depth Bottom depth Lithology Top depth Bottom depth Density Mass thickness Top mass depth Bottom mass depth
(ft) (ft) (m) (m) (g cm-3) of unit (g cm-2) (g cm-2) (g cm-2)
0 25 LOESS 0.00 7.62 2.00 1524 0 1524
25 32.5 LOESS 7.62 9.91 2.30 526 1524 2050
32.5 80 LOESS 9.91 24.38 2.30 3330 2050 5380
80 98.5 TILL 24.38 30.02 2.25 1266 5380 6646
98.5 105 SAND 30.02 32.00 2.13 423 6646 7068
105 110 TILL 32.00 33.53 2.25 342 7068 7411
110 165 TILL 33.53 50.29 2.25 3764 7411 11175
165 202 LOESS 50.29 61.57 2.30 2594 11175 13768
202 211 SAND 61.57 64.31 2.13 585 13768 14354
211 250 LOESS 64.31 76.20 2.30 2734 14354 17088