Cosmogenic-nuclide measurements and stratigraphic info

Borehole SD-BR

Key to drillhole logs

Be-10 and Al-26 in quartz

Depth [Be-10] [Al-26]
Sample name (ft) (atoms/g) +/- (atoms/g) +/-
SDBR-305M 305 1.46E+05 4.19E+03 3.99E+05 2.33E+04

Bulk Be-10 in sediment

Depth [Be-10]
Sample name (ft) (atoms/g) +/-


Mass depths reflect the following density assumptions:

What?TillGlaciolacustrineSandLoessSilty sandGravelly sand
Density(g cm-3)

These are averages derived from the density measurements here.

Top depth Bottom depth Lithology Top depth Bottom depth Density Mass thickness Top mass depth Bottom mass depth
(ft) (ft) (m) (m) (g cm-3) of unit (g cm-2) (g cm-2) (g cm-2)
1 4 TILL 0.30 1.22 2.25 205 0 205
4 15 GL 1.22 4.57 2.06 690 205 895
15 43 TILL 4.57 13.11 2.25 1916 895 2812
43 64 TILL 13.11 19.51 2.25 1437 2812 4249
64 69.5 SAND 19.51 21.18 2.13 358 4249 4606
69.5 76.5 TILL 21.18 23.32 2.25 479 4606 5086
76.5 80 TILL 23.32 24.38 2.25 240 5086 5325
80 86.5 SAND 24.38 26.37 2.13 423 5325 5748
86.5 94.5 TILL 26.37 28.80 2.25 547 5748 6295
94.5 100 SAND 28.80 30.48 2.13 358 6295 6653
100 132 TILL 30.48 40.23 2.25 2190 6653 8843
132 144 SAND 40.23 43.89 2.13 780 8843 9623
144 145 TILL 43.89 44.20 2.25 68 9623 9691
145 148 SAND 44.20 45.11 2.13 195 9691 9886
148 153 TILL 45.11 46.63 2.25 342 9886 10229
153 162 SAND 46.63 49.38 2.13 585 10229 10814
162 225 TILL 49.38 68.58 2.25 4311 10814 15125
225 232 SAND 68.58 70.71 2.13 455 15125 15580
232 257.5 TILL 70.71 78.49 2.25 1745 15580 17326
257.5 270 SAND 78.49 82.30 2.13 813 17326 18138
270 293 TILL 82.30 89.31 2.25 1574 18138 19712
293 304 TILL 89.31 92.66 2.25 753 19712 20465
304 306 TILL 92.66 93.27 2.25 137 20465 20602
306 317 SAND 93.27 96.62 2.13 715 20602 21317
317 333.5 TILL 96.62 101.65 2.25 1129 21317 22446
333.5 352.5 SAND 101.65 107.44 2.13 1235 22446 23682
352.5 355 GL 107.44 108.20 2.06 157 23682 23839
355 359.5 SAND 108.20 109.58 2.13 293 23839 24131
359.5 395 GL 109.58 120.40 2.06 2227 24131 26359
395 414 SAND 120.40 126.19 2.13 1235 26359 27594
414 420.5 TILL 126.19 128.17 2.25 445 27594 28039
420.5 465 BR 128.17 141.73- - - -