Cosmogenic-nuclide measurements and stratigraphic info

Borehole SD-TR2

Key to drillhole logs

Be-10 and Al-26 in quartz

Depth [Be-10] [Al-26]
Sample name (ft) (atoms/g) +/- (atoms/g) +/-
SDTR-80 80 8.74E+04 2.07E+03 7.86E+04 8.07E+03
SD-TR2-120 120 6.26E+04 3.47E+03 8.65E+04 1.43E+04

Bulk Be-10 in sediment

Depth [Be-10]
Sample name (ft) (atoms/g) +/-


Mass depths reflect the following density assumptions:

What?TillGlaciolacustrineSandLoessSilty sandGravelly sand
Density(g cm-3)

These are averages derived from the density measurements here.

Top depth Bottom depth Lithology Top depth Bottom depth Density Mass thickness Top mass depth Bottom mass depth
(ft) (ft) (m) (m) (g cm-3) of unit (g cm-2) (g cm-2) (g cm-2)
0 22 TILL 0.00 6.71 2.25 1506 0 1506
22 44 SAND 6.71 13.41 2.13 1430 1506 2936
44 50 SLTSND 13.41 15.24 2.10 384 2936 3320
50 85 SAND 15.24 25.91 2.13 2276 3320 5596
85 113.5 SLTSND 25.91 34.59 2.10 1824 5596 7420
113.5 153 SAND 34.59 46.63 2.13 2568 7420 9988
153 160 BR 46.63 48.77- - - -