Cosmogenic-nuclide measurements and stratigraphic info

Borehole UMRB-2

Key to drillhole logs

Be-10 and Al-26 in quartz

Depth [Be-10] [Al-26]
Sample name (ft) (atoms/g) +/- (atoms/g) +/-
UMRB-2-149 149 5.30E+04 1.57E+03 1.76E+05 2.29E+04
UMRB-2-185 185 6.15E+04 2.40E+03 2.40E+05 1.71E+04
UMRB-2-207 207 4.81E+04 1.78E+03 1.85E+05 5.74E+04
UMRB-2-209 209 4.38E+04 2.28E+03 1.70E+05 1.39E+04
UMRB-2-168 168 6.31E+04 1.78E+03 2.58E+05 1.67E+04
UMRB-2-201F 201 4.07E+04 1.53E+03 2.06E+05 1.81E+04

Bulk Be-10 in sediment

Depth [Be-10]
Sample name (ft) (atoms/g) +/-
UMRB-2-19 19 1.38E+07 3.63E+05
UMRB-2-39 39 1.43E+07 3.76E+05
UMRB-2-111 111 9.92E+06 2.69E+05
UMRB-2-133 133 9.12E+06 2.51E+05
UMRB-2-140 140 9.73E+06 2.66E+05
UMRB-2-146 146 9.46E+06 2.59E+05
UMRB-2-164 164 8.99E+06 2.48E+05
UMRB-2-182 182 1.23E+07 3.54E+05
UMRB-2-194 194 4.61E+06 1.46E+05


Mass depths reflect the following density assumptions:

What?TillGlaciolacustrineSandLoessSilty sandGravelly sand
Density(g cm-3)

These are averages derived from the density measurements here.

Top depth Bottom depth Lithology Top depth Bottom depth Density Mass thickness Top mass depth Bottom mass depth
(ft) (ft) (m) (m) (g cm-3) of unit (g cm-2) (g cm-2) (g cm-2)
0 5 GL 0.00 1.52 1.95 297 0 297
5 25 TILL 1.52 7.62 2.27 1384 297 1681
25 45 TILL 7.62 13.72 2.24 1366 1681 3046
45 96 GL 13.72 29.26 2.06 3200 3046 6246
96 117 TILL 29.26 35.66 2.09 1338 6246 7584
117 130 TILL 35.66 39.62 2.15 852 7584 8436
130 132 LOESS 39.62 40.23 2.18 133 8436 8569
132 135 GL 40.23 41.15 2.15 197 8569 8766
135 137 GRVSND 41.15 41.76 2.49 152 8766 8918
137 141 TILL 41.76 42.98 2.26 276 8918 9193
141 142 GL 42.98 43.28 2.06 63 9193 9256
142 149 TILL 43.28 45.42 2.31 493 9256 9749
149 153 SAND 45.42 46.63 2.13 260 9749 10009
153 165 TILL 46.63 50.29 2.22 812 10009 10821
165 175 SAND 50.29 53.34 2.13 650 10821 11471
175 184 TILL 53.34 56.08 2.17 595 11471 12066
184 193 GRVSND 56.08 58.83 2.49 684 12066 12751
193 196 TILL 58.83 59.74 2.25 205 12751 12956
196 200 TILL 59.74 60.96 2.25 274 12956 13230
200 203 SAND 60.96 61.87 2.04 187 13230 13416
203 207 SAND 61.87 63.09 2.13 260 13416 13676
207 223 SAND 63.09 67.97 2.13 1040 13676 14717
223 225 SLTSND 67.97 68.58 2.06 125 14717 14842