UW Information Technology Service Center

Student Staff Application Form

Note: We accept applications year-round and you are welcome to reapply at any time.

* Indicates Required Field

Basic Information
*Name: Nickname:
City: State: Zip:
*Email: *Phone:

Student Information
Note: You must be enrolled and able to work at least 3 future academic quarters to be considered for employment.
Please enter your anticipated date of graduation.
*UW Student ID#: Graduation Quarter: *Graduation Year:
Academic Major(s):

Relevant Experience
Customer service skills and experience:
Computer-related courses you have taken at the high school or college level:
Your experience using PCs, Macintosh computers, UNIX workstations and associated software:
Your experience in training or consulting (not necessarily computer-related):
Any other relevant experience you have, including clerical skills:

Employment Questions
Why do you want to work for the UW Information Technology Service Center?
Our regular business hours are:
Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Sunday 1:00 PM - 8:00 PM
*Are you available to work during these hours, assuming no class conflicts?  Yes
How did you hear about us?
If referred by a UW Information Technology employee, please specify his or her name.

Brief Work History  None
By entering contact information below, you are giving us permission to contact these individuals:
Place of Employment: Your Position:
Dates of Employment: Reason for Leaving:
Email: Phone:
(+) Add additional entry

Additional References (no relatives please)  None
Email: Phone:
(+) Add additional entry

Verification and Submission
*I certify that the information entered on this form is correct

You will receive an email copy of your application upon submission

The University of Washington does not discriminate against individuals because of race, color, religion, creed, age, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, handicap, or status as a disabled veteran or Vietnam era veteran.