(The Young Man and the Dog Sisters)

Recorded with James Dementi, 3-23-2004

  1. hiddenQayxidhu'onhtr'i'ne.
    villagethere isit is said
    'There was a village.'

  2. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'necheltr'igidiɬt'ighinhxelanh.
    thenit is saidyoung manwho did not want to marrythere is
    'And there lived a young man who did not want to marry.'

  3. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'nenq'oɬdaɬinchexiyghun' iɬniyhtr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidwomenalsothey're trying to get himit is said
    'All the women tried to get him.'

  4. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'neaxaxiɬdiknginiggiyixnedryan'dathdotr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidthenbackhousemiddleonlyhe sitsit is said
    'But he just sat back in the middle of the house.'

  5. hiddenYitots'intr'i'neeygginnq'oɬdaɬinchenhgoyixitraɬtth'exits'in'xiviyixxichuxxelanhtr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidthose peoplewomenalsoheretherekashimneartheir housebigthere isit is said
    'There were some women who had a big house near the kashim.'

  6. hiddenYitots'inyixtr'i'neaxaxiɬdikediniɬchenxixidhu'onhtr'i'ne.
    thenhouseit is saidthenallin circlethey're standingit is said
    'They all stood in a circle.'

  7. hiddenEygginnq'oɬdaɬintr'i'neyitots'in'tr'i'nexidittheghnixitltriɬtr'i'ne.
    those peoplewomenit is saidthenit is saidtheir hairthey washedit is said
    'Those women washed their hair.'

  8. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'neda'negcheyetnonxidalyayhtr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidparkafinealsointhey're wearingit is said
    'And they dressed in fine parkas.'1

  9. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'netth'oknegyechenhvavxilayhtr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidbowlsfineintoofoodthey putit is said
    'Then they put their food in fine bowls.'

  10. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'nengiyixitr'igidiɬt'ighinhts'in'xonxididiɬtr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidinsidethe one who would not marrytothey going insideit is said
    'They took it inside to the one who would not marry.'

  11. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'negiɬigginhyegxidi'uhoyh.Eygginhnuq'oɬonhantth'okxoqoɬtr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidone persontherewould go inthat personwomantheybowlthey're carryingit is said
    'One of the women went in carrying the bowl.'2

  12. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'negoyitxongthitninehoyhtr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidthistherefirstshe goes in?it is said
    'The first woman went in.'

  13. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'neeyggiyiytth'okghuqoɬtr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidthatitbowlshe's carryingit is said
    'She was carrying the bowl.'

  14. hiddenYitots'in'chenhtr'i'neeyggiytth'okghuqoɬxiyiɬyits'iditl'inektr'i'ne.
    thenalsoit is saidthatbowlshe's carryingwithshe held out to himit is said
    'She took the bowl up to him and held it out.'

  15. hiddenUxuxiyiɬtr'i'neeyggiytth'okyugho itlyiɬtr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidthatbowlhe snatched from herit is said
    'Then he snatched the bowl from her.'

  16. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'neyixiniydaghɬtsitltr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidtherehe threw itit is said
    'And he threw it at her.'3

  17. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'neyits'in'tr'i'neeyggiyvavvuqogginiyghedatltr'i'ne.
    thenit is saiddue to thatit is saidthatfoodher surfaceit fellit is said
    'And the food fell all over her.'

  18. hiddenDitth'ogyiɬyo yaghdituxengthingan'tr'i'ne.
    her bowlalsoit flew up in the airoutwardgroundit is said
    'The bowl flew up in the air and fell on the ground.'

  19. hiddenYitots'in'eygginhnuq'oɬonhdiyenyilayhiyvavnighedatltr'i'ne.
    thenthat personwomanshe picked it upthatfoodit fellit is said
    'The woman picked up all the scattered food.'

  20. hiddenYitots'intr'i'neitrixhingotthan'edoyhtr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidshe's cryingwhileshe's going back outsideit is said
    'And then she went out crying.'

  21. hiddenYitongotr'i'neeygginuxotinviluxdong'yengu'otthaɬyixxididltth'etr'i'ne,tth'okxolaɬts'in'tr'i'ne.
    meanwhileit is saidthose peopletheyrest of themyonderkashim entrythey sitit is saidbowlthey're holding themit is said
    'Meanwhile, all the other women stayed in the entryway, holding their bowls.'

  22. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'nexiyts'in'xiditu'osrtr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidthey to himthey go init is said
    'One by one they went to him.'

  23. hiddenDaɬine'viyan'.
    butno use
    'But it was no use.'

  24. hiddenYuxudzdixiɬ'anhtr'i'ne.
    samethey didit is said
    'The same thing happened to them.'

  25. hiddenXidigaɬtr'i'neeyggiytth'okaxaniynengiɬts'ixiyan'tr'i'ne.
    finallyit is saidthatbowlby means ofhe threw it backonlyit is said
    'He threw all those bowls back at them.'

  26. hiddenTthanxididatltr'i'nexitrixhingo.
    they went outit is saidthey're cryingwhile
    'They all went out crying.'

  27. hiddenXidigaɬtr'i'nexidiyixxidonxididatltr'i'ne.
    finallyit is saidtheir housesthey went intoit is said
    'Finally they went back to their houses.'

  28. hiddenUxutuxtr'i'neinedhinhanhq'idaghdhilinh,ngodadzdisixiɬ'anhtuxxivits'in'xiyiɬsitthe'imo,inedhinhtr'i'ne.
    so thenit is saidhe thoughtthatyoung manwellthusthey do to mewhenon account of themthenmy headacheshe thoughtit is said
    'The young man thought, whenever they treat me that way, it just makes my head ache.'

  29. hiddenXivughun'hetasdoɬdi?
    with them?I'll live
    'Why would I ever live with them?'4

  30. hiddenQ'idongxuvontidhasdol ine',inedhinhtr'i'ne.
    alreadywith themI would have gonehe thoughtit is said
    'If I wanted to, I would already have married them.'

  31. hiddenYitots'in'yixdidltth'entr'i'nexidigaɬtthanxuxudinektr'i'ne.
    thenhousethose stayingit is saidfinallythey went back outsideit is said
    'Then all the others in the kashim left.'

  32. hiddenXidigaɬtr'i'neideyan'yittathdo'ts'in'tr'i'ne.
    finallyit is saidhe alonetherehe started to stayit is said
    'And he alone remained there.'

  33. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'netthantidoyhtr'i'nedingonhxivits'in'tr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidhe went outit is saidhis motherto themit is said
    'Finally he went out.'

  34. hiddenAxaxiɬdikdingonhghoxidon'idoyh.
    thenhis mothertohe went in
    'He went to his mother's house.'

  35. hiddenYityixxidon'idoyhtux,niɬq'adzxiniɬ'anhtr'i'ne.
    therehousehe went inwhenboth wayshe's looking aroundit is said
    'When he went in, he looked around.'

  36. hiddenTingiɬyexiyiɬ,tetth'okyexiyiɬnonxididuqonh,tr'i'ne,te.
    bucketsinandbowlsinalsothey containit is saidwater
    'There were buckets and bowls, all full of water.'

  37. hiddenAɬonachenheygginnuq'oɬdaɬinanhq'idaghdhilinhvonhoqoduqonxalyayh,iytetr'i'ne.
    surelythose peoplewomenheyoung manhis motherforthey're bringing upitwaterit is said
    'Apparently those young women had brought the water for the young man's mother.'

  38. hiddenAxaxiɬdik"anhdiyozrdinatl'oxiytiɬtaɬq'at"(xi)yanghoɬtriɬtr'i'ne.
    thensheher childshe'll give uswantthey're helping herit is said
    'They would do anything for her in the hope that she would give them her son.'5

  39. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'nedingonhanhiɬnets'in'"teq'at,"yiɬne.
    thenit is saidhis motherherhe saidtowaterwanthe said
    'So the young man said to his mother, "I want some water."'

  40. hidden"Atthinggilatengidinenh,"yiɬne,tr'i'ne.
    out therego aheadwaterdrinkshe saidit is said
    'And his mother replied, "If you want water, drink some of that there."'

  41. hiddenYughun'nughuhoyhtr'i'ne.
    to ithe goes?it is said
    'He went to it.'

  42. hidden"Divayuxodhiyoyiygon?"yiɬne.
    whothat which was broughtitthishe said
    "'Who brought this here?" he said.'

  43. hidden"Ngoay'inngedayozryesoxoxiyoghxidhu'otshiy,"yiɬne.
    wellout thereyour cousinlittle (pl.)for methey brought itthatshe said
    "'Why your little cousins brought it for me," she said.'

  44. hidden"Ganlayatxiviyiɬngizrizr,"yiɬne.
    whatforwith themyou're drinkinghe said
    "'Why have they brought it for you?" he asked.'6

  45. hidden"Ngoxivigite'tidhasinelts'ixiq'ade'ist'a'ts'in',"yiɬne.
    nowtheir waterI will not drinkwantingI am nothe said
    "'It's not their water that I want to drink.'

  46. hidden"Dodosoxoteduqon'uxliyayhts'in'xividene,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    enoughfor mewateryou pl. carry uptell themhe saidit is said
    "'Tell them not to get water for me anymore," he said.'

  47. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'netetthanyalyayhtr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidwaterhe took outit is said
    'And then he threw out the water.'

  48. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'neyitth'ogyiɬni'iɬdiɬtr'i'ne,eyggiytetr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidits bowlswithhe's throwingit is saidthatwaterit is said
    'He threw it over the bank, bowls and all.'

  49. hidden"Xidaynginhvuxidheyoyte?"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    whereyouwhich you fetchedwaterhe saidit is said
    "'Where is the water you brought?" he asked his mother.'

  50. hidden"Ngitthegideiy,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    down therethatitshe saidit is said
    "'Right down here," she said.'7

  51. hidden"Ło'vuxidheyoyhe'gon?"yiɬne.
    trulywhich you fetchedyes/no Qthishe said
    '"Did you really get this?" he said.'

  52. hidden"Agidedranvogh gidasinekiy,"yiɬne,tr'i'ne.
    surelytodayI got it with difficultyitthatshe saidit is said
    "'Indeed, I got it today with great effort," she said.'

  53. hiddenYitots'in,tr'i'ne,iyidinenh,tr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidithe's drinkingit is said
    'And so he drank it.'

  54. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'neyitl'ogidighetrit.
    thenit is saidshe gave him food
    'Then she fed him.'

  55. hiddenAxaxiɬdikguhonhtr'i'ne.
    thenhe's eatingit is said
    'And he ate.'

  56. hidden"Divasre',"yiɬnetr'i'neanhvonh,"divasre'santiɬniginlaysoxonineɬtayhts'in'at?"yiɬne.
    whoI wondersaidit is saidshehis motherwhoI wondermy helpersmaterialfor meyou will takeshe said
    "'I wonder," said his mother, "when you are going to get helpers for me?"'

  57. hidden"Goghiluqxiɬdiktiyhidinaghsdhiɬts'in',"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    nowalasthenstrengthI am losingshe saidit is said
    '"Alas, my strength is failing me."'

  58. hidden"Ganghun'sughondidiɬniyh,"yiɬne.
    whataboutyou're bothering mehe said
    "'What are you bothering me about?" he said.'

  59. hidden"Degsuxiyo' yoyegidaghst'onhts'idist'a,"yiɬne.
    thisI made my mind upI am sohe said
    "'I've made up my mind, and that's the way I am.'

  60. hidden"Sughondidhiɬniyts'in',"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    don't bother mehe saidit is said
    "'Don't bother me," he said.'

  61. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'netthantidoyh.
    thenit is saidhe started to go outside
    'Then he went out.'

  62. hiddenYitots'intr'i'netraɬtth'etxiyentidoyhtr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidkashimhe's entering againit is said
    'He went into the kashim.'

  63. hiddenNathtanhtr'i'ne.
    he lay downit is said
    'And lay down.'

  64. hiddenVinxoɬts'eg dongxits'itr'e'idhiktr'i'ne.
    in early morningtowards ithe wakes upit is said
    'In the early morning he awoke.'

  65. hiddenYitots'inni'iditl'eyhtr'i'neghinoyoqotuhoyhtr'i'ne.
    thenhe dressedit is saidcaribouforhe's goingit is said
    'He dressed for the trail, to hunt caribou.'

  66. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'neghinoytixigheghonhtr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidcaribouhe killed severalit is said
    'He killed some caribou.'

  67. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'neq'aghntidoyh.
    thenit is saidbackhe's returning
    'And then he went back.'

  68. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'nedingonhghun'xidon'idoyhtr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidhis mothertohe's going insideit is said
    'He went into his mother's house.'

  69. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyitl'ogidighetritaxaxiɬdikguhonh.
    and thenshe gave him foodandhe ate
    'She gave him food and he ate.'8

  70. hiddenYitots'in'guhonhxotl'ogh,ngiyiggitraɬtth'exiyentidoyh.
    thenhe ateafterdownkashimhe goes back in
    'After he ate, he went into the kashim.'

  71. hiddenAxaxiɬdiknginiggidiyixxidon'idoyhtr'i'ne.
    andbackhis househe went back init is said
    'He went in to the back of the house.'9

  72. hiddenAxaxiɬdikngi'innuq'oɬdaɬinchenhaxaxiɬdikxidittheghyanxiɬtreth.
    and thenyonderwomenagainthentheir hairthey're wetting
    'Then the women who lived nearby washed their hair.'

  73. hiddenYitotl'ogh tuxxiɬdikngizrennonxidalyayh.
    after thatthenprettythey're dressing
    'Then they dressed in pretty clothes.'

  74. hiddenYitotl'ogh tuxaxaxiɬdiktth'okyegixilayh.
    after thatthenbowlinthey put something
    'Then they put food in bowls.'

  75. hiddenAxaxiɬdikeygginhq'idaghdhilinhts'in'xiyenxididiɬ.
    and thenthat personyoung mantothey're going in
    'Then they took it into the young man.'

  76. hiddenAxaxiɬdikgiɬigginhyits'ixidi'uhoyh.
    thenone personto himshe goes inside
    'The first one went in to him.'

  77. hiddenAxaxiɬdikeyggiytth'okchenhyiɬyugho ngithini'uhoyh.
    andthatbowlagainwithbefore himshe's stopping
    'She stopped in front of him with the bowl.'

  78. hiddenAxaxiɬdikchenhyughoyitɬyiɬtr'i'ne.
    and thenagainfrom herhe grabbed itit is said
    'And just as before, he grabbed it from her.'

  79. hiddenYaxaniydiniɬtsiɬtr'i'ne.
    with ithe threw it at herit is said
    'He threw it back at her.'

  80. hiddenItrixhingodiyenyilayhtr'i'ne.
    she's cryingwhileshe's picking it upit is said
    'Crying, she picked it up.'10

  81. hiddenYuxudzdixit'anhtr'i'nexiyts'in' xidi'idaɬtr'i'ne.
    samethey're doingit is saidthey're going inside to himit is said
    'All the rest did the same.'

  82. hiddenDivaine'anhghun'tth'okiɬchethingotthanxitididaɬtr'i'ne.
    someonealthoughherfrombowlhe's takewhilethey're going back outsideit is said
    'But he did not accept a bowl from anyone, so they went back out.'

  83. hiddenTthanxitididaɬhingoaxaxiɬdik,"yuxudzdisuxɬ'anhxits'in'sixiq'ade'ist'a'ts'in',"xiɬnetr'i'ne.
    they went back outwhilethenthusyou do to mewantingI am not sohe said to themit is said
    'As they left, he said to them, "I don't want you to do this for me."'

  84. hiddenXidigaɬtr'i'netixidighedhit.
    finallyit is saidspring came
    'Finally summer came.'11

  85. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'negitolixxiq'idixidiyoqtr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidfish will runas ifit happenedit is said
    'It looked like the fish were about to start running.'

  86. hiddenAxaxiɬdikeygginhq'idaghdhilinhtidhu'onlayoqotidhiqanhtr'i'ne.
    and thenthat personyoung manfishtrapmaterialforhe canoedit is said
    'So the young man went in his canoe to get materials for a fishtrap.'

  87. hiddenNgido' ts'in'tr'i'netidhiqanh.
    downriverit is saidhe set off canoeing
    'He started off downriver.'

  88. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'nengido'ghiqaɬtr'i'nedran.
    thenit is saiddownriverhe's canoeingit is saidday
    'He canoed downriver for a day.'

  89. hiddenNginiggiteq'avontr'i'nexiniɬ'anh.
    uphillon shoreit is saidhe's looking around
    'He looked over at the shore.'

  90. hiddenXiniɬ'anhuxuxiyiɬtr'i'neaniggiteq'avontr'i'neniɬtiydilaychuxtr'i'nedathtonh.
    he's looking aroundand thenit is saidinlandon shoreit is saiddrift-logbigit is saidit's lying
    'As he looked, he saw a big drift-log lying on the shore.'

  91. hiddenTr'edhatr'i'neniɬtr'idaghɬch'iɬ.
    beholdit is saidit was cracked
    'It was split.'12

  92. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'neyughun'duqodhiyo.
    so thenit is saidto ithe went ashore
    'So he went ashore.'

  93. hiddenAxaxiɬdiknoqoggiytthingiɬaxadiggiydeniɬquyhtr'i'ne.
    thenstoneaxewithhe cut it in halfit is said
    'He cut it in half with his stone axe.'13

  94. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'neniɬtr'iydaghɬt'isrtr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidhe split it in twoit is said
    'Then he split it in two.'14

  95. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyaɬts'iniychenhniɬtr'iyidaghɬt'isr.
    thenother sideittoohe split in two
    'He split the other side, too.'

  96. hiddenAxaxiɬdikeyggiyviggaddhts'in'genathtonh.
    and thenthatits rootsathe looked
    'He looked at its roots.'

  97. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'negiyemateqavoghdelotr'i'ne,giyematlaggyozrteqatr'i'ne.
    and thenit is saidmasktwothey're hanging on itit is saidmaskwretchedlittletwoit is said
    'And behold, there were two masks hanging on them, two wretched little masks.'

  98. hiddenDiynedhinhtr'i'neeygginhq'idaghdhilinh,do'otiyvaxa ndadz dixet'a iy?inedhinhtr'i'ne.
    he thought thusit is saidthat personyoung manjust over thereithow about thathe thoughtit is said
    'The young man thought, why, look at that!'

  99. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'neyughun'nineyo.
    thenit is saidto ithe went
    'So then he went over to it.'

  100. hiddenGoyughun'noghuhoɬxiyiɬdilo'axayititlchet.
    hereby ithe went toandhis handwithhe started to take it
    'He was about to take it in his hand.'

  101. hiddenUxuxiyiɬtr'i'neeyggiygiggaddhtridrvixedhinixtr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidthatrootwoodit vanishedit is said
    'At that moment, the woody root vanished.'

  102. hiddenAxaxiɬdikngidiggixiq'axits'idzdidiyoqtr'i'ne.
    thenupwantingfrom itit becameit is said
    'Then he felt a strong desire to go up the bank.'15

  103. hiddenNgidiggiyixiduqotadhiyotr'i'ne.
    uptherehe started to go upit is said
    'So he did.'

  104. hiddenDegghuhoɬxiyiɬtr'edhadoyixitingxelanhtr'i'ne.
    herehe's goingandbeholddown nearbytrailthere isit is said
    'There at his feet was a trail.'

  105. hiddenDegyixitingtadhiyotr'i'ne.
    heredowntrailhe wentit is said
    'And he went down the trail.'

  106. hiddenAxaxiɬdiknginiggyixxitlaggxiyozrxinxighe'otr'i'ne.
    thenuphousewretchedlittleit's standingit is said
    'Up the bank stood a poor little house.'

  107. hiddenYitots'in'ghuhoɬtr'i'ne.
    thenhe's goingit is said
    'He went toward it.'16

  108. hiddenXidoynineyotr'i'ne.
    doorhe went toit is said
    'He went to its door.'

  109. hiddenTr'edhatr'i'neyiteyggiygiyemaxidoyniɬk'odzxoghdelotr'i'ne.
    beholdit is saidtherethatmasksdoorwayon each sidethey hungit is said
    'There on each side of the doorway hung the two little masks.'

  110. hiddenNgitthinggiggaddhghun'xoghdighelo',xida iyngitthinggiyemayinaghɬ'an'iytr'i'ne.
    belowrootonthey were hangingthe samedownhillmaskhe sawitit is said
    'He saw the same ones that had been hanging on the root below.'

  111. hiddenYitxidoyiytr'i'neniɬk'odzyitxoghdelotr'i'ne,xida iyngitthingyinaghɬ'an'tr'i'netr'edhatr'i'neiy.
    theredoorwayitit is saidon each sidetherethey hungit is saidthe samedown belowhe sawit is saidbeholdit is saidit
    'There on each side of the doorway, there they hung, the same ones he had seen below.'

  112. hiddenAxaxiɬdikdingit'axididhisoy,inedhinhtr'i'ne.
    thenshouldI go inhe thoughtit is said
    'I think I'll go in, he thought.'

  113. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'nexiditadhiyo.
    so thenit is saidhe started to go in
    'And he went in.'

  114. hiddenXidineyoyixxitlaggitr'ixet'ixts'in'ine'getiy.
    he went inhousewretchedit's badalthoughvery
    'He went in even though the house was a very poor wretched one.'

  115. hiddenUxuxiyiɬdongangenathtonhtr'i'ne.
    thenjust acrosshe glancedit is said
    'He looked across the room.'

  116. hiddenTr'edhatr'i'nevits'igitr'inathjit.
    beholdit is saidat himsomeone was scowling
    'And there was someone scowling at him.'

  117. hiddenDonganchenhgenathtonhtr'i'ne.
    acrossagainhe glancedit is said
    'He looked the other way.'

  118. hiddenTr'edhatr'i'nevits'igazriɬghunhtr'i'ne.
    beholdit is saidat himsomeone was growlingit is said
    'And there was someone growling at him.'

  119. hiddenTr'edhatr'i'nenuq'oɬdaɬintlagginotintr'i'ne.
    beholdit is saidwomenwretchedtwoit is said
    'They were two wretched, withered old women.'

  120. hiddenŁeq'athda'ggingggusr yan'tr'i'nexithitl'enh.
    fish skinparkawithereddirtyit is saidthey wore
    'They were wearing dirty fish skin parkas.'

  121. hiddenXivigizryiɬxiviqatreyyiɬxividagyiɬxelanhiyɬeq'athtr'i'ne.
    their mittensandtheir moccasinsandtheir parkastoothey areitfishskinit is said
    'Their mittens, their moccasins, and their parkas were all made of fish skin.'17

  122. hiddenDughonnonxiditl'iyagits'in'tr'i'ne.
    furthey're not wearingit is said
    'They wore no fur.'18

  123. hiddenGan chenhxoghla'yityix.
    nothingthere istherehouse
    'There was nothing in the house.'

  124. hiddenYuxudztr'i'neɬatszroxelanhtr'i'ne.
    allit is saiddirtonlythere isit is said
    'There was only dirt in the house.'

  125. hiddenYegine'dina'ideloyqultr'i'ne.
    therebutclothingnoneit is said
    'There was no clothing.'

  126. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'nenginigginineyotr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidat the backhe wentit is said
    'So the man went to the back of the house.'

  127. hiddenYiggitathdo'tr'i'ne.
    he sat downit is said
    'He sat down.'

  128. hiddenTth'okyiɬqul.
    'There were no bowls either.'

  129. hiddenNdaghxitlagggoxidiniso,inedhinhtr'i'ne.
    howwretchedhereI went insidehe thoughtit is said
    'What a poor place I have come to, he thought.'

  130. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'neengosinngitthetr'i'nexits'idixi'ne.
    thenit is saidacrossfront (of building)it is saidfromthey're speaking
    'And then they spoke to him from over in the corner.'19

  131. hidden"Ngu'odzgandiɬ'anhanh?"xiyiɬnetr'i'ne.
    over therewhathe's doinghethey said of himit is said
    "'What is he doing over there?" they said.'

  132. hidden"Dinaxiyo'q'idinats'itayo,"xiyiɬnetr'i'ne.
    our thoughton account ofto usyou camethey said to himit is said
    "'You have come to us because of our wisdom," they told him.'20

  133. hidden"Agidedinaghun'tthantidhedolts'in',"xiɬne.
    nowby usyou shall not go outthey said
    "'Now you won't get away from us."'

  134. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'neyadz gititlchith.
    thenit is saidthey took something off
    'Then they took off (the curtain (off the smokehole)).'

  135. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'nenixidiɬq'onhtr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidthey started a fireit is said
    'And they started a fire.'

  136. hiddenTs'anaxaxiɬdikɬatsethoktthagginixine'onhxiyiɬethokyegixighelotr'i'ne.
    sothendirtbowlby firethey putandpotinthey put thingsit is said
    'They put an earthen bowl by the fire and put things in it.'

  137. hiddenAxaxiɬdikxuxidiɬq'onhxotl'oghxidon-gixiniɬcheth.
    thenthey made a fireafterthey put (curtain) back
    'After they had the fire going, they put the curtain back on.'

  138. hiddenYitots'in'gixitadhon'tr'i'ne.
    thenthey began to eatit is said
    'Then they began to eat.'

  139. hiddenTthigitth'ogq'idzxiytl'ogidighetrit.
    wooden spoonuponthey gave him food
    'They gave him some food.'

  140. hiddenXiyits'in' yatitltsitltr'i'ne.
    they threw it at himit is said
    'They tossed it to him in a wooden ladle.'

  141. hidden"Iy,iygilanguhonh,"xiɬnetr'i'ne.
    itcomeeatthey're sayingit is said
    "'Come on, eat it," they said.

  142. hidden"Ngotidhaselts'in',"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    wellI shall not eathe saidit is said
    "'No, I won't eat," he said.'

  143. hidden"Gilayuxunhtr'u'uxt'ix diuxonhiy,"xiɬnetr'i'ne.
    come onyou (pl.)you (pl.) are badyou pl. eatithe said to themit is said
    "'Come on, you are that bad yourself, you should eat it," he said to them.'

  144. hiddenXiyiɬtr'i'nedeɬnetr'i'ne,"doghnaxgannaghnguhonh?"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidshe said thusit is said?whatelseyou eatshe saidit is said
    "'What else do you eat?" one of them said.'21

  145. hidden"Ngoots'iditr'ighaɬt'ixiysingonhaxasiniɬyalts'in,"yiɬne.
    wellsuchthat which is so badmy motherby means ofshe did not raise mehe said
    "'My mother didn't raise me on such bad stuff as this," he said.'

  146. hiddenGichalvadr,gughogvadryiɬ,yuxudzggusr yan'ɬatsyan'ts'ixiyiɬtr'i'ne.
    salmon tailsboiledfinsboiledandalldirtearthonlyalsoit is said
    'It was boiled salmon tails and boiled fins all mixed together with dirt.'

  147. hiddenInaghdegsitoqul,inedhinhtr'i'ne.
    might as wellhereI will diehe thoughtit is said
    'I might just as well die here, he thought.'

  148. hiddenYuxudzxizrodixidighene'ts'in',yixitathdo'tr'i'ne.
    thusonlythey said to himandtherehe stayedit is said
    'That's all they said to him, and he stayed there.'

  149. hiddenUxuxiyiɬtr'i'neeygginnuq'oɬdaɬinxughun'xidineyonenathtanhtr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidthose peoplewomento themthe ones he had walked inside onstarted to go to bedit is said
    'Then the women at whose house he had arrived got ready for bed.'

  150. hiddenXeɬedzdixititl-'an'tr'i'ne.
    wellthey made readyit is said
    'They began to get ready.'

  151. hiddenUxuxiyiɬtr'i'neengodzyixxik'odzyitdhidoninhditalaɬchinaghɬnektr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidacrosshouseacrosstherethe one who stayedher matshe rolled upit is said
    'The one who slept across the house rolled up her mat.'

  152. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'nedughok'odzdhidonyoghnineyotr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidopposite herthe one who stayedto himshe wentit is said
    'And the one who slept across from her went to him.'

  153. hiddenYogh ngosinnineyotr'i'ne.
    over to himshe wentit is said
    'She went over to him.'

  154. hidden"Gilagonaghun'ninehoyh,"xiyiɬnetr'i'ne.
    comehereto usyou comethey said to himit is said
    "'Come, come here beside us," they said to him.'

  155. hidden"Ngodaɬine'yuxghun'tidhasolts'in',"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    wellhoweverby you pl.I will not gohe saidit is said
    "'Oh no, I won't go over by you," he said.'

  156. hiddenUxuxiyiɬtr'i'nexunh xiyiɬxiyghun' ni'iliggoktr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidsuddenlythey ran to himit is said
    'Then suddenly they ran at him.'

  157. hiddenXiyitlyiɬtr'i'ne.
    they grabbed himit is said
    'They grabbed him'

  158. hiddenXidighun'nixiyghaɬghiɬtr'i'ne.
    beside themselvesthey threw him downit is said
    'They threw him down beside themselves.'

  159. hiddenXiytitlgingisrtr'i'ne.
    they started to tickle himit is said
    'They tickled him.'

  160. hiddenTadhizreɬtr'i'ne,eygginhq'idaghdhilinh.
    he began to screamit is saidthat personyoung man
    'He began to scream, that young man.'

  161. hiddenXidigaɬtr'i'nevuqoggxitlts'ektr'i'ne.
    finallyit is saidsurface of his bodyit's painfulit is said
    'Finally he was in great pain all over.'

  162. hiddenAxaxiɬdikxiviloggingts'in'vuqoggxitlts'ektr'i'ne.
    thentheir clawsbysurface of his bodyit's painfulit is said
    'His skin hurt from their scratching.'

  163. hiddenViɬantl'idaqtr'i'ne.
    he fell asleepit is said
    'He fell asleep.'

  164. hiddenDegviɬaɬtinghtr'i'ne.
    herehe sleptit is said
    'Here, he slept.'

  165. hiddenUxuxiyiɬtr'an'ididhittr'i'ne.
    thenhe awokeit is said
    'Then he awoke.'

  166. hiddenNdidongɬoxili'an'ts'in'.
    for a long timeindeedit is light
    'It had been light for some time.'22

  167. hiddenTr'edhatr'i'neeygginxivuqultr'i'ne.
    beholdit is saidthose peoplethey're goneit is said
    'And the women were gone.'

  168. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'nediggan'ithdonh.
    thenit is saidhe got up
    'Then he got up.'

  169. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'netthitadhiyo.
    thenit is saidhe started to go out
    'Then he started to go out.'

  170. hiddenTthitadhiyoine'xinithinektr'i'ne.
    he started to go outbuthe could notit is said
    'He tried to go out but could not.'

  171. hiddenNgu'oxidoyxidixeɬtsen'tr'i'ne.
    yonderdoorwayit's closedit is said
    'For the doorway was closed.'

  172. hiddenTr'aladighaɬtl'itth ts'in'ngu'otyaghɬniyhine'xinithinektr'i'ne.
    thenwith all his mightoutwardhe pushed itbuthe could notit is said
    'He pushed outward on it with all his strength, but he could not move it.'

  173. hiddenNgidiqxiyiɬxidigidaghɬtr'itr.
    up abovealsoit was pegged tightly
    'It was fastened tightly up above.'

  174. hiddenXidigaɬtr'i'neyitathdo'tr'i'ne.
    finallyit is saidtherehe satit is said
    'Finally he sat back down.'

  175. hiddenDoghneghxits'igenatonhtr'i'ne.
    behind himtowardhe glancedit is said
    'He looked around behind him.'

  176. hiddenTr'edhatr'i'nengineghxiyettsaghɬdeɬtl'itstr'i'ne.
    beholdit is saidbackin thereit is darkit is said
    'It was dark back there.'

  177. hiddenYixixeɬedzxiniɬ'anh.
    therewellhe's looking around
    'He looked carefully.'

  178. hiddenDinatth'inxit'achelonghtr'i'ne.
    humanbonesverymanyit is said
    'And there he saw a bunch of human bones.'

  179. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'nexiyodiɬ'anhtr'i'ne.
    and thenit is saidhe thoughtit is said
    'And then he thought.'

  180. hiddenXidaysingonhdadzxughun'disdighene'.
    how trulymy motherthusof itshe told me
    'This is what my mother warned me about.'

  181. hiddenInagh chedaghst'an',yinedhinhtr'i'ne.
    it makes no differencewhat happens to mehe thoughtit is said
    'And it makes no difference what happens to me now, he thought.'

  182. hiddenSeghilechexiq'axinadistth'elts'in',inedhinhtr'i'ne.
    ImaybewantadviceI did not hearhe thoughtit is said
    'I just wanted my own way and wouldn't take advice.'

  183. hiddenYixitathdo'tr'i'ne.
    therehe satit is said
    'And there he sat.'

  184. hiddenTsaghɬditidhu'on'xiq'itr'i'ne.
    it became duskas ifit is said
    'It became dusk.'

  185. hiddenXuyiɬngi'inxits'inigidoɬtsitlxiq'itr'i'ne.
    thenyonderfromsomething fell heavilyas ifit is said
    'From over there, there was the sound of something falling heavily.'

  186. hiddenNgan'dhiɬdiɬxiq'itr'i'ne.
    earthshookas ifit is said
    'The earth shook.'

  187. hiddenUxuxiyiɬtr'i'nengu'oxidoyyadz gatidltsitltr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidyonderdoorit fell openit is said
    'Then the door fell open.'

  188. hiddenAɬona chenhgiggaddhchuxxidonxidiɬtsiɬtr'i'ne.
    beholdrootbigthey closed it withit is said
    'It seems they had closed it with a big root.'

  189. hiddenXidonxet'otstr'i'ne.
    they (du.) came insideit is said
    'The two of them came in.'

  190. hiddenTr'edhatr'i'neniɬ'innalaychalxoɬtaɬtr'i'ne.
    beholdit is saidbothdog salmontailsthey're carryingit is said
    'They were both carrying dog salmon tails.'

  191. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'nenixixidiɬq'onhyitots'in'tr'i'nenalaychalxititlvatrtr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidthey made a fireand thenit is saiddog salmontailsthey began to boilit is said
    'Then they made a fire and began to boil the dog-salmon tails.'

  192. hiddenAxaxiɬdikchenhtthigitth'ogyiggiyq'idzchenhxiyts'i gatitltsitltr'i'ne.
    thenagainwooden spoonthatuponagainthey threw it at himit is said
    'Once again, they threw them at him in a wooden spoon.'

  193. hidden"Ots'iditr'ighaɬt'ixiydhisonts'in'he'?Adisuxɬ'anh?"xiɬnetr'i'ne.
    suchbad stuffI don't eatyes/no Qyou do to mehe said to themit is said
    "'Am I supposed to eat this rotten stuff? Is this how you treat me?" he said to them.'

  194. hidden"Do'ingannegdhehonts'i?"xaɬnetr'i'ne.
    whysomethingniceyou don't eatthey said to himit is said
    "'Why don't you eat this nice stuff?" they said to him.'

  195. hiddenYehelts'in'tr'i'nechenh.
    he did not eat itit is saidagain
    'But he did not eat it.'

  196. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyixitathdo'tr'i'ne.
    thentherehe satit is said
    'He just sat there.'

  197. hidden"Gan ixaghlingith ts'in'xiyan'dhedongodi'ne,"xaɬnetr'i'ne.
    how long a timeonlyyou sitthushe speaksthey said to himit is said
    "'It will be long enough that you sit there, you who speak that way," they said.'

  198. hidden"Yuxugho'in`distsan"yuxghun'didisnets'iheatsitl'ogiduxtrik?"xiɬnetr'i'ne.
    because of you pl.I am hungryto you pl.I say soyou give me some foodhe said to themit is said
    "'Was it because I told you I was hungry that you gave me this to eat?" he said to them.'

  199. hiddenAxaxiɬdikchenhxenathdrittr'i'ne.
    thenagainthey got ready for bedit is said
    'So they got ready for bed again.'

  200. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'neeyggitq'eydongxiq'idixiyeloqchenhxidughun'nonxiyghaɬghuɬtr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidthatyesterdayasthey did it to himagainbeside themthey threw him downit is said
    'Then, as they had done before, they threw him down beside themselves.'

  201. hiddenChenhxiytitlgingisr.
    againthey tickled him
    'And they tickled him again.'

  202. hiddenXidigaɬtr'i'neduqoggtr'i'nediɬxethdlattr'i'ne.
    finallyit is saidhis bodyit is saidbloodit becameit is said
    'Finally he was bloody all over.'

  203. hiddenUxuxiyiɬtr'i'netr'anghididhiɬtr'i'neine'ndadz xaxatthitohoɬtr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidhe was wakingit is saidbutunablehe will go outsideit is said
    'He stayed awake, but there was no way for him to get out.'

  204. hiddenChengu'oxiyiɬngidiggixiyiɬxidixeɬtsen'di.
    againyonderandup abovealsoit is closedwhere
    'The opening was closed up above again.'

  205. hiddenDegdrantr'i'neyitdhidotr'i'ne.
    heredayit is saidtherehe's sittingit is said
    'He sat there all the next day.'

  206. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktoxdidranhtr'i'negithonhingo,teyiɬithinenhingo,yitdhidotr'i'ne.
    thenthree timesdaysit is saidhe did not eatwhilewateralsohe did not drinkwhiletherehe's sittingit is said
    'It had now been three days that he had gone without food and water while he sat there.'

  207. hiddenUxuxiyiɬtr'i'nengiduxsinxidaɬdinghtr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidoverheadthere was a jarring soundit is said
    'Then overhead there was a jarring sound.'

  208. hiddenUxuxiyiɬtr'i'nengidiggixidine'onq'ithxatitl'iqit,giggaddhxidine'ontr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidupwardcoveringasideit slidrootcoveringit is said
    'And the top covering slid aside, the root covering.'

  209. hiddenUxuxiyiɬtr'i'nengidiggxiyetthitr'ighetthiyhtr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidup abovesomeone stuck head down init is said
    'Then someone stuck her head down through the hole.'

  210. hiddenUxuxiyiɬtr'i'netr'edhatr'i'nenuq'oɬonhnegtr'i'ne,niq'oɬonhxit'achengizrenhgitsaghthda'yet.
    thenit is saidbeholdit is saidwomanniceit is saidwomanveryshe's prettymarten skinparkain
    'It was a very pretty woman wearing a martin-skin parka.'

  211. hiddenIxuxuyiɬtr'i'nedi'netr'i'ne,"ngiyetrngughun'he'tth'e?"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidshe saidit is saidyour lifewith youyes/no Qstillshe saidit is said
    'And she said, "are you still alive?"'

  212. hidden"Hǫ,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    yeshe saidit is said
    "'Yes," he said.'

  213. hidden"Eyggit chenhq'idongxit'anginisdhinh,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    all overalreadyperhapsI thought of youshe saidit is said
    '"I thought perhaps you were dead already," she said.'

  214. hidden"Xivigivava'xit'alghinguhon',"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    their foodmaybeyou ateshe saidit is said
    "'I thought you might have eaten their food."'

  215. hidden"Viyan',"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    nohe saidit is said
    '"No," he said.'

  216. hidden"Agidexivivava'ghinguhon'di,ngin'qoggnixendheli'elts'in',"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    welltheir foodyou ateifearthonyou will not be seen againshe saidit is said
    "'Really, if you had eaten their food, you would not have been seen alive again," she said.'

  217. hidden"Agidengoghxetsing'duxo'in,degxingithngiyedrxelanh,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    wellthey're stingy for youbecauseherelongyour lifethere isshe saidit is said
    "'It is because they did not want to give you up that you have survived this long.'

  218. hidden"Agidengiyedrngoghxetsing'ts'in'duxo'indiniyhdiviɬaghngaɬtingh,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    wellyour lifethey're stingy for youasbecausefour timesthey made you sleepshe saidit is said
    'They made you sleep for four days because they didn't want to give you up.'

  219. hidden"`Agidetngiyedrgho'istsing'duxo'ingo dadzdingdisne,"yiɬne.
    reallyyour lifeI do not want to give upbecausethusI'm telling youshe said
    "'And because I don't want to give up your life, I'm saying this to you."'

  220. hiddenUxuxiyiɬtetth'okk'idzyozryetteyiɬyits'ixiyedolnektr'i'ne.
    thenwaterbowllittlesmallinwaterwithto himshe handed down insideit is said
    'Then she handed down a little bowl of water to him.'

  221. hidden"Gongilangidinenh,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    thisgo aheadyou drink itshe saidit is said
    "'Drink this," she said.'

  222. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyits'ixonyighetonhtr'i'ne.
    thenfrom himshe brought it up againit is said
    'Then she drew it back up.'

  223. hiddenNelangt'oddhyozrguq'uxyozryiɬyits'ixiyedolnektr'i'ne.
    meatslicedlittlefatlittletooto himshe handed down insideit is said
    'She handed a little sliced meat and fat down to him too.'

  224. hidden"Gongilaaxangidroggnineneyh,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    thisgo aheadby means ofyour breastreviveshe saidit is said
    "'Revive yourself with this," she said.'

  225. hidden"Gilanixididatlda',xangingo'q'idingit'axiyatoneɬxaɬne,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    comethey come backwhenyou have been speakingindeedthey will dothey sayshe saidit is said
    "'When they come back, they will ask you if you have been talking to anyone.'

  226. hidden"Chenhdlengan inaɬt'aygoyixdhisdodidighene',"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    wellmicehow manythishousewhere I staytell themshe saidit is said
    'Tell them that there is no one but mice in this house to talk to.'

  227. hidden"Gilagodadzchenhdixividighene',"yiɬne,`Tigitr'ighan no'sidadrsoghluqyiɬxido'q'onɬtr'aɬtayhtuxdondhu'ontledtr'iɬt'ik,'xividighene',"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    nowthusalsosay this to themshe saidmy younger sisterdearwithbankwe went togetherwhensalmonberriessoftwe suckedsay to themshe saidit is said
    "'And then say to them, 'when my dear younger sister and I went around Tigitr'ighan no', we sucked on soft salmonberries,'" she said.'

  228. hidden"Axaxiɬdikxughun' didighene',"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    and thenfor themit may happenshe saidit is said
    "'Now it is about time for that to happen," she said.'

  229. hidden"Ngontasdoɬ,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    wellI will goshe saidit is said
    "'So I will leave."'

  230. hiddenAxaxiɬdikeyggiygiggaddhchuxxidonyidiniɬtsitltr'i'ne.
    thenthatrootbigshe threw it down closing offit is said
    'Then she closed the hole again with the big root.'

  231. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyitvuqulgits'an-'itl'ighiɬts'in'.
    thenthereshe was notshe turned around
    'She turned around, and disappeared.'

  232. hiddenYittathdo'tr'i'ne.
    therehe satit is said
    'There the man sat.'

  233. hiddenUxuxiyiɬtr'i'nengan'dhiɬdiɬxiq'itr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidearthit shookas ifit is said
    'Then the earth seemed to shake.'

  234. hiddenUxuxiyiɬxidonxet'otstr'i'ne.
    thenthey two came init is said
    'The two old women came in.'

  235. hiddenTr'edhatr'i'neniɬ'innalaychalxoɬtaɬtr'i'ne.
    beholdit is saidbothdog salmontailthey're carryingit is said
    'They were carrying salmon tails.'

  236. hidden"Ngiyiɬɬo' chetr'ixighengo'xiq'i,"xaɬnetr'i'ne.
    with youindeedsomeone spokeas ifthey said to himit is said
    'Then they said to him, "it seems like someone has been talking with you."'

  237. hidden"He'?Ndadz xo'inxitasaɬts'adiduxne,"xiɬnets'in'.
    whathowI'll speakyou pl. sayhe said to them
    "'What? How could I have been talking with anyone?'

  238. hidden"Seyan'dhisdo diganavoghxitasal?"netr'i'ne.
    Ionlywhere I staywhatabout itI'll speakhe saidit is said
    'When only I stay here what will I talk about?" he said.'

  239. hidden"Ło' ts'iine'xangingo'xiq'iɬo chenh,"xaɬnetr'i'ne.
    trulyhoweveryou spokeas ifreallythey saidit is said
    "'Nevertheless, it sounded like you were talking to somebody," they said.'

  240. hidden"Chetr'ighonduxt'ix`disdidhuxɬdhik'daghsne'tr'ixizrolo chenh,"ne.
    wellyou pl. good-for-nothingsyou pl. leave me alonethus I saidonlytrulyhe said
    "'Well, you good-for-nothings, all I said was 'leave me alone!'" he said.'

  241. hidden"A,"xaɬnetr'i'ne.
    they saidit is said
    "'Ah," they said.'

  242. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'neyadz gixititlchithtr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidthey opened the curtainit is said
    'Then they opened the curtain.'

  243. hiddenAxaxiɬdiknixixidiɬq'onhtr'i'ne.
    thenthey built a fireit is said
    'They built a fire.'

  244. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'necheɬatsethoktthaggnonxine'onh.
    thenit is saidagainearthpotby firethey set
    'They set an earthen pot by the fire.'

  245. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'nexidon-gixiniɬchethtr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidthey closed the curtainit is said
    'Then they closed the curtain.'

  246. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'negixitadhon'tr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidthey ateit is said
    'And then they ate.'

  247. hiddenEyggiytthigitth'ogq'idzchexiyts'i gatitltsitl.
    thatwooden spoonuponagainthey threw it at him
    'Once again, they threw food at him in the wooden spoon.'

  248. hidden"Tidhaselts'in',"xiɬnetr'i'ne.
    I won't eat ithe told themit is said
    "'I won't eat," he said.'

  249. hiddenUxuxiyiɬtr'i'nedi'neanhq'idaghdhilinh,"Tigitr'ighan no'xido'gidetsidadrsoghluqyiɬq'onɬitr'aɬtayhtuxdondhi'ontledtr'iɬt'ik,"netr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidsaidthatyoung manbankoftenmy younger sisterdearwithwe went togetherwhensalmonberriessoftwe suckedhe saidit is said
    'And then he said to them, "when my dear younger sister and I went around Tigitr'ighan no', we sucked on soft salmonberries."'

  250. hidden"Chendaghxits'iyanxuniyhngodeɬney,"xaɬnetr'i'ne.
    nowwherefromhe knows itwhat you saidthey saidit is said
    "'Now where did you learn what you said?" they said.'

  251. hiddenXiviye xidolninghtr'i'ne.
    they were angryit is said
    'They were angry.'

  252. hiddenEygginnq'oɬdaɬinxinathdrittr'i'ne.
    those peoplewomenthey got ready for bedit is said
    'Those women got ready for bed.'

  253. hiddenAxaxiɬdikeygginhq'idaghdhilinhimik'ixiydhitlghanhtr'i'ne.
    thenthat personyoung manalmostthey killed himit is said
    'And this time they almost killed the young man.'

  254. hiddenVuqoggdiɬ yan'ts'ixiyiɬtr'i'ne.
    his surfacebloodythenit is said
    'The surface of his body was covered with blood.'

  255. hiddenAxaxiɬdikviɬantl'idaqtr'i'neq'idaghdhilinh.
    thenhe fell asleepit is saidyoung man
    'And then the young man fell asleep.'

  256. hiddenDegviɬaɬtinghxiyiɬtr'edhatr'an'ididhit.
    herehe sleptandbeholdhe awoke
    'Finally he awoke.'

  257. hiddenTr'edhaxivuqultr'i'ne.
    beholdthey were goneit is said
    'And they were gone.'

  258. hiddenYuxudztr'i'netth'inhnatidhighiɬtr'i'ne.
    allit is saidboneshe had becomeit is said
    'He was nothing but skin and bones.'

  259. hiddenDiggidiniɬnekine'vughun'tiyhqultr'i'ne.
    he arosebutwith himstrengthnotit is said
    'He got up, but he had no strength.'

  260. hiddenDegidrantathdo'tr'i'ne.
    around heredayhe stayedit is said
    'He spent the day there.'

  261. hiddenUxuxiyiɬngiduxsinxits'in'xididldinghtr'i'ne.
    thenoverheadfrom itthere was a jarring noiseit is said
    'Then there was a jarring noise overhead.'

  262. hiddenUxuxiyiɬtr'i'nengidiggixidine'onchuxxiyetxiyetthitr'ighetthiyh.
    thenit is saidabovecoveringbigin itsomeone stuck her head in
    'And someone stuck her head in through the opening.'

  263. hiddenTr'edhatr'i'neeygginhq'eydonganhtr'i'nenuq'oɬonhdeɬneytr'i'ne.
    beholdit is saidthat personyesterdaysheit is saidwomanthe one who spokeit is said
    'It was the same woman he had spoken with the day before.'

  264. hidden"Tth'ehengiyedrngughun'?"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    stillyes/no Qyour breathwith youshe saidit is said
    "'Are you still alive?" she said.'

  265. hidden"Hǫ,"yiɬne.
    yeshe said
    "'Yes," he said.'

  266. hidden"Gila,"yiɬne.
    nowshe said
    "'Now," she told him.'

  267. hidden"Iydondhu'onngughonxiduqonhda'iyaxaxiɬdikghehon',"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    thatsalmonberriesthey bring youwhenitthenyou eatshe saidit is said
    ' "Eat the salmonberries that they bring to you.'

  268. hidden"Iyghanguhon'xotl'oghda'chedadzdidene,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    thatyou ateafterwhenagainthussayshe saidit is said
    ' "And after you have eaten them, say this to them.'

  269. hidden" `Tigitr'ighan no'xigagiygoisonhdi,dingit'avenhda'xaɬts'in'chenh,'xividighene',"yiɬne.
    its berriesithereI eatwhenbettertomorroweveningagaintell them thusshe said
    ' 'These Tigitr'ighan no' berries that I am eating, I wish I could have some more tomorrow evening.' Tell them that.'

  270. hidden"Agidedredgongan'tthidanxiteɬdhiɬ.
    nowbarelythisearththey will spare you overnight
    "'Now there is barely one more day that they will spare you alive.'

  271. hidden"Venhda'xaɬts'in'da'ngixitidhiɬgha,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    tomorroweveningwhenthey will kill youshe saidit is said
    "'Tomorrow evening they are going to kill you," she said.'

  272. hiddenTs'anyits'in'tetth'okk'idzyetteyits'ixiyegheqonh.
    soto himwaterbowllittleinwaterto himshe handed down
    'Then she handed down the little water bowl to him.'

  273. hiddenYitots'in'nelangyozrguq'uxyozrchenhyits'ixiyedolnek.
    thenmeatlittlefatlittletooto himshe handed down
    'And she handed down a little meat and fat.'

  274. hidden"Agideedidixit'anhts'ian,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    thusalwaysthey dotheyshe saidit is said
    "'This is what they always do," she said.'

  275. hidden"Chilqayxiɬzrek,"yiɬne.
    menthey catchshe said
    "'They catch men.'

  276. hidden"Xitux xughonhts'ixiyan',"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    they kill themalwaysshe saidit is said
    "'And they always kill them.'

  277. hidden"Giluxdong'yenodxiyiɬxiniɬhiɬ,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    some of themtwicethenthey keep them overnightshe saidit is said
    "'They keep some of them for two days.'

  278. hidden"Agidegidetngiyetrghoxetsing'ts'in'duxo'inan atdiniyhdingixinitloɬ,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    it is soreallyyour breaththey are stingy forbecausefour timesthey made you stay overnightshe saidit is said
    "'But since they don't want to give up your life, they have let you stay here sleeping for four days."'

  279. hiddenAxaxiɬdik"ntasdoɬ,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    thenI'll goshe saidit is said
    "'Now I will go," she said.'

  280. hiddenYitvuqultr'i'ne.
    thereshe was goneit is said
    'And she was gone.'

  281. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'netathdo'tr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidhe satit is said
    'The man sat there.'

  282. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'netsaghɬditidhu'on'xiyiɬnixet'ots.
    thenit is saidit grew darkthenthey two returned
    'When it grew dark, the two old women returned.'

  283. hiddenXidonxet'otsdongtetth'oyeniɬ'inxidon-gixiduqonh.
    they two came inwhenbowlinboththey brought something in
    'They brought something in a bowl.'

  284. hiddenAxaxiɬdikchenhnixixidiɬq'onh.
    thenagainthey made a fire
    'Again they made a fire.'

  285. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'nexidon-gixiniɬcheth.
    thenit is saidthey closed the curtain
    'And they closed the curtain.'

  286. hiddenAxaxiɬdikgixititlno'tr'i'ne.
    thenthey began to eatit is said
    'They began to eat.'

  287. hiddenAxaxiɬdikiygagtr'i'neaxaxiɬdikyitl'oyigheqonhyitadhon'.
    thenitberriesit is saidthenthey gave it to himhe started to eat them
    'They gave him those berries, and he ate them.'

  288. hiddenXidigaɬyiyeguxidehon'.
    finallyinside ithe had eaten it up
    'Finally, he had eaten the contents.'

  289. hiddenAxaxiɬdikiytth'okxitl'onyighetonhtr'i'ne.
    thenthatbowlhe gave it back to themit is said
    'He gave them back the bowl.'

  290. hidden"Gola'vinhdixaɬts'in'Tigitr'ighan no'xigitaghiyinistoyhdi,"netr'i'ne.
    nowtomorroweveningits whitefishI samplehe saidit is said
    "'Now, tomorrow evening, I wish I could have some Tigitr'ighan no' whitefish," he said.'

  291. hiddenUxuxiyiɬtr'i'nexiviye xidolninghxidighene'tr'ixizrotr'i'neyixantl'ich'ax.
    thenit is saidthey got angryhe said that to themonlyit is saidthey turned their backs
    'When he said that to them, they got angry and jerked their bodies.'23

  292. hiddenAxaxiɬdikxinathdrit.
    thenthey got ready for bed
    'Then they got ready for bed.'

  293. hiddenAxaxiɬdikeygginhimik'ixiyidhitlghanhtr'i'ne.
    thenthat personalmostthey killed himit is said
    'That time they almost killed him.'

  294. hiddenDegviɬaɬtinghtr'i'neanhq'idaghdhilinhtr'i'ne.
    herehe sleptit is saidthatyoung manit is said
    'He went to sleep.'

  295. hiddenTr'an'ididhittr'i'ne.
    he awokeit is said
    'And when he awoke.'

  296. hiddenTr'edhatr'i'nexivuqul.
    beholdit is saidthey were gone
    'They were gone.'

  297. hiddenDegyitdhidodranxiyiɬtr'i'ne.
    heretherehe stayeddaythenit is said
    'He stayed there that day.'

  298. hiddenTr'edhavazrneeygginhnuq'oɬonhtr'i'ne.
    beholdone tells himthat personwomanit is said
    'Again he heard a noise, and it was the woman again.'24

  299. hidden"Agidexaɬts'in'xiɬdikngixitidhiɬgha,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    noweveningthenthey will kill youshe saidit is said
    "'This evening they will surely kill you," she said.'

  300. hidden"Ngoghsidhuxdiyi gidhikts'in'duxo'ingidingitatltaɬ,"yiɬne.
    for youI am sorryasbecauseI will save youshe said
    "'Because I feel sorry for you, I will save you," she said.'

  301. hidden"Giyenhoqohe'dingitatl-'eɬts'ihe'at?"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    another personforyes/no QI'll do for youshe saidit is said
    "'Would I do for anyone else what I do for you?'

  302. hidden"Seidoqoatdingitatl-'eɬ,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    Ifor myselfI will doshe saidit is said
    "'I am doing this for my own sake, she said.'

  303. hiddenAxaxiɬdik"gilaixudiniy,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    thencomehurryshe saidit is said
    'Then she told him to hurry.'

  304. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'neyits'ingidiggindalnektr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidto himdownwardshe reachedit is said
    'Then she reached down to him.'

  305. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'neeygginhiɬchettr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidthat personshe graspedit is said
    'She grasped his hand.'

  306. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'nexiyghiɬtanhtr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidshe brought him outit is said
    'She pulled him up.'

  307. hiddenYinesrinxitlyiɬtr'i'ne.
    his waistshe graspedit is said
    'Then she took him around the waist'

  308. hiddenYiyiɬgits'antl'ighiɬtr'i'ne.
    with himshe whirled aroundit is said
    'She whirled him around.'25

  309. hiddenYitts'ixuyiɬviyiɬsrosrigitr'ineloq'ididiyoqtr'i'ne.
    thenimmediatelywith himdrumsomeone was beatingit seemed to happenit is said
    'He seemed to hear the noise of a drum.'

  310. hiddenDegviyiɬxuxidaɬtth'iqtr'i'ne.
    herewith himthere was a noiseit is said
    'He heard something.'

  311. hiddenDegviyiɬuxidaɬtth'iqxiyiɬntr'aghɬquyhxiq'itr'i'ne.
    herewith himthere was a noisethenhe jumped downas ifit is said
    'As he heard the noise, it seemed as if he landed somewhere else.'

  312. hiddenGenathtonhdi,tr'edhaxigide'on'tr'i'ne.
    he could seewhenbeholdsun was shiningit is said
    'When he could see, the sun was shining.'

  313. hiddenNgi'eghxiniɬ'anh,tr'edhanelangxit'achelonghtr'i'ne.
    outsidehe's looking aroundbeholdmeatreallylotsit is said
    'He looked around, and there was a lot of meat there.'

  314. hiddenEygginhnuq'oɬonhvughun'non'idiyotr'i'ne.
    that personwomanto himshe came overit is said
    'The woman came over to him.'

  315. hiddenTr'edhaviniq'ixitl'otqayxiloytr'i'ne.
    beholdlakeits endvillageits endit is said
    'There was a pond with a village at the end of it.'

  316. hiddenNuq'oɬonhqayxinedatl.
    womanvillagethey went
    'They went to the woman's village.'

  317. hiddenTr'edhavedoychuxyozryiggadividdhitonhtr'i'ne.
    beholdbaidarkabigsmalloverturnedit's lyingit is said
    'There was a medium-sized baidarka lying overturned.'

  318. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'neyandigethdlotr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidshe undressed himit is said
    'Then she undressed him.'

  319. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'netonyitltanhtr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidshe bathed himit is said
    'And then bathed him.'

  320. hiddenAxaxiɬdikgiyedinaideloyyetyethtl'enhtr'i'ne.
    thendifferenthumanclothinginshe dressed himit is said
    'And then she dressed him in new clothing.'

  321. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'neeyggingitthingtsaghɬditidhu'on'xiyiɬtr'i'nenixet'ots.
    thenit is saidthatdownit started become duskthenit is saidthey (du.) returned
    'When it became dusk, the two old women came back home.'

  322. hiddenXidonxet'otstr'i'nexiyoqo xiniɬ'anhtr'i'ne,ine'tr'i'nevuqul.
    they (du.) enteredit is saidthey're looking for himit is saidbutit is saidhe's gone
    'They went in the house and looked for him, but he was gone.'

  323. hiddenXiyoqo nixititl'iyotr'i'ne.
    they began to search for himit is said
    'They began to search for him.'

  324. hidden"Ithevughun'dhedonanh,"niɬixidi'netr'i'ne.
    maybewith himyou stayhimthey say to each otherit is said
    "'You ought to have stayed with him," they told each other.'

  325. hiddenChegiɬigginhdi'ne,"ithenginhvoghdhedonanh"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    againanother personsaysmaybeyouwith himyou stayheshe saidit is said
    'Each one said that the other should have stayed.'

  326. hiddenTrixyiɬxitadhizreɬtr'i'ne.
    cryingwiththey started to screamit is said
    'They burst out crying.'

  327. hiddenYuxudztr'i'nediɬyeniɬuxoɬtanhtr'i'ne.
    allit is saidbloodinthey were coveredit is said
    'They were both covered with blood.'

  328. hiddenXidigaɬniɬiyiɬtthidixuxit'oyhts'in',tr'i'ne,eygginhchelq'at.
    finallywith each otherthey're fightingit is saidthat personyoung manwanting
    'They fought with each other, wanting that man.'

  329. hiddenGiɬigginhtr'i'nengido' ts'in'didiyoq,giɬigginhchengine' ts'in'didiyoqtr'i'ne,xiyoqo nixititl'iyots'in'.
    one personit is saiddownrivershe wentother personthenuprivershe wentit is saidthey started to search for him
    'Then one of them went downriver and the other went upriver to search for him.'

  330. hiddenGiɬigginhanhniɬughun'digixidat'onhtr'i'ne.
    each oneshewith each otherthey agreedit is said
    'They agreed with each other.'

  331. hidden"Nginhn'atnodenehiɬ,sidechenhnod,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    youtwiceyou will campme tootwiceshe saidit is said
    "'You will camp out two days, and so will I.'

  332. hidden"Aɬonaviq'antr'ixelyoda',giɬiggidranniɬughun'tr'itot'usr,"niɬixidi'ne.
    beholdwe find himifonedaytogetherwe two will gothey said to each other
    "'And if we find him, after two days we'll meet again."'

  333. hiddenYitots'in'giɬigginhanhgits'antl'igimith,giɬigginhcheyuxudx.
    thenone personhershe turned aroundother personalsosame
    'Then they both went in different directions.'

  334. hiddenYitxivuqultr'i'ne.
    therethey were goneit is said
    'Then they were gone.'

  335. hiddenXidigaɬtr'i'nediniyhdixinadhoɬniɬughonitht'ozrhingo.
    finallyit is saidfour timesthey campedthey did not come togetherwhile
    'Finally, four days went by and they did not meet.'

  336. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'ne"yiggitniɬughun'tr'itot'osr"da'yitdrantr'i'nenixunedhit.
    thenit is saidtheretogetherwe will comewhenthatdayit is saidthey arrived
    'Then they met up on the day they had agreed to meet.'

  337. hiddenNiɬq'idhdigganxididhitxuyiɬidiq'anxolnektr'i'ne.
    togetherthey stoodthenthey found themselves againit is said
    'They stood there together again.'

  338. hidden"Vuqulanh,"niɬixidi'netr'i'ne.
    he's gonehethey said to each otherit is said
    "'He is gone," they said to each other.'

  339. hiddenCheniɬiyiɬtthidanxixititht'on'tr'i'ne,niɬttheght'otq'inɬixidiggasr.
    againwith each otherthey began to fightit is saideach other's hairby means ofthey're dragging each other around
    'And they began to fight again, dragging each other around by the hair.'

  340. hidden"Gilachenhvoqonontr'ixitl'iyagh,"niɬixidi'ne.
    go aheadagainfor himlet us hunt againthey said to each other
    "'Come, let us hunt for him again," they said.'

  341. hiddenAxaxiɬdikgiɬigginh,"ngiyixdixitatl-'eɬ,"ne.
    thenone persondownI will go forshe said
    'Then one said, "I will go down after him."'

  342. hidden"Sidechenhngidiggi ts'in'dixitatl-'eɬ,"yiɬnegiɬigginh.
    me tooupwardI will go forsaidother person
    'And the other said, "I will go up."'

  343. hiddenAxaxiɬdikdiniyhdidranchenh.
    thenfour timesdayagain
    'Again they agreed to spend four days at it.'

  344. hidden"Xiyiɬgeɬixsnaldranaɬonavuqulda',yitdranhda'niɬantr'atot'isr,"niɬixidi'netr'i'ne.
    thenfifth timedayapparentlyhe's goneifthatdaywhenwe will meet againthey said to each otherit is said
    "'Then we will meet again on the fifth day."'

  345. hiddenAxaxiɬdikgiɬigginhngan'ts'ivixedhinix.
    thenone personearthtoshe disappeared
    'Then one of them disappeared into the earth.'

  346. hiddenAxaxiɬdikchenhgiɬigginhngidiggi ts'ivixedhinix.
    andalsoother oneupwardshe disappeared
    'And the other disappeared into the sky.'

  347. hiddenXidigaɬchenhdiniyhdixivadixinadhoɬ.
    finallyagainfour timesin their absencethey camped
    'They were gone for four days.'

  348. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyiggitntr'itot'isrda'xidighene'da'yitdrantr'i'nenixet'ots.
    thenthatwe will meet againwhenthey said to themselveswhenthatdayit is saidthey two returned
    'And then on the day when they agreed to meet, they returned.'

  349. hiddenAxaxiɬdikxiyoqo xinithinek.
    thenthey were unable to get him
    'Once again, they did not find him.'

  350. hiddenAxaxiɬdikchenhgiɬigginhchenh,yitxoniggitadhiyotr'i'ne.
    thenagainone personagaintherebackshe wentit is said
    'Then one of them went back from there.'

  351. hiddenDegnginiggghuhoɬxiyiɬviniq'itts'ineyotr'i'ne.
    hereupwardshe's goingthenlaketoshe arrivedit is said
    'She went up to the pond.'

  352. hiddenAy'ottr'edhatr'i'nevedoychux yozryiggadivittr'i'ne.
    right therebeholdit is saidcanoerather bigit's overturnedit is said
    'And right there was that medium-sized baidarka lying overturned.'26

  353. hiddenTs'antitl'uggoktr'i'ne.Izriɬtr'i'ne.
    soshe took off runningit is saidshe's yellingit is said
    'She took off running, yelling.'

  354. hidden"Nedhodighilechedidltth'enxivoqontr'ixitl'iyo,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    far offperhapsthose who were stayingfor themwe huntedshe saidit is said
    "'Those people far off are the ones we have been hunting for!"'

  355. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'neyixxits'idzxitidhu'ots.
    thenit is saidhousetowardthey two went
    'Then the two of them went to the house (of the woman who had rescued him).'

  356. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyitxine'otstr'i'ne.
    thentherethey arrivedit is said
    'Then they arrived there.'

  357. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'neeygginne'odzindi'ne,"ganlaydinaqing'dinaghun'ngiɬched?"xaɬnetr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidthose peoplewho camesaid,whatforour husbandfrom usyou tookthey saidit is said
    'Then those women said, "why have you taken our husband from us?"'

  358. hiddenXiviyiɬtidltthittr'i'ne.
    with themshe began to fightit is said
    'They attacked her.'27

  359. hiddenXiviyiɬtidltthitxotl'oghtr'i'neniɬts'ixiniɬtrit.
    with themshe began to fightafterit is saidtogethershe pushed them
    'When they began to fight with her, she pushed them together.'

  360. hiddenUxudenaghtr'i'neniɬiyiɬtthidixuxititht'onh.
    they insteadit is saidwith each otherthey began to fight
    'So they were fighting with each other.'

  361. hiddenIdiyiɬnixidinekxiq'its'idixidiyoqtr'i'ne.
    with themselvesthey healedas ifthey did it is said
    '(It was as if they healed together as one.)'

  362. hiddenTr'edhatr'i'neuxudenaghniɬiyiɬtthidixuxit'oyhhingoeygginniɬ'oqayxughun'nigixidluqts'ixinagh,tr'i'ne,getiyxivits'ixititl'i'an'duxo'intr'i'ne.
    beholdit is saidthey themselvestogetherthey were fightingwhilethose peoplecoupleat themthey're laughinginsteadit is saidreallythey were funnybecauseit is said
    'While they fought with each other, the couple were just laughing at them, because they were really funny.'

  363. hiddenXidigaɬtr'i'neeygginhnuq'oɬonhviye xidolninghtr'i'ne.
    finallyit is saidthat personwomanshe's angryit is said
    'Finally the woman got angry.'

  364. hiddenYuxudztr'i'nexituxigheghonhtr'i'ne.
    entirelyit is saidshe killed themit is said
    'She finished them off.'

  365. hiddenXitthixidighelochenhtr'i'ne.
    she put them in the firetooit is said
    'She put them into the fire.'

  366. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyitxitathdo'tr'i'ne.Vixiyyiɬ,(vi)sanyiɬyitxitathdo'.
    thentherethey stayedit is saidits winterand(its) summertootherethey stayed
    'And after that, they lived there, winter and summer.'

  367. hiddenTs'anxidigaɬyitvinixeɬtsen'tr'i'ne.
    sofinallythatit is fenced offit is said
    'And that is the end of the story.'


  1. Kari has ninixidolyak 'they dressed' for the main verb of this sentence. Chapman has nĭnûqûdäˊllyaiq 'they put on'.
  2. Chapman/Kari have anh and ghiqoɬ instead of an and xoqoɬ.
  3. Kari/Chapman have yaxa 'using it' niyidiniɬtsitl 'threw it back at her'.
  4. Chapman glosses hĕ 'supposing'. Kari has hey' 'why'.
  5. Kari has xiyinughiɬtriɬ 'they would do anything for her'
  6. Chapman has indecipherable qaˊvwĭhloˊn 'you asked them'
  7. Chapman has Eˊi 'that's it' at the beginning of this sentence. Kari has Ey' 'here'(?). Probably these are both iy 'it'.
  8. yitl'ogiditret 'she's giving him food' in Kari's version
  9. Chapman had tdĭnûtdoˊĭq 'he sat down'. In Kari's version this is don'idoyh 'he sat down'. To JD, this made sense as xidon'idoyh.
  10. JD actually says giyenyilayh here. That is assumed to be a speech error for diyenyilayh.
  11. Chapman and Kari gloss their equivalent of tixidighedhit as 'summer came'. JD corrected the meaning.
  12. Chapman/Kari have a verb based on a root -totl.
  13. Chapman/Kari have dide'on tthingiɬ for 'stone axe'.
  14. Chapman/Kari have a sentence before this containing niɬtr'iyatitlt'isr (Kari) 'he started to split it'.
  15. The Chapman/Kari version of this sentence contains vigelen' (Kari) 'his strong desire'.
  16. The Chapman/Kari version starts with Yit xits'in' 'towards there'.
  17. Chapman/Kari have yelanh instead of xelanh.
  18. Chapman/Kari have xivighu ghideneg ts'in' (Kari).
  19. Chapman glosses engosin ngitthe as 'across in the corner toward the door'.
  20. Chapman translates dinaxiyo' as 'our wisdom'. JD thought 'our thinking' would be better.
  21. Re doghnax, Chapman translates Toˊûnnaˊûq 'then'. Kari translates dighunax ẁhy'.
  22. Chapman/Kari translate ndidong as 'how long since'.
  23. Chapman has k'gŏqatĭtldjyaˊq 'they jerked their bodies'. Kari has nixantl'ich'ax 'they jerked their bodies.'
  24. Chapman has aˊrznnĭ 'they say'. Kari has azrne 'behold. To JD this could only make sense as vazrne.
  25. Chapman has another sentence here: Yit wŭˊhlyäntltdyaˊk huk'u ditdiyok, trun'ni 'and he lost his senses, as if he had fallen asleep'. (Modern transcription would be: Yit ('there') viɬantl'idak ('he fell asleep') xiq'i ('as if') didiyoq ('he became'), tr'i'ne ('one says').)
  26. Chapman/Kari translate vedoy as 'baidara' (Chapman), 'baidarka' (Kari). In other sources, vedoy is translated as 'birch bark travelling canoe'. 'rather large' is Chapman's translation of tcoˊq-y\burz.
  27. Chapman has qaiyiyĭˊhl 'with her' tĭtlçŭt 'they began to fight'. Kari has xiviyiɬ 'they with her' titl'itthit 'began to fight'. xiviyiɬ was recorded with JD, but it appears to be a typographical error in Kari.