(The One Who Refused to Marry and the Two Bears)

Recorded with Lucy Hamilton, 10-10-2003

  1. hiddenQayxichuxxidhu'onhtr'i'ne.
    villagebigthere isit is said
    'There was once a big village.'

  2. hiddenTr'igazriɬt'ixtr'i'ne.
    someone did not want to marryit is said
    'In the village lived (a woman) who refused to marry.'

  3. hiddenTs'anyitots'in'tr'i'negagyiɬxonxididiɬ,deloychuxq'idz.
    so thenthenit is saidberriestoothey used to getmountainbigon
    'The people used to get berries up on a big mountain.'

  4. hiddenTs'anchetr'i'negoqo nixitithidatltr'i'neyitots'in'eyigginhtr'igidiɬt'ighinhyiɬdit'anh,viyedyetr'i'ne.
    so thenagainit is saidthey started to get someit is saidthenthat personone who refused to marryalsoshe does socanoeinit is said
    'So they went to get some, and the woman who would not marry went with them in a canoe.'

  5. hiddenEngannixitathdatl.
    acrossthey went off across
    'They went across.'

  6. hiddenTs'angagts'itingxixitathdatl.
    so thenberriestotrailthey started up
    'They started up the the trail to get berries.'

  7. hiddenTs'aneyigginhtr'igidiɬt'ighinhginehal ts'in'.
    so thenthat personthe one who refused to marryshe did not pick berries
    'However, the woman who would not marry did not pick any berries.'

  8. hiddenYuxudzviɬ axatr'i'ne.
    entirelyshe's sleepyit is said
    'She was very sleepy.'

  9. hiddenXidigaɬditetth'ogyixniynighetonhhingotr'i'nedidlangithchaxnathtanhtr'i'neviɬandldaq.
    finallyher basketdownshe put it downandit is saidsprucearea under treeshe lay downit is saidshe fell asleep
    'Finally she put her bowl down and lay down under a spruce tree and fell asleep.'1

  10. hiddenUxuxiyiɬtr'i'netr'an'ididhitxiyedinoɬtl'ithtr'i'neyitots'in'yiniɬ'anhdigeghaiyniɬ'anh.
    thenit is saidshe woke upshe's crowdedit is saidthenshe lookedwhenbrown bearthatshe sees
    'She woke up feeling that someone was crowding her, and when she looked, she saw a brown bear.'

  11. hiddenTs'ancheviɬandldaq.
    soagainshe went to sleep
    'She went to sleep again.'

  12. hiddenAxaxiɬdikdiggan'ithdonghxiyiɬtr'i'nenotindinachuxyitxididltth'e.
    thenshe got upthenit is saidtwo peoplemanbigtherethey're sitting
    'When she awoke, there were two big men sitting there.'

  13. hiddenDixaɬnetr'i'ne,"dingit'angitr'itlched,"xaɬne.
    they said thusit is saidshouldwe should marry youthey said
    'They said to her, "you must marry us."'

  14. hiddenTs'anxiyiɬchettr'i'ne.
    thenthey took herit is said
    'Then they took her with them.'2

  15. hiddenYuxudztr'i'neetthingdixit'anhɬeggaxats'anyit,venhdida'chenh.
    alwaysit is saiddown at the riverthey workedfishwiththentherenext dayalso
    'They always worked down by the river, getting fish, every day.'

  16. hiddenCheetthingdonxitithit'an'tr'i'ne.
    againdown at the riverthey started to do againit is said
    'Again they started to work down at the river.'

  17. hiddenEyggixivu'otdixaɬnetr'i'ne,"dinaningiɬ'anh qul,"xaɬnetr'i'ne.
    thattheir wifethey said thusit is saiddon't look at usthey saidit is said
    'Whenever they went, they told their wife, "do not look at us."'3

  18. hidden"E,e,"netr'i'ne.
    yesyesshe saidit is said
    "'Yes, yes," she said.'

  19. hiddenTs'antthanxitithidatl.
    sothey started to go out
    'So they went out.'

  20. hiddenNgu'oxiyiɬxidon-gixidinetonh.
    over therethenthey closed door
    'They closed the door.'

  21. hiddenYitots'in'degnt'uxda'xiyiɬtr'i'nengitthingxits'in'teyiɬgitiyisr.
    thenheresoonthenit is saiddown belowfromwaterwithit's splashing
    'Soon the water splashed down below.'

  22. hiddenYitoyiggtr'i'nenq'aginiɬnekxik'idztr'i'ne.
    thereuponit is saidshe made an openinglittleit is said
    'Then she made a small opening.'4

  23. hiddenNgitthingxiniɬ'anhtr'i'ne.
    down belowshe lookedit is said
    'She looked out below.'

  24. hiddenTr'edhangitthetaxnixiditl'iyo.
    beholddown by the waterin waterthey're standing
    'They were standing in the water.'

  25. hiddenŁeggtr'i'neduquxitiɬdiɬ.
    fishit is saidthey're throwing uphill
    'They were throwing fish up on the bank.'

  26. hiddenAxaxiɬdikxudonxididatltr'i'ne.
    thenthey came back into the houseit is said
    'Then they came back up and went into the house.'

  27. hidden"Gilatthinehoyh,"xaɬnetr'i'ne.
    now thengo outthey saidit is said
    'They said to her, "now go out.'

  28. hidden"Yitots'in'ngitthingxiningiɬ'anh,"xaɬnetr'i'ne.
    anddownhilllookthey saidit is said
    'Look down there."'

  29. hiddenTs'antthineyotr'i'ne.
    soshe went outit is said
    'So she went out.'

  30. hiddenNgi'eghxiniɬ'anh.
    aroundshe looked
    'She looked around.'

  31. hiddenŁegglonghtr'edhatr'i'ne.
    fishmanybeholdit is said
    'There were many fish there.'

  32. hiddenTs'anxidon'idiyotr'i'ne.
    soshe went back init is said
    'And then she went back in.'

  33. hiddenTs'anaxaxiɬdikts'in'chegeɬixinixidadhitxiyiɬxiɬdikvughun'sraqay xitathdla'tr'i'ne.
    sothenalsoone timeyear passedthenthenwith hershe became pregnantit is said
    'After a year, she became pregnant.'

  34. hiddenTs'anxiɬdikdregidighedhitghiluqtr'i'ne.
    sothenbarelyshe bore a childpoor thingit is said
    'And with great difficulty she bore the child.'

  35. hiddenTs'anxiyughun' gitr'otitl'i'an'.
    sothey took good care of him
    'They took good care of him.'

  36. hiddenTs'anvinxuɬyiggtr'i'neeyigginhvito'giɬigginhtr'i'neyiɬchet.
    andin the morningit is saidthat personhis fatherone personit is saidhe took him
    'In the morning one of his fathers took him.'

  37. hiddenEygginhtr'ixineganhk'idztr'i'neyiyiɬtthitadhiyotr'i'ne.
    that personchildlittleit is saidwith himhe went outit is said
    'He would take the little child and go outside with him.'

  38. hiddenTs'anngi'eghyiyiɬq'u'edoyh.
    sooutsidewith himhe walked around
    'He walked around with him.'

  39. hiddenYiyiɬxiyiɬtritrdiɬ'anhtr'i'ne.
    with himalsowoodhe getsit is said
    'He took him when he got wood.'

  40. hiddenTs'anxaɬts'in'nixinedhittr'i'ne,axaxiɬdikyiyiɬxidon'idiyotr'i'ne.
    soeveningit becameit is saidthenwith himhe came init is said
    'And in the evening, he came back in with him again.'

  41. hiddenYitots'in'tr'anyiniɬtanhtr'edhagits'idz nonxidalningh.
    thenhe brought him outbeholdhe changed
    'And he was changed!'

  42. hiddenDiggathdotr'i'neq'u'ediggasr.
    he's sitting upit is saidhe's crawling around
    'He sat up and he crawled around.'

  43. hiddenTs'anxiɬdikenadhiyonhxiyozrtr'i'ne.
    andthenhe started to growlittle bitit is said
    'And he grew a little larger.'

  44. hiddenVinxaɬyiq tuxtr'i'nengu'oxidoytr'i'nevixinedgiggaddhchuxdidhu'onhtr'i'ne.
    every morningit is saidoutdoorit is saidfor himrootbigit was placed upit is said
    'Every morning they put out a big root for him.'5

  45. hiddenAxaxiɬdikiyaxaniduq'othtr'i'nevinxuɬyiq tuxtr'i'ne.
    thenthatwithhe's exercisingit is saidevery morningit is said
    'And he exercised with it every morning.'

  46. hiddenTs'anaxaxiɬdiktr'i'nedinaɬt'adisre'nixidadhittr'i'nexidigaɬtr'i'nechenhvughun' sraqay nixitithila'tr'i'ne.
    sothenit is saidhow manyI wonderyear passedit is saidfinallyit is saidagainshe became pregnant againit is said
    'After some years had passed, she became pregnant again.'

  47. hiddenYitots'in'anhchenhdredgidighedhit.
    thenhimalsobarelyshe had a baby
    'and with great difficulty bore another child.'

  48. hiddenTs'ananhchenhxiyughun' gitr'otitl'i'an'ghiluqtr'i'ne.
    sothatalsothey cared for himpoor thingit is said
    'This one they too cared for.'

  49. hiddenTs'anxivito'giɬigginhyiɬchettr'i'ne.
    sotheir fatherone personhe took himit is said
    'One of the fathers would take him.'

  50. hiddenYiyiɬtthitadhiyo.
    with himhe went out
    'He went outside with him.'

  51. hiddenTs'andegdranxiyiɬtr'i'nexidon'idiyo.
    soheredayduringit is saidhe came in
    'He came inside again.'

  52. hiddenTr'anyiniɬtanhtr'i'ne,tr'edhanadhiyonh.
    he brought him outit is saidbeholdhe grew
    'He took him out every day, and behold, he grew.'

  53. hiddenQ'utithiggisr,tr'i'ne,axaxiɬdikchenhanhchenhoxogitr'oxititl'i'an',tr'i'ne.
    he started to crawl aroundit is saidand thenalsohimalsoforthey took care ofit is said
    'He started to crawl around and they took care of him too.'

  54. hiddenTs'anxiɬdikq'i'ididhittr'i'ne.
    sothenhe's growing upit is said
    'He began to sit up and grow larger.'

  55. hiddenTs'anaxaxiɬdikdinaɬt'adisre'nixidadhittr'i'ne.
    andthenhow manyI wonderyears passedit is said
    'Then some time passed.'

  56. hiddenXiyiɬxiɬdikchenhxiɬdikvughun' sraqay nixitithilan'tr'i'ne.
    thenthenagainthenshe she became pregnant againit is said
    'She became pregnant again.'

  57. hiddenAxaxiɬdikanhtr'i'nechenhxiɬdikdredchegidon-ghididhitghiluqtr'i'ne.
    thenhimit is saidalsothenbarelyalsoshe bore againpoor thingit is said
    'She bore another child with great difficulty.'

  58. hiddenAxaxiɬdikchenhiyyiɬchettr'i'neyiyiɬtthitadhiyotr'i'nexiɬdikdegdrantr'i'nexidon'idiyo,tr'i'ne.
    thenagainithe tookit is saidwith himhe went outit is saidthenheredaytimeit is saidhe came init is said
    'Then he took him and went outside with him during the day.'

  59. hiddenXiɬdiktr'anyiniɬtanhtr'i'ne,tr'edhadiggathdo.
    thenhe brought him outit is saidbeholdhe sits up
    'He brought him out every day, and behold, he sits up.'

  60. hiddenTs'anchexiɬdiknoyaɬxiyozr,tr'i'ne.
    soalsothenhe's growinglittle bitit is said
    'And he has also grown a little.'

  61. hiddenTs'anaxaxiɬdikdinaɬt'adisre'xinadhoɬtr'i'ne,xiyiɬtr'i'nexiyiɬxiɬdikxivu'otr'i'neyiggi nitl'u'onhtr'i'ne.
    andthenhow many timesI wonderthey sleptit is saidthenit is saidthenthentheir wifeit is saidshe sat with bowed headit is said
    'After some time had passed the woman began to sit with her head down.'6

  62. hidden"Gehonh,"xaɬneine'"viyan',"tr'i'ne.
    eatthey told herbutnoit is said
    "'Eat," they told her, but she refused.'

  63. hiddenTs'anaxaxiɬdikeygginhgiɬigginhyughun'nineyotr'i'ne.
    sothenthat personone personto herhe wentit is said
    'So then one of them went to her.'

  64. hiddenDeɬnetr'i'ne"ndadz dengit'a?"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    he said thusit is saidhow are youhe said to herit is said
    "'What's wrong with you?" he said to her.'

  65. hiddenXiyiɬdi'netr'i'ne,"go uxuyiɬsidithinqayxivanyendagidhiyh,"netr'i'ne.
    thenshe saidit is saidjust nowmy parentsI was thinking about themshe saidit is said
    "'Just now I was thinking of my parents," she said.'

  66. hiddenTs'ananviqing'qayxaɬnetr'i'ne,"tr'alxivits'in'ntr'itididiɬ,"xaɬnetr'i'ne.
    sotheyher husbandsthey saidit is saidsoonto themwe will returnthey saidit is said
    'So her husbands said, "soon we will return to them."'

  67. hiddenAxaxiɬdikvinxuɬts'egtr'i'netr'ixinedaqtr'i'ne.
    and thenearly in the morningit is saidthey aroseit is said
    'Early the next morning they arose.'

  68. hiddenAxaxiɬdiknixithitl'enhtr'i'ne.
    thenthey dressedit is said
    'They got dressed.'

  69. hiddenXutllayoqoxitathdatltr'i'ne.
    sledmaterialforthey started to goit is said
    'They started off to get material for a sled.'

  70. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'nedegdrannixididatltr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidthatdaythey came backit is said
    'They came back the same day.'

  71. hiddenAxaxiɬdikxiytitltsenhtr'i'ne,xutlchux.
    thenthey began to make itit is saidsledbig
    'Then they began to make a big sled.'

  72. hiddenAxaxiɬdikdinaɬt'adisre'xinadhoɬxiyiɬtsehingo.
    thenhow many timesI wonderthey sleptthey were making itwhile
    'For some days they worked on it, and finally they finished it.'

  73. hiddenTs'anaxaxiɬdikyitvenhdida'tr'i'nexiyegitathdlotr'i'ne,ggaggdhithyiɬguq'uxyiɬgiggiddhyiɬ.
    sothenthatnext dayit is saidthey loaded itit is saidanimalskinsandfatandskintoo
    'The next day they loaded it with animal skins and fat, and all kinds of skins.'

  74. hiddenTs'anaxaxiɬdikeyiggiyiyxutldixiydiniɬdzaqtr'i'ne.
    andthenthatitsledthey packed it fullit is said
    'They packed the sled full.'

  75. hiddenYitongotr'i'neeygginhxivu'ottodoɬdixilaytr'anxixine'onhtr'i'ne.
    meanwhileit is saidthat persontheir wifewhere she will sitmakingsthey preparedit is said
    'They prepared a place for their wife to sit.'

  76. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyitvenhdida'aɬixixitathdatltr'i'ne.
    thenthatnext daytogetherthey started to goit is said
    'The next day they left.'

  77. hiddenAxaxildikeygginhxivu'ottr'i'nexiɬdikxutlyexiyaghɬtanh,tr'i'ne,eygginhnq'oɬonhk'idzyozryiɬtr'i'ne.
    thenthat persontheir wifeit is saidthensledinthey put her,it is saidthat persongirlsmalllittlewithit is said
    'They put their wife in the sled, and their little daughter too.'

  78. hiddenAnhvonhyiɬtr'i'nexutlyexiyaghɬtanhtr'i'ne.
    sheher mothertooit is saidsledinthey put herit is said
    'They put her mother in the sled too.'

  79. hiddenXiq'idz dixixitltsenhtr'i'ne.
    they covered them upit is said
    'They covered them well.'

  80. hiddenVavyiɬtr'i'nexiyughun' ninelotr'i'ne.
    foodtooit is saidthey put it by herit is said
    'They put food in with her too.'

  81. hiddenTs'anaxaxiɬdikxitathdatltr'i'ne.
    andthenthey started goingit is said
    'They started to go.'

  82. hiddenDixaɬne,tr'i'ne,"dinadhuxɬ'an an,"xaɬnetr'i'ne.
    they told her thusit is saiddo not look at usthey saidit is said
    'They told her, "do not look at us."'7

  83. hidden"Viyan'ine',"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    noindeedshe saidit is said
    "'I won't," she said.'

  84. hiddenTs'anaxaxiɬdikgidixidedatltr'i'ne.
    andthenthey got into the harnessit is said
    'Then they harnessed themselves to the sled.'

  85. hiddenTs'anaxaxiɬdikxitathdatl.
    sothenthey started off
    'Then they started off.'

  86. hiddenTs'andegxodiɬtr'i'ne,uxuxiyiɬtr'i'nenq'oɬonhxiniɬ'anhts'ixiq'atr'i'ne.
    andherethey were goingit is saidthenit is saidwomanshe's looking aroundwantingit is said
    'After a while the woman wanted to look.'

  87. hiddenXidigaɬtr'i'nenq'aniɬnekxiyozrtr'i'ne.
    finallyit is saidshe opened the coveringlittle bitit is said
    'Finally she opened the covering a little.'

  88. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'nexenitl-'an'tr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidshe looked outit is said
    'Then she looked out.'

  89. hiddenTs'antr'edhagits'idz donxidiyoqggaggchuxiyvididaɬtth'e.
    thenbeholdthey had changedanimalsbigitthey were pulling it
    'Behold, they had changed into big animals and were pulling the sled.'

  90. hiddenTs'andegxodiɬtr'i'ne.
    andherethey were goingit is said
    'They continued on.'

  91. hiddenTs'anaxaxiɬdikdixaɬnetr'i'ne,"giladinehoyh,"xaɬnetr'i'ne.
    thenthenthey said thusit is saidnowget outthey saidit is said
    'Finally they said to her, "get out now."'

  92. hiddenTs'anaxaxiɬdikdineyotr'i'ne.
    sothenshe got outit is said
    'So she got out.'

  93. hidden"Ngoqayniɬggudz,"xaɬnetr'i'ne.
    wellvillageit's nearthey saidit is said
    "'The village is nearby," they said.'

  94. hiddenYitots'in'xiɬdidezrenh iyyan'nonxidalyo.
    thenthenpretty thingonlythey put on
    'Then they dressed in fine clothing.'

  95. hiddenTs'anaxaxiɬdikqayxits'in'tr'ixathdatltr'i'ne.
    andthenvillagetothey came in sightit is said
    'They came in sight of the village.'

  96. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'ne"yiq,"tr'i'ne,"tr'igidiɬt'ighinhvixedhinighinhnonghidinaɬ,"tr'i'ne,tr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidsomeone saidthe one who refused to marryshe who was lostshe's coming backsomeone saidit is said
    ""Yiq!" someone cried, "the one who refused to marry, she who was lost, is coming back!"'8

  97. hiddenAxaxiɬdikqayxichuxxinedatltr'i'ne.
    and thenvllagebigthey cameit is said
    'They came to the big village.'

  98. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'neeyigginhtr'igidiɬt'ighinhdingonhyiɬvito'yiɬnixeɬtthonh,tr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidthat personone who refused to marryher motherandher fatheralsoshe saw againit is said
    'Then the woman who had refused to marry once again saw her mother and father.'

  99. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'neyitongoeyiggintr'i'netraɬtth'ettr'i'nexiyexitathdatl.
    thenit is saidmeanwhilethose peopleit is saidkashimit is saidthey went down into
    'Meanwhile, her husbands went down into the kashim.'

  100. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'netraɬtth'ettr'i'nenixatithuq'onhtr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidkashimit is saidfire was burningit is said
    'There was a fire burning in the kashim.'

  101. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'nechetth'okdititht'an'tr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidalsobowlwere broughtit is said
    'Bowls of food were brought in.'

  102. hiddenTs'anxaɬts'in'texonxithidatltr'i'ne.
    andeveningwaterthey went to getit is said
    'In the evening they went to get water.'

  103. hiddenTs'anaxaxiɬdikxinathdrittr'i'ne.
    sothenthey went to bedit is said
    'Then they went to bed.'

  104. hiddenYitotl'oghtr'i'neeyigginxanegintr'i'nedixi'ne,"engosinnaghyuxdhuxdrit,"xi'netr'i'ne.
    after thatit is saidthose peoplestrangersit is saidthey said thusother sideinsteadyou pl. sleepthey saidit is said
    'After that, they said to the strangers, "you sleep on the other side of the room."'9

  105. hiddenTs'anxinathdrittr'i'neengosin.
    sothey went to bedit is saidon the other side
    'And so they went to bed on the other side.'

  106. hiddenTs'antthidangithtr'i'negiɬigginhtr'i'netr'an'ididhit.
    andin the nightit is saidone personit is saidawoke
    'During the night one person awoke.'

  107. hiddenXiyiɬtr'i'neengosintr'i'negeghachuxengosindhidrittr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidacrossit is saidbrown bearbigother sidepl. layit is said
    'Across the room lay two big brown bears!'

  108. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'neninithitanhtr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidhe lay down againit is said
    'Then he lay down again.'

  109. hiddenTs'anvinxuɬyiqtr'i'netr'anxididaqtr'i'ne.
    andin the morningit is saidthey woke upit is said
    'In the morning they woke up.'

  110. hiddenTr'edhayitlqonhtr'i'ne.
    beholdit was lightit is said
    'It was light.'

  111. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'nedinaɬt'adisre'xinadhoɬyitxididltth'ehingotr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidhow many timesI wonderthey slepttherethey stayedwhileit is said
    'They stayed there for some time.'

  112. hiddenTs'anvixiniɬyiqtr'i'nenixitithidatltr'i'nexutlyenigixalyayhtr'i'ne.
    soin the morningit is saidthey started to go backit is saidsledinthey're putting thingsit is said
    'One morning they were to go back, so they put their things in their sled and started back.'

  113. hiddenTs'anqayxinoghɬ'intr'ididatltr'i'ne.
    andvillageout of sightone went backit is said
    'They passed out of sight of the village.'10

  114. hiddenTs'anxidiqaynixididatltr'i'ne.
    sotheir villagethey came back toit is said
    'They came back to their own place.'

  115. hiddenYitxididltth'etr'i'nexiyhdi.
    therethey liveit is saidduring winter
    'They lived there during winter.'

  116. hiddenTs'anchexidanxidithidaq.
    soagainthey spent another year?
    'And so they spent another year there.'11

  117. hiddenXiyiɬtr'i'netr'igidiɬt'ighinhveghayu'odznineyotr'i'nexits'in'.
    thenit is saidthe one who refused to marryher older brotherover therehe cameit is saidto them
    'Then the older brother of the woman who had refused to marry came to visit them.'

  118. hiddenNginuqgidingidztuxghuhoɬeyigginnotintaxnixiditl'iyohingo.
    backgrassamonghe wentthose peopletwo peoplein the waterthey were standingwhile
    'As he was going along back in the grass, he saw the two bear husbands standing out in the water.'

  119. hiddenYitongoeyigginhgidingidztuxtr'i'nedhido.
    meanwhilethat persongrassamongit is saidhe stayed
    'Meanwhile, he stayed in the grass.'

  120. hiddenNaɬjits'in';xaxatr'oghuhoɬts'uqultr'i'ne.
    he's afraidunablehe's coming outunableit is said
    'He was afraid; there was no way he could come out.'

  121. hidden"Sixitidhiɬgha,"inedhinhtr'i'ne.
    they will kill mehe thoughtit is said
    "'They will kill me," he thought.'

  122. hiddenTs'anxiyetr'idigheggutthts'ixinaghtr'i'ne.
    thenhe whistledinsteadit is said
    'So he whistled instead.'

  123. hiddenYitoyiqtr'i'nengitthing,agidengine'qayxut'andinats'ienedzxinedatl,inedhinh.
    immediatelyit is saiddown therelookuprivervillagepeopleto usfrom upriverthey camehe thought
    'Immediately one of them thought, people from the village up river have come to us!'

  124. hiddenDuqonxinitlyetyitots'in'tr'i'nengine'qayxits'in'anxitithidatlggaggxelanhtr'i'ne,xiviye xidolninghtr'i'ne.
    they ran up the bankthenit is saiduprivervillagetotheythey started goingbearsthey areit is saidthey were angryit is said
    'And they started running upriver to the village, in the shape of angry bears.'

  125. hiddenTs'aneyigginhtr'i'netr'igidiɬt'ighinhveghaxidigaɬtr'i'nexidineyo.
    sothat personit is saidthe one who refused to marryher brotherfinallyit is saidhe went inside
    'Then her brother went into the woman's house.'

  126. hiddenTs'aneyigginhniq'oɬonhveghatr'i'nedeɬne,"ndadzdingit'anhts'in',enedztayo?
    thenthat personwomanher older brotherit is saidshe saidwhatyou're doingfromupriveryou came
    'The woman said to her brother, "what are you doing, that you have come from upriver?"'

  127. hiddenAgidengine'qayxut'anxitoghonhts'an at,"yiɬne.
    lookuprivervillagepeoplethey will kill themit is soshe said
    'Now they will go and kill the people upriver!"'

  128. hiddenTs'anaxaxiɬdikdeɬnetr'i'ne"gilasriɬti nehoyh,"yiɬne.
    andthenshe said thusit is saidcomehideshe said
    'And then she told him, "come and hide."'

  129. hiddenTs'andegdrantr'i'neaxaxiɬdiktr'i'neeygginhtthantithiyotr'i'ne.
    sothatdayit is saidthenit is saidthat personhe went back outit is said
    'He went out.'

  130. hiddenEne'tr'i'nentithiyo.
    upriverit is saidhe started back
    'He started upriver.'

  131. hiddenXiyiqyitneyotr'i'negidhitltth'onhtr'i'nentr'ididiɬxiq'itr'i'ne.
    aftertherehe wentit is saidhe heard a noiseit is saidsomeone was comingas ifit is said
    'After a while he heard a noise of someone coming.'

  132. hiddenGidingidztuxneyo,tingxiq'idhtr'i'ne.
    grassamonghe wenttrailbesideit is said
    'He hid in the grass beside a trail.'

  133. hiddenYittathdo'hingotr'i'neyiggintr'i'nenonxididiɬggaggnixidelanhtr'i'ne.
    therehe satwhileit is saidthose peopleit is saidthey're coming back herebearsthey areit is said
    'As he sat there, the two bears came back running.'

  134. hiddenNixinoɬyiɬtr'i'ne.
    they were runningit is said
    'They were running.'

  135. hiddenTs'andegxiq'idhtr'i'nenixididatl.
    thenherebesideit is saidthey came
    'They passed near him.'

  136. hiddenYuxudzdiɬ yan'tr'i'nexivanhtsexividhotyiɬ.
    allbloodyit is saidtheir nosestheir mouthsalso
    'Their noses and mouths were all covered with blood.'

  137. hiddenTs'antr'i'neeyigginhtr'i'nedandidinekane'xits'in'.
    soit is saidthat personit is saidhe hurrieduprivertoward
    'The man hurried back upriver.'

  138. hiddenQayxits'itr'an'ithiyotr'i'ne.
    villagetohe came out toit is said
    'He arrived at his village.'

  139. hiddenQayxuqultr'edha.
    'The village was destroyed.'

  140. hiddenYitots'in'uxudiniynititl'uggoktr'i'ne.
    thenquicklyhe ran downit is said
    'He ran down there.'

  141. hiddenTr'edhayuxudzyixtuxyuxudznon-gixidintl'ininghtr'i'ne.
    beholdentirelyhousesamongallthey're broken downit is said
    'All the houses were smashed.'

  142. hiddenTs'anyuxudzdinadiɬyan'tr'i'ne,ngiyixiting.
    soallhumanbloodonlyit is saiddowntrail
    'Human blood was running down the trail.'

  143. hiddenTs'anyuxudzixideghonh.
    andallthey had killed
    'They had killed everyone.'

  144. hiddenEyigginhveghatsoq'idzdadhiyo.
    that personher older brothercacheonhe climbed
    'Then the older brother climbed up on a cache.'

  145. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'nenixititl'iyotr'i'ne,ggaggdhithoqo.
    thenit is saidhe searchedit is saidbearskinfor
    'He searched for bear skins.'

  146. hiddenXidigaɬxiq'ixelyots'in'nonyidaghɬcheth,gighe'yiɬ.
    finallyhe foundandhe brought it downteethalso
    'Finally he found one and threw it down, and the teeth also.'

  147. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyitadhuxtr'i'ne.
    thenhe dressed itit is said
    'He dressed it.'

  148. hiddenYiq'iniɬnektr'i'neniydoɬchethtr'i'ne.
    he finishedit is saidhe put it onit is said
    'When he was finished he put it on himself.'

  149. hiddenYuxudzvigidhidhettr'i'ne.
    entirelyit fit himit is said
    'It fit him well.'12

  150. hiddenVitth'inyiɬvuggonyiɬxigidhidhettr'i'ne,daɬine'vidhanxiyozrxizroxigidinigheghiɬ.
    its legsandits armsalsoit fit himit is saidbutits necklittle bitonlyit was too small
    'Even the legs and arms fit him, but the neck was a little too small.'

  151. hiddenYit xo'innixititl'iyochenhgit'oddhq'ixelyo.
    thereforehe tried to findagainscraphe found
    'So he looked for a scrap of skin, and found one.'

  152. hiddenIychenondaghɬcheth.
    thattoohe brought down
    'He brought it down.'

  153. hiddenYuxudztr'i'nevigidhidhet.
    entirelyit is saidit fit
    'It fit quite well.'

  154. hiddenAxaxiɬdikniydoɬcheth.
    thenhe put it on
    'Then he put on the skin.'

  155. hiddenYiyetthineyo.
    in ithe went out
    'He went out in it.'

  156. hiddenYitots'in'qayxanotitl'uggoktr'i'ne.
    thenvillagearoundhe started to runit is said
    'He ran around the village.'

  157. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktadhiyo.
    thenhe left
    'Then he left.'

  158. hiddenYitots'iqayxughun'neyo.
    thenvillageto ithe went
    'He went to (the bears') place.'

  159. hiddenTr'edhaeyiggintaxnixiditl'iyo.
    beholdthose peoplein waterthey were standing
    'They were down there, standing in the water.'

  160. hiddenXivoghdiqtr'ineyo.
    above themhe came out
    'He came out above them.'

  161. hiddenDitthigits'ighyadzyiniɬnek.
    his hoodasidehe pushed it
    'He pushed back his hood.'

  162. hiddenDixiɬne,"gilaaxaxiɬdiksidedigsidhuxɬgha,"ne.
    he said thus to themnowthenme tooyou pl. kill mehe said
    'He said to them, "now kill me too.'

  163. hidden"Ngogetiysiyiɬqayxit'anuxuduxghonh,"ne.
    forreallywith mevillagepeopleyou pl. killedhe said
    'For you have killed all the people of my village."'

  164. hiddenAxaxiɬdikgiɬigginhts'in'tr'ineyo.
    thenone persontohe went out
    'Then he went up to one of them.'13

  165. hiddenYiyiɬtthitixitidhu'onh.
    with himthey fought
    'They fought with each other.'

  166. hiddenXidigaɬgiɬigginhdhitlghanhtr'i'ne.
    finallyone personhe killedit is said
    'Finally he killed that one.'

  167. hiddenYitots'in'giɬigginhtr'i'nechenh.
    thenotherit is saidalso
    'Then he killed the other one too.'

  168. hiddenYitots'in'uxideghonh.
    thenhe killed them
    'He killed them both.'

  169. hiddenAxaxiɬdikduqutadhiyo.
    thenhe went up
    'Then he went up'

  170. hiddenYitots'in'eyigginhdodadeɬne,"ngoxivuxixidisghonh,"ne.
    thenthat personhis older sisterhe said thus towellI have killed themhe said
    'And he said to his sister, "well, now I have killed them.'

  171. hidden"Gila,ngidhuxdiy gidhik qul."
    go aheaddo not be sorry
    "'Do not be sorry."'14

  172. hiddenTs'anxiɬditr'i'nedinaɬt'adisre'nixitadhit,yitxididltth'ehingo.
    sothenit is saidhow manyI wonderyears passedtherethey livedwhile
    'They lived there for some years.'

  173. hidden"Ngontasdoɬ,"yiɬne.
    wellI will go backhe said
    'Finally he said, "Now I will go back."'

  174. hiddenYitots'in'eyigginhchoghlugguyathdlat,yitongoeygginhnq'oɬonhtuxgedrngilanhtr'i'ne.
    thenthat personfoxhe becamewhilethat personwomanminkshe isit is said
    'Then he turned into a fox, and the woman turned into a mink.'

  175. hiddenDeloytuxxine'otsyitots'in'yixxixitltsenh.
    mountainsamongthey two wentand thenhousethey built
    'They went out into the mountains and built a house.'

  176. hiddenIdinixilu'on'.
    it is finished
    'Now that is the end.'


  1. Kari had ngiyix, based on Chapman's xoiyûˊq 'under'. LH read this as yix.
  2. Chapman/Kari gloss xiyiɬchet 'they took her', but the word also means 'they married her', and below she is referred to as 'wife'.
  3. Kari has dinanighixɬ'anin, an optative form, based on Chapman's dĕˊnna nûˊxûhlaˊnan.
  4. Kari has niɬq'aginiɬnek, based on Chapman's nĭhlk'aˊgĭnĭhlneˊk.
  5. LH unusually says vinxaɬyiq where vinxuɬyiq is more common. (She has this in the next sentence.)
  6. 'they slept'; i.e. nights passed.
  7. Kari has the expected form dinanidhuxɬ'an.
  8. Chapman translates yeq simply as yeq ); i.e. no English translation is provided.
  9. LH spontaneously added yux, assumed to be 'you (pl.)', but this pronoun is normally yuxunh.
  10. Kari has nixididatl, but LH produced ntr'ididatl.
  11. Chapman has qaiĕdtdaˊn 'another year' qûtdĭçĭtdyaˊk 'they said'. The gloss of the second word is surely wrong, and Kari interpreted this form as xiydanxutithidaq 'they spent another year'. LH was not sure about this word.
  12. LH said nigidhidhet, assumed to be a speech error for vigidhidhet.
  13. Kari has tr'idineyo, based on Chapman's trĭtdĭnneyoˊ translated 'he went'.
  14. LH really lenites the first two syllables, producing something like ngogh. Kari has ngidhux degighghudhigan for this sentence.