(The jealous wife)

Recorded with Hannah Maillelle, 3-25-2004

  1. hiddenQayxiyozrxidhu'onhtr'i'ne.
    villagesmallthere isit is said
    'There was a small village.'

  2. hiddenNiɬ'oqayxididltth'e.
    married couplethey lived there
    'A man and his wife lived there.'

  3. hiddenViqing'tr'i'nexone dingit'a.
    her husbandit is saidhe was a good hunter
    'Now this man was a good hunter.'

  4. hiddenXivigege'qayxiɬdiyixidistl'i.Notinchilqayyan'xelanh.
    their childrennowthey were smalltwo peopleboysonlythey are
    'They had two small sons.'

  5. hiddenSrixno'xidoytochuxtr'ixine'odi.
    creekmouthseait emptied into
    'The mouth of the river there emptied into the sea.'1

  6. hiddenViqing'xiɬdigetiyxone dingit'a.
    her husbandnowreallyhe was a good hunter
    'Now this man was really a great hunter.'

  7. hiddenXileggtux,tinhtl'oghtux,nginiggisrixno'tr'eyhxiyozryentidiqayh,ggaggoqo.
    springiniceafterthenbackcreekcanoesmallinhe paddled backanimalsafter
    'When the ice broke up in the spring, he would paddle his canoe upriver in search of game.'

  8. hiddenYitots'in'didlangniɬq'idhniydilayh.
    and thenspruceside by sidehe put
    'He made a raft of spruce trees.'

  9. hiddenIyyiq'idzdixidaɬdzaq.
    thatupon ithe piled things
    'He piled things on it.'

  10. hiddenYuxudz xiyan'yuxudzdit'anh,ɬeggtl'oghtuxxiyiɬyixintidiqayh,yuxudzxiyan'dit'anh.
    like thatthushe doesfishafterwhenalsotherehe went in a boatthusonlyhe does
    'He always did this, and after the fishing season he would go there again in a boat and do the same thing.'

  11. hiddenYitots'in'ngi'eghtritrnonditidhu'oyyiq'idzdoxidaɬdzaq,ggaggdhithyiɬnoya'dhithyiɬlongi'ilayh.
    and thenoutsidepolesthey stretched acrossupon themhe piled thingsanimalskinsandbeaverskinsandmanyhe put
    'Then he put up poles outside and on them he placed many animal skins and beaver skins.'

  12. hiddenYitots'in'xivigege'qayyiɬxinoyaɬ.
    and sotheir childrenalsothey grew
    'And so their children grew.'

  13. hiddenNixidodhiɬ ts'in'yuxudz xiyan'dit'anh.
    every yearalways like thathe does
    'Every year he did the same.'

  14. hiddenYitongoyixoghchuxeyigginsraqayniɬ'egheye.
    meanwhilethey were growing bigthose peoplechildrentwo brothers
    'Meanwhile, the boys were growing bigger.'

  15. hiddenYitots'in'eyigginhxivito'yiɬtochuxyiɬengthidit'anh.
    thenthat persontheir fatheralsoseaalsoouthe hunted
    'Their father would go to the sea, too.'

  16. hiddenTthigitthingyiɬtiɬivayyiɬtl'eɬ laghyiɬdaghɬ'an'.
    sealstoobelugastoosea lionstoohe got
    'He hunted for seals, belugas and sea lions.'

  17. hiddenYitots'in'cheyuxudzdidiyoq.
    and thenagainthusit happened
    '(Then the same thing happened again.)'

  18. hiddenChetinhxidighenekdichengidiggintithiqanhtr'eyh yozryet.
    againicewhen it's goneagainupriverhe paddledcanoein
    'One year, when the ice was gone, he paddled upriver.'2

  19. hiddenVuqulhingo,yoghxits'ene diɬ'anhvu'ot.
    he was gonewhileabout himshe's anxioushis wife
    'While he was gone, his wife became anxious about him.'

  20. hidden"Xidanhanh?"inedhinh.
    where is heheshe thought
    "'Where is he?" she thought.'

  21. hiddenXidigaɬxilonghdinadhoɬ,eyigginhsraqayyozrxidito'oqoxixiniɬ'anhts'ixiyan'.
    finallymany timeshe camped outthat personchildrenlittletheir fatherforthey looked for himall the time
    'Finally, after many days while he was away, the little children looked for their father all the time.'

  22. hiddenXivonhyiɬviɬ'eɬtingts'in'.
    their mothertooshe did not sleep
    'Their mother too did not sleep.'

  23. hiddenDiggathdots'ixiyan'dhido.
    she sat uponlyshe stayed
    'She stayed awake sitting up.'

  24. hiddenXuxuxuyiɬtr'i'nenoghdiqaɬ.
    thenit is saidhe's paddling back
    'Finally he came paddling into sight.'

  25. hiddenNi'idiqanh.
    he arrived paddling
    'He arrived.'

  26. hiddenYitots'in'vu'otcheimik'iviye xidolningh.
    thenhis wifetooalmostshe was angry at him
    'His wife was rather angry at him.'

  27. hidden"Duxoghlinghith ts'in'nguqulgidingidzyiɬixethdlat,git'on'yiɬixathdlat,dinaggadyiɬixathdlatnguqulhingo,"yiɬne.
    how longyou were gonegrassalsoit becameleavesalsoit becamemosquitoalsoit becameyou were gonewhileshe said
    "'You have been gone so long that the grass has grown, and the mosquitos have come out while you were gone," she said.'3

  28. hidden"Xidayq'idoghtuxggagglongyiɬdingiɬ'anh!
    howsometimesanimalmanyalsoyou got
    "'How many animals you used to get!'

  29. hiddenDuxoghlingith ts'inguqul,"yiɬne.
    how longyou were goneshe said
    'In all that time you were gone.'

  30. hiddenAttr'eyh yozrzrodidiningiɬvinhhe'?"yiɬne.
    canoeonlyyou filledyes/no Qshe said
    'Did you only fill one little canoe?" she said.'4

  31. hidden"Ngogits'igititldiyhduxo'in,"yiɬne.
    wellbadlyI shotbecausehe said to her
    "'It is because I shot badly," he said.'

  32. hidden"Longxintl-'anhine'voghndaghsre'gititldiyh,"yiɬne.
    manyI sawbutfor itwhereI wonderI shothe said
    "'I saw a lot of game, but I shot and missed them."'

  33. hidden"Xidayq'idoghtuxtritrq'idzdixidaɬdzaqghinoydhithyiɬ,noya'dhithyiɬ!"yiɬne.
    howsometimespolesuponthey were piledcaribouskinandbeaverskintooshe said
    "'How you used to pile up caribou skins and beaver skins upon the poles!" she said.'

  34. hidden"Go dadzsre'xo'ingits'igititldiyh,"yiɬne.
    thusI wonderwhybadlyI shothe said
    "'I don't know why I shot so badly," he said.'

  35. hiddenXidigaɬginelax.
    finallyfish ran
    'Finally the fish ran.'

  36. hiddenNalaynelaxyitots'in'engthi ts'in'dixititht'an'.
    salmonranandout in the waterthey started to work
    'The salmon ran and they worked down by the river.'

  37. hiddenYitots'in'tth'eghilixine',srixno'xiq'at.
    thenstillthey were runningbutcreekwanting
    'But while they were still running, he wanted to go upriver.'

  38. hidden"Ngontasiqaɬ,"di'neeyigginh.
    wellI will paddle backhe saidthat person
    "'I believe I will go," he said, that man.'

  39. hidden"Ngogetiyyitot'at,"yiɬne.
    wellreallysoonshe said
    "'But it is really too soon," she said.'

  40. hidden"Daghɬchuxiningito,"yiɬne.
    how muchyou hurryshe said to him
    "'What a hurry you are in."'

  41. hidden"Go xiyan' ts'ixe'ateyiggiygit'on'deq'onhditr'alyixintediqaɬ,"yiɬne.
    by and bythatleafit's redwhenthenthereyou'll paddle backshe said
    "'By and by, when the leaves turn, you will go there."'5

  42. hidden"Ngodinghdongtr'alyixivaxa xidiɬt'iyidhelanh,"yiɬne.
    wellspringlastthentherefew of ityou killedshe said
    "'Why, last spring when you went there, you killed very little."'

  43. hidden"Ngondaɬonq'idoghntidhediqalts'i,"yiɬne.
    wellmaybelong timeyou will not paddle backshe said
    "'Perhaps you will not be back for a long time," she said.'

  44. hiddenXidigaɬdaɬine'ntithiqanh.
    finallyhoweverhe went off
    'Finally, however, he left.'

  45. hidden"Gilainingito.Ngongoghxiyoditr'iɬ'anh,"yiɬne.
    nowhurrywellof youwe are thinkingshe said
    "'Now hurry; we are thinking of you," she said to him.'6

  46. hiddenNtithiqanh.Chevuqulxitathdlan'.
    he paddled offagainhe's gonehe became
    'He left paddling, and he was gone a long time.'

  47. hiddenXidigaɬteq'avontinhxitathdla'uxuxiyiɬxiɬdinoghdiqaɬ.
    finallyat shoreiceit formedandthenhe's paddling back
    'Finaly, when the ice was starting to form at the shore, he came back.'

  48. hiddenTr'eyh yozryan'didinevinhchenh.
    canoeonlyit's fullagain
    'Only the canoe again was full.'

  49. hidden"Duxoghlingith ts'inguqul,"yiɬne.
    how longyou're goneshe said to him
    "'How long were you gone!" she said to him.'

  50. hidden"Xidayq'idoghtuxlongingilayh,"yiɬne.
    howsometimesmanyyou killedshe said
    "'How many you used to kill!"'

  51. hiddenUxiyiɬdi'neeyigginhchel,"ngidiggniɬggudzidigilonghdongduxo'inlonge'itlayh,"yiɬne.
    and thenhe saidthat personyoung manuprivernearthere are manyin the pastmanyI killedhe said
    'And then the man said, "that was because there was a lot of game upriver, that I used to kill so many."'

  52. hidden"Ngoq'odetnedhodixiyan'gixelanhts'an'at.
    wellnowfar awayonlythey areindeed.
    "'But now they are few and far away.'

  53. hiddenVaxa xidiɬt'iye'itlayh,"yiɬne.
    few of itI killhe said
    'I only kill a few," he said.'

  54. hiddenUxuxiyiɬyuxudzdideɬne,"ndadz xo'invaxa xidiɬt'iye'ingilayh?"yiɬne.
    and thenthusshe said towhyfew of ityou killedshe said
    'And then she said to (him), "why have you killed so few?'

  55. hidden"Ndadz xo'intr'eyh yozryan'didinevinh?"yiɬne.
    whycanoeonlyit's fullshe said
    "'Why is only one canoe full?"'

  56. hiddenTs'anixidhuq'utth.
    thenit became frosty weather
    'Then the weather turned frosty.'

  57. hiddenDranhdiɬggudzdiimoathdlat.
    dayare shortwhensickhe became
    'When the days were short, he became sick.'

  58. hiddenXiyhdengathdiimotathdlan'.
    winterit's longwhensickhe was
    'He was sick all winter.'

  59. hiddenYitongoine'guhonhimohingo.
    meanwhilehoweverhe's eatingsickwhile
    'Although he was sick, he kept eating.'

  60. hiddenUxuxiyiɬxiyhtth'exinedrnixinedhit.
    thenwintermiddleit arrived
    'Then it was midwinter.'

  61. hiddenAxaxiɬdikgidedidiyoq.
    thenworsehe became
    'Then he became worse.'

  62. hiddenUxuxiyiɬdeɬneeyigginhdu'ot,"anhtr'asiyetrtoqulxitolaɬ,"yiɬne.
    thenhe said tothat personhis wifejust likemy breathit will be goneit will behe said
    'Then he said to his wife, "look, I am going to die soon.'

  63. hidden"Uxida' gilagitsighiyelonggiggidhnegyan'sughogiyengilatr'eyh yozryet,"yiɬne.
    in that casemartensmanytheir skinsfineonlyby meyou put incanoeinhe said
    "'When that happens, put a lot of fine marten skins in my canoe with me.'7

  64. hidden"Long,"yiɬne"tixet'anyiɬgiggaddhyiɬnigughunyiɬniɬtrethyiɬguq'uxnegyiɬsuq'o'yiɬgiɬting'yiɬ.
    manyhe saidottertooskinandwolfandwolverineandfatgoodtoomy arrowstoomy bowtoo
    '(Put) otter skins with me too, and wolf and wolverine skins and good fat, and my bow and arrows.'

  65. hiddenYitots'in'tr'eyh yozrdoyxididingiɬtl'exghinoydhithniɬq'idz,"yiɬne.
    and thencanoeopeningtie over itcaribouskinoverhe said
    'And then tie a caribou skin over the opening of the canoe.'

  66. hidden"Yitots'in'tritrvogh yixindinela,"yiɬne.
    and thenpolesunder itput themhe said
    'And then put poles under it," he said.'

  67. hidden"Sraqayyiɬxivughoxeɬedzdingiɬ'anh,"yiɬne.
    childrentoofor themwellyou dohe said
    "'Treat the children well, too.'

  68. hidden"Da'negxivoxoyi'ingughoyh,"yiɬne.
    parkafinefor themmake pl.he said
    'Make fine parkas for them.'

  69. hidden"Yitots'in'xivughodigitidhiɬtrights'in',xeɬedzxiyan'dixiviɬ'anh,"yiɬne.
    and thento themdo not be too harshwellonlyyou do to themhe said
    'And do not be too harsh, only treat them well," he said.'

  70. hiddenYitots'in'didiyoq.
    and thenhe died
    'And then he died.'

  71. hiddenVu'ottr'eyh yozryeyaghɬtanhgiggiddhnegtux.
    his wifecanoeinshe put himskinfineamong
    'His wife put him in the canoe with the fine skins.'

  72. hiddenYuxudz xiyan'didighene'ts'in'diyeloq.
    like thathe said asshe did it
    'She did everything he told her.'

  73. hiddenYitots'in'xiyughun' xidiɬq'unh.
    and thenthey made a fire by it
    'Then they built a fire by it.'

  74. hiddenYitots'in'yitxiyan'xididltth'e,xitrixts'in'.
    and thenthereonlythey satthey're cryingas
    'And then they just sat there crying.'

  75. hiddenVu'otyiɬdittheghyuxudzditlq'un'ts'in',diqing'yugho ngitsing'.
    his wifetooher hairallshe burnedasher husbandshe's stingy for him
    'His wife burned her hair in her grief for her husband.'

  76. hiddenXidigaɬxileggnixitadhit.
    finallyspringit started to come again
    'Finally it was spring again'

  77. hiddenVu'oteyiggisraqayyiɬxitrixts'ixuyan'.
    his wifethosechildrenwithshe's cryingcontinually
    'The wife and her sons cried all the time.'

  78. hiddenXidigaɬtuxidighedhit,dits'inyiɬlong,ggaggk'idzyiɬ.
    finallyspring arrivedwaterfowlandmanybirdssmalltoo
    'Finally spring arrived, and the waterfowl and the small birds came back.'

  79. hiddenEyigginhnuq'oɬonhyiɬsraqayyiviɬxineɬteɬhingo,tthi'uhoyhvinaghɬts'egtth'exigith'oyts'in'itrixts'in'.
    that personwomantoochildrenshe's sleepingwhileshe went outearly in the morningyetthe sun has not risenshe's cryingwhile
    'One morning early, when the sun had not yet risen, the woman went out alone while the children slept.'

  80. hiddenItrix.
    she's crying
    'She cried.'

  81. hiddenUxuxiyiɬdegvogh dixiggaggk'idzditadhine'.
    and thenhereabove herbirdlittleit was calling
    'And then there was a little bird calling above her.'

  82. hiddenYitongoitrix.Yidetth'iq qul ts'in'.
    meanwhileshe's cryingshe heard nothing
    'She kept crying and heard nothing.'

  83. hiddenUxuxiyiɬyidetth'onh,tr'edhaeyigginhviqing'ezre.
    thenshe listenedbeholdthat personher husbandname
    'Then she stopped and listened, and she heard her husband's name!'

  84. hiddenGidhitltth'onhyiniɬ'anh.
    she listenedshe looked
    'She listened and she looked.'

  85. hidden"Ggaggk'idztsitl,"inedhinh.
    birdlittlewretchedshe thought
    "'Rotten little bird," she thought.'

  86. hidden"Vuqul hinhndadz xo'inezre?"inedhinh.
    dead personwhyit namesshe thought
    "'Why does it call the name of the dead?"'

  87. hiddenYiniɬ'anhtr'i'neyidhitltth'onh.
    she lookedit is saidshe listened
    'She looked and listened.'

  88. hiddenTr'edhaxinayh.
    beholdit's speaking
    'Behold, it spoke.'

  89. hidden"Juxiluq,ngidiggsrixno'xiɬchet.Vu'otxelanhanh.Juxiluq Juxiluq,"yiɬne,dinaxiq'i.
    uprivercreekhe's marriedhis wifethere isthat personit saidpersonlike
    "'Joxghulik is married up the river. He has a wife there. Joxghulik, Joxghulik," it said, just like a person.'

  90. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyidetth'onhnuq'oɬonh.
    and thenshe heard itwoman
    'The woman heard it.'

  91. hidden"Ndadzdi'negoggaggk'idz,"inedhinh.
    whatit saysthisbirdlittleshe thought
    "'What is this little bird saying?" she thought.'

  92. hiddenYitots'in'diggidiniɬnek.
    and soshe arose
    'She got up.'

  93. hiddenEyiggitr'eyh yozrdoytl'eɬdigganyighe'ux.
    thatcanoeopeningstringshe untied it
    'She untied the line around the opening of the canoe.'

  94. hiddenGgaggk'idzndadzdi'neduxo'inxenatl-'eɬ,inedhinh.
    birdlittlehowit sayswhyI will seeshe thought
    'I'll see why that little bird said that, she thought.'

  95. hiddenEyiggiggaggdhithyadz yitathdlo.
    thatanimalskinshe lifted up
    'She lifted up the animal skin.'

  96. hiddenGanchexoghla'?Viyeguqul.
    whatagainthere would bein itnothing
    'Why, there was nothing there!'

  97. hiddenXidanhviqing'?
    where isher husband
    'Where was her husband?'

  98. hiddenNigughunyi---dhithyiɬniɬtrethyiɬguq'o'yiɬvituxguqul.
    wolfskinandwolverineandhis arrowstooamong itnone
    'The wolf skins and wolverine skins and arrows and were gone too.'

  99. hiddenViye xidolninghɬo' ts'in'golachevuqulyinedhinhduxo'in.
    she was angrytrulyfor surehe's deadshe thought of himbecause
    'She became angry, for she had believed that he was dead.'

  100. hiddenGgaggk'idzvizrochedi'ne,inedhinh.
    birdlittletruthtooit's sayingshe thought
    'That little bird was telling the truth, she thought.'

  101. hiddenQ'eydongxits'in'chedi'neine'istrixts'ixiyan'hingoidhitltth'onts'in'aɬona ɬodi'ne,inedhinh.
    yesterdaysincealsoit's saying sobutI'm cryingcontinuallywhileI did not hear ittrulyit's sayingshe thought
    'It was saying that yesterday, too, but since I was crying all the time, I didn't understand it, though it told the truth, she thought.'

  102. hiddenTsoq'idadhiyo.
    cacheshe went upon
    'Then she climbed up on the cache.'

  103. hiddenUxuyiɬggaggdhithlongnil'eydhithyiɬgiye ggaggdhithyiɬdechoghchuxiɬtthonh.
    thenanimalskinsmanyblack bearskinsandbrown bearskinstooit's bigbigshe saw
    'She found some black bear skins and big brown bear skins.'

  104. hiddenVugho'yiɬluq'ulxelanh.Iynaghiɬchet.
    its furalsoit's whitethere isthatshe chose
    'There was one whose fur was white, and that she chose.'

  105. hiddenTenadhilaxaniytitltriɬ.Uxudiniyniytitltriɬdrandixoghlingithts'in'.
    waterwarmwithshe started to wet itearlyshe started to wet itdaylong
    'She soaked it in warm water for a day.'

  106. hiddenYitots'in'niɬq'adzyiyiɬ tiniyh.
    and thenboth waysshe stretched it
    'Then she stretched it both ways.'

  107. hiddenXidigaɬngichoxts'in'athdlat.
    finallyit's bigit became
    'Finally it became larger.'

  108. hiddenNiyiɬtriɬhingoteduqontitl'iyaksraqayxivoxo.
    she's wetting itwhilewatershe brought upchildrenfor them
    'While she was soaking it, she brought water in for the children.'

  109. hiddenYitongoniyiɬtriɬ.
    meanwhileshe's wetting it
    'She kept wetting it.'

  110. hiddenNiyiɬtriɬdicheyittonyaghɬcheth.
    she's wetting itwhenagainthereshe put it back in the water
    'She would wet it, and then put it back in place wet.'

  111. hiddenXidigaɬteyiɬlongxidinelo,tingiɬyettetth'okyiɬyet.
    finallywateralsomuchshe brought inpailsinbowlsalsoin
    'Finally she had brought in a lot of water in pails and bowls.'

  112. hiddenYitots'in'ghiɬghatl.
    and thenit was dark
    'Then it got dark.'

  113. hiddenXidigaɬsraqayviɬxantl'idaqhingotsoq'idzxits'in'xidon-gititl'iyaknelangyiɬguq'uxyiɬgiggadhyiɬyixxidondiniɬdzaq.
    finallychildrenthey fell asleepwhilecacheuponfrom itshe brought them in meatandfatanddried fishtoohouseshe piled into
    'When the children were finally asleep, she brought in meat and fat from the cache, and dried fish too.'

  114. hiddenYitots'in'eyiggicheggaggdhithcheidanyididltlaq.
    thenthattooanimalskinagainshe stretched it about herself
    'Then she stretched the bear skin around herself.'

  115. hiddenYitots'in'niɬq'adzyiyiɬ tiniyhviqiliggingyiɬvughun'ts'in'.
    thenboth waysshe pulled itits clawsalsoupon itbeing
    'She pulled it both ways, with its claws on it too.'

  116. hiddenYitots'in'dinoɬchidlyetnuxolyax.
    and thenher workbaginshe searched
    'Then she searched in her workbag.'

  117. hiddenGiye ggaggvigha'chuxyiɬiɬtthonh.
    brown bearits teethbigalsoshe saw
    'She found some big brown bear teeth.'

  118. hiddenYitots'in'yiyiɬidanyititl'inek.
    and thenwith itshe attired herself
    'She dressed herself in it.'

  119. hiddenYigha'yiɬdidhoghelo.
    its teethalsoshe put in her mouth
    'She put the teeth in her mouth.'

  120. hiddenYitots'in'anhtr'aoditgiye ggaggchuxathdlat.
    thenlikeitbrown bearbigshe became
    'And then she became like a big brown bear.'

  121. hiddenYitots'in'ngidiggisrixtl'otxits'itidltthit,viye xidolninghts'in'.
    thenupravineto itshe rushedshe's furiousbeing
    'Up the ravine she rushed in a fury.'

  122. hiddenDidlangyiɬgiggadhyiɬxandiniɬch'iɬ.
    spruceandrootandshe tore up
    'She tore up spruce trees by the roots.'

  123. hiddenViye xidolninghts'in'tritryiɬduggon-'iditrityitots'in'xit'ontidltthitsrixtl'ot.
    she's furiouswoodalsoshe broke downalsoshe rushed downravine
    'In her fury she broke down the trees and rushed back down the canyon.'

  124. hiddenYixxu'otnon'idiyo.
    houseout byshe returned
    'She came back to the house.'

  125. hiddenYitditthigits'ighni'eniɬnek.
    thereher hoodshe put back
    'There she pushed back her hood.'

  126. hiddenYigha'yiɬyughun'niynelo.
    its teethtooby itshe put them down
    'She put down the bear teeth.'

  127. hiddenViɬaɬtinghqults'ixiyiɬ,viyenxodhitiɬt'et.
    she's sleepingnotthenshe is angrystill
    'Still angry, she didn't sleep.'

  128. hiddenYitots'in'q'eyhdentlquyh.
    thenbirchshe felled
    'Then she knocked down a birch tree.'

  129. hiddenNiɬtr'aghliggizryiɬeyigginsraqayghun'xidon'idiyo.
    forked branchwiththose peoplechildrentoshe brought in
    'She brought a forked branch into the house to the children.'

  130. hiddenEyiggiyq'eyhtritryixxidondiditonh.
    thatbirchstickhouseshe carried inside
    'She brought that birch branch into the house.'

  131. hiddenUxuxiyiɬ"gila,tasoɬ,"xiɬne.
    thenlookI will goshe told them
    'She said to them, "Look, I am going to leave.'

  132. hidden"Siq'adu'uxt'a'in.
    do not wish for me
    "'Do not wish for me.'

  133. hidden"Niɬggudzi ts'in'ditast'eɬ,"yiɬne.
    soonI will comeshe said
    "'I will come back soon.'

  134. hidden"Gilavavuxɬnonh,teyiɬyix'oxoxidon'igiyo,"xiɬne.
    lookfoodyou pl. eatwatertoofor you pl.I brought in (pl.)she told them
    "'Look, here is food to eat, and I have brought in water for you too.'

  135. hiddenTeyiɬxu'ux'ozrin,ngotituxlitth'iɬ,"xiɬne.
    watertoodo not fetchforyou pl. will fall in the watershe told them
    "'Do not go out for water, for you will fall in the river."

  136. hidden"Tsoyiɬq'idzdi'ux'ozrinngontuxɬtth'iɬ,"xiɬne.
    cachealsoupondo not climbforyou pl. will fallshe told them
    "'And don't climb up the cache, for you might fall off," she said.'

  137. hidden"Nuxɬjidan,"xiɬne.
    don't (you pl.) be afraidshe told them
    "'Don't be afraid.'

  138. hiddenAxaxiɬdik"yuxghun'tasoɬ,"xiɬne.
    thento you pl.I'll come backshe told them.
    "'I'll come back to you."'

  139. hiddenAxaxiɬdikngidiggisrixtl'otxutadhiyo.
    and thenupravineshe started up
    'And then she set off up the ravine.'

  140. hiddenYitots'in'srixno'xido'deloyq'idzghuhoɬ.
    thencreekbankmountainuponshe's going
    'Up the river on the hills she went.'

  141. hiddenViyenxodhitts'in'ghiluggukts'ixiyiɬ.
    she's raging madshe's runningthen
    'In a raging anger, she ran continually.'

  142. hiddenAnhtr'atinhghidix,tritryiɬgintses,getiyngitl'itthts'in',ghuhoɬts'in'.
    likeiceis movingwoodalsoshe is smashingreallyshe's strongshe's going
    'Like ice on the move, she smashed the trees as she passed, for she was very strong.'

  143. hiddenChedeloychuxq'idzxontithiyo.
    againmountainbiguponshe went up
    'Then she went up a big mountain.'

  144. hiddenNoqoggiyt'idzyiɬxelanhdixon'ithiyo.
    stonesflatalsothere arewhereshe went back up
    'She went up where there were flat stones.'

  145. hiddenUxuxiyiɬinedhinh,gonoqoggiyyiɬsidroggniɬk'osinnigitatlaɬ,sidroggxiyiɬsanhtoggxiyiɬ.
    thenshe thinksthisstonewithmy chestboth sidesI will putmy chestandmy foreheadand
    'She thought, I'll put these stones on both sides of my body, and also on my forehead.'

  146. hiddenTadhiyouxuxiyiɬ,ngidiggdidlangq'idzxits'in'nigitr'itathdluq.
    she went onsuddenlyupspruceuponfromsomeone began to laugh
    'As she went on, someone began to laugh from up in a spruce tree.'

  147. hidden"Ngogits'idingidiyoq,"vazrnets'in'.
    wellbadlyyou didsomeone said
    "'Why, you have done very badly," someone said.'

  148. hidden"Ngogetiytr'i'engtth'ed,"vazrne.
    wellreallyyou are ridiculoussomeone said
    "'You are really ridiculous.'

  149. hidden"Yadz ntelaiynoqoggiyngogetiytr'i'etetth'ed,"yiɬne.
    take offitstoneforreallyyou will be ridiculoushe said
    "'Take those stones off, for they're really silly.'

  150. hidden"Ngoengthida'tr'i'etetth'ed,"yiɬne.
    wellhereafteryou will be ridiculoushe said
    "'After this, people will laugh at you," he said.'

  151. hiddenYitots'in'yadz niytathdlo.
    so thenshe took them off
    'So she took them off.'

  152. hiddenUxuxiyiɬdeɬneYixgitsiy.
    thenhe said thusRaven
    'It was Raven who said that.'

  153. hidden"Agideduxu,"yiɬne.
    nowall righthe said
    "'Now that's all right," he said.'

  154. hiddenAxaxiɬdik"ingizrenhts'in'don-'ingdiyoq,"yiɬne.
    and thenyou're good-lookingyou became againhe said
    "'You have become good-looking again.'

  155. hidden"Gilaghinguhoɬ,"yiɬne.
    nowgohe said
    "'Now go on."'

  156. hiddenAxaxiɬdikchentithiyoinato'ts'in',uxuxiyiɬeygginsraqayxivoghxiyodiɬ'anhduxo'in.
    soagainshe wentshe hurriedsuddenlythosechildrenabout themshe's thinkingbecause
    'So she hurried off again, because she was thinking of the children.'

  157. hiddenSrixno'xido'xiyan'ghuhoɬ.
    riverbankonlyshe's going
    'She kept going along the riverbank.'

  158. hiddenAtthetqayxichuxxiɬtthonh.
    downvillagebigshe saw
    'Then she saw a big village.'

  159. hiddenDinalonghtr'edhat.
    'There were many people.'

  160. hiddenYitots'in'qayxits'idzneyo.
    thenvillagetowardshe went
    'She went toward the village.'

  161. hiddenYitots'in'eyiggiyyadz niytitlchith,yitots'in'yighe'yiɬyadz ntathdlo.
    and thenitshe took it offand thenits teethtooshe took them out
    'Then she took it (the bear skin) off, and the teeth too.'

  162. hiddenDidlangk'idzghoyixniynelo.
    sprucelittlebeneathshe put them
    'She put them beneath a little spruce.'

  163. hiddenDegtingxinegxelanh.
    around herepathgoodthere is
    'There was a good trail there.'

  164. hiddenYitots'in'yixitadhiyoqayxits'in'.
    thenthereshe wentvillageto
    'Then on it she went to the village.'

  165. hiddenQayghonixts'in'niɬggudz dighuhoɬ.
    villageon the upland sidenearshe's going
    'She went to the village on the upland side.'

  166. hiddenTr'edhatqayxichux,traɬtth'etxichuxchenh.
    'It was a big village, with a big kashim too.'

  167. hiddenYitxo'osts'incheyixxichux.
    housenext to italsohousebig
    'There was another big house next to it.'

  168. hiddenYitxits'in'xiɬdiiɬt'eghuhoɬ.
    thereto itthencontinuouslyshe's going
    'She kept walking towards it.'

  169. hiddenYitots'in'yitxidi'iluggok.
    thenthereshe ran inside
    'She went there and ran in.'

  170. hiddenYitots'in'niɬk'adzethoktthaggidhidlonuq'oɬdaɬinnegtoxin.
    thenboth sidespotthey're set on firewomenprettythree people
    'On each side there were pots set to cook, and there were three pretty women.'8

  171. hiddenXiyoqo xinayh.
    they're calling to her
    'They called to her.'

  172. hidden"Oghdaxidiningiyohe'?"xaɬne.
    cousinyou came in(yes/no Qthey said
    "'Cousin, have you come in?'

  173. hidden"Adinaghun'dhedo,"xaɬne.
    therewith usstaythey said
    "'Stay here with us."'

  174. hiddenEyiggigiɬigginh,"siyixdhedo,"yiɬne.
    thatone personmy houseyou stayshe said
    'One of them said, "Stay in my house."'

  175. hiddenYitots'in'yitdadhiyo.
    thenthereshe sat on platform
    'So she sat there on the platform.'

  176. hiddenGiɬigginhnoya'tthing'iɬvatr,ethokchuxyet.
    one personbeavermeatshe's boilingpotbigin
    'One of them was boiling beaver meat in a big pot,'

  177. hiddenGiɬigginhcheghinoytthing'cheiɬvatr,ethokchuxyet.
    otheralsocariboumeatalsoshe's boilingpotbigin
    'And the other was boiling caribou meat in another big pot.'

  178. hiddenUxuxiyiɬdixiɬne,"oghda,"xiɬne,"yixqing'ndaghxits'ixitathdatl?"
    and thenshe said to themcousinshe said to themyour (pl.) husbandwhereto itthey went
    'Then she said to them. "Cousins, where have your husbands gone?"'

  179. hiddenXivoghxiyodiɬ'anhduxo'in,yuxudzxezrenhdixiniɬ'anhts'in'yityix,tl'uxtaɬnegyiɬ,ghinoydhithtaɬnegyiɬ,gitsaghthda'yiɬxelanh.
    about themshe's thinkingbecauseallfineryshe sawtherehousegrassmatfineandcaribouskinbedfinetoomarten skinparkatoothere are
    'She was thinking, as she looked at all the fine things in the house, fine grass mats and a fine caribou skin bed, and fine marten-skin parkas too.'

  180. hiddenUxuxiyiɬdixi'ne"ngogiɬigginhyan'dinagho dhido,"xi'ne.
    and thenthey saywellone persononlyhe's married to usthey say
    'And they said, "We are married to one man.'

  181. hidden"Dinghdongtinhtl'oghxiyiɬdinaghoneqanh.
    springlasticeafterthento ushe arrived paddling
    "'Last spring, after the ice went out, he came canoeing to us'

  182. hidden"Xaneginhdina'iɬchet,"xi'ne.
    strangerhe married usthey say
    "'This stranger married us.'

  183. hidden"Daɬine'gidingidzxitathdla'xiyiɬdinaghun'ntithiqanh.
    butgrassit becamethenfrom ushe paddled back
    "'But when the grass was grown, he paddled away from us.'

  184. hidden"Yitots'in'xiyhdongtth'exinedrxiyiɬdinaghun'ni'idiyo.
    "thenwinterlastmiddlethento ushe came back
    "'Then, in the middle of winter, he returned to us.'

  185. hidden"Yitots'in'dinaghun'dhidotritroqontithiqanh,"xi'ne.
    thenwith ushe stayswoodforhe paddled offthey say
    "'He has stayed with us since then, but now he has gone for wood."'

  186. hiddenYitots'in'xiytl'ogidighetrit.
    thenthey gave her food
    'Then they gave her food.'

  187. hidden"Ngodistsan'qulgo idaghɬchegaghson',"yiɬne.
    wellI'm hungrynotjust nowagainI ateshe said
    "'I am not hungry, I just ate a little while ago," she said.'

  188. hidden"Gilaadinaghun'dhedo,"xaɬne.
    go aheadwith usyou (sg.) staythey said
    "'Well, stay with us," they said.'

  189. hidden"E,"ine.
    yesshe says
    "'Yes," she said.'

  190. hidden"Giladaghɬchuxvidoggxaquliy,"xiɬne.
    whyhow bigits surfaceoilnoneitshe said to them
    "'Why," she said, "how little oil there is on the surface of your pots!'

  191. hiddenAnhgiɬigginh"getiynigedluqts'in',"yiɬne.
    sheone personreallyyou smileshe says
    'Really smile a lot," she said to one of them.'

  192. hidden"Vidoghdinalu'onh,"yiɬne.
    bend over itshe said
    "'Bend over its surface," she said.'

  193. hiddenUxuxiyiɬdividoggxaethchox.
    and thenits surfaceoilit got big
    'At that a lot of oil appeared on its surface.'

  194. hiddenGiɬigginhcheginathjit"vidoghdinalu'onh,"yiɬne.
    otheralsois squintingbend over itshe said
    'Now to the other one, squinting, "bend over its surface," she said.'

  195. hiddenYitots'in'vanhtoghttheghitlyiɬ.
    thenher foreheadhead hairshe seized
    'Then she grabbed them by the hair of their foreheads.'

  196. hiddenYitots'in'ethokchuxyetyiggiyeniɬtrit,xivitthe'.
    and thenpotbigindownshe pushedtheir head
    'Then she pushed their heads down into the big pot.'

  197. hiddenYitots'in'xiviyetrqul,yitots'in'digganxitɬdonh.
    thentheir lifenonethenshe made them sit up
    'When they were dead, she made them sit up.'

  198. hiddenYitots'in'q'aghyitnonxinelo,giɬigginhq'on-gidilqon'ts'in'xiq'idonyeloq,giɬigginhyiɬcheyuxudz.
    thenbacktheirshe put them backone personshe's sewingas ifshe fixed herotheralsoagainsame
    'Then she put them back in their places, as if they were sewing.'

  199. hiddenGiɬigginhginathjit,chenigidluq.
    one personshe squintsagainshe's smiling
    'One was squinting and the other was smiling.'

  200. hiddenYitots'in'tthan'iluggok.
    thenshe ran back out
    'Then she ran back out.'

  201. hiddenYitots'in'xantitl'uggok.
    thenshe ran back uphill
    'She ran back up the hill.'

  202. hiddenUxuxiyiɬnoghdiqaɬeyigginhxiviqing'tritrndaghɬ'eɬ.
    and thenhe's paddling backthat persontheir husbandwoodhe towed
    'Then their husband came back in his canoe, towing some wood.'

  203. hiddenYitteq'avonxiyitlchithyithingoduqontithiyo.
    thereshorehe tied ittherewhilehe went back up
    'He tied it on shore and went up the bank.'

  204. hiddenYixxidon'idiyo.
    househe went inside
    'He went into the house.'

  205. hiddenUxuxiyiɬeyigginuq'oɬonhgiɬigginhginathjitts'in'yiggi ntl'u'onhts'in'yinaghɬchith.
    and thenthat personwomanone personshe's squintingshe's bent overhe struck
    'Then he hit the woman who was bending over and squinting,'

  206. hiddenUxuxiyiɬvinan'q'ititl'iqit.
    and thenher faceit sloughed off
    'And at that, the skin came off her face.'

  207. hiddenGiɬigginhnigidluqts'in'q'on-gidilqon'ts'in'yinaghɬchithche.
    othershe's smilingshe's sewinghe struck heralso
    'He struck the one who was smiling and sewing, too,'

  208. hiddenUxuxiyiɬxiq'ititl'iqitchevileq'adh.
    and thenit sloughed offalsoher skin
    'The skin came off her face too.'

  209. hiddenUxuxiyiɬtthinezreɬitrixts'in'.
    and thenhe ran out screaminghe's crying
    'He ran out screaming and crying.'

  210. hidden"Su'oqayndadzdixidiyoqhan?"nets'in'.
    my wiveswhatit happened to themhe says
    "'What happened to my wives?'

  211. hidden"Su'oxughodighet'a',"ne.
    my wifewith themshe washe says
    "'My (old) wife has been with them," he said.'

  212. hiddenNgi'eghqayxit'anxinaxidilughusr.
    outsidevillagepeoplethey're talking
    'Outside all the people of the village were chattering.'

  213. hidden"Go idaghɬngi'eghq'uxididaɬ.Ndadzdixidiyoq?"
    just nowoutsidethey're walking aroundwhatit happened to them
    "'They were alive just now. What happened to them?"'

  214. hiddenTrixidilughusr.
    they're crying
    'They were crying.'

  215. hiddenUxuxiyiɬngi'inxits'in'tr'izriɬ.
    and thenyonderfromsomeone shouted
    'Then from up yonder someone shouted.'

  216. hidden"Ngidiggideloychuxq'idzgeghaq'u'edoyh,"xi'nets'in'tr'izriɬ.
    upmountainbiguponbrown bearit's walking aroundthey saysomeone shouted
    "There's a big brown bear up on the mountain!"

  217. hiddenYitoyiggqayxit'anchilqayxixitathdatl,xilonghtitthyiɬxolaɬts'in'tedzeɬyiɬq'oyiɬ.
    thereuponvillagepeoplementhey went upmanyspearwiththey're carryingice-pickandarrowand
    'All the men in the village took their spears and their ice picks and their arrows.'

  218. hiddenNgidiqxixitathdatl.
    upthey went up
    'They went up the mountain.'

  219. hiddenDeloyq'idzeyggiiyggaggxiniɬ'anh.
    'The bear looked down.'

  220. hiddenTr'edhaeygginhJuxiluqxungthighuhoɬ.
    beholdthat personout in frontwent
    'Joxghulik was at their head.'

  221. hiddenYitoyiggyitlyiɬ.
    quicklyshe seized him
    'Then she seized him.'

  222. hidden"Su'otngits'in',"yiɬne.
    my wifeto youhe said
    "'My wife to you!" he said.'

  223. hiddenTr'ixizronuq'oɬonhditthigits'ighna' ni'eniɬtrit.
    indeedwomanher hoodshe pushed back fast
    'The woman had pushed her hood back from her face.'

  224. hiddenYitthe'itɬggithdiqiliggingyiɬaxasriɬdoɬch'iɬ.
    his headshe bither clawalsowithshe tore him to pieces
    'But she bit his head and tore him to pieces with her claws.'

  225. hiddenYitots'in'qayxit'anyiɬyuxudzyixxogh'eghyitots'in'ngitthingqayxits'in'tthandeɬtthit.
    thenvillagepeopletooallhouseaboutthendownhillvillagetoshe rushed down
    'She rushed down on the village and the people and houses.'

  226. hiddenQaychexichetgheyo.
    villagealsoendshe went
    'She started at one end of the village'

  227. hiddenYuxudztsoyiɬyixxiyiɬnigixinighetrit,sraqayyiɬnuq'oɬdaɬinyiɬ.
    thuscacheandhouseandshe tore to pieceschildrenandwomenand
    'She tore up all the houses and caches, the women and children too.'

  228. hiddenYitots'in'xantithiyo.
    thenshe went back uphill
    'Then she left.'

  229. hiddenNtithiyodiqayxits'in',sraqayxivughun'xiyodiɬ'anhduxo'in.
    she started to go backher villagetochildrenabout themshe's thinkingbecause
    'She went back to her own village, for she was thinking about her children.'

  230. hiddenYitots'in'yixxidon'idiyoxiyiɬeygginhgegha"iliy"nets'in'naɬjitts'in'tadhizreɬ.
    thenhouseshe enteredthenthat personolder brotherhe sayshe's afraidhe began to scream
    'When she entered her house, the older brother cried out "iliy" and began to scream in fear.'

  231. hiddenYitongoeygginhvichidlsoghluqyitlyiɬiytritr.
    meanwhilethat personhis younger brotherdearhe siezed ititstick
    'Meanwhile, the younger brother grabbed the stick.'

  232. hiddenEyggiiyggaggdroggxigineyiɬ.
    thatitanimalchesthe pressed
    'He pressed it against the animal's breast.'

  233. hiddenXiɬdiyidroggxiginetthiyh.
    thenits chesthe pressed against
    'He pressed it against the animal's breast.'

  234. hiddenUxuxiyiɬna' yeniɬnek.
    thenshe pushed back her hood
    'Then the woman pushed back her hood.'

  235. hidden"Sigege'qayagide duxu,"ne.
    my childrenthat's all rightshe says
    "'It's all right, my children," she said.'

  236. hidden"Gilaatdidhuxlitth'e,"xiɬne.
    lookthereyou (pl.) stayshe told them
    "'Now stay there."'

  237. hiddenTthantithiyo.
    she went back out
    'She went out.'

  238. hiddenYixxogh'otniɬggudz diyadz niytitlcheth.
    houseoutsidenearbyshe took it off again
    'Outside near the house she removed the bear skin'

  239. hiddenYighe'yiɬyadz ntathdlo.
    its teethtooshe took out
    'She took out the teeth too.'

  240. hiddenYitots'in'tritrghoyixniynelo.
    thenlogundershe put them
    'Then she put them under a log.'

  241. hiddenYitots'in'xidon'idiyo.
    thenshe went back inside
    'Then she went back in.'

  242. hiddenYitots'in'eygginsraqayniɬk'ots'in'xoɬtaɬgetiyxoghngitr'otts'in'.
    thenthose peoplechildrenon eachshe's holdingreallyshe loves them
    'She took the children on her knees and embraced them.'

  243. hidden"Agide duxuyuxudzduxt'anhts'in',"xiɬne.
    now all rightthusyou (pl.) are doingshe said to them
    "'You have done very well," she said.'

  244. hidden"Aɬonidhodiq'udhisiyohingoyixghun'xiyodaghtl-'an',"xiɬne.
    farI wentwhileabout you (pl.)I thoughtshe told them
    "'While I was far away, I was thinking about you."'9

  245. hiddenYitots'in'anyitxididltth'esanhdinengath.
    thenthentherethey staysummerlong
    'And they stayed there all summer long.'

  246. hiddenXidigaɬgit'on'yiɬdeq'onh.
    finallyleafalsoit turned red
    'At length, the leaves turned.'

  247. hiddenYuxudzxiq'idixidiyoq.
    thuslikethey did
    'They continued in the same way.'10

  248. hiddenIzrexitathdlan'axaxiɬdikxiɬne,"sigege'qay,"xiɬne,"axaxiɬdikyixtr'ixititltsedixits'in'tr'itithdal."
    coldit becameand thenshe said to themmy childrenshe said to themthenhousewhere we will maketo itlet's go
    'When it became cold, she said to them, "My children, now we must go to where we will make our house."'11

  249. hiddenAnhdigege'gichidlyoghngitr'ot.
    heher childyounger brothershe loved him
    'She was very fond of the younger boy.'

  250. hidden"Agideengthixodhiɬts'in'nqo xidina'nq'idixitot'eɬ,"yiɬne.
    thusouttime is passingmankindlike youthey will doshe said
    "Thus it will be from now on, in years to come, for humans,

  251. hidden"Geghayexinaɬjithingo,gichidlqayxineɬjidits'in',"yiɬne.
    older brothersthey're afraidwhileyounger brothersthey're not afraidshe said
    "When the older brothers are afraid, the younger brothers will not be afraid."'

  252. hiddenYitots'in'axaxiɬdikyanxiditl'egiye ggaggdhithyet,xutidhuq'othts'in'duxo'in.
    and thenthenthey dress upbrown bearskininit grew coldbecause
    'And then they dressed in brown bear skins, because it had become cold.'

  253. hiddenAxaxiɬdikeygginhvonheyggiynonyidoɬcheth.
    and thenthat personhis/her motheritshe put it on again
    'The mother put on her bearskin again.'

  254. hiddenAxaxiɬdikngidiqxitathdatlsrixtl'otyixxilaynixinedatl.
    and thenupthey started to goravinehousematerialthey arrived
    'They started going up the ravine until they came to the place for the house.'

  255. hiddenDidlangchuxniɬq'idhxinondidhu'o.
    sprucelargeon each sidethey stood
    'There were big spruce trees on each side.'

  256. hiddenYaɬts'inxiɬdikxivonh,yaɬts'invigege'qayyixiduq'oth.
    on one sidethentheir motheron one sideher childrenthey're exercising
    'The mother and children exercised by clawing the trees.'

  257. hiddenQ'ixelnektl'oghxinxuxide'onhxidiyixxilay.
    they finishedafterthey dugtheir housefor
    'After they finished, they dug their house.'

  258. hiddenYitots'in'xiq'ixineɬnekaxaxiɬdikxiɬneanhdigege'qay,"axaxiɬdikengthida'nqo xidina'dinaxentl-'elts'in'.
    and thenthey finished itand thenshe said to themsheher childrenand thenhereaftermankindthey will not see us
    'When they had completed it, she said to her children, "'from this time on, men will not see us.'12

  259. hidden"Q'idoghtuxxiyan'dinaxeniɬ'eɬ."
    sometimesonlythey will see us
    "'Only sometimes will they see us."'

  260. hiddenTs'an'yitots'in'idixintl'u'on'.
    sothenit ended
    'And that is the end.'


  1. Kari/Chapman has q'ixughe'o di. Hannah actually says srixna' here for 'creek', but the more standard srixno' below. (This word is glossed 'river' in Kari/Chapman.
  2. Elsewhere yozr means 'little', but tr'eyh does not occur without yozr, so they are treated as a lexical unit.
  3. Hannah says xiyiɬne at the end of the sentence.
  4. Chapman/Kari contain a sentence initial word, Û\textceltpal qhan (Chapman)/ ixunin (Kari) 'then', which HM didn't recognize.
  5. "by and by" is Chapman's gloss
  6. Hannah says "No ngogh". It is not clear if this is a systematic dissimilation or not.
  7. giggiddh below
  8. However, the story below only mentions two wives.
  9. Chapman/Kari have aɬa 'ah' as the first word of the sentence. Hannah thought this should be aɬo.
  10. Chapman's translation was: 'and still they staid on.'
  11. Chapman/Kari had aɬa 'now'. Hannah changed this to axaxiɬdik (which she pronounced as axiɬdik here).
  12. Chapman/Kari's version contained aɬan, glossed "see", instead of the second axaxiɬdik.