The Granddaughter and the Beads

Recorded with Raymond Dutchman, 10-9-2003

  1. hiddenTr'anvichoyxelanhnq'oɬonh.
    old ladyher grandchildthere isgirl
    'There was an old lady who had a grandchild.'

  2. hiddenYitots'iyixxididltth'e,etthingdixit'anh.
    thenhousethey livedownhillthey're fishing
    'They lived in a house by the river, where they fished.'

  3. hiddenTs'ixiyiɬedi nixidodhiɬts'in'yitxathdo.
    thenyear roundtherethey live
    'They stayed there all year around.'

  4. hiddenQayxinegxixit'anh.
    villagefinethey have
    'It was a fine settlement.'

  5. hiddenEygginhngichox xiyozrnadhiyonh.
    that personrather bigshe grew
    'The girl grew pretty big.'

  6. hiddenYitots'in'ditseoxoghino diɬ'anh.
    thenher grandmotherforshe's working
    'Then she was working for her grandmother.'

  7. hiddenNoghnikts'in'xidhidhet.
    she's workingshe was capable
    'And she got so that she could work for her grandmother.'

  8. hiddenVitseyughoxisrigidithddhet.
    her grandmotherto hershe was grateful
    'Her grandmother was grateful to her.'

  9. hiddenTs'ixiyiɬyitots'in'chenonxididhituxuxiyiɬvitse,"choy,gododo'xiningiɬ'anh,"yiɬne.
    thenthenagaintime passedandher grandmothergrandchildheredownriveryou look aroundshe told her
    'Then there came a time when the grandmother said to the girl, "grandchild, go downriver and look there."'

  10. hiddenYixxodo'tadhiyo.
    housedownrivershe went
    'The girl went to a house downriver.'

  11. hiddenYitots'iyixiq'utithiyovithq'idz.
    thenthereshe went aboutbankon
    'She went around on the bank.'

  12. hiddenUxuxiyiɬyixiyixxighela'dixiɬtthonh.
    thentherehousewhere there wasshe saw
    'She saw a place where houses had been.'

  13. hidden"Ndadongsre'?"
    whenI wonder
    "'I wonder when it was," she thought.'

  14. hiddenYixigeɬixdiyixxighela'xiq'idixiyegheyo.
    thereone placehouseit wasas if whereshe went down into
    'She went down into one of the old house pits.'1

  15. hiddenTritryozriɬchet.
    sticklittleshe took
    'She took a little stick.'

  16. hiddenYitots'in'yaxayixinixiditl'iyo.
    thenwith itthereshe searched around
    'Then she poked around with it.'

  17. hidden"Deggan?"inedhinh.
    thesewhatshe thought
    "'What are these?" she thought.'

  18. hiddenSidaɬts'eyhts'ixiyiɬyi'in titl'uggok.
    she's happythenshe ran home
    'Happily she ran back.'

  19. hiddenDitseghun'xidon'iluggok.
    her grandmothertoshe ran inside
    'She ran inside to her grandmother.'

  20. hidden"Itsa'a,"yiɬne,"goganneg,"yiɬne.
    grandmashe saidherewhatprettyshe said
    "'Grandma, look, how pretty!" she said.'

  21. hidden"Inagh!Inagh,ichoy"yiɬne.
    Oh nooh nograndchildshe said
    "'Oh no! Oh no, grandchild!" she said.'

  22. hidden"Agidetengthidongngitsiyye'ghela'n'iy,"yiɬne.
    herelong agoyour grandfatherbelongingit wasitshe said
    "'This was your grandfather's, long ago."'

  23. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktonyitltanh.
    thenshe bathed her
    'She bathed the girl.'

  24. hiddenYittheghxiyiɬghetth'iq.
    her hairtthenshe combed
    'She combed her hair.'

  25. hiddenYitots'in'dinadeloyngizrenhyeniyethtl'enh.
    thenclothingit's prettyinshe dressed her
    'She dressed her in pretty clothing.'

  26. hiddenYitots'in'eyggiyili'in hiyyittheghoghde'onh.
    thenthatshiny thingher hairshe hung it on
    'She hung something shiny on her hair.'

  27. hidden"Sichoy,"yiɬne,"gila,texunguho,"yiɬne.
    my grandchildshe saidnowwateryou go forshe said
    "'My grandchild," she said, "now go fetch water."'

  28. hiddenYitots'in'tingiɬiɬchet.
    thenbucketshe took
    'She took the bucket.'

  29. hiddenTiginiq'atneyo.
    water holeshe went
    'She went to the water hole.'

  30. hiddenTetadhizringitl.
    watershe started to dip
    'She started to dip up water.'

  31. hiddenGiɬiggididinevinhgiɬiggichenhtth'exinesrinxiyan'axaxiɬdikgatotth'eɬxiq'igidhitltth'onh.
    oneit was fullotheralsomiddleonlythenshe will listenas ifshe listened
    'When one bucket was full, and the other half full, she stopped and listened.'

  32. hiddenUxuyiɬdo'odztr'o'isr.
    thenfrom just downriversomeone is coming
    'Someone was coming from downriver.'

  33. hiddenXeɬedzyiniɬ'anh.
    wellshe's looking for it
    'She looked hard for it.'

  34. hiddenXutlchuxɬekyiɬ,toqɬek,yoxo ngittheniginiɬghux.
    sledbigdogwiththreedogabreast of herhe brought it to a stop
    'A big sled with three dogs stopped in front of her.'

  35. hiddenUxuxiyiɬdinadi'ne,"yuggu yuggu, yuggu yuggu,"yiɬne.
    thenmanhe sayshe said
    'Then the man said, "Yuggu yuggu, yuggu yuggu!"'2

  36. hiddenDaɬine'nq'oɬonhgidithtth'iggits'in'.
    butgirlshe doesn't understand
    'But the girl did not understand.'

  37. hiddenNtithiyoyitots'in'ditingiɬni'itlyiɬ.
    she started to go backthenher bucketshe grabbed
    'She started to go back, then grabbed her bucket.'3

  38. hiddenDuqontithiyo.
    she went back up
    'She went back up to the house.'

  39. hiddenYitots'in'ditseghun'xidon'idiyo.
    thenher grandmothertoshe came back inside
    'She came back in to her grandmother.'

  40. hidden"Itsa'a!"yiɬne,"dinasughun'nineyo,"yiɬne,"xutlchuxyiɬɬekyiɬvughun',"yiɬne.
    Grandmashe saidmanto mehe cameshe saidsledbiganddogandwith himshe said
    "Grandma!" she said. "A man came to see me with a big sled and dogs.'

  41. hidden"Uxuxiyiɬ`yuggu yuggu, yuggu yuggu,'siɬne."
    thenhe said to me
    "'And then he said 'Yuggu yuggu, yuggu yuggu.'"'

  42. hiddenUxuxiyiɬvitseyiɬne,"inagh!"yiɬne.
    thenher grandmothersaidoh noshe said
    'Then her grandmother said, "Oh no!'

  43. hidden"Agidenilugguyiy,"yiɬne.
    thosebeaditshe said
    "'It is those beads.'

  44. hidden"Iyyan'iyq'adi'ne,"yiɬne.
    itonlyitwantinghe saysshe said
    "'That is all that he wanted when he said that.'

  45. hidden"Sichoygilayadz ntiɬcheth,"yiɬne.
    my grandchildnowopen curtainshe said
    "'My grandchild, open the (smokehole) curtain now.'

  46. hidden"Ngonitr'ixitlq'oɬ,"yiɬne.
    welllet's make fireshe said
    "'Let's make a fire."'4

  47. hiddenYitots'in'tthan'idiyo.
    thenshe went outside
    'Then she went outside.'

  48. hiddenYadz n-gititlcheth.
    she opened the curtain
    'She opened the curtain.'

  49. hiddenTritrxiyedighelo.
    woodshe brought in pl.
    'She brought in wood.'

  50. hiddenYitots'in'xidiɬq'onh.
    thenthey made fire
    'They made a fire.'

  51. hiddenYitots'itthaggin-gine'onh.
    thenfireshe put (vessel)
    'She put the pot by the fire.'

  52. hiddenVitseyitots'in'yiye gighelots'in'gixitlvatr.
    her grandmotherthenthey put things into itthey cooked
    'Her grandmother put food in it and they cooked.'

  53. hiddenUxuxiyiɬtr'ansoghluq"sichoy,gildodo,"yiɬne.
    thenold ladydearmy grandchildokayenoughshe said
    'Then the old lady said, "That's enough, grandchild."'

  54. hiddenXidoyniginiɬcheth.
    doorwayshe put back the curtain
    'She put the curtain back over the opening.'

  55. hiddenYitots'in'gixighehon'.
    thenthey ate
    'And they ate.'

  56. hiddenYitots'in'xinathtanh.
    thenthey went to bed
    'Then they went to bed.'

  57. hiddenTr'ixinedhitvinxaɬyiq.
    they woke upmorning
    'They woke up in the morning.'

  58. hiddenYitots'in'"sichoy,"yiɬne,"gilachetexon-ngido,"yiɬne.
    thenmy grandchildshe saidnowagainwatergo back forshe said
    'She said, "grandchild, go and get water again.'

  59. hidden"Giladinaingiɬtthonhda',"yiɬne,"`yuggu yuggu, yuggu yuggu,'ngiɬneda'vitl'oyidiɬdheyh."
    nowmanyou seeifshe sayshe saysiftoss them to him
    'And if you see that man, and if he says 'Yuggu yuggu', to you, toss them to him."'5

  60. hiddenTiginiq'atnineyo.
    water holeshe walked to
    'She went to the water hole.'

  61. hiddenUxuxiyiɬdinayughonineyo.
    suddenlymanto herhe walked to
    'Then the man came to her.'

  62. hiddenUxuxiyiɬdinadi'ne,"yuggu yuggu,"yiɬne.
    suddenlymanhe sayshesays
    'And he said "yuggu yuggu!"'

  63. hiddenYitl'oyidaghɬningh.
    she tossed them to him
    'She tossed him the beads.'

  64. hiddenYitots'intitl'uggok.
    thenhe ran off
    'Then he ran off.'

  65. hiddenEygginhnq'oɬonhdiqontitl'uggokditsets'in'.
    thatwomanshe ran back upher grandmotherto
    'The girl ran back up to her grandmother.'

  66. hidden"Itsa'a!"yiɬne,"iningito,"yiɬne.
    grandmashe says"hurry,"shesaid
    "'Grandma, hurry!" she said.'

  67. hiddenDuqonxiytl'ughux.
    they pulled the sled back up
    'They pulled the sled back up.'

  68. hiddenYitots'in'xiyiyet tr'igitathdlak.
    thenthey took things out
    'They took out what was inside it.'

  69. hiddenYixuxiyiɬxidiyghelak.
    housethenshe put them in
    'She put them in the house.'

  70. hiddenXayiɬguq'uxyiɬyitots'in'qusqaxathdlat.
    oilandfatandthenrichthey became
    'They became rich in oil and fat.'

  71. hiddenSidaɬts'eyh;vitsesoghluqgetiyyoghsrigidithddhet.
    she's happyher grandmotherdearreallyto hershe was grateful
    'She was glad; her grandmother was really grateful to her.'

  72. hiddenYitnixinedaq.
    therethey remained
    'And there they remained.'


  1. This is Chapman's gloss of xiq'idi (his hûk'ûˊdû.
  2. Chapman's gloss is '(words which have no meaning)'.
  3. Kari has nighiɬzrek, based on Chapman's nŏxâihjrek
  4. Kari has ntr'ixatiɬq'oɬ 'we'll make a fire', based on Chapman's ntrŏqŏdĭhlkâˊihl.
  5. RD says "yuggu yuggiy" here and below.