The Little Old Lady Who Lived Alone 5

Recorded with Raymond Dutchman, 10-10-2003

  1. hiddenTr'ansoghluqdhido.
    old ladydearshe lived
    'There was a little old lady who lived (alone).'

  2. hiddenIdeyan'noghnikiɬt'et.
    aloneshe workedalways
    'She always worked by herself.'

  3. hiddenSanhtuxxiyiɬtigitlcheth.
    summerinthenshe set net
    'In summer she set a net.'

  4. hiddenYitots'in'ɬeggxilongit'anh.
    thenfishmanyshe has
    'And she caught a lot of fish.'

  5. hiddenYitots'in'yit'othts'ixiyiɬdodighiydilayhts'ixiyiɬyiyiɬggoyh.
    thenshe's cutting themthenshe hangs them upthenshe's drying them
    'She cut them, hung them up, and dried them.'

  6. hiddenYitots'itsoyeyilayh.
    thencacheinshe puts them
    'And then she put them in the cache.'

  7. hiddenGidingidztsoit'anh.
    grasscacheshe has
    'She had a grass cache.'

  8. hiddenIy tots'ivavlongit'anh.
    thenfoodmuchshe has
    'Then she had plenty of food.'

  9. hiddenSidaɬts'eyhts'ixiyiɬvavlongit'anhts'in'.
    she's happythenfoodplentyshe has
    'She was happy, since she had plenty of food.'

  10. hiddenXiyhchenonxididhityitots'in'giɬvatrts'ixiyiɬ.
    winteralsoit came againand thenshe's cookingalso
    'When winter came again, she cooked it.'

  11. hiddenGitth'inyan'iɬvatrhingovavlongit'anhine'.
    boneonlyshe's cookingwhilefoodplentyshe hasthough
    'She cooked only bones, although she had plenty of food.'

  12. hiddenXiyhxidigenatlghuɬ,inedhinh.
    winterI will run shortshe thought
    'In winter I will run short, she thought.'1

  13. hiddenIdoghtuxxiyan'nigintth'ix,iyxiɬdikuhonhidoghtux.
    sometimesonlyshe's making ice creamthatthenshe's eatingsometimes
    'Sometimes she just made Indian ice cream.'

  14. hiddenYitots'in'chenhnoghlighatlyadz gititlcheth.
    thenagainat duskshe opened curtain
    'Every evening at dusk she opened the curtain (over the smokehole).'

  15. hiddenNixidiɬq'onh.
    she made a fire
    'She made a fire.'

  16. hiddenYitots'in'tthaggin-gine'onh.
    thenopen fireshe put (a pot) on
    'And she put on a pot on.'

  17. hiddenYitots'in'giɬvatr.
    thenshe's cooking
    'Then she cooked.'

  18. hiddenDiyniɬqonhyitots'in'.
    she dished it outthen
    'And she dished up her food.'

  19. hiddenGildodoiy,inedhinh.
    nowenoughitshe thought
    'That's enough, she thought.'

  20. hiddenXidon-gitatlchith.
    I'll close it
    'I'll close the curtain.'

  21. hiddenEnastaɬyitots'in',inedhinh.
    I'll go to bedthenshe thought
    'I'll go to bed.'

  22. hiddenYitots'iduqunɬatsyiq'idi'itldzaq.
    thenher firedirtshe sprinkled on
    'So then she put dirt over her fire.'2

  23. hiddenYitots'in'yexits'in'tthan'idiyo.
    theninsidefrom itshe went outside
    'Then she went out.'

  24. hiddenDuxts'inxidhiyots'ixidon-giniɬcheth.
    up aboveshe went upshe closed the curtain
    'She climbed up on the roof and closed the curtain.'

  25. hiddenXidoynon'idiyo.
    doorwayshe went back down
    'She went back in the doorway.'

  26. hiddenYitots'inatadhit,gatotth'eɬxiq'i.
    thenshe stoodshe will listenas if
    'She stood there as if listening.'

  27. hiddenXeɬedzgidhitltth'onh.
    wellshe listened
    'She listened really well.'

  28. hiddenDidzedilo'axaxiyetr'anxine'onh.
    her inner earher fingerby means ofshe put in
    'She stuck her fingers in her ears (to clean).'3

  29. hiddenUxiyiɬgidetth'onh.
    thenshe heard something
    'Then she heard something.'

  30. hiddenGazrilets'in'xidetth'onh.
    someone is singingshe heard
    'Someone was singing.'

  31. hiddenXidoyxidon'iluggok.
    doorshe ran inside
    'She ran inside.'

  32. hiddenXit'oxdinalo' viye q'an-gitr'iɬdaghiɬchet,yiyeteghengiɬts'in'.
    underneathwashbasinshe tookin itwatershe poured
    'She grabbed the washbasin from under the shelf and poured water in it.'

  33. hiddenDinaq'an-gitldanh.
    her faceshe washed
    'She washed her face.'

  34. hiddenDittheghyiɬyighetth'iq.
    her hairtooshe combed it
    'She combed her hair too.'

  35. hiddenYitots'in'idiq'an'elnek.
    thenshe finished with herself
    'Then she finished.'

  36. hiddenTth'eyiqxiyeghenek.
    downshe reached
    'She reached down.'

  37. hiddenNoɬchidltr'iniɬtonh.
    workbagshe got out
    'She got out her workbag.'

  38. hiddenViyetr'iginelodinadeloy.
    in itshe took outclothing
    'And took out clothing.'

  39. hiddenŁeq'athdakyiɬnondolyo.
    fishskinparkaalsoshe put on
    'She put on her fishskin parka.'

  40. hiddenYitots'in'chenhtthan'idiyo.
    thenagainshe went back outside
    'Then she went out again.'

  41. hiddenNiɬggudz di xits'igazrile.
    in a little whilesomeone is singing
    'In a little while, someone sang.'

  42. hiddenYitots'ixidon'idiyo.
    thenshe went back inside
    'Then she went back in.'

  43. hiddenDuxdon'ithiyo.
    shelfshe got up on
    'She got up on the shelf.'

  44. hiddenTth'axenathditth,yitots'in'yitdhido.
    sinewshe spunthenthereshe stays
    'She stayed there, spinning sinew.'

  45. hiddenNiɬggudz xiyozr ts'in'chetthan'idiyo.
    in a short whileagainshe went back out
    'After a short time, she went out again.'

  46. hiddenChenhgitidhitltth'on'.
    againshe listened
    'She listened again.'

  47. hiddenYitxiyan'xits'igazrile.
    thereonlyfromsomeone is singing
    'There was someone singing.'

  48. hiddenUxiyiɬtr'aninedhinh,dinasre',inedhinh.
    thenold ladyshe thinksmanI wondershe thought
    'The old lady thought, I wonder if it's a man!'

  49. hiddenYixxodo'tadhiyo.
    housedownrivershe went
    'She went down below the house.'

  50. hiddenNgiyiqts'ixiyiɬxiniɬ'anh.
    downthenshe's looking around
    'She looked around on the shore.'

  51. hiddenTeq'avonuxiyiɬɬeggk'idziɬtthonh,gidileghilixhingo.
    shoresuddenlyfishlittleshe sawit's singingit's swimming upstreamwhile
    'And there she saw a little fish, singing while it swam.'

  52. hiddenTritriɬchet.
    stickshe took
    'She picked up a stick.'

  53. hiddenToqoggyititlghuɬ.
    water surfaceshe struck it
    'She struck the water with it.'

  54. hiddenYitots'in'yi'in'idiyo.
    thenshe went back home
    'Then she went back home.'

  55. hiddenYitots'in'xidon'idiyo.
    thenshe went back in
    'She went back inside.'

  56. hiddenNiɬggudz ts'in'yitghedo'chenhtthan'idiyo.
    a little whilethereshe stayedagainshe went back outside
    'After she sat there a little while, she went back outside.'

  57. hiddenGiq'idixidetth'iq.
    it was quiet
    'It was quiet.'

  58. hiddenDinaxit'al,inedhinh.
    manit must have beenshe thought
    'It must have been a man, she thought.'

  59. hiddenXidon'idiyots'in'gighehon'.
    she went back insideshe ate
    'She went back in.'

  60. hiddenYitots'in'vanhgiqyiɬghiɬt'et.
    thenice creamtooshe licked
    'Then she ate some Indian ice cream.'

  61. hiddenVitr'eva ditl'idhiyh.
    she became lonely
    'She got lonely.'

  62. hiddenYitots'in'tathtrax.
    thenshe began to cry
    'Then she began to cry.'

  63. hiddenYitots'in'itrixhingotthik'ontithiyo.
    thenshe's cryingwhileshe went back into the woods
    'Then she went off crying into the woods.'4

  64. hiddenGoxits'inixintl'u'on'.
    heretoit is the end
    'And that is the end of the story.'


  1. Kari has igidenatlghuɬ based on Chapman's ĭgĭdenätlxwûˊhl.
  2. Kari has ngiduggits'in' xoyighiɬdatl, 'she put (dirt) over'. This is based on Chapman's ntdûˊkûtsûn 'up (through the smoke-hole)' qwotdûˊxûhltdäˊtl 'she threw'.
  3. Kari has xiyetth'iqgheyiɬ 'she put her fingers in', based on Chapman's qaˊiyänçŏkdiyĭˊhl 'she loosened (by putting her fingers in and then withdrawing them)'.
  4. Kari has tik'otrixghatitl'iyo 'she went off into the woods crying', based on Chapman's tçĭgŏtdrŏˊxŏdäˊllyo 'she went into the woods (conventional ending)'.
  5. Kari's title was Tr'an Sughiluq Tthuxdi Dhidoninh. Chapman's title was 'The Old Woman and the Singing Fish'. This text is erroneously listed in the table of contents of his book as being English-only.