What happened to the mouse3

Recorded with Alta Jerue, 3-26-2004

  1. hiddenDlenghuhoɬtochuxvon.
    mouseit's goingoceanshore
    'A mouse was going along the ocean shore.'

  2. hiddenYitots'in'xidigaɬxidithinix.
    thenfinallyit got tired
    'Then finally it got tired.'

  3. hiddenYitots'in'ntidhivanhtochuxyet,vigitthidangithyiɬvigidranyiɬ.
    thenit started to swimoceaninnightanddayand
    'It started to swim out in the ocean day and night.'

  4. hiddenXidigaɬvits'i xititl'iningh.
    finallyit started to get exhausted
    'Finally, it got exhausted.'

  5. hiddenNiɬk'osnaldidranvigitthidangithyiɬyitots'igilot'edztiydoteɬiɬtthonh.
    ten timesdaynightandthenbarkit's floatingit saw
    'After ten days and nights, it saw some floating bark.'

  6. hiddenYiq'itadhiyots'in'viɬandldaq.
    on itit wentit fell asleep
    'It got onto it and fell asleep.'

  7. hiddenYitots'in'iyq'idzdinaɬt'adisre'dranviɬaɬtinghhingo.
    thenitonhow manyI wonderdayit's sleepingwhile
    'It slept there for I don't know how many days.'

  8. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'an'ididhit;noqoggviyiɬ xigiditex.
    thenit awokeshoreit's drifting into it
    'Then it awoke; it (bark) had drifted to shore.'

  9. hiddenYitots'in'xaqogenathtonh.
    thenaroundit glanced
    'It looked up.'1

  10. hiddenNgiduggyixxidhu'onhyiɬtthonh.
    uphousethere isit saw
    'It saw a house.'

  11. hiddenNotinnuq'oɬdaɬinnixininiɬghon'.
    two peoplewomenthey were playing
    'Two women were playing there.'

  12. hiddenYitots'in'diqatadhiyo.
    thenit went ashore
    'It went ashore.'

  13. hiddenXigho'otnineyo.
    over to themit walked up to
    'And walked over to them.'

  14. hiddenYitots'in'ayiggiyixik'idzxixiɬtse.
    thenthatlittle housethey're building
    'They were building a little house.'

  15. hiddenYitots'in'xunhtr'idilighithdlenngilanhts'in'.
    thensuddenlyit ran outmouseit is
    'Then suddenly it ran out, a mouse.'

  16. hiddenAyigginnuq'oɬdaɬinxiyigidiniɬningh.
    those peoplewomenthey caught sight of it
    'The two women caught sight of it.'

  17. hiddenYitots'in'giɬigginhnuq'oɬonhtritritlyiɬ.
    thenone personwomanstickshe took
    'Then one woman picked up a stick.'

  18. hiddenYitots'in'yitlghiɬ.
    thenshe clubbed it
    'Then she clubbed it.'

  19. hiddenDaɬine'yogh gideghxixitlghuɬ.
    butto one side of itshe struck
    'But she missed it.'

  20. hiddenYitots'in'sriɬti'iduquyh.
    thenit ran and hid
    'Then it ran and hid.'

  21. hiddenYitots'in'yixxogh'ottr'i'iduquyh.
    thenhouseout to itit ran out
    'Then it ran out to the house.'

  22. hiddenYitots'in'yenathtonhditsoiɬtthonh.
    thenwhen it glanced at itcacheit saw
    'It looked up and saw a cache.'2

  23. hiddenYitots'in'yits'itadhiyo.
    thento itit went
    'Then it went into it.'

  24. hiddenTsoq'anhtigyiq'itadhiyo.
    cacheladderit climbed up on it
    'It climbed up the cache ladder.'

  25. hiddenYitots'in'iyyedadhiyo.
    thenitintoit went up
    'Then it went up into it.'

  26. hiddenYitots'in'xilivizriɬchet.
    thendried whitefishit took
    'It took a dried whitefish.'

  27. hiddenXacheiɬchet.
    fatalsoit took
    'It also took some fat.'

  28. hiddenYitots'in'nonghidiyo.
    thenit went back down
    'Then it went back down.'

  29. hiddenYitots'in'yitidhighanhyixxughun'vithq'idz.
    thenit packed ithouseto itbankon
    'It packed it to a house on the bank.'

  30. hiddenVithq'idziɬt'eghuhoɬ,vithq'idzxiqaxitl'iqit.
    bankonstillit's goingbankonit slipped
    'But as it was going along the bank, it slipped.'

  31. hiddenXit'ughoɬtth'ityitots'in'.
    it fell downthen
    'Then it fell down.'

  32. hiddenYitots'in'xilivizrviq'iydeɬtsitl.
    thendried whitefishit fell on it
    'The dried whitefish fell on top of it.'

  33. hiddenYitots'in'datthon'.
    thenit died
    'Then it died.'

  34. hiddenIdixintl'u'on'.Yuk.
    it ended(listener's response at end of story)
    'And that is the end.'


  1. AJ sometimes has a where o is expected, as seen here in xaqo.
  2. Kari has genathtonhdi 'when it glanced (at something)'.
  3. Chapman's title was 'The Adventures of a Mouse'. This is Alta's translation of the title.