Hawk Owl

Recorded with Alta Jerue, 3-26-2004

  1. hiddenGiɬ'anithchaxxididltth'e.
    hawk owlunder treethey're sitting
    'Some hawk owls sat under a tree.'

  2. hiddenGiɬixsnalvits'iniqayxivonhyiɬ,dongan giɬigginonxidelanh.
    fiveher childrentheir motherwithsixthey are
    'There were five children and their mother, making six in all.'

  3. hiddenXidetsan'.
    they were hungry
    'They were hungry.'

  4. hiddenVinixuɬyiggxigith'oyts'in'xoxodlenoxoq'unt'ux.
    early in the morningsun has not risenfor themmouseforshe's flying around
    'Early in the morning, before the sun had risen, she flew around to get mice for them.'

  5. hiddenDlenlongghiɬzrek.
    mousemanyshe caught
    'She caught many mice.'

  6. hiddenYitots'in'digege'qayxighinanyalyayh.
    thenher childrenshe's putting pl. down beside them
    'She put them beside her children.'

  7. hiddenXoxoniɬtoyiɬch'iɬ.
    for themshe tore them up
    'She tore the mice up for them.'

  8. hidden"Gilasiduxɬts'eyh,"yiɬne.
    okayyou (pl.) be happyshe said
    "'Okay, be happy (that you have it)," she told them.'

  9. hiddenYitots'ixoghgatathdle':
    thenfor themshe began to sing
    'Then she began to sing for them.'

  10. hiddenYuxgitsiyngiduggdidlangtthiɬt'oghdinitht'uq.
    ravenup abovespruceon tophe landed
    'Up above them in a spruce tree a raven landed.'

  11. hiddenYitots'iyits'ixinayh.
    thento herhe's speaking
    'Then he spoke to her.'

  12. hidden"Ngogits'idzxivogh ingitr'ot,"yiɬne.
    wellimproperlyyou love themhe said
    "'You don't love them (your children) very well," he said.'

  13. hidden"Divasre'xit'axeɬedzɬekyan'xitoheɬxividighene'?"yiɬne.
    I wondermaybereallydogonlythey will eatyou tell themhe says
    "'I wonder, are you telling them they will only eat dog?" he said.'

  14. hiddenViye xidolningh.
    she's angry
    'She got angry.'

  15. hiddenAyigginhnuq'oɬonhyits'ixitidhingo,"nginhxitsitl,n-gege'qayɬekyan'xitoheɬ,"yiɬne.
    thatwomanto himshe spoke outyourascalyour childrendogonlythey will eatshe said
    'The woman told him, "you rascal, it is your children who will eat only dog.'

  16. hidden"Sigege'qayggaggyan'xitoheɬ,"yiɬne.
    my childrengameonlythey will eatshe said
    "'My children will eat only game."'

  17. hiddenXiyiɬyixgitsiyngiduggi ts'in'ni'entht'uq.
    thenravenupwardshe flew off
    'Then the raven flew up into the air.'

  18. hiddenViye xidolningh.
    he's angry
    'He was angry.'
