YIXGITSIY DRANH ITLTSENH DONG (Raven made light long ago)28

Recorded with Alta Jerue, 10-2-2003

  1. hiddenQayxichuxxidhu'onhtr'i'ne.
    villagebigthere isone says
    'There was a big village.'

  2. hiddenDinalonghts'i,qayxichux.
    'There were many people in the big village.'

  3. hiddenTr'igazriɬt'ixtr'i'ne.
    one would not marryone says
    'One of them was unwilling to marry.'

  4. hiddenNuq'oɬonhgetiyngizrenh.
    womanveryshe's pretty
    'She was a very pretty woman.'

  5. hiddenVito'getiyqusqangilanh,tr'i'ne.
    her fatherveryrichhe isone says
    'Her father was a very rich man.'

  6. hiddenVittha'anhtr'igidiɬt'ix.
    his daughterthat personshe would not marry
    'His daughter did not want to marry.'

  7. hiddenQayxit'anchilqayyuxudzxiyiq'a nixitiɬdax.
    villagepeopleyoung menallthey're trying to get her
    'All the young men in the village were trying to get her.'

  8. hiddenGiluxdong'yetritrxonxididiɬ.
    some of themfirewoodthey brought in
    'Some of them brought firewood

  9. hiddenYixxuduxsinnixiydilayh.
    houseupon itthey put it
    'They put it on her house.'1

  10. hiddenEyigginhtr'igidiɬt'ighinhtthititl'uggok.
    that personone who would not marryshe ran outside
    'The woman who did not want to marry ran out.'

  11. hidden"Ganlayiydixiɬ'anh?"tr'i'ne.
    whatforitthey doone said
    "'What are they doing this for?"'2

  12. hiddenTthiynengiɬ.
    she threw it out
    'She threw it out.'3

  13. hiddenXidon'idiyo.
    she went back inside
    'She went back in'

  14. hiddenChilqayyuxudz"itatlchiɬq'at,sidenaghitatlchiɬq'at"nixiɬniyh,ine'viyan'.
    young menallI will marry herwantingI myselfI will marry herwantingthey triedbutno
    'All the young men wanted her for themselves, but in vain.'

  15. hiddenEyiggingiluxdong'yetidhu'onyiɬxiyito'oxotigathdlo,daɬine'viyan'.
    those peoplesome of themfish trapalsothey her fatherforset iteven sono
    'Some of them then made a fishtrap for her father and set it, but still she refused.'

  16. hiddenEyiggiqayxit'an"dodoanh"xiɬne.
    thatvillagepeopleenoughthat personthey said
    'The village people said, "that's enough of her."'

  17. hidden"Ngogetiyanhvitr'inthinek,"xiyiɬne.
    wellreallyherwe failed with herthey said of her
    "'We can't get her to marry at all."'

  18. hiddenXidigaɬgiyennuq'oɬdaɬinxaghɬzrektr'ughonxidet'ixine'.
    finallyother peoplewomenthey tookthey're no goodalthough
    'Finally they took other brides, though these were not their first choices.'

  19. hiddenYitots'igideghqayxit'anchexiyoqo ntididiɬine'viyan'.
    and thenelsewherevillagepeoplealsothey came for herbutno
    'Then people from other villages came for her but to no avail.'

  20. hiddenTr'ixizrogiluxdong'yeghinoyoqoxitidiɬine'viyan'.
    indeedsome of themcaribouforthey would gobutno
    'Some of them went hunting for caribou for her, but in vain.'4

  21. hiddenXidigaɬqayxit'anaɬixixuxidighenek.
    finallyvillagepeopleall togetherthey stopped
    'Finally the people of all the villages gave up.'

  22. hidden"Dodo,"xiyiɬnets'in'.
    enoughthey said of her
    "'Enough," they said.'

  23. hiddenYuxudzqaytuxxit'anxiyoqo ntididiɬenedzqayxiyiɬdodzqayxiyiɬ,"sidenaghitatlchiɬq'at"xiyiɬnets'in'.
    allvillageamongpeoplethey came for herfrom uprivervillageandfrom downrivervillagealsoI myselfI will marry herwantingthey said of her
    'People from the villages both upriver and downriver came for her, saying "I want to marry her myself".'

  24. hiddenIne'viyan'.
    'But it was in vain.'

  25. hiddenAxaxiɬdik"dodo"xaɬne.
    and thenenoughthey said to her
    'And then they too said, "enough" to her.'

  26. hiddenNgiyiggixiɬditr'aɬtth'etYuxgitsiydinaathdlat.
    'Now inside his kashim sat Raven, in the form of a man.'5

  27. hiddenUxuxiyiɬxiyodititl-'an',anhYuxgitsiy.
    andhe began to thinkthat personRaven
    'And he began to think, that Raven.'

  28. hiddenIɬghatlts'in'tthidangithxingithviɬneɬtel ts'in'xiyodiɬ'anhts'in'.
    it's darkasall nightlonghe didn't sleephe's thinkingas
    'All night long, while it was dark, he did not sleep while he was thinking.'6

  29. hiddenDingit'asidedigvi'enastox,yinedhinh.
    shouldme tooI'll try for herhe thought
    'I too should try to get her, he thought.'7

  30. hiddenYitongotsaghɬde'on'hingogodixit'anh.
    meanwhileit was darkwhilehereit does
    'It was dark at that time.'

  31. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktthitadhiyo.
    and thenhe went outside
    'Then he went out.'

  32. hiddenYitots'itadhiyotsoghɬt'ogh,tsoghɬdeɬtl'itthts'iine'.
    thenhe wentin the darkit got pitch darkalthough
    'It was dusk when he went out, and then it got pitch dark.'

  33. hiddenNo'oyquldoɬt'olyiɬtsoghɬde'on'ts'ixiyan'ine'ghuhoɬ.
    sunnonemoonalsoit got darkreallybuthe's going
    'There was no sun then, nor any moon, so it got really dark, but he went anyway.'

  34. hiddenXogh'entlniqtuxnot'uxts'ixiyiɬdinaandilayhts'ixiyiɬ.
    he was tiredwhenhe's flyingand thenmanhe becametoo
    'When he was tired of flying, he became a man again.'

  35. hiddenVits'inimotuxdinaandilayh.
    his wingshurtwhenmanhe became
    'When his wings hurt, he became a man.'

  36. hiddenDinaandilayhdits'inyiɬimotuxnot'ux.
    manhe becamehis wingsalsohurtwhenhe's flying
    'He became a man when his wings hurt when he flew.'8

  37. hiddenXidigaɬviyiɬxititl'i'an'antr'ayititlqon'xiq'i.
    finallywith himit started to get lightas ifit started to dawnlooks like
    'Finally it started to get light, looking like dawn would break.'

  38. hiddenYitots'in'xidigaɬantr'adranxili'an'ts'in'.
    thenfinallyas ifdayit got lightthen
    'Then finally it became as light as day.'

  39. hiddenAxaxiyiɬqayxichuxxiɬtthonh.
    and thenvillagebighe saw
    'And then he saw a big village.'9

  40. hiddenNot'uxxiyiɬdinalonghdixelanhts'in'.
    he's flyingthenpeoplemanythey are
    'As he flew, (he saw) many people.'

  41. hiddenAxaxiɬdikdinaanthilat.
    and thenmanhe became again
    'And then he became a man again.'

  42. hiddenQayniɬggudzyi'intadhiyoqayxits'in'.
    villagenearhe went tovillageto
    'He went near the village.'

  43. hiddenDinatuxneyoine'xiyantr'ixineg,dinalonghdixo'in.
    amongmenhe wentbutthey don't know himpeoplemanydue to
    'He went among the people, but they didn't notice him since there were so many people.'10

  44. hiddenEyiggiqayxit'anxiynedhints'in'.
    thosevillagepeoplethey didn't think of him
    'The people of the village didn't pay attention to him.'

  45. hiddenNgu'otyitongotr'aɬtth'etxichuxxelanh.
    out theremeanwhilekashimbigthere is
    'Now out there there was a big kashim.'

  46. hiddenYitxu'osincheyixxichuxxelanh.
    therebeside italsohousebigthere is
    'There beside it too was a big house.'

  47. hiddenXodiggchetritrxidighe'o'.
    abovealsowoodit stuck up
    'Above it there was a piece of wood was sticking up in the air.'

  48. hiddenVicheniɬtrethnigughunyiɬxithichethantr'aviyiɬxidetr'iyh.
    its endwolverinewolfalsoit's tied upas ifwith itit's windy
    'Both a wolverine and wolf (skin) were tied to the end of it, flapping in the wind.'

  49. hiddenInedhinhYuxgitsiy,tr'igidiɬt'ighinxiviyixxiyan'ngo dadzdixet'a,inedhinh.
    he thoughtRaventhe ones who do not want to marrytheir housesonlythusthey arehe thought
    'Raven thought, only the houses of those who do not wish to marry are marked in this way.'

  50. hiddenXugho'otniɬggudzdinineyo.
    next to itnearhe went
    'He went over next to it.'

  51. hiddenDiggandighedhitxiniɬ'anhts'in'yitots'in'tthantr'ididiɬyixits'in'longhinnuxonikts'in'.
    he stood uphe's looking aroundasand thenpeople came outsidefrom housemany peoplethey're workingas
    'He stood there looking, and then lots of people came out of the house, doing their chores.'

  52. hiddenNuq'oɬonhyiɬtthoghuhoɬ.
    womanalsoshe's walking outside
    'A woman came out too.'

  53. hiddenNuq'oɬonhxit'angizrenhteoqotadhiyots'in'gitsighathda'yan'yet.
    womanveryshe's prettywaterforshe wentandmarten skinparkaonlyin
    'This very pretty woman was going for water, wearing a marten skin parka.'

  54. hiddenVanhtoniynigughun'getiyvugha'dengath.
    ruffwolfreallyits furit's long
    'It had a wolf ruff with very long fur.'11

  55. hiddenAgideanhtr'igidiɬt'ighinh,inedhinh.
    thusthat personthe one who does not want to marryhe thought
    'So she is the one who does not want to marry, he thought.'

  56. hiddenDingit'andadzdoghtl-'an',inedhinh.
    shouldthusI do ithe thought
    'I ought to do this, he thought.'12

  57. hiddenYitongongitthingtthatadhiyonuq'oɬonhteoqo.
    meanwhiledownhillshe went outsidewomanwaterfor
    'Meanwhile, the woman went down for water.'

  58. hiddenEyiggixiviyixxidoytl'uxtaɬnighech'it.
    thattheir housedoorwaygrassmatit hung down
    'There was a grass mat hanging in the doorway of the house.'

  59. hiddenNgitthingviɬ---vith t'oghxinoghɬ'ineyoeyigginhnuq'oɬonh.
    downhillriver bankout of sightshe wentthat personwoman
    'The woman went down the bank and out of sight.'

  60. hiddenYitongoxidoynon'iluggok.Ts'ivi'ilathdlat.
    meanwhiledoorhe ran inspruce needlehe became
    'Thereupon Raven ran into the doorway and became a spruce needle.'

  61. hiddenYitots'in'tl'uxtaɬndigheghiɬts'ivi'ilngilanhts'in'.
    thengrassmathe fell downspruce needlehe isas
    'He fell into the grass mat in the form of a spruce needle.'13

  62. hiddenYityuxudzdingit'auxuxiyiɬxidoynon'idiyonuq'oɬonhteghilaɬts'in'.
    therecompletelyhe isand thendoorshe went back insidewomanwatershe's carrying pl.as
    'As soon as he did that the woman came back through the doorway carrying the water.'

  63. hiddenTritrtingiɬyozr(x)iyetyaɬts'integhuqoɬ.
    woodenbucketlittleinsideother waywatershe's carrying
    'She was headed inside carrying water in a little wooden bucket.'14

  64. hiddenYadzgititlchethixixiyiɬteyegigheghiɬiyts'ivi'il.
    openshe is about to push somethingwhenwaterinhe fellthatspruce needle
    'As she pushed the mat aside Raven fell into the water as a spruce needle.'15

  65. hiddenYiyiɬteyeghiliɬdiyixnon'idiyo.
    with itwaterinit's floatingher houseshe went back in
    'With it floating in the water, she went back inside her house.'

  66. hidden"Tetasineɬ,"ne.
    waterI'll drinkshe said
    "'I'll drink some water," she said.'

  67. hiddenTetithinen'ixixiyiɬyititl'iniqiyts'ivi'il.
    watershe started to drinkand thenshe swallowed itthatspruce needle
    'She started to take a drink of the water, and then she swallowed that spruce needle.'

  68. hidden"Inga!"ne.
    "ouch"she said
    "'Ouch!" she said.'

  69. hidden"Sidhaggyiggimo!"ne.
    my throatinsideit hurtsshe said
    "'Something hurt my throat!" she said.'

  70. hidden"Gidingidzyiɬgitaginiq,"ne.
    grasstooI swallowed somethingshe said
    "'I swallowed a piece of grass!" she said.'

  71. hiddenVonhyiɬne,"divasre'viyexiningiɬ'anh?"ne.
    her mothershe said to herI wonderin ityou lookshe said
    'Her mother said to her, "did you look in it?"'16

  72. hidden"Gidehe'iy?"yiɬne.
    badyes/no Qitshe said to her
    "'Is it bad?"'

  73. hidden"Ngoviyan',"yiɬne.
    wellnoshe said to her
    "'Well, no," she said.'

  74. hidden"Gidingidzk'idzviyan'iy,"yiɬne.
    grasslittleonlyitshe said to her
    "'It was only a little bit of grass."'

  75. hiddenYit venhda'xiyiɬyitlqon'dingonhoqoxinayhtr'i'ne.
    next daythenit dawnedher motherforshe's callingone says
    'The next day at dawn she called for her mother.'

  76. hidden"Ina',"yiɬne,"ndadzdist'a"yiɬne.
    mamashe saidhowI amshe said to her
    "'Mama," she said, "what's wrong with me?"'

  77. hidden"Sivitgetiyngichoxts'idaghneɬ,"yiɬne.
    my bellyreallyit's bigit's becomingshe said to her
    "'My belly is getting really big," she said.'17

  78. hidden"Ndadzxo'in?"yiɬne.
    whatforshe said to her
    "'How come?" she said to her.'

  79. hiddenVonh"imoxit'a"yiɬne.
    her mothersicknessperhapsshe said to her
    "'Perhaps it is sickness," her mother said to her.'18

  80. hidden"Ngoviyan'ine'sivitngichox,"yiɬne.
    wellnobutmy bellyit's bigshe said to her
    "'Well, no, but my belly is really big," she said.'

  81. hiddenYit venhda'chedingonhoqoxinayh.
    next dayalsoher motherforshe's calling
    'The next day she called for her mother again.'

  82. hidden"Na',"yiɬnetr'i'ne,"go degsivitantr'aɬeggyozrnixidilighiɬ,"yiɬne.
    mamashe said to herone saysright heremy bellylikefishlittleit's movingshe said to her
    "'Mama," she said, "right here in my belly something is moving like a little fish."'

  83. hidden"Gila'gosivitinandelniyh,"yiɬne.
    herethismy bellyyou feelshe said to her
    "'Here, feel my belly."'

  84. hiddenYitots'in'yivitinondititl'inek.
    and thenher bellyshe started to feel
    'So the mother felt her daughter's belly.'

  85. hidden"Siyotr'a'!"yiɬne,"ndadzdengit'a?"yiɬne.
    my daughtershe said to herhowyou areshe said to her
    "'My daughter!" she said, "how did you get like this?'

  86. hidden"Ayiggiɬosraqaydinaghun'ts'ixiq'idengit'a,"ingi---yiɬne.
    thatindeedchildto usit seemsyou areshe said to her
    'It seems that you are going to have a child."'

  87. hiddenYinaɬjit.
    she's afraid
    'She was afraid.'

  88. hidden"Gil,chilqayngughun'quldindadzdengit'ats'in'?"yiɬne.
    wellboysto younonehowyou areshe said to her
    "'No boys have been with you so how did you get this way?'

  89. hidden"Ngonuq'oɬdaɬinxiviqing'xelanhtuxxizroots'in'dixet'a"yiɬne.
    wellwomentheir husbandsthere arewhenonlythusthey areshe said to her
    'Women only get like this when they have husbands."'

  90. hiddenYinaɬjitts'in'vonh.
    she's afraidher mother
    'The mother was afraid.'

  91. hidden"Ndadzaxaditet'aɬ?"yiɬne.
    whatby means ofyou will doshe said to her
    "'What will you do?" she said.'

  92. hiddenYitots'in'yivitinondolniyhtuxsraqaynixidaɬtax.
    and thenher bellyshe feltwhenchildit's moving about
    'And when she felt her belly, the child moved around.'

  93. hidden"Agidesraqaydadzdengit'a,"yiɬne.
    thuschildthusyou areshe said to her
    "'You are going to have a baby," she said.'19

  94. hiddenNt'uxiyiɬviyeimoxitathdla'.
    sooninside herpainit started to be
    'Soon her labor pains began.'

  95. hiddenVonhxiɬdikyiyiɬxinayh,"ngosraqayyiɬdangilughozr qulyiɬine'dengit'a,"yiɬne.
    her motherthenwith hershe's talkingwellchildrenwithyou didn't playbutyou areshe said to her
    'Her mother then said to her, "well, even though you didn't play around with any boys, you got like this."'

  96. hiddenIxixiyiɬxiɬdikxethdlanheyigginhtr'ixineganh.Chelngilanh.
    and thenthenit was bornthat personbabyboyit is
    'And then the baby was born. It was a boy.'

  97. hiddenAn(tr'a)anhYixgitsiyyozrxiq'i.
    likethat personRavenlittlelooks like
    'And it looked just like a little Raven.'

  98. hiddenTonxiyitltanh.
    they bathed him
    'They bathed him.'

  99. hiddenDa'negxiyindighelo.
    parkaprettythey put on him
    'They put a pretty parka on him.'

  100. hiddenYitots'inxiniɬggats,vinayedchuxxelanhts'in'.
    and thenhe staredhis eyeballsbigthere areas
    'And then, having big eyes, he stared around.'

  101. hiddenEdiniɬchenxiniɬ'anh.
    allaroundhe looked
    'He looked all around.'

  102. hiddenVitsiyyughoneghvits'in'xili'indogh xide'onh.
    his grandfatherbehind himfrom itbrightnessit's hanging up
    'Behind his grandfather there was a bright thing hanging up.'20

  103. hiddenVitsiyvitse(yiɬ)xiyenitlyonh.
    his grandfatherhis grandmotherandthey raised him
    'His grandfather and grandmother raised him.'21

  104. hiddenViɬxineɬtelts'in'.
    they didn't sleep
    'They didn't sleep.'

  105. hiddenGhinoyq'uxyan'xiyiɬonhts'in'.
    cariboufatonlythey're feeding him
    'They fed him caribou fat.'

  106. hiddenAɬo ine'tr'igidiɬt'ighinhveghayeyiɬvodayeyiɬlongxiynitlyonhyigginhYuxgitsiyk'idz.
    and alsothe one who would not marryher brothersandher sisterstoomanythey raised himthat personRavenlittle
    'And the brothers and sisters of the woman who would not marry also cared for that little Raven.'

  107. hiddenQ'utithiggisrxidigaɬq'utithiyoixixiyiɬtathtraxts'ixiyan'eyigginhtr'ixineganh.
    he began to crawl aroundfinallyhe began to walk aroundand thenhe began to cryonlythat personbaby
    'He began to crawl around, then he began to walk, and then he began to do nothing but cry, that child.'

  108. hidden"Ndadzdi'neanhetrighinh"yiɬneanhvitsiy.
    whathe saysthat personthe one who crieshe said of himthat personhis grandfather
    "'What is he saying, the one who cries?" said his grandfather.'

  109. hiddenVits'iyda'oninyiyiɬyuxudzxiyiɬne.
    his relativesabout himallthey said of him
    'His relatives all talked about him.'

  110. hidden"Imoathdlatxit'aanh,"xaɬnetr'i'ne.
    sickhe becamemaybethat personthey saidone says
    "'Maybe he has gotten sick," they said.'

  111. hiddenIdoghtuxxititl'i'an'ts'idititl'inek.
    sometimesbrightnesstowardshe started to reach
    'Sometimes he reached for the bright thing.'

  112. hidden"Iyxit'aq'atdi'ne,"xaɬne.
    thatperhapswantinghe saysthey said
    "'Maybe he wants that," they said.'22

  113. hidden"Gila'voghninux'oyh,"xaɬne.
    okayby himyou pl. put it downthey said
    "'Okay, put it down by him you guys," they said.'

  114. hidden"Ngoyeniɬ'eɬ,"xaɬne.
    wellhe'll see itthey said
    "'Then he can see it well," they said.'

  115. hiddenYitots'in'xiyiɬchetxiyitl'oxiyighe'onh,yiq'ighetraxxididhoghenek(?).
    and thenthey took itthey gave it to himover ithe criedhe stopped
    'So they took it and gave it to him, so he would stop crying.'23

  116. hiddenXidigaɬethchoxxichuxxiytl'oxiyghe'onhn'iy.
    finallyhe got bigbigthey gave it to himthat
    'Eventually he got quite big, and they gave it to him.'

  117. hiddenUxidoghtuxchenginetnonxiyghe'o.
    sometimesalsoin backthey put it back
    'Sometimes they hung it back up in the back (of the house).'

  118. hiddenXidigaɬchengi'eghq'utithiyo.
    finallyalsooutsidehe began to walk around
    'Finally he began to walk around outside.'

  119. hiddenXidon'idoyhtux,etrixiyq'at.
    he came back inwhenhe's cryingitwanting
    'When he came back in, he cried, wanting it.'24

  120. hiddenYitots'ixiytl'onxiyu'oyh.
    so thenthey gave it back to him
    'So then they gave it back to him.'

  121. hiddenEthchoxxiyan'ine'yiq'aetrix.
    he got bigonlythoughwanting ithe's crying
    'Even though he had become big, he cried for it.'25

  122. hidden"Gilasidhondhuxɬ'onhiy,"yiɬne.
    okaymy neckyou pl. put itithe said to him
    "'Put it around my neck," he said.'

  123. hidden"Vitl'eluxɬtsets'in',gosidroggto'oɬ"yiɬne.
    its stringyou pl. makeheremy chestit will hanghe said
    "'Put a string on it and it will hang here on my chest," he said.'

  124. hiddenXiyidhanniyne'onhyitots'in'vidroggviydhu'onh.
    they around his neckhung itand thenhis chesthe wore it
    'So they hung it on a string around his neck, and he wore it on his chest.'

  125. hiddenYiyetthitadhiyo.
    in ithe went outside
    'He went out wearing it.'

  126. hiddenYitots'in'nginugg xituxtr'itltuxiluggok.
    and thenback in the woodswillowamonghe ran
    'And then he ran into the woods, back among the willows.'26

  127. hidden"Divasre'sanxalnixda',xidanhts'ixidithne' ts'ida',"inedhinh.
    I wonderthey forget meifwhere is hethey never sayifhe thought
    "'I wonder if they have forgotten me, if they never ask where I am," he thought.'27

  128. hiddenNinet'uq.
    he flew away
    'He flew away.'

  129. hiddenEyiggichuxxili'an'ts'in'eyiggiyyiɬdiqayxits'ientht'uq.
    thatbigbrightnessthatwithhis own villagetohe flew
    'He flew back to his own village with that big bright thing.'

  130. hiddenXogh'entlniqtuxchenot'uxyitots'in';vits'inimotuxghuhoɬ.
    he got tiredwhenalsohe's flyingand thenhis wingshurtwhenhe's walking
    'When he got tired he flew; when his wings hurt, he walked.'

  131. hiddenYitots'in'xidigaɬchediqayni'idiyo.
    and thenfinallyagainhis own villagehe came back
    'And then he finally got back to his own village.'

  132. hiddenGogideyitots'inixinlu'on'.
    'And this is the end of the story.'

  133. hiddenYuk.
    (end of story)
    'The end.'


  1. Chapman: 'put it on the roof'; Kari: 'put it by her house'
  2. yiɬne in both Kari and Chapman
  3. Different verb base in Chapman.
  4. tr'ixizro is the last word of the previous sentence in Chapman.
  5. AJ says tr'aɬtth'et here and below. Other speakers have traɬtth'et.
  6. Chapman has 'it being dark' part of the preceding sentence.
  7. Kari/Chapman have a negative imperfective form of 'try' here (Kari: vinidhistoghinh), meaning 'should try'.
  8. Instead of this sentence, Chapman has: Vits'in imo tux, not'ux. 'When his legs hurt, he flew.'
  9. AJ says xiɬtth'onh.
  10. Chapman has oxo(?) instead of xo'in.
  11. vugho' instead of vugha' in such words is characteristics of AJ's pronunciation.
  12. AJ says dzoghtl-'an', assumed to be an error for doghtl-'an'.
  13. Chapman's version contains a word glossed 'interstice' after 'mat'.
  14. Chapman/Kari had yiɬ instead of AJ's (x)iyet.
  15. AJ says gigheghighiɬ
  16. Chapman has a different word in place of divasre', and probably viyigg instead of viye.
  17. Chapman has ɬots'i 'truly' in this sentence.
  18. Chapman has vonh as part of the preceding sentence.
  19. Instead of dadz, Chapman has a word glossed 'surely'.
  20. Kari/Chapman have yighoned instead of yughonegh.
  21. Chapman's version has yiɬ after 'grandmother'.
  22. Chapman has the relativizing word a after q'at.
  23. Chapman's and Kari's versions are different here for 'he stopped crying'.
  24. Kari/Chapman have xut'a 'how' before etrix in this sentence.
  25. Chapman has yoxo instead of yiq'a.
  26. Chapman has dotux, glossed 'woods'.
  27. Chapman has a word glossed 'will', different from divasre'. Chapman has two sentences here, instead of the second conditional clause.
  28. Chapman's title is 'How raven brought Light'