(How Raven's eyes became white)

Recorded with Raymond Dutchman, 10-7-2003

  1. hiddenYixgitsiydinangilanhdongghiqaɬdeloyghotthegh.
    Ravenmanhe iswhenhe's paddlingmountainbeneath
    'When Raven was a man he was paddling along at the foot of the mountains.'

  2. hiddenDetsan'ts'in'ghiqaɬuxuxiyiɬtritrxindighe'oyteq'avonyughunineqanh.
    he's hungrybeinghe's paddlingand thenstickwhich is sticking upshorehe paddled up to it
    'He was hungry as he paddled and then he paddled up to a stick which was sticking up on shore.'

  3. hiddenYiniɬ'anh.
    he's looking at it
    'He looked at it.'

  4. hiddenTr'edhatuxveɬvithichith.
    beholdfish netit's tied to it
    'There was a net tied to it.'

  5. hiddenTr'edha,ɬeggviyelongh.
    beholdfishin itmany
    'There were many fish in it.'

  6. hiddenYitots'in'tr'iyeyilayh,dit'odz.Didroggxiyiɬniyilayh.
    so thenhe puts them in canoebehind himselfbefore himselfalsohe puts them
    'So Raven put them into his canoe behind himself and before himself.'

  7. hiddenYitots'ididroggdhidloyuhonh,lit'aqts'in'.
    and thenin front of himthe ones that arehe's eatingit's raw
    'And he ate them.'

  8. hiddenGinithdong'.
    he got full
    'He got full.'

  9. hiddenAxaxiɬdik,inedhinh,ginasdong',dogidinh,ginasdong',inedhinh.
    wellhe thoughtI'm fullthanksI'm fullhe thought
    'Well, he thought, I'm full thanks. I'm full, he thought.'1

  10. hiddenYitots'in'eyggiytu'oggiɬchet.
    and thenthatpaddlehe took
    'And then he picked up his paddle.'

  11. hiddenNtithiqanh.
    he started paddling
    'And he started paddling.'

  12. hiddenGhiqaɬedidran.
    he's paddlingthroughoutday
    'He paddled all day.'

  13. hiddenUxuxiyiɬchetritrxindighe'oyiɬtthonhchenh.
    thenanotherstickwhich is sticking uphe sawagain
    'Then he saw another pole sticking up.'

  14. hiddenYughun'nineqanh.
    to ithe paddled and stopped
    'He paddled to it.'

  15. hiddenTr'edha,tuxveɬchevithichith.
    beholdfish netanotherit's tied to it
    'There was another net tied to it.'

  16. hiddenCheniynili'anh.
    againhe examined it
    'He looked at this one.'

  17. hiddenTr'edha,ɬeggviyelongh.
    beholdfishin itmany
    'There were many fish in it.'

  18. hiddenGoxi---yiɬchikts'in'dit'odztr'iyeyilayh,didroggxiyiɬ.
    thishe tookandbehind himhe puts in canoebefore himselfalso
    'He took them and put them in the canoe behind him and in front of him.'

  19. hiddenYitots'in'yiluxdong'didrogggodhidloyuhonhlit'aqts'in'.
    and thensome of thembefore himselfherewhich arehe's eatingthey're raw
    'And then he took some in front of him and ate them raw.'

  20. hiddenAxaxiɬdik,inedhinh,dogidinh,ginasdong'.
    wellhe thinksthanksI'm full
    'Well, he thought, thanks, I'm full.'

  21. hiddenYitots'in'xiniɬ'anh.Eydiggxiyiɬxiniɬ'anh.
    and thenhe's looking aroundupthenhe's looking around
    'Then he looked up and looked around.'

  22. hiddenUxuxiyiɬyixxiɬtthonh,yixxineg.
    and thenhousehe sawhousefine
    'Then he saw a very nice house.'

  23. hiddenYixxo'eghxilivizrdoghdelo.
    housebesidedry whitefishthey're hanging
    'Beside the house dry whitefish were hanging.'

  24. hiddenYitots'in'yixxidineyo.
    and thenhousehe entered
    'So he went into the house.'

  25. hiddenTr'edhadinaqul.
    'No one was there.'

  26. hiddenXilivizryiɬyixdhidlo.
    dry whitefishalsohousethey were
    'There were dry whitefish inside the house also.'

  27. hiddenTr'edhadaɬts'indinayixdagnegyiɬtilithdagq'odednq'oɬdaɬindag,tl'uxtaɬnegyiɬnoɬchidlnegyiɬ.
    beholdon this sidepersonhouseparkafinetooground squirrel skinparkanewwomenparkagrassmatfinetoosewing bagfinetoo
    'On the wall of the house were hanging a fine new squirrel skin parka, a woman's parka and also a nice grass mat and a nice sewing bag.'

  28. hiddenXidanhanh?inedhinh.
    where isshehe thought
    'Where is the woman? he thought.'

  29. hiddenQ'aghngi'intthantithiyo.
    backtherehe went out
    'He went back outside.'

  30. hiddenNgu'oxidoyxits'in'ngi'eghxiniɬ'anh.
    out theredoorwayfromoutsidehe's looking around
    'From the doorway he looked around outside.'

  31. hiddenXiniɬ'anhuxuxiyiɬtingiɬtthonhdeloyq'idz.
    he's looking aroundand thenpathhe sawmountainupon
    'He looked around and then he saw a path going up the mountainside.'

  32. hiddenYitots'in'yixitithititstitl'uggokngidigg.
    and thentherehe strutted offhe started runningupward
    'He strutted off down the path running up the hill.'2

  33. hiddenNgidiggxiɬdikgitthiɬq'ixudhiyo.
    upwardthenon tophe went up
    'Up and up he went to the top.'

  34. hiddenXiniɬ'anhtr'edha,gaglonghtingxiq'idh.
    he's looking aroundbeholdberriesmanytrailbeside
    'He saw a lot of berries beside the path.'

  35. hiddenTetth'okyegagdhidlo.
    basketinberriesthey are
    'The berries were in a basket.'

  36. hiddenNiɬq'adzq'u'iluggoyh,dinaxaxiniɬ'anh.
    back and forthhe's running aroundpersonforhe's looking around
    'He ran back and forth looking for the person.'

  37. hiddenUxuxiyiɬtr'edhanq'oɬonhneggagniha.
    thenbeholdwomanprettyberriesshe's picking
    'And then there she was, a pretty woman picking berries.'

  38. hiddenYughun'nineyoyitots'in'yighiddhq'idzitlyiɬ.
    to herhe went and stoppedand thenher shoulderonhe grabbed
    'He went up to her and grabbed her by the shoulder.'

  39. hidden"Gila,one,"yiɬne.
    heycomehe said to her
    "'Hey, come on," he said to her.'3

  40. hiddenDaɬine'inedhints'in.'
    butshe didn't think
    'But she didn't want to.'

  41. hidden"Inagh!"yiɬne.
    noshe said to him
    "'No!" she said to him.'

  42. hidden"Ngogogagnisa,"yiɬne.
    wellhereberriesI'm pickingshe said to him
    "'I'm picking berries."'

  43. hidden"Nt'uxdi tr'aliy,"ne.
    later onitshe said
    "'Maybe later," she said.'

  44. hiddenDaɬine'vighiddhq'idzxeting'.
    buther shoulderonhe held
    'But he held on to her shoulder.'

  45. hidden"Gila,one,"yiɬne.
    come oncomehe said to her
    "'Come on," he said to her.'

  46. hiddenXidigaɬyiye xidaghɬningh.
    finallyhe made her angry
    'Finally he made her angry.'

  47. hidden"Divatsitlanh!"yiɬne.
    whorascalheshe said
    "'What a rascal!" she said.'

  48. hidden"Gilangideyan'ngitthingsiyixxits'in'nongidoyh,"yiɬne.
    okayonly youdownhillmy housetogo backshe said to him
    "'Okay, you go down to my house by yourself," she told him.'

  49. hiddenViye xidolningheygginhnq'oɬonh.
    she was angrythatwoman
    'The woman was angry.'

  50. hidden"Gila',"yiɬne.
    okayshe said
    "'Okay," she said.'

  51. hidden"Ngitthingsiyixsidavadengit'a,"yiɬne.
    downhillmy housewaiting for meyou areshe said to him
    'Go down to my house and wait for me she said.'4

  52. hiddenDigigagtl'eɬaxayitots'in'Yixgitsiygigagnixitithighanh.
    her berrystringwiththenRavenberriesthey began to pack back
    'So Raven began to pack back her berries using a string.'5

  53. hiddenNq'oɬonhyiɬn-gixitithighanh.
    womanandthey began to pack things back
    'He and the woman began to pack them back.'

  54. hiddenNgitthingyix,"gila,digganingu'ot,"yiɬneniq'oɬonh.
    downhillhousego aheaduntie itshe saidwoman
    'Down at the house the woman told him "go ahead, untie it".'

  55. hiddenYitots'in'ngiyiggniyne'onh.
    sodownhe put it down
    'So he put it down.'

  56. hidden"Nginhnginoghɬgiq'iditast'eɬ,"yiɬne.
    youfor youI will danceshe said to him
    "'Now I will dance for you," she said.'6

  57. hiddenYitots'in'nq'oɬonhgatathdle':
    and thenwomanshe began to sing
    'And the woman began to sing.'7

  58. hidden"Gilangidedig,"yiɬne.
    go aheadyour turnshe said to him
    "'Okay, now you," she said to him.'

  59. hidden"Nginhnginitl-'anhts'in'xiq'at,"yiɬne.
    youI see youwantshe said to him
    "'I want to see you now," she said.'

  60. hidden"E,"dighene'.
    yeshe said
    'Okay, he said.'

  61. hiddenQ'u'aɬtlotts'in'gatathdle':
    he's jumping aroundhe began to sing
    'And jumping around he began to sing.'

  62. hidden"N-gilegtr'ot'ix,"yiɬne.
    your songit's no goodshe told him
    "'Your song is no good," she told him.'

  63. hidden"Naɬtr'itl,"yiɬne.
    close your eyesshe told him
    "'Close your eyes," she told him.'

  64. hidden"Chuq!"yiɬne.
    squeakshe said to him
    "'Squeak!" she said.'8

  65. hiddenYitth'indotuggxoghluggok,tilingilanhts'in'.
    his legsbetweenshe ran throughground squirrelshe is
    'She turned into a ground squirrel and ran between his legs.'

  66. hiddenViyixxidon'iluggokuxuxiyiɬxidoyxidon-gidaɬtsitl.
    her houseshe ran insideanddoorwayshe closed up
    'She ran down into her house and closed up the doorway.'9

  67. hiddenNgidixts'inchexudhiyoyoɬq'atngiyiggxiniɬ'anh.
    on topagainhe wentsmokeholedownwardhe looked
    'Raven climbed up on top and looked down through the smoke hole.'

  68. hiddenEygginhnq'oɬonhviye xidolningintthaggiladznadhiɬtthigitth'ogaxayiyixgititlghuɬ.
    thatwomanthe one who was angryashesit's hotladleby means offrom below at himshe threw
    'The angry woman picked up a ladle full of hot ashes and threw them up at him.'10

  69. hiddenYitots'in'vinaq'axiluq'otl.
    and thenhis eyesbecame white
    'And thereupon his eyes became white.'


  1. In Chapman's story, instead of axaxiɬdik, the story contains A-ha-haˊ, translated "A-ha-ha!"
  2. tithititr in Kari.
  3. one 'come on' is Holikachuk. Deg Xinag is on.
  4. Kari has tedoɬ 'you'll sit' instead of dengit'a.
  5. i.e. tumpline, string around his forehead to support the basket
  6. Chapman had qoeˊnästoˊĭq 'I will dance'. Kari had xu'enast'oyh.
  7. This is how the song is transcribed in Chapman. RD did not know it.
  8. Chapman: ctĭq , Kari: chiq. An onomatopoetic verb 'squeak' is attested, but it is based on the root ts'ek.
  9. Chapman has yi 'her' yûq 'house'. yi- doesn't really make sense if it's her own house.
  10. Kari has naɬch'ux 'it's boiling'.