(How Raven enticed a man from his home)8

Recorded with Raymond Dutchman, 10-8-2003

  1. hiddenYixgitsiyghiqaɬ.Vavyiɬidinuho.
    Ravenhe's paddlingfoodalsohe has none
    'Raven was paddling along and he had no food.'

  2. hiddenDinayiɬinedhints'in'.
    peoplealsohe doesn't think
    'He didn't think there were any people around.'1

  3. hiddenGhiqaɬyitots'in'ngidiggsrixno'sanhdixaghlingithts'in'ghiqaɬhingo.
    he's paddlingand thenupcreeksummerlength ofhe's paddlingwhile
    'As he was paddling he paddled up a creek all summer.'

  4. hiddenYitots'in'axaxiɬdikxughusrchenhxogh'eghdeqanh.
    and thenthenbubblesagainpasthe paddled
    'He paddled past some bubbles.'

  5. hiddenDaɬine'yiniɬ'ants'in',iyxughusr.
    buthe didn't see ititbubbles
    'However he didn't notice the bubbles.'

  6. hiddenYughun'dinedhints'in'xuyiɬ.
    about ithe didn't thinkeither
    'He didn't think about them either.'

  7. hiddenYitots'in'yuxonixingichogh hiyiɬtthonh.
    and thentoward shorebig onehe saw
    'Then over toward shore he saw a big one.'

  8. hiddenYughun'nineqanhts'in'.
    to ithe paddled and stopped
    'He paddled up to it.'

  9. hiddenYitots'in'yiniɬ'anh.
    and thenhe's looking at it
    'And he looked at it.'

  10. hiddenYiniɬ'anhxiyiɬguq'uxngilanh.
    he's looking at itandfatit is
    'And he saw that it was a piece of fat.'

  11. hiddenYitots'in'dinedhinh,"Gangon?"inedhinh.
    so thenhe thought thuswhatthishe thought
    'So he thought, "what's this?"'

  12. hidden"Dingit'adhisoniy,"inedhinh.
    betterI should eat ithe thought
    'I ought to eat it he thought.'

  13. hiddenYitots'in'yighehon'viluxdong'.
    so thenhe ate itsome of it
    'So he ate some of it.'

  14. hiddenLiniyhvoxo.
    it's tastyto him
    'It was really tasty.'

  15. hiddenYitots'in'viluxdong'axaxidinidltlux,didagq'idz.
    so thensome of itwithhe smeared on himselfhis parkaon
    'And then he smeared some of it on his parka.'2

  16. hiddenDitr'eyyiɬnitltlux.
    his canoealsohe smeared
    'He also smeared some on his canoe.'

  17. hiddenYitots'in'tidhiqanh.
    and thenhe set off paddling
    'And then he paddled off.'

  18. hiddenUxuxiyiɬyixxiɬtthonh,vithq'i.
    thenhousehe sawbankon
    'Soon he saw a house up on the bank.'

  19. hiddenQayxodo'ghinoytth'inxit'aghdingiɬ.
    villagedownriver fromcariboubonesthey were dumped out
    'Downriver from the settlement caribou bones were dumped out.'

  20. hiddenYuxodoɬts'inguq'uxchuxaxaxiɬdik.
    on the downriver side of itfatit's bigalso
    'Downriver from it was a lot of fat too.'

  21. hidden"Gangon?"inedhinh.
    whatthishe thought
    "'What's this?" he thought.'

  22. hiddenAxaxiɬdikqayduqudhiyo.
    and thenvillagehe went up to
    'And then he went up to the settlement.'

  23. hiddenGiɬixdixiyan'yixxidhu'onhyitots'in'tsoyiɬlonghyitongo.
    oneonlyhousethere isand thencachealsomanyat the same time
    'There was only one house there but there were a lot of caches.'

  24. hiddenGhinoytth'inyiɬlonghyixxo'egh.
    'There were a lot of caribou bones beside the house too.'

  25. hiddenYitots'in'xidineyo.
    and thenhe went inside
    'Then Raven went inside.'

  26. hiddenGiɬigginhyan',nq'oɬonhyityiniɬggatsyuxudz.
    one persononlywomanthereshe stared at himreally
    'There was only one woman there and she really stared at him.'

  27. hiddenXiyiɬdi'nenq'oɬonh,"dinaɬoxelanh,"yiɬne.
    thenshe saidwomanpeopleapparentlythere areshe said to him
    'And she said "why, there are other people."'

  28. hiddenUxuxiyiɬYixgitsiydi'ne,"sidedigdinaqulxit'ainisdhinh."'
    thenRavensaidme toopeoplenotmaybeI thought
    'And Raven said, "I too thought perhaps there weren't any other people."'

  29. hiddenYitots'in'yitl'ogidighetritnelangyiɬ.
    and thenshe gave himmeattoo
    'And then she gave him some meat.'

  30. hidden"Nelangviq'ade'ist'a'ts'in'.
    meatI do not like it
    "'I don't like meat.'

  31. hiddenVidasinixiy."
    I'm tired of itit
    'I'm tired of it.'

  32. hiddenDaɬine'Yixgitsiyne"ɬeggzroq'at,"yiɬne.
    butRavensaidfishthoughwanthe said
    "'I'd like some fish, though," said Raven.'

  33. hiddenŁeggyitl'odighetrit.
    fishshe gave him
    'So she gave him some fish.'

  34. hiddenYighehon'yitots'in'.
    he ate itthen
    'And he ate it.'

  35. hiddenAxaxiɬdikviqing'ni'idiyo.
    and thenher husbandhe came in
    'And then her husband came in.'

  36. hidden"Isda,"yiɬne.
    friendhe said to him
    "'Friend," he said to him.'

  37. hidden"Dinaɬoxelanh,"yiɬne.
    peopleapparentlythere arehe said
    "'Apparently there are other people," he said.'

  38. hiddenXiyiɬYixgitsiy"sidediganhdinaqulxit'ainisdhinh,"yiɬne.
    thenRavenme toothatpersonnoneperhapsI thoughthe said
    'And Raven said, "I too thought perhaps there were no other people."'

  39. hiddenAxaxiɬdikdinaanhyiɬne,"dinaghun'tedoɬdivasre',"yiɬne.
    and thenmantheyhe said to himwith usyou'll stayI wonderhe said to him
    'And then the man said to him "would you stay with us?"'3

  40. hidden"Viyan',"neYixgitsiy.
    "'No," said Raven.'

  41. hidden"Ngosidedigsu'otxelanh,sigege'qayyiɬxelanh,"yiɬne.
    wellme toomy wifethere ismy childrentoothere arehe said to him
    "'I too have a wife and children too."'

  42. hidden"Venhda'siyiɬntedoɬ,"yiɬne,"siqayxits'in'.
    tomorrowwith meyou'll returnhe said to himmy villageto
    "'Come back with me tomorrow to my village.'

  43. hiddenSiqayngiqayngidigg xezrenh.
    my villageyour villageit's nicer
    'My village is better than your village.'4

  44. hiddenGidhithlongxelanhinisdhinh,"yiɬne.
    skinsmanythere areI thinkhe said to him
    'There are a lot of skins there too", he said.'

  45. hidden"Iyluxdong'ngiye'lay,"yiɬne.
    thatsome ofyour belongingsmaterialhe said to him
    ' "Some will be yours," he told him.'

  46. hiddenDaɬine'dinainedhints'in'.
    butmanhe didn't intend to
    'But the man didn't want to.'

  47. hiddenDaɬine'"giliningito,"yiɬne.
    butokayhurryhe said
    'But "okay, hurry," he said.'

  48. hidden"Iningito.Siyiɬntedoyh,"yiɬne.
    hurrywith meyou come backhe said
    "'Come on, come back with me," he said.'

  49. hiddenYitots'in'tthan'ititht'ots.
    so thenthey went outside
    'So they went out.'

  50. hiddenEygginhdinayik'odzntithiyo.
    thatmanaway from himhe started to walk
    'The man started to walk away from (ahead of) him.'

  51. hiddenDit'anhhingoYixgitsiydiggadhu'oyoqotathtrit.
    he's doingwhileRavenknifeforhe reached
    'And while the man was doing that, Raven pulled out his knife.'

  52. hiddenGoxiniygheyiɬ.
    herehe stuck it in the ground
    'He stuck it into the ground.'

  53. hiddenUxuxiyiɬxonuqnixititht'ots.
    and thenback from riverthey went
    'And then they walked away from the river.'

  54. hiddenDegnginiggixo'isr,xiyiɬYixgitsiynonghidizreɬ.
    hereuplandthey 2 are goingandRavenhe cried out
    'As they were going along in the back country Raven cried out.'

  55. hidden"Sigidiggadhu'oyandhiginix,"ne.
    my knifeI losthe said
    "'I lost my knife," he said.'

  56. hiddenXiyiɬdina"isda,"yiɬne,"soxovoqonitedoyh,"yiɬne.
    thenmanfriendhe said to himfor mefor itgo backhe said
    "'Friend, go back and get it for me.'

  57. hidden"Gitsighiygiɬiggtixet'anchenh,giɬiggnoya'dhithche,giɬiggngitl'otatlaɬvidiɬghot.
    martenoneottertooonebeaverskintoooneI'll give youits payment
    "'I'll give you a marten skin, an otter skin, and a beaver skin too in payment.'

  58. hiddenSoxovoqonitedoyh."
    for mefor ityou go back
    'Go back and get it for me."'

  59. hidden"Viyan',"yiɬne.
    nohe told him
    "'No," he told him.'

  60. hidden"Nginhgila'iy,"yiɬne.
    yougo aheadithe told him
    "'You do it," he told him.'

  61. hidden"Gila,voqonitasdoɬ,"Yixgitsiyyiɬne.
    okayfor itI'll go backRavenhe said to him
    "'Okay, I'll go back for it," said Raven.'

  62. hidden"Yitongoghinguhoɬsiqayxits'in',"yiɬne.
    meanwhileyou gomy villagetohe told him
    "'Meanwhile, you go on to my village.'

  63. hidden"Siqayningidiyoda',"yiɬne,getiyngichoghnguhonh,"yiɬne.
    my villageyou wentwhenhe said to himreallybig oneyou eathe said to him
    "'When you get to my village, have a really big meal," he said.'

  64. hiddenAxaxiɬdikYixgitsiyq'aghntithiyo.
    and thenRavenbackhe started to go
    'And then Raven started back.'

  65. hiddenXinoghɬ'inoghdiyo.
    out of sighthe went back
    'He went out of sight.'

  66. hiddenNinet'uq.
    he flew away
    'He flew away.'

  67. hidden"Ggaq,"yiɬne.
    cawhe said
    'Caw, he said.'

  68. hiddenUxuxiyiɬqayninet'uq.
    and thenvillagehe flew back
    'And then he flew back to the village.'

  69. hiddenYitots'in'gitadhon'xichuxyuxudzngi'egh.
    and thenhe began to eatit's bigallaround
    'Then he began to eat up everything in sight.'

  70. hiddenYitots'in'anhdinatadhiyo,diniyhdidran.
    and thenthatmanhe went onfourday
    'The man kept on going for four days.'

  71. hiddenDran-gigheyo.
    he walked all day
    'He walked all day.'

  72. hiddenGanine'itltthagits'in'.
    anythingevenhe didn't see
    'He didn't see a single thing.'

  73. hiddenDetsan'ts'ixiyiɬ.
    he's hungrytoo
    'He was hungry too.'

  74. hiddenAxaxiɬdikinedhinh,"idisre'ɬo,"inedhinh.
    and thenhe thoughtI wondertruehe thought
    'Then he began to think "I wonder if it's true."'

  75. hiddenYitongovoghtiyhqul.
    meanwhilefor himstrengthnone
    'His strength was failing.'

  76. hiddenEygginhdinateyiɬgiq'at.
    'He needed water.'

  77. hiddenAxaxiɬdikq'aghntithiyo.
    so thenbackhe started to go
    'So he started back.'

  78. hiddenXilonghdidranghidiggisrhingotiyhvoghqul.
    manydayhe crawledwhilestrengthfor himnone
    'For many days he crawled and then his strength failed him.'

  79. hiddenAxaxiɬdikdiqayxoduggtr'an'idiggisr.
    and thenhis own villageabovehe crawled back out
    'He crawled to a place above his own village.'

  80. hiddenYitots'in'yitviɬntl'idaq.
    and thentherehe fell asleep
    'And there he fell asleep.'

  81. hiddenTr'an'ididhitdiqayxiniɬ'anh.
    he awokehis villagehe's looking at
    'When he awoke he saw his settlement.'

  82. hiddenGuqul,vavyiɬqul.
    'But there was no food there.'

  83. hiddenNelangyiɬqul.
    'There was no meat.'

  84. hiddenYitots'in'ngitthingtadhiyo.
    and thendown to riverhe went
    'So then he went to the river.'

  85. hiddenDiyixxidoynon'idiyo.
    his housedoorwayhe went in
    'He went into his house.'

  86. hiddenNgiyiggxits'in'tr'itrix.
    insidefromsomeone is crying
    'Inside someone was crying.'

  87. hiddenXidon'idiyo.
    he went inside
    'He went inside.'

  88. hiddenVu'otanhvidagniɬtodhich'iɬ.
    his wifesheher parkait's ragged
    'There was his wife in a ragged parka.'5

  89. hiddenVigege'qaychenotinxelanh.
    her childrentootwo peoplethere are
    'There were two children with her.'

  90. hidden"Idisre',"yiɬne.
    I wonderhe said to her
    "'What's this?" he said to her.'

  91. hidden"Divasre'(ng)ughun'dhisdodongn-gege'qayxelanhda'?"yiɬne.
    I wonderby youI livedwhenyour childrenthere arewhenhe said
    "Did you have any children when I lived with you?'6

  92. hidden"Yixgitsiyzroɬo'its'in'itltsenhchenh,"yiɬne.
    Ravenonlyit seemshe madetoohe said
    'It seems that Raven fathered them too," he said.'

  93. hiddenYidhitlghanhyitots'in'.
    he killed herthen
    'Then he killed her.'

  94. hiddenYixgitsiyyiɬyidhitlghanh.
    Raventoohe killed him
    'He killed Raven too.'

  95. hiddenYitots'in'tthan'idiyo.
    thenhe went out
    'Then he went out.'

  96. hidden"Xezrenhdingan'q'idzxits'in'tasoɬ,"inedhinh.
    it would be goodearthupontoI'll gohe thought
    'I must go out upon the earth he thought.'

  97. hidden"Yixitr'alditasneɬ.
    thereeventuallyI'll die
    "'I'll go somewhere and die.'

  98. hiddenSitoqul,"ne.
    I'll be gonehe said
    'I'll be gone," he said.'

  99. hiddenYitots'in'tadhiyodeloytux.
    and thenhe leftmountaininto
    'And he went away into the mountains.'

  100. hiddenGuhonhqults'ixiyiɬghinoyyiɬitltthagts'in'.
    he's eatingnothingthencariboutoohe didn't see
    'He ate nothing and he saw no caribou.'

  101. hiddenGanyozrn'iyitltthagits'in'.
    anythinglittleithe didn't see
    'He didn't see a single thing.'7

  102. hiddenXidigaɬtiyhidinedhit.
    finallystrengthit expired
    'Finally his strength failed.'

  103. hiddenXidigaɬchetithiggisrsrixno'xido'.
    finallyagainhe crawledcreekdown
    'He crawled down to a creek.'

  104. hiddenYitots'in'yitaxaxiɬdikviɬantl'idaq.
    thenthereand thenhe fell asleep
    'Then he fell asleep there.'

  105. hiddenTr'an'ididhituxuxiyiɬgidetth'onh.
    he awokeandhe listened
    'When he awoke he listened.'

  106. hiddenNgitthedztr'odiɬ.
    from belowsomeone is coming
    'Someone was coming below him.'

  107. hiddenYitots'in'didighene'uxuxiyiɬgitadhon'.
    and thenhe called outand thenhe started to eat
    'He called out and he started to eat.'

  108. hidden"Gangodi'neiy?"xiyiɬne.
    whatherehe saysitthey said of him
    "'Who is saying that up there?" somebody asked.'

  109. hidden"Nigedayxiq'iyɬo'its'iy,"yiɬne.
    hawklike itit seemsthey said
    "'It sounds like a hawk person," he said.'

  110. hidden"Dingit'avitl'ogitr'atotriɬ."
    betterwe should give it food
    "'We ought to give it food."'

  111. hiddenYitots'inyitl'ogidighetrit.
    so thenhe gave him food
    'So they gave him food.'

  112. hiddenXitathdatlyitots'in'ngidiggsrixno'.
    they started goingthenupcreek
    'They left going up the creek.'

  113. hiddenAxaxiɬdikdinaviɬantl'idaqchenh.
    and thenmanhe went to sleepagain
    'The man fell asleep again.'

  114. hiddenTr'an'ididhitvogh'eghvavlonglighanyiɬ.
    he awokearound himfoodmuchfatalso
    'When he awoke there was a lot of food around him and fat as well.'

  115. hiddenYoghsrigidithddhetaɬixiniynelo.
    for ithe was thankfultogetherhe gathered it
    'He was thankful for it as he gathered it together.'

  116. hiddenYitots'inyitadhon'.
    and thenhe began to eat it
    'He began to eat it.'

  117. hiddenNigedayngilanhts'in'nat'uq.
    hawkhe ishe flew off
    'And then he became a hawk and flew away.'


  1. Chapman: 'He was not expecting to see anybody.'
  2. Kari (based on Chapman) has xidinitltlux 'he smeared'.
  3. Kari has anh 'he/she'. Chapman has ăhn.
  4. Chapman's version combines this sentence with the next: 'I believe that there are more skins at my village than there are at your village.' Kari's version ends this sentence with ngidiggi.
  5. Kari (based on Chapman) has tr'ot'ix 'it's bad'.
  6. RD says yughun' 'by him/her'.
  7. Kari has ine' 'even' (based on Chapman's ĭnnĭˊ'-i 'whatever'.
  8. gidi in the title appears to be a reduced form of gidegh 'away'