(Wolverine's older brothers)8

Recorded with James Dementi, 10-8-2003

  1. hiddenQayxiyozrxidhu'onhdeloytux.
    villagesmallthere ismountainin
    'There was a small village in the mountains.'

  2. hiddenGeɬixiyozr yetgeɬixsnalinchilqayxividadryiɬxelanh.
    onefamilyfive peoplementheir younger sisterwiththere are
    'A family of five men lived there with their younger sister.'1

  3. hiddenGgaggyan'dixiɬ'anhghinoy.
    animalsonlythey huntedcaribou
    'They just hunted for game, for caribou.'

  4. hiddenŁeggantr'uxuxinegq'odechenhnigughundinayeno(n)xidelanh.
    fishthey didn't knowbecausewolfpeoplethey were
    'They didn't know about fish because they were wolf people.'2

  5. hiddenNgi'eghtritrnonditidhi'oyq'idzghinoydhithxit'achelongh.
    outsidewoodthey're stretched acrossoncaribouskinverymany
    'Outside on the drying racks were many caribou skins.'

  6. hiddenGetiylonghts'idixaɬ'an'.
    reallymanythey got
    'They really had a lot of them.'

  7. hiddenYitots'in'iɬt'etghinoynelangxiɬnonh.
    thencontinuouslycariboumeatthey're eating
    'And they ate nothing but caribou meat.'3

  8. hiddenXividadryitongonoyaɬ.
    their sistermeanwhileshe's growing
    'Meanwhile their sister was growing up.'

  9. hiddenXidigaɬngichoxts'ididiyoq.Xidigaɬxigheyoeygginhxividadr.
    finallyshe's bigshe becamefinallyshe reached pubertythattheir sister
    'Finally she became big. She reached puberty.'4

  10. hiddenVeghayexiɬdikdixaɬne"axaxiɬdikgiyantr'itiditl'eyhhingo tuxtthitidheholts'i,"xaɬne.
    her older brothersthenthey told hernowwe dresswhiledo not go outsidethey said
    'Then her older brothers told her "now when we are dressed (for hunting), do not go outside," they said.'

  11. hidden"Goyixtr'ididltth'ehingogilatthetingq'ungidoyhteyiɬxingiho,"xiɬne.
    herehousewe livewhilenowoutdoorsyou gowateralsoyou go forthey said
    "'When we are staying here in the house, go out only for water," they said.'

  12. hidden"Ngo,dugguddhinh,tthasrodiɬhingotthetingq'ughedogan,"xaɬne.
    nowone observing puberty riteswe will go outwhileoutsidedo not gothey said
    'Now digguddhinh, do not go outside while we are outside.'

  13. hidden"Tthuxdixiyan'dhedots'ixiyan'."
    aloneonlyyou stayonly
    "'Just stay alone."'

  14. hiddenXidigaɬxiyhnonxididhit.
    finallywinterit came again
    'Finally winter came again.'

  15. hiddenEdixiyhdixaghlingith.
    allwinterit's long
    'The winter was long.'

  16. hiddenYitots'in'dixiyatadhine'.
    thenthey began to say it to her
    'They were telling her those things.'

  17. hiddenUxuxiyiɬxiyodititl-'an'anhnq'oɬonh.
    thenshe began to thinkthatwoman
    'And then that woman began to think.'

  18. hiddenNdadz xo'indisixi'neseghaye?inedhinh.
    whythey say thus to memy brothersshe thought
    'Why do my brothers tell me that?'

  19. hiddenTthinisoda'ndadzsre'ditasneɬduxo'ingodisixi'ne?inedhinh.
    I go outifwhatI wonderit will happen to mebecause ofthisthey say to meshe thought
    'I wonder what would happen if I did go out that they should be saying this to me, she thought.'

  20. hiddenEdi venhdituxuxudzdisixi'ne,inedhinh.
    every daysamethey tell meshe thought
    'They tell me this every day, she thought.'

  21. hiddenXidigaɬtthitasoɬ,inedhinh.
    finallyI'll go outshe thought
    'And finally she thought, I'll go out.'

  22. hiddenChetthanxitithidatlveghaye.
    againthey started to go outsideher brothers
    'Her brothers went out hunting again.'

  23. hiddenYitongoq'on-gidiɬqon'goniynelotthitadhiyo.
    meanwhileshe's sewingthisshe put it downshe started to go outside
    'Meanwhile she put down what she was sewing and went outside.'

  24. hiddenNgu'otthitadhiyo.
    outsideshe started to go out
    'She went outside.'

  25. hiddenYitnatadhit.
    thereshe stood
    'She stood there.'

  26. hiddenUxuxiyiɬinedhinh,"goɬa'tthinisodaɬine'gode'ist'a'ts'i,"inedhinh.
    thenshe thoughtwellI went outbuthereI'm all rightshe thought
    'Then she thought, "well, I went out but I'm all right."'

  27. hiddenQ'aghxidon'idiyo.Yittathdo'.
    backshe went back insidethereshe sat
    'She went back in and sat down.'

  28. hiddenUxuxiyiɬcheq'aghtthantithiyo.
    thenagainbackshe started to go outside
    'And then she went out again.'

  29. hiddenGidhitltth'onhts'ixiyiɬ.
    she heard somethingthen
    'Then she heard something.'

  30. hiddenNedhodixits'igazralyayhgidhitltth'onhts'in'.
    far offfromsomeone is singingshe heard something
    'She heard something like someone singing far off.'

  31. hiddenYitoyiggngiyiggiyixxits'in'xidon'idiyo.
    right awayinsidehousetoshe went back inside
    'Right away she went back into the house.'

  32. hiddenNgo,ndadz xo'insre'godisixi'neseghaye?inedhinh.
    wellwhyI wonderthisthey said to memy older brothersshe thought
    'I wonder why my brothers said that to me she thought.'

  33. hiddenViyeq'ityiɬvi'idituq,naɬjitts'in'.
    her heartalsoit's beatingshe's afraid
    'Her heart pounded in fear.'

  34. hiddenGidhitltth'onh.
    she listened
    'She listened.'

  35. hiddenTr'edhagazralyayh.
    beholdsomeone is singing
    'There was someone singing.'

  36. hiddenTr'edhadi'ezre'idetth'onh.
    beholdher own nameshe heard
    'And she heard her own name.'

  37. hiddenTthantithiyochenh.
    she started to go outagain
    'She went out again.'

  38. hidden"Dugguddhinh,gilaxidonedoyh,"gidetth'onh.
    one observing puberty ritesgo aheadgo inshe heard something
    "'Dugguddhinh, go in," she heard.'

  39. hiddenYitoyiggtsoq'idzdadhiyo.
    immediatelycacheuponshe climbed
    'Immediately she climbed up on the cache.'

  40. hiddenNiɬtrethdhithditl'ighallonghiyiɬchet.
    wolverineskinbundledmanyitshe took
    'She took a bundle of wolverine skins.'

  41. hiddenYituxnuxolyax.
    among themshe's searching
    'She looked among them.'

  42. hiddenNgizrenhxiɬdikvugho'yiɬdengathluq'uɬts'ixiyiɬgetiyngizrenhiɬchet.
    it's prettythenits furalsolongwhitealsoveryit's prettyshe took
    'She took a pretty one with long light-colored fur.'

  43. hiddenYixyiyiɬxidon'idiyo.
    housewith itshe went back inside
    'She went back into the house with it.'

  44. hiddenYitots'in'tenadhilaxaniydiɬtriɬ.
    thenwaterwarmwithshe's wetting it
    'She wet it with warm water.'

  45. hiddenNiɬq'adzyiyiɬ tiniyh.
    both waysshe's stretching it
    'She stretched it both ways.'

  46. hiddenYitots'in'chetthantithiyo.
    thenagainshe started to go outside again
    'Then she went out again.'

  47. hiddenTthan'idiyoda',veghayexivitingxiniɬ'anh.
    she went outside againwhenher older brotherstheir trailshe's looking at
    'When she went out she saw her brothers' trail.'

  48. hiddenTs'ixiyiɬxiɬtthonhnigughungeɬixsnal.
    thenshe saw themwolvesfive
    'And she saw five wolves.'

  49. hiddenYiqxididltth'ets'in'gixidalyayh,"a-yeq-ya, ya-yaq-ya, ho".Chenh"Dugguddhinh, it-qa, ho"
    downthey're sittingandthey're singingagainone observing puberty rites
    'They were sitting down and singing, "...". Again, "Dugguddhinh, ..."5

  50. hiddenXidon'iluggoknaɬjitts'in'.
    she ran back insideshe's afraid
    'She ran back in fear.'

  51. hiddenNiɬtrethidanyaghdithitrit,da'xiq'i.
    wolverineshe wrapped around herselfparkalike
    'She wrapped the wolverine skin around herself like a parka.'

  52. hidden(I)danyaghdithinekuxuxiyiɬvidhantr'axidhu'onh.
    she pulled it around herselfthenher neckit's bare
    'When she pulled it around herself her neck was left bare.'

  53. hiddenYitots'in'dinoɬchidlyenuxolyax.
    thenher workbaginshe's searching
    'She searched in her workbag.'

  54. hiddenUxuxiyiɬdandldikiɬchet.
    thenit's stripedshe took
    'She found a piece of striped fur.'

  55. hiddenDit'osinxanyitlqut.
    her backshe patched it
    'She put it on her back as a patch.'

  56. hiddenYitots'ichedadzdeɬ'anh.
    thenagainthusshe does thus
    'Then she did that again.'

  57. hiddenChenhidanyaghdithinek.
    againshe pulled it around herself
    'She put the skin back on.'

  58. hiddenUxuxiyiɬngichoghathdlat.
    thenbig oneit became
    'It became big.'

  59. hiddenChedinoɬchidlyenixolyax.
    againher workbaginshe's searching
    'Again she searched in her workbag.'

  60. hiddenNiɬtrethghe'negiɬtthonh.
    wolverineteethfineshe saw
    'She found some fine wolverine teeth.'

  61. hiddenDidhoyighelo.
    in her mouthshe put them
    'She put them in her mouth.'

  62. hiddenNondigitl'iyoyeyggiyniɬtrethda'vighe'yiɬ.
    what she took offthatwolverineparkaits teethtoo
    'Then she took off the wolverine parka and the teeth.'

  63. hiddenTthantitl'uggok.
    she started to run outside
    'She ran outside.'

  64. hiddenTr'edhaniɬggudz dixodiɬ.
    beholdnearbythey're going
    'There they were coming nearby.'

  65. hiddenXiyiɬtthonh.
    they saw her
    'They saw her.'

  66. hiddenYiq xididltth'echenhgixatathdle':a-yeq-ya, ya-yaq-ya, ho.Chenh,dugguddhinhit-qa, ho.
    they sat downagainthey began to singagainone observing puberty rites
    'They sat down and began to sing.'6

  67. hiddenXidon'iluggok.
    she ran back inside
    'She ran back in.'

  68. hiddenNiɬtrethda'nondoɬcheth.
    wolverineparkashe put back on
    'She put on the wolverine skin again.'

  69. hiddenVighe'yiɬdidhonighelo.
    its teethtooin her mouthshe put them back
    'She put the teeth back in her mouth.'

  70. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyixniɬchentitl'uggokniɬtrethngilanhts'in'.
    thenhousein circleshe started to runwolverineshe is
    'Then she ran in circles around the house in the form of a wolverine.'

  71. hiddenNgiduxsinxuxitathdatl.
    up on topthey started to go up
    'They climbed up on top of the house.'

  72. hiddenNiɬq'adznigixentlggetthxidighe'axa.
    apartthey tore ittheir teethwith
    'They tore it apart with their teeth.'

  73. hiddenYitongoniɬchenghiluggukeygginhnq'oɬonh.
    meanwhilein circleshe's runningthat personwoman
    'Meanwhile the woman ran around in circles.'

  74. hiddenNiɬtrethngilanhts'in'xivituxtthe'eɬtlux.
    wolverineshe isamong themshe leaped
    'Having turned into a wolverine and she leaped among them.'

  75. hiddenNiɬtrethxivitingtitl'uggok.
    wolverinetheir trailshe started to run
    'The wolverine ran up their trail.'

  76. hiddenYitots'in'xiyniɬ'anhts'ixizro.
    thenthey lookedonly
    'Then they just looked around.'

  77. hiddenYixchexiyexighedatl.
    houseagainthey went in
    'They went back in the house.'7

  78. hiddenXiyq'i tathdatl.
    they followed her
    'They chased her.'

  79. hiddenYitots'in'naɬjitts'in'ghoɬtliɬ.
    thenshe's afraidshe's jumping
    'Then being afraid, she jumped.'

  80. hiddenDu'odzniɬggudz dixiytl'o yighidiɬ.
    over herenearbythey're following her
    'They followed her closely.'

  81. hiddenTingxothq'idzdidlangchuxxindighe'o.
    trailalongsidesprucebigit stands
    'Beside the trail stood a big spruce tree.'

  82. hiddenYitlyiɬ.
    she grabbed onto it
    'She grabbed onto it.'

  83. hiddenNgidiggididlangq'idzxitl'uggok.
    upwardspruceonshe ran up
    'She ran up the spruce tree.'

  84. hiddenXiyghoyixxizrogits'anxodiɬ.
    they beneath heronlythey're encircling
    'They encircled it beneath her.'

  85. hiddenNgidiggits'ixiyniɬ'anhts'ixizro.
    upwardthey lookedonly
    'They looked upward.'

  86. hiddenUxuxuyiɬdigitthigits'ighyadz tidhu'onh.
    thenher hoodshe pushed back
    'Then she pushed back her hood.'

  87. hidden"Seghaye,"xiɬne,"gila'ghinoyuxlayhtuxsoxogichotxizroniguxlayh,"xiɬne.
    my brothersshe said to themnowcaribouyou pl. killwhenfor megutsonlyyou pl. leaveshe said to them
    "'My brothers," she said to them, "from now on when you kill caribou, leave only the guts for me."'

  88. hiddenUxuxiyiɬxiygho ntithidatl.
    thenthey left her
    'Then they left her.'

  89. hiddenYitots'in'nonghidiyonuq'oɬonh.
    thenshe came downwoman
    'Then the woman came down.'

  90. hiddenYitots'iidediggideghtadhiyo.
    thenshe tooawayshe went
    'And she too went away.'


  1. Chapman/Kari have giɬigg 'one' as the first word of the sentence.
  2. JD says noxidelanh. The sound n is often deleted before the sound x.
  3. Chapman/Kari have yan' 'only' after nelang.
  4. The second sentence was not recorded.
  5. Chapman's version of the song is given here. JD did not know it.
  6. Again, the song is Chapman's. JD does not sing it.
  7. Chapman's version has yûkû 'there' as the first word of the sentence, which makes more sense in terms of the story. He gives the verb as qaiyûkûxaidätl 'they went there'. Kari deciphered this as xuyexighedatl 'they went in'.
  8. JD's recorded title is Niɬtreth Vegha 'Wolverine's older brother'