
Recorded with James Dementi, 10-9-2003

  1. hiddenNiɬ'oqaytthuxdixathdo.
    couplealonethey lived
    'A couple lived by themselves.'

  2. hiddenYitots'in'xivitsoyiɬxiɬdikxelanh,xiviyixyiɬ.
    thentheir cacheandthenthere istheir housetoo
    'They had a cache and a house.'

  3. hiddenEygginhviqing'ggaggdiɬ'anh,gitsighiyeyiɬxaɬaxayiɬq'oyiɬaxa.
    thather husbandanimalhe's gettingmartenandtrapby means ofandarrowsandby means of
    'Her husband got game, marten with traps and also with arrows.'

  4. hiddenYitots'in'"ngontasdoɬ,"yiɬne.
    thenwellI'll returnhe said to her
    'One day he said, "I'll be back.'

  5. hidden"Gitsighiyexaɬts'in"'yiɬne.
    martentraptohe said to her
    'I'm going to check my marten traps.'

  6. hiddenIne'nuq'oɬonhyoghngitsing'.
    butwomanshe was stingy for him
    'But the woman wanted him to stay.'

  7. hidden"Inagh,"yiɬne.
    noshe said
    "'No," she said.'

  8. hidden"Ndadz xo'in?"yiɬne.
    whyhe said
    "'Why?" he said.'

  9. hidden"Gilagodhedots'in'dranghangidhiɬ,"yiɬne.
    go aheadhereyou staywhiledayyou spendshe said
    "'Spend the day here," she said.'

  10. hidden"Xaneginhxit'axitolaɬ,"yiɬne.
    strangerperhapsthere will beshe said
    "'Strangers may come," she said.'

  11. hiddenDaɬine'chelyiɬne,"divachexitodiɬ?"yiɬne.
    butmanhe said to herwhoelsethey will comehe said
    'But the man said to her, "who could come anyway?'

  12. hidden"Ngodinaqul,"yiɬne.
    wellpeoplenonehe said
    'There aren't any people around.'

  13. hidden"Sideyan'sitingxelanh,"yiɬne.
    mine alonemy tracksthere arehe said
    'There aren't any tracks but mine."'

  14. hiddenYitots'in'nithitl'enhts'itadhiyo.
    thenhe dressedhe left
    'Then having dressed, he left.'

  15. hiddenYitongotathtraxanhnq'oɬonh.
    meanwhileshe began to crythatwoman
    'Then the woman began to cry.'

  16. hiddenDiyixdhidoq'on-gidiɬqon'ts'in'.
    her houseshe sitsshe's sewing
    'She sat in her house sewing.'

  17. hiddenDran nedrxiyiɬngi'inxits'in'dinaqantr'idiɬghutl.
    middaythenoutthat waypersonfootone is striking
    'At midday there came the sound of someone brushing snow off his feet.'

  18. hiddenXiyiɬngu'oxidineyoviqing'giyenh.
    thenoutsidehe came insideher husbanddifferent person
    'Then someone different from her husband came in from outside.'

  19. hiddenYitots'in'nq'oɬonhdittheghaxadinan'ts'in'xiyghelo.
    thenwomanher hairwithher facetoshe concealed it
    'The woman concealed her face with her hair.'

  20. hiddenYitots'intth'okyiyeghelo,nelangyiɬguq'uxyiɬ.
    thenbowlshe put in itmeatandfatand
    'She put food in a bowl, meat and fat.'

  21. hiddenYitots'in'yitl'oyigheqonh.
    thenshe gave it to him
    'Then she gave it to him'

  22. hidden"Gilanguhonh,"yiɬne.
    hereeat itshe said
    "'Here, eat," she said.

  23. hidden"Ngodistsan'qul,"yiɬne.
    wellI'm hungrynothe said
    "'Well, I'm not hungry," he said.

  24. hidden"Ngongoqogodist'anh,"yiɬne.
    wellfor youhereI'm doinghe said
    "'I have come here for you," he said.'

  25. hidden"Siyiɬntedoyh,"yiɬne.
    with meyou will come backhe said
    "'Come back with me."

  26. hiddenDaɬine'"inagh,"ne.
    butnoshe said
    'But she said "no".

  27. hiddenNilugguyaxaxiɬdikyitl'oghelo.
    beadthenhe gave her (pl.)
    'Then he gave her some beads.'1

  28. hiddenYitots'in'yidhanniynelo.
    thenaround her neckhe put them
    'He put them around her neck.'

  29. hiddenYitots'itthantithiyoanhchel.
    thenhe went back outheyoung man
    'Then the young man went out.'

  30. hiddenYitongonixidiɬq'onh.
    meanwhileshe's building a fire
    'Meanwhile she built a fire.

  31. hiddenYitots'igititlvatr,diqing'dava.
    thenshe started cookingher husbandawaiting
    'She started cooking, awaiting her husband.'

  32. hiddenDitotsan',yinedhinhts'in'.
    he'll be hungryshe thought
    'He will be hungry, she thought.'

  33. hiddenXiyiɬni'idiyoviqing'.
    thenhe returnedher husband
    'Then her husband returned.'

  34. hiddenYitots'in'angixaghɬnonh.
    thentheythey ate
    'Then they ate.'

  35. hiddenYitots'in'ngidiggxidon-giniɬcheth.
    thenuphe closed the curtain
    'Then he closed the curtain.'

  36. hiddenYitots'ixinathdrit.
    thenthey went to bed
    'Then they went to bed'

  37. hiddenNondigitl'iyoeygginhviqing'nilugguylongiɬtthonh.
    she undressedthather husbandbeadmanyhe saw
    'When she undressed the husband saw the beads.'

  38. hiddenYits'itidltitlviye xidolninghts'in'anhchel.
    he scolded herhe's angryheyoung man
    'He got angry and scolded her.'

  39. hidden"Divangitl'oyigheloy,dinaquldi?"yiɬne.
    whogave them to youpersonnonehe said
    "'Who gave that to you when there are no people around?" he said.'

  40. hiddenYitots'in'niɬtoyethtritiyniligguydiggazriɬdhiychuxaxa.
    thenhe smashed themitbeadmaulbigby means of
    'And then he smashed the beads with a big maul.'

  41. hiddenYitots'in'viɬeqayq'idiyethdrok.
    thenshovelhe put them on
    'He put them on a shovel.'

  42. hiddenYitots'in'ngidiggiyoq'atxonyighengiɬ.
    thenupwardsmokeholehe threw them through
    'And he threw them up through the smokehole.'

  43. hiddenYitots'in'nathtanh.
    thenhe lay down
    'Then he lay down.'

  44. hiddenAxaxiɬdikeygginhniq'oɬonhtathtrax.
    thenthatwomanshe began to cry
    'The woman began to cry.'

  45. hidden"Gilangi'eghngitrix,"yiɬneviqing'.
    go aheadoutsideyou cryhe said her husband
    "'Go outside and cry," said her husband.'

  46. hidden"Viɬadinh,"yiɬne.
    sleepwithouthe said
    "'I cannot sleep," he said.

  47. hiddenYitots'in'ngi'eghtthitadhiyo.
    thenoutsideshe went out
    'So she went outside.'

  48. hiddenYitots'in'ngi'eghtathtrax.
    thenoutsideshe began to cry
    'Then she cried outside.'

  49. hiddenGidoɬt'oɬts'in'uxuxiyiɬviyiɬtsaghɬde'on'nq'oɬonh.
    moon is shiningandthenon herit got darkwoman
    'There was moonlight and then it got dark on her.'

  50. hiddenUxuxiyiɬdoɬt'olniɬ'anh.
    thenmoonshe's looking at
    'She looked at the moon.

  51. hiddenTr'edhaeygginhgiyet,doɬt'olyeteygginhchel.
    beholdthat personin somethingmooninthat personyoung man
    'And behold there was a man in the moon.'

  52. hiddenYits'in'nigidluq.
    at herhe's laughing
    'He was laughing at her.'

  53. hidden"Ndadzdidene?"yiɬne.
    whatyou're sayinghe said
    "'What are you saying?" he said.'

  54. hidden"Ngoeyggiynilugguyniɬtoyethtrit,"yiɬne.
    wellthosebeadhe smashed themshe said
    "'He smashed up those seed beads," she said.'

  55. hiddenYitots'in'ngidiggiyixxodixinineyo.
    thenuphouseon tophe went
    'Then he went up on top of the house'

  56. hiddenEygginhanhchelniyiɬchet,eyggiynilugguyneg.
    thatthatyoung manhe picked upthatbeadpretty
    'He picked up the pretty beads.'

  57. hiddenŁidet'ayitots'in'.
    they're wholethereupon
    'And they became whole.'

  58. hiddenYitots'in'eygginhnq'oɬonhyidhannonyinelo.
    thenthatwomanaround her neckhe put them on again
    'He put them around the woman's neck.'

  59. hiddenYitots'ixiyiɬchet.
    thenhe took her
    'Then he took her.'

  60. hiddenYitots'in'yiyiɬdoɬt'olyexits'itadhiyo.
    thenwith hermooninfrom therehe left
    'Then he went back into the moon with her.'

  61. hiddenYitongoeygginhviqing'anhtr'atr'an'ididhit.
    meanwhilethather husbandbeholdhe awoke
    'Meanwhile her husband awoke.'

  62. hiddenTthineyo.
    he went out
    'He went out'

  63. hiddenVu'ottr'edhaqul.
    his wifebeholdgone
    'His wife was gone.'

  64. hiddenYitots'idiqayxanoghuhoɬ.
    thenhis villagearoundhe's going
    'He went all around the village.'

  65. hiddenDaɬine'ideyan'vitingxelanh.
    buthers onlyher trackthere are
    'But there were only her tracks.'

  66. hiddenXaneginhyiɬtingqul.
    'No tracks of a stranger were there.'

  67. hiddenYitots'in'tathtrax.
    thenhe began to cry
    'Then he began to cry.'

  68. hiddenYitots'in'didagyiɬdititlq'un',dittheghyiɬdit'osinxiyiɬ.
    thenhis parkaalsohe began to burnhis head hairandhis backand
    'He singed his parka and his hair and his back.'

  69. hiddenYitots'in'niɬtrethngilanhts'in',tadhiyo.
    thenwolverinehe ishe left
    'And then having turned into a wolverine he departed.'


  1. The Chapman/Kari version of this sentence ends in tr'imazriq neg 'pretty seed beads'. JD said he had never heard tr'imazriq.