(The Sun and the Moon)

Recorded with Lucy Hamilton, 10-9-2003

  1. hiddenQayxichuxxidhu'onhtr'i'ne.
    villagebigthere isit is said
    'There was a big village.'

  2. hiddenSraqayyozryeyitxididltth'e,chilqaydiniyhinxividadryiɬgeɬixsnalin. livedboysfour peopletheir younger sisterwithfive people
    'There there lived a family of five people, four boys and their younger sister.'1

  3. hiddenAxaxiɬdiknq'oɬonhtr'igidiɬt'ix.
    nowwomanshe does not want to marry
    'This young woman did not want to marry.'

  4. hiddenXaneginlonghyiɬxiyq'atxiyghun' ididiɬ,qayyitxit'anyiɬ,daɬine'tr'igidiɬt'ix.
    strangersmanytoothey want herthey came to hervillagetherepeoplealsobutshe does not want to marry
    'Many strangers came seeking her, as did many people of that village, but she refused to marry.'

  5. hiddenYitots'in'xidigaɬnuq'oɬdaɬinchilqayyiɬqayxit'anxixaghɬzrek.
    thenfinallywomenmenalsovillagepeoplethey took partners
    'Finally all the men and women of the village took spouses.'

  6. hiddenYitots'in'tsoghɬde'on'.
    thenit was dark
    'It was dark in those days.'

  7. hiddenNgin' qoggno'oyyiɬdoɬt'olyiɬguqul.
    'The sun and moon did not yet exist.'

  8. hiddenYitots'in'eyigginhnq'oɬonhyixitathdo'.
    thenthatwomanthereshe started to live
    'So the woman lived there alone.'

  9. hiddenXaneginhqul.
    'No strangers came.'

  10. hiddenQayxit'anxiyniɬ'anh qul.
    villagepeoplethey do not look at her
    'The people of the village didn't notice her.'

  11. hiddenYitots'in'ngi'eghq'u'edoyhine'xiyniɬ'anh qul.
    thenoutsideshe walks aroundbutthey do not look at her
    'She walked around outside but they paid no attention to her.'

  12. hiddenTs'ixiyiɬchilqayxivu'otnixidelanh.
    and soboystheir wivesthey are
    'And the brothers had wives.'

  13. hiddenUxuxiyiɬtthidangithvitthe'tr'iɬniyhviɬaɬtinghhingo.
    thenat nighther headsomeone is touchedshe's sleepingwhile
    'Then one night while she was sleeping someone touched the woman's head.'

  14. hiddenXaneginhqul.
    'There are no strangers here.'

  15. hiddenDivagodit'anh?inedhinh.
    whothisis doingshe thought
    'Who is doing this? she wondered.'

  16. hiddenDaɬine'yiyiɬxinayh.
    butwith himshe's talking
    'But she talked with him.'

  17. hiddenEdi venhdituxyuxudzdititht'an'eyigginhchelxidon'idoyinh.
    every daythushe began to dothatyoung manwho comes in
    'He began to come in and behave that way every day.'

  18. hiddenAnhtr'aviqing'athdlatxiq'i.
    asher husbandhe becamelike
    'He became like her husband.'

  19. hidden"Divagodit'anh?"inedhinh.
    whothisis doingshe thought
    "'Who is doing this?" she wondered.'

  20. hiddenAɬixiqayyitxit'anxivu'otqayxelanh.
    entirevillagetherepeopletheir wivesthere are
    "'Every man in the village has a wife.'2

  21. hiddenSeghayan'vu'otqul,"inedhinh.
    my older brotheronlyhis wifenoneshe thought
    'Only my older brother does not have a wife," she thought.'3

  22. hidden"Xaneginhyiɬquldi,"inedhinh.
    strangeralsononeshe thought
    "'There are no strangers around either.'

  23. hidden"Gitth'ithgivittheghitatlchith.
    featherhis hairI'll tie to
    'I'll tie feathers to his hair.'

  24. hiddenYitots'in'traɬtth'ettthixitathdatlda'gitth'ithgivittheghithichidhinhoqoxenatl-'eɬ,"inedhinh.
    thenkashimthey came outwhenfeathershis hairthe one it is tied toforI will lookshe thought
    'Then when the men come out of the kashim I'll look to see who has feathers tied to his hair," she thought.'

  25. hidden"Gila,ngiyiggxiyeningidoyh.
    okaydowngo back into it
    "'Go back down into the kashim," she said to him.'

  26. hiddenGila,viɬngaɬtingh.
    okaygo to sleep
    "'Go to sleep.'

  27. hiddenSidediggetiyviɬ axa,"yiɬne.
    me tooverysleepyshe said
    'I'm very sleepy too.'4

  28. hiddenVittheghigithichithts'in'yitots'in'xiyentithiyoeyigginhchel.
    his hairit's tied to itbeingand sohe started back inthatyoung man
    'She had tied them to his hair, and the young man went back into the kashim.'

  29. hiddenYitots'in'viɬadinontitl'iningh.
    and thensleepwithoutshe remained
    'She stayed awake.'

  30. hiddenXiyodiɬ'anhts'ixiyan'.
    she's thinkingonly
    'She was just thinking.'

  31. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyititlqon'.
    thenit started to get light
    'Then it started to get light.'

  32. hiddenYitots'in'tthineyo.
    thenshe went out
    'Then she went out.'

  33. hiddenYitots'in'xidiyixxidoynatadhit.
    thentheir housedoorwayshe stood
    'She stood in the doorway of their house.'

  34. hiddenUxuxiyiɬtthantr'itithidatlaxaxiɬdikchilqaytthanxitithidatlts'in',xiniɬ'anhine'xivittheghghun'guqul.
    thensome started to go outand thenyoung menthey went outasshe's looking at thembuttheir hairuponnothing
    'Then as the young men started to come out, she looked at them but no one anything on his hair.'

  35. hiddenUxuxiyiɬveghatthan'eɬtlux.
    thenher older brotherhe leaped out
    'Then her older brother leaped out.'

  36. hiddenYiniɬ'anhtr'edhavittheghigithichith.
    she's looking at himbeholdhis hairsomething was tied onto
    'She looked at him and there were feathers tied in his hair.'

  37. hiddenViyiɬtsoghɬditidhu'on'.
    with herit became dark
    'She became very angry.'5

  38. hiddenVinanchedindiq'asr.
    her facealsobecame red
    'Her face became red.'

  39. hiddenXiɬdikviye xidolninghts'in'.
    thenshe was angry
    'She was angry.'

  40. hiddenYitots'in'dranaxaxiɬdikxidonyalyayh,vida'negggusrvughun'quliy,dezrenhyan'vidag.
    thenduring daythenshe brought inher parkafinedirton itnonethatbeautifulonlyher parka
    'Then during the day she brought in her fine clean new parka, her beautiful parka.'

  41. hiddenGuq'uxyiɬgagyiɬxidon'elyoxithag ts'in',xiyiɬvonhyiyiɬxinayhine'.
    fattooberrieswithshe brought inshe's not speakingandher motherwith hershe's speakingalthough
    'She brought in fat too and berries without speaking, even when her mother spoke to her.'

  42. hiddenYitots'in'nixidiɬq'onhhingo.
    thenshe built a firemeanwhile
    'She built up the fire.'

  43. hiddenAxaxiɬdikidedigtonxididltanheyigginhnuq'oɬonh.
    and thenshe tooshe bathedthatwoman
    'And she took a bath.'

  44. hiddenAxaxiɬdikni'ithitl'enhdaknegye,qatrithyiɬ.
    and thenshe dressedparkafineinmoccasinstoo
    'She dressed in her fine parka, moccasins too.

  45. hiddenAxaxiɬdikvanhgiqyughonineqonhdeghatth'ogyet.
    and thenice creamshe put down by himher older brotherbowlin
    'She put ice cream down by her older brother in a bowl.'

  46. hiddenYitots'in'tavasriɬchet.
    and thenulushe took
    'Then she took her ulu.'

  47. hiddenYitots'in'dimama'didagghoyixxandinatht'otth.
    thenher breastsher parkainsideshe cut off
    'And inside her parka she cut off her breasts.'6

  48. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyitots'in'vanhgiqq'idzdiyethdlo.
    and thenthenice creamuponshe put them
    'And she put them upon the ice cream.'

  49. hiddenYitots'in'q'eyh xineddiyindighetthiyh.
    and thenawlshe stuck in it
    'In it she stuck an awl.'7

  50. hiddenYitots'in'xiyeyigheqonh.
    and thenshe brought it into the kashim
    'Then she brought it into the kashim.'8

  51. hiddenNgu'otdiq'an'elnek.
    over thereshe straightened herself up
    'She came in and stood up straight.'

  52. hiddenTr'edhaveghanginuqdathdo.
    beholdher older brotherin backhe was sitting
    'There at the back sat her older brother.'

  53. hiddenYixnedryitots'in'yughun'diydhuqonh.
    housemiddlethenby himshe placed it
    'Then by him in the middle of the house she set it down.'

  54. hidden"Nginhɬo'its'in'ɬogodingit'anh,"yiɬne.
    youtrulythusyou doshe said to him
    "'Truly you have done this," she said to him.'9

  55. hidden"Agidetngin' qoggdinaxiyaxaimotolaɬ,"yiɬne.
    nowearthpeoplethey with itsicknessit will beshe said to him
    'Now sickness will come to people upon this earth.'

  56. hiddenYitots'in'yixitadhiyo.
    and thenthereshe left
    'And then she left.'10

  57. hiddenUxuxiyiɬviyiɬxigitidhu'on'.
    thenwith herthe sun went up
    'Then she ascended with the sun.'11

  58. hiddenYitots'in'veghayiɬdidagnondoɬcheth,diqatrithchenh.
    thenher older brotheralsohis parkahe put onhis moccasinstoo
    'Then her older brother put on his parka also and his moccasins.'

  59. hiddenGiq'ithyan'yen-ghit'atth,inatots'in'.
    one sideonlyhe put onhe's in a hurrybeing
    'He put on only one boot in his haste.'12

  60. hiddenSidadrxit'asogh ntithiyo,inedhinh.
    my younger sisterperhapsshe left mehe thought
    'My younger sister has left me, he thought.'

  61. hiddenYitots'in'idedigtadhiyo.
    and thenhe toohe went out
    'And then he too ascended.'

  62. hiddenDoɬt'olathdlat.
    moonhe became
    'He became the moon.'


  1. Chapman's sentence started kehlûˊkû hurzye (giɬigg yozrye) "one family of children" instead of with sraqay.
  2. Chapman has qw̆\ihltç̆\i\'gû (xuɬtthig 'entire'?) instead of aɬixi.
  3. Kari has zro in place of LH's yan'.
  4. LH added getiy to this sentence.
  5. Kari's free translation is "her sight became dark". Chapman's free translation is "it became dark with her".
  6. Chapman has niyû\'kû 'within (the parka)'. Kari has ghoyixi. LH read this as ghoyix.
  7. "birch basket awl" is q'eyh xined in Kari 1978 and kex\texthalflength\ aned "woman's awl" in Osgood 1943.
  8. Kari has xiyeyitighiqonh, and Chapman qa\'iyie\'t̆\idh okhwo\'n.
  9. Chapman has a\'t instead of ɬogo.
  10. Chapman has çantû\'çiyo (tthantithiyo) here.
  11. Chapman has another phrase before this sentence, (in modern transcription) yitots'in' ayigg yeg tadhiyo ('and there she went').
  12. Chapman and Kari have zro instead of yan'.