Charlie Longman
recorded with Edna Deacon, 3-25-2004

  1. hiddenAgideanniɬ'oqaytthuxdixididlitth'e.
    now thenthose peoplemarried couplealonethey resided
    'A certain couple were living alone.'

  2. hiddenUxudeyan'yitnixidinedaq.
    they onlytherethey settled
    'They were living there all by themselves.'

  3. hiddenYitots'in'yitidixanhxivigege'chevixedhinix.
    nowtherelast onetheir childrenalsohe/she was lost
    'They had lost all of their children.'

  4. hiddenYitots'in'yixintl'u'ot.
    thenthey looked forward to nothing
    'They looked forward to nothing from then on.'

  5. hiddenAxaxiɬdikaygginhviqing'soghluqdranh tuxyik'odztl'inots'ixiyan'.
    thenthat personher husbanddeardailyfrom herhe turned awayentirely
    'The husband turned entirely away from his wife.'

  6. hiddenAɬonachetth'inhdina'iɬtse.
    beholdbonedollhe made
    'And then he made a doll of bone.'

  7. hiddenDixinaɬt'adsre'xinadhoɬts'in'xiyiɬdiyiq'iniɬnekts'in',yitots'in'yinoghɬdidithne' ts'in'.
    how manynot knownnightsasthenhe finishedasmoreoverto herhe did not tell
    'For many days after he had finished it he did not tell his wife about it.'

  8. hiddenYitots'in'yixi venhdida'vinixiɬyiqxiɬdikvinixiɬts'eg dongxiɬdiktr'inedhiteygginhvu'otsoghluqviɬaɬtinghhingo.
    thennext morningmorningevenyesterday morningthenhe awokethat personhis wifedearshe's sleepingwhile
    'Then one morning just after dawn the husband awoke while his wife was still sleeping.'

  9. hiddenTr'edhadhitanh.
    beholdshe's lying
    'She was lying there.'

  10. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyivitq'idzdiyitltanhts'in',yitots'in'yiq'idilo'di'itl-'onh.
    thenher bellyuponhe put itandthenon ithis handhe lay
    'Then he put the doll upon her belly and laid his hand on it.'

  11. hiddenXidigaɬxizrolochevixedhinixyit.
    finallysurelyit disappearedthere
    'Finally it disappeared.'

  12. hiddenYitots'in'chenixinithidritluq.
    thenagainthey lay abeddear
    'Then they both slept.'

  13. hiddenE,ayggiyuxudz xiyan'dalyoqts'in'ghiluq.
    yesthatalways like thathe diddear
    'Yes, that is what he did'.

  14. hiddenXiɬditr'itadhit,aygginhvu'otsoghluq.
    thenshe started to wake upthat personhis wifedear
    'Then his wife awoke.'

  15. hiddenTth'exitl'i'ey ts'in'xiɬdikxoghli'eɬhingogodiyeloq.
    stillit's not lightwhenit grew lightwhilethishe did it
    'It had not yet been light when he had done that thing.'

  16. hiddenTs'ants'in'diggan'ithdonghluq.
    sothenshe arosepoor thing
    'So the poor woman arose.'

  17. hiddenYitdit'anh ts'in'ghiluqtr'i'nedigganxididltth'ets'in'ghiluqts'in'eyggigan sre'axaxiɬdikidughun xitl'inekgixighehon'ghiluqn'iy.
    thereas usualdearthey saythey're sitting upwhiledearthatwhateverthenthey take care of themselvesthey ate somethingdearthat's all
    'They got up as they usually did and ate whatever food they had around.'

  18. hiddenE,cheyuxudzdighet'a'ghiluqts'in'.
    yesagainthatthey diddear
    'So they did.'

  19. hiddenYitots'in'nodxinadhoɬxiyiɬvinixuɬyiqghiluqtr'ixinedhit,tr'i'ne.
    thentwonightthenin the morningdearthey awokethey say
    'And after two nights had passed they awoke in the morning.'

  20. hiddenUxuxiyiɬdoniqxits'in'yits'andinitht'onheygginhdiqing'.
    thenbacktowardsshe turned towards himthat personher husband
    'Then the woman turned to her husband.'

  21. hidden"Xidanh sre'iy?"yiɬne,tr'i'ne.
    where ( saidthey say
    "'Where are you?" she said.'

  22. hidden"Go ɬo cheeygginhsraqaydisiɬ'anhts'ixiq'ichedon'isiyoq,"yiɬnetr'i'neeygginhdiqing'soghluq.
    lookthatchildit's doing to meapparentlyagainI became againshe saidthey saythather husbanddear
    "'Look, I am going to have another child," she said to her dear husband.'

  23. hidden"E?"yiɬne.
    yeshe said
    "'Yes?" he said.'

  24. hiddenNdadzghiluqdengit'ats'ididene?"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    howdearyou arebeingyou sayhe saidthey say
    "'Are you indeed?" he said.'

  25. hidden"E."'

  26. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyuxudzxunh yiɬxizrolochevughugitidltthonh.
    thenall at oncesurelyon herit began to show
    'And then all at once her pregnancy began to show.'

  27. hiddenYuxudzethchox.
    justshe grew big
    'She grew very big.'

  28. hiddenYuxudzvughun'tiyhqults'in'.
    juston herstrengthnoneas
    'Her strength failed.'

  29. hiddenXidigaɬghiluqxizronchenhyuxudzq'ayitaxaxiɬdikyitninedhit.
    at lengthpoor thingsurelyallin an instantthenthenit became time
    'Finally it was completed, all in an instant, the time came.'

  30. hiddenAxaxiɬdikvigixitadhinekghiluqtr'i'ne.
    thenher pains came onpoor thingthey say
    'And her labor pains came on.'

  31. hiddenNgidigg,tr'i'ne,yoxo,tr'i'ne,ngidiggtsoq'idztadhiyo.
    upthey sayfor itthey sayupcacheuponhe went
    'The husband went up on the cache to get things.'

  32. hiddenYitots'in'axaxiɬdiksanhdhithniɬq'adzdidughonxiɬdinondolyots'in'yoghyixniydinelo.
    thenthensummerskintogetherthey are placedthenhe brought them downandunder herhe put them
    'He picked up some summer caribou skins and brought them down and put them under her.'

  33. hiddenAxaxiɬdikvan-gixititldhikhingonoqoggiyiy,eyggiattheghteq'avondhidloy,noqoggiyk'idzyozr,eyggiyididizringk'idzyozrhiy,tr'i'ne,engthixitthiydaghɬningh.
    thenshe has her painswhilestonesthosethosedownshorethe ones that arestonessmalllittlethatblack oneslittlesmallthosethey sayouthe threw on the fire
    'While she was in labor, he threw some little black stones from the beach in the fire.'

  34. hiddenAxaxiɬdikxiɬdivizroxiɬdivik'ugighenekghiluq.
    thenthenclearlythenit (labor) was all overdear
    'Then suddenly it was all over.'

  35. hiddenE,ngiyixnighaɬtth'ittr'edhachelngilanh,chelyozrtr'ixizronche.
    yesdownit fellbeholdboyit isboylittlesurely
    'The baby fell down and behold it was a little boy.'

  36. hiddenSixidaɬts'eyhghiluq,tr'i'ne,eygginhvito'soghluq.
    he's happydearthey saythat personhis fatherdear
    'His father was really happy.'

  37. hiddenAxaxiɬdikeyggiyiyghinothyandatht'oddhaxayigidathdlo.
    thenthatthatcaribou hidestrip he cut offwithhe wiped him
    'He wiped him off with a strip of caribou hide he had cut off.'

  38. hiddenTth'eyigidithdlaghhingoxiɬdigoyits'egghiluqnatht'ithyitotl'oghengthieyggitxitthiydaghɬningh.
    yethe hasn't wiped himwhilethenthishis umbilical corddearhe severedafteroutthathe threw it in the fire
    'He hadn't yet wiped him when cut the umbilical cord, and threw it into the fire.'1

  39. hiddenNoqoggiyk'idzyozrnuggiyne'onhts'in'yiteyggitthetthxiq'ixiɬdiniɬqing'ts'in'yidhots'idaghiɬningh.
    stonesmalllittlehe took off (heat)andtherethatcoalslikeevenwere hot ashis mouthhe threw them into
    'He took out the little stones from the fire and when they were as hot as coals he threw them into the baby's mouth.'

  40. hiddenYititl'iniq.
    he swallowed it
    'He swallowed them.'

  41. hiddenAxaxiɬdiknevaydhithyozrchenhiydlenantidlchoghiycheyidho gighe'ux.
    thenermineskinsmallalsothatmiceas large asthattoohe put in his mouth
    'Then he put an ermine skin only as big as a mouse skin into the baby's mouth too.'

  42. hiddenCheyititl'iniq.
    againhe swallowed it
    'The baby swallowed these things.'

  43. hiddenAxaxiɬdikgitth'ithgichenhyidhotdighetthiyh.
    thenfeatheralsohis mouthhe put into
    'Then he put a feather into the baby's mouth.'

  44. hiddenIycheyititl'iniq.
    thattoohe swallowed it
    'And that too he swallowed.'

  45. hiddenDodoaxaxiɬdik.
    that's allthen
    'That was all.'

  46. hiddenAxaxiɬdikxiɬdikyigidathdloghiluq.
    thenthenhe wiped himdear
    'Then he wiped him off.'

  47. hiddenCheyitots'in'eyigggansre'yiyeghiluqxiɬdigiyeyaghɬtanhyethtth'ixhingo,eygginhdu'otsoghluqchexeɬedzniyniɬtanh.
    andthenthatsomethingnot knownin itdearthenhe put him intohe wrapped himwhilethat personhis wifedearalsowellhe cared for her
    'He wrapped him in swaddling clothes while he took care of his dear wife too.'

  48. hiddenXiɬdiyughoghinodiɬ'anhts'in'.
    thenfor herworkhe's doing
    'He did all her chores.'

  49. hiddenYitots'in'q'ayitq'utithiyoxizronchenh,eygginhtr'ixineganh.
    thenquicklyhe began to walk aboutindeedthatchild
    'Very soon the baby began to walk around.'

  50. hiddenYitots'in'vu'osoghluqyiɬxeɬedzdondiyoq.
    thenhis wifedearwithtooshe became again
    'His wife became well too.'

  51. hiddenYitots'in'eyggidit'anhts'in'xiɬdiidughon-gitr'onxititl'i'an'ghiluq.
    thenthatit's happeningasthenthey began to enjoy themselvesdear
    'They began to enjoy themselves.'

  52. hiddenYitots'in'xidigaɬxizroncheq'itithidhitts'in'tr'i'ne.
    thenfinallyindeedhe began to growasthey say
    'Then finally he (the baby) began to grow large.'

  53. hiddenQ'utithiyoxiyiɬdiyitongotr'i'nengi'eghq'u'edoyheygginhtr'ixineganh.
    he began to walkat the same timemeanwhilethey sayoutsidehe's walking aroundthat personchild
    'He began to walk and to go around outside.'

  54. hiddenQ'idoghtuxtr'i'nengi'eghtr'i'neeyggit...
    oncethey sayoutsidethey saythat
    'One time he was walking around outside...'

  55. hidden"Dinaxideyan'godadzditr'et'a,"xaɬnedan'at.
    peoplewe onlythuswe arethey saythat's so
    "'We are the only ones around here," they said.'

  56. hidden"Xunhdeyan'ghiluqgodadzditr'et'aaxaxiɬdik."
    weonlydearthuswe arethen
    "'We are the only ones."'

  57. hiddenAɬonaxiyk'o xitinadhen'ts'in'tr'i'ne.
    beholdthey were bluffing himastheysay
    'But they were lying to him.'

  58. hidden"Xunhdeyan'ghiluqgodadzditr'et'a,"xaɬneine'tr'i'ne.
    weonlydearthuswe arethey sayeven thoughthey say
    'Even though they said they were the only people around.'

  59. hiddenNgi'eghq'u'edoyhtux,qayxichuxtr'edhaxighe'o'.
    outsidehe's walking aroundwhenvillagebigbeholdthere was
    'When the boy was walking around he came upon a place where there had been a big village.'

  60. hiddenYitots'in'xiyhyixxiyiɬxighela'tr'edhat.
    thenwinterhousealsothere had beenbehold
    'There were winter houses too.'

  61. hiddenYitots'in'yuxudzxiɬdixoghxiyodiɬ'anhtr'i'negot.
    and thenthusthenabout ithe considersthey saythis
    'And he thought hard about what they had told him.'

  62. hiddenXiɬdindadzdighet'a'xiɬdido'eghxidithne' ts'in'.
    yethowit wasnowjust around therehe doesn't say
    'He said nothing about what he had seen.'

  63. hiddenGoxiɬdiq'i'ididhitts'in'.
    herenowhe was grown
    'And so he grew up.'

  64. hiddenQ'aghdidhiɬhingoxiyiɬxiɬdigot,dadzdixitadhine'.
    he was growingwhilethenthenthisthusit began to happen
    'This happened while he was growing up.'

  65. hiddenXiydhogititl'ughuɬxiq'idaɬine'viyan'tr'i'ne.
    they his mouththey struckas ifbutnothey say
    'It was as if they had struck him in the mouth but they hadn't.'

  66. hidden"Ngoxunhdeyan'tr'ididltth'ets'in'angottr'idoghɬtth'e'diangot,"xaɬne,ine'.
    whyweonlywe are livingthe ones whoherewe livedthe ones whoherethey saidhowever
    "'Why we are the only people who have ever lived around here," his parents said.'

  67. hidden"Viyan',"tr'i'ne.
    nothing doingthey say
    "'That's all."'

  68. hiddenXiɬdigoaxaxiɬdikq'i'ididhits'in',ggaggyiɬxiɬdidititl-'an'
    thenherethenhe's growing upasanimalswiththenhe started to work on
    'And so the boy grew up and became a very good hunter.'

  69. hiddenEyggiqayyityiggityuxudzngi'eghxaneloy diɬ'anhtr'i'ne,eyggiggagg.
    thatvillagethereitallaroundwere proppedthey saythatanimal
    'All around their settlement game was hung up.'

  70. hiddenXone dingit'ats'ixiyiɬts'in'.
    he's a good hunteralsoas
    'He was a good hunter.'

  71. hiddenAxaxiɬdikxidigaɬxizronchenhxiɬdieyix nixatitl'ininghghiluqeyggindidithinqayan.
    nowat lengthit seemsthathe overbore themdearthose peoplehis parentsthose people
    'Finally since he persisted his parents grew tired of lying to him.'

  72. hidden"Gogide,"xaɬnetr'i'ne.
    this is itthey saidthey say
    "'This is what happened," they told him.'

  73. hiddenTr'idexiyene'ghiluqetleyts'in'.
    they got tired of refusing himdearmaybe
    'It seemed that they tired of refusing him.'2

  74. hidden"Agide,"xaɬne.
    that's itthey said
    "'That's how it is," they said.'

  75. hiddenAgidengiyiɬ xethdlanhyengiyiggsraɬtth'edinaghelong',ne.
    that's ityour relativesdownkashimpeoplethere were manyhe said
    "'You used to have a lot of relatives who lived here.'3

  76. hiddenAgidegiɬigginhine'xidigaɬdinagho'ni'edol ts'in'yitots'in'.
    mind youoneevenfinallyfrom usdidn't come backthen
    'But they all went away, even the last one, and never came back to us."'

  77. hiddenXits'in' xivixididinekyitots'in'goqayyiɬ.
    that was the end of themandthisvillagetoo
    'That was the end of this village.'

  78. hidden"Ndadzixandasroneɬ?"xiɬne.
    howthenwe'll dohe said to them
    "'What shall we do?" then he asked them.'4

  79. hidden"Aɬonachedidenets'in',"xaɬneghiluqtr'i'ne.
    just asagainyou sayasthey saiddearthey say
    "'Just as you said," they told him.'

  80. hiddenAxaxiɬdikxiviyiɬxizronchexitonyentididhik.
    andwith themit seemshe became impatient
    'And the boy became impatient with them.'

  81. hidden"Xiɬdingido'ts'ixiyan'n-godixit'anhanvanxedhinixin.
    thendownriverentirelythisthey do thisthosethe ones who got lost
    'All the ones who were lost went downriver.'

  82. hiddenNgido'ts'ixiyan'xiɬdigotniɬk'onxididiɬanvanxedhinixinxiɬdianxitl'iniy ts'in'.
    downriveronlyit seemsthisthey separatedtheythe ones who got lostthenthose peoplethey don't know
    'They went down there away from their people and nobody knew anything more about them.'

  83. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'eyh yozrxiɬdiitltsenh.
    thencanoethenhe made
    'So then he made a canoe.'5

  84. hiddenXidigaɬxizroncheviyetadhiyodixiyghongitsing'ine'.
    at lengthit seemsin itwhen he started to gothey were unwilling to give him upthough
    'Finally when it was time for him to go they were unwilling to give him up.'

  85. hiddenDaɬine'axaxiɬdik.
    'So (he went), nevertheless.'6

  86. hiddenNuq'oɬdaɬinideloyxiɬdiviyedyetyighelo.
    womenclothingthencanoeinhe put
    'He put women's clothing in the boat.'

  87. hiddenGansre'laychenh.
    whatnot knownfortoo
    'I wonder why.'

  88. hiddenAxaxiɬdikxiyiyiɬluqtthide'otstr'i'ne.
    thenthey with himdear (ones)went downthey say
    'Then they went down to the shore with him.'

  89. hiddenXiyiyiɬtthide'otsts'in',yitots'in'axaxiɬdikngitthetr'i'nexiɬdixiyoghdixixathdohingo.
    they with himwent downthendown by riverthey saynowthey above himthey're sittingwhile
    'Then they went down to the shore with him and sat above him.'

  90. hiddenXiɬdiviyedyegheyo.
    thencanoehe got into
    'He got into his canoe.'

  91. hidden"Ngogetiyngoghts'ixine ditatl'-eɬyiɬghiluq."
    wellveryfor youI'll worrytoodear
    "'I will be very worried about you."'

  92. hidden"Gitr'oduxɬt'aine'aditast'eɬine'.
    you are needyalthoughI shall dobut
    "'You are poor and need me, but I have this to do."'7

  93. hiddenNiɬggudzits'in'ditast'eɬ"xiɬnetr'i'ne.
    soonI'll comehe told themthey say
    "'I'll come back soon," he told them.'

  94. hidden"E in"xaɬne.
    yes indeedthey said
    "'Yes indeed," they said.'

  95. hiddenAxaxiɬdikengthiyiginetthiyh.
    thenout to middlehe pushed off
    'And so he pushed off from shore.'

  96. hiddenEngthiedo'niɬk'oghiqaɬhingoxoqonigenathtonhdi.
    out to middledownriveraway from each otherhe's paddlingwhileat themwhen he looked back
    'He paddled away looking back at them.'

  97. hiddenYitghiluqtr'i'neniɬq'idhxinxighe'oteq'avon,eygginvidithinqaysoghluqye.
    theredearthey sayside by sidethey sat upshorethose peoplehis parentsdear (pl.)
    'Side by side they sat on the shore, his dear parents.'

  98. hiddenAxaxiɬdikenganngido'ɬogotxiyegheqanh.
    thenacrossdownrivertrulyhe paddled in boat
    'Then he paddled down and over to the other side of the river.'

  99. hiddenEnganngido'yixinuggineqanh,yitots'in'degghiqaɬxiyiɬ.
    acrossdownrivertherehe paddled ashorealsoaround herehe's paddlingalso
    'He paddled along the other shoreline.'

  100. hiddenDoniqdododzxizronche,ghiduqukts'in'tr'i'ne.
    on shorefrom downriverindeedsomething was runningwhilethey say
    'Then on the shore downriver from him he saw something running.'

  101. hiddenTr'edhatuxgedr.
    'There was a mink.'

  102. hiddenDoniqyoghniqtth'eniqtr'edhani'iduquyh.
    just on shoreuphill from himstraight upbeholdit stopped running
    'It stopped on the shore just opposite him.'

  103. hiddenYitenedaxadiggidiniɬnek.
    therehind legswithit sat up
    'It sat upon its hind legs.'

  104. hiddenNgidiqdits'ighni'iniɬnek.
    upwardits hoodit pushed back
    'It pushed back its hood.'8

  105. hiddenYoqo xinayhtr'i'ne.
    it called himthey say
    'It called out to him.'

  106. hidden"Soogha,"yiɬne,"viyedyesiɬtayh,ngiyiɬditast'eɬts'in',"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    older brotherit said to himcanoeintotake mewith youI will goasit saidthey say
    "'Older brother," it said to him, "take me into your canoe and I will go with you."'9

  107. hiddenTs'anyits'in'yitxits'in'niggits'in'didiyoq,tr'i'ne.
    wellto himtheretowardsinlandhe wentthey say
    'So the young man paddled to shore.'

  108. hidden"Ngongiyiɬ xethdlanyelonghgo degdixedaɬingodadzdixividaghsne'ine'yuxudzsughosrixitili'elts'in',"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    wellyour relativesmanyaround herethe ones who camethusI told thembutwhateverto methey paid no attentionit told himthey say
    'It said to him, "when all your relatives came by here I said the same thing to them but they paid no attention to me."'

  109. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyitts'in'niggits'in'didiyoqts'in'nuggineqanhts'in',yitots'in'yit'odzxiyegheyo.
    thentheretoashorehe wenthe paddled ashorethenbehind himit went into canoe
    'Then he went ashore to it and it got into the canoe behind him.'

  110. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyiyiɬniɬk'ontithiqanh.
    thenwith himhe paddled to the middle again
    'And then they both set off paddling.'

  111. hiddenNgido',ngido'.
    'Downriver downriver.'10

  112. hiddenDegndaghsre'ngido'xoqaɬyiɬ.
    herewhereI wonderdownriverthey're paddlingalso
    'They went far, far downriver.'

  113. hiddenNgidot.

  114. hiddenNgido'gideyit.
    downriverdifferent placethere
    'Downriver at another place.'

  115. hiddenAdo'tr'edhadeloyngants'idhu'on.
    downriverbeholdmountainsidewaysthere is
    'Down below them was a sideways mountain.'

  116. hiddenNgants'idhu'onhxiq'idingit'a,xididine'onhts'in'xiq'its'in'.
    sidewaysit isas thoughit isit obscuredas if
    'Down below them was a mountain extending across obscuring everything else.'11

  117. hidden"Ngido'gideyit,"yiɬne.
    downriverdifferent placetherehe said
    "'Down there," he said to his brother.'

  118. hiddenIyts'itr'ixathdatlxiyiɬxiɬdigot.
    ittowardthey came outthenthenhere
    'They came out towards it there.'12

  119. hiddenNgido'gideyit,"yiɬne,eyggidegha.
    downriveranothertherehe said to himthathis older brother
    "'Downriver there," he said to his older brother.'

  120. hidden"Agideviyan'ts'an'a,"yiɬne.
    like thisonly itthenhe said
    "'Do only (what I tell you)," he said.'

  121. hiddenXoghngiyetrditeholts'in'ayiɬne.
    past italiveyou will not gothat's whathe said
    "'You'll never get past it alive," said he.'13

  122. hiddenTs'anxoqaɬ.
    so thenthey're paddling
    'So they paddled.'

  123. hiddenXoqaɬtr'i'ne,ngido'eyggiedot,deloyaxaxiɬdikanhtr'aYeqinxididine'onhxiq'iiy.
    they're paddlingthey saydownriverthatfar downriver placemountainthenas ifYukonit shut offas ifit
    'They paddled nearer downriver to the place, where a mountain obscured the Yukon.'

  124. hiddenAxaxiɬdikxiyts'itr'ixidhiqanh.
    thenthey to itthey paddled out
    'Then they paddled out to it.'

  125. hiddenYitongoxiɬdiyeghayiɬnetr'i'ne,"gotdingidisnets'ixiyan'dingit'anh,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    meanwhilethenhis older brotherhe told himthey saythisI tell youonlyyou dohe saidthey say
    'Meanwhile his brother (the mink) told him, "do only what I tell you to do.'

  126. hidden"Gosixinagdotithditidheɬneg ts'in'.
    thismy wordacrossdo not do
    'Do not go against my word.'

  127. hiddenGotdingidisneyts'ixiyan'dingit'anh,"yiɬnetr'i'ne,degha.
    thiswhat I tell youonlyyou dohe told himthey sayhis older brother
    'Do only what I tell you," he told his older brother.'

  128. hiddenGotr'aldeg yixighiqaɬdi,tth'editht'anditr'alyixighiqaɬdi,xiyiɬdixizroninnginiggingido' ts'in'tr'oqaɬtritrviyedviye tr'igidiluquyyet.
    heregraduallyaround therewhen he's paddlingstraight stretchgraduallytherewhen he's paddlingall at onceapparentlyit seemsashoredownstreamsomeone is paddlingwoodencanoedug-outin
    'So gradually they paddled nearer to the place down a straight stretch when suddenly someone appeared downstream near shore paddling a wooden dug-out canoe.'

  129. hidden"Gonyet!

  130. hiddenGoxiɬdivido'go,vido'xiɬdixelanh.
    herethenits edgehereits edgethenthere is
    'Here is something, on the edge.'14

  131. hiddenAgidengeghadeɬdhinhezre'iy,"yiɬne,eyggiiyvido'.
    that's ityour older brotherfirst bornnameithe saidthatitits edge
    'It's the name of your firstborn brother, that one on the edge.'

  132. hiddenNgeghadeɬdhinhatnigido'oɬ,"yiɬne.
    your older brotherfirstbornhe sings abouthe said
    'He is singing about your firstborn brother."'

  133. hiddenYuxudzengthitr'idoqoggxitthitr'it'oxniɬq'adzxiɬdigonyetxiɬditr'oqaɬviye tr'igidiluquyiyyet.
    farforwardover the deckhis head swaysboth waysasthisinwhilesomeone is paddlingdug-outitin
    'His head was swaying far forward over the deck while the person paddled along in the dug-out.'

  134. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyits'idztthitidhiqanh,tr'alengthiiy.
    thenfrom himhe paddledlittle wayoutit
    'Then he paddled up to him.'15

  135. hidden"Egha,"yiɬne,"xiɬdigotdoniggidododzghigaɬhingoditaɬ'an'yan'ine'yiɬne.
    older brotherhe saidashereashorefrom downstreamhe's paddlingwhileyou will watchonlyhoweverhe said
    "'Older brother," he said, "watch him carefully as he paddles up here," he said.'16

  136. hidden"Ditaɬ'an'yan'ine'xiyiɬxingitiɬ'eɬ,"yiɬne.
    you will watchjustneverthelessthenhe may do to youhe told him
    "'Watch him carefully as he paddles for he may do something to you suddenly," he told him.'

  137. hiddenN-gotxiɬdikxughoniqtth'eghotnineqanh.
    herethenashore from themstraighthe stopped paddling
    'Then the person stopped right in shore from them.'

  138. hiddenXiɬdiuxudiniyvidaɬtuqtr'ixizro.
    thensuddenlythere is a cracking noiseindeed
    'Then suddenly he made a cracking noise.'17

  139. hiddenYitoyiggeyiggq'idaghdhilinhdiq dititlnek.
    immediatelythatyoung manhe went up
    'Right away that young man got up.'18

  140. hiddenGoeyggiytr'eyh yozrghudzitldzixeyggiytiluquy.
    herethatcanoeribsit's stuckthatspear
    'Here (there was) a spear that was thrust into the edge of the canoe.'

  141. hiddenGoyityuxudzyandiyniɬghuɬts'in',eniqyaxadondiyoq.
    thisherejusthe pulled it outandshorewardwith ithe did
    'With all his might he pulled it out and threw it toward shore.'

  142. hiddenDinaggonq'ithvughodhitonhts'in',yughoniqyuxudzteithit'iq.
    man's armhalfof itit isfrom shorejustwaterit fell
    'Carrying one of the man's arms with it, it fell far in towards the shore.'19

  143. hiddenEyggiiyyaɬts'iniyaxachentr'itlyiɬ,iyaxa.
    thatitother sideitwithalsosomeone snatched it againitwith
    'He recoved it with the other arm and threw it again.'20

  144. hiddenChedonyeloqine'checheyuxudzdon'idiyoq,eygginhq'idaghdhilinh.
    alsohe threw itbutagainsameit happened againthatyoung man
    'He threw it also but the same thing happened again.'21

  145. hiddenYaɬts'iniychevughudhitonhts'in',yughoniqteithit'iq.
    other (arm)italsoupon itit isasfrom shorewaterit fell in
    'Carrying the other arm with it towards the shore, it fell into the water.'22

  146. hiddenDinadhoaxachetr'itlyiɬ.
    person'smouthwithalsosomeone grabbed it
    'Then he snatched it up with his teeth.'23

  147. hiddenIne'.
    'It was no use.'24

  148. hiddenAxaxiɬdikxiɬdichecheyaxadonyelyoq,eniq.
    thenthenagainwith ithe did it againshoreward
    'The young man threw it back.'25

  149. hiddenAxaxiɬdikviloy yighe'oyyitoniqcheteithit'iq.
    thenhis headshorewardagainwaterit fell
    'This time it was his head that fell towards the shore.'26

  150. hiddenAxaxiɬdikdodo.
    thenall over
    'Then it was all over.'

  151. hiddenAxaxiɬdikdodoxiyaxa tthidixixine'onh.
    thenall overthey destroyed him
    'They destroyed him.'

  152. hidden"Egha,"yiɬnetr'i'ne,"agidetan(h)zroots'idiɬ'anhine'ots'in'ditiɬ-'eɬanhyan',"yiɬne.
    older brotherhe saidthey saythat's itheindeedthushe doesbutthusyou will doheonlyhe said
    "'Older brother," he said, "he would have done to you what you have done to him.'

  153. hiddenYitongongido'inhzroxiɬdikditigheɬ'el ts'in'.
    meanwhiledownstream oneindeednowyou will not do
    'Meanwhile downstream there's somebody who will be harder to beat.'27

  154. hiddenNgido'inhixetroth,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    downstream oneis hardhe saidthey say
    'The one downstream is difficult," he said.'

  155. hidden"`A!"yiɬne.
    ahhe said
    "'Ah," he said.'

  156. hiddenAxaxiɬdikxiɬdingido'eyggiydeloyxiyeghiqaɬ.
    thenthendownriverthatmountainthey paddled into
    'They kept on down to the river, paddling to the mountain.'28

  157. hiddenXiyeghiqaɬts'in'ngidiggviq'idz,tthaq'idzngi'iluq'uɬxizronchenh.
    they're paddlingasupon itcliffuponsomething white showedit seems
    'As they were paddling along up something white appeared on the cliff.'29

  158. hiddenAɬonaxiɬdigitr'iɬjayhdi.
    beholdthenwhere someone was scraping something
    'There was someone up there scraping a skin.'

  159. hiddenAxaxiɬdikngitthetxiɬdiniqneqanh.
    thenby waterthenashorethey went
    'So they went ashore.'

  160. hiddenNuggneqanhyitots'in',duquxitidhu'odz.
    ashorethey wentand thenthey began to go up
    'They went ashore and began to climb up.'

  161. hiddenDuquxitidhu'odzinyitots'in',yixixuxitidhu'otsxiyiɬ.
    they began to go upthentherethey began to go upthen
    'Up and up they went.'

  162. hiddenNgidiqxits'in'xizroxivitr'iɬtthonhtr'i'ne.
    abovefromindeedsomeone saw themthey say
    'Then the person up above saw them.'

  163. hiddenNgiduxsinxizronchenhxit'igighets'ok.
    from abovesure enoughsomething was lowered by rope
    'From above something was lowered.'

  164. hiddenTr'edhatingiɬchuxtɬ'eɬaxa.
    beholdbucketbigropeby means of
    'It was a big bucket on a thick rope.'

  165. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyitxiqaghnginninets'okts'in'yuxudznoqoggiy.
    thenthereat footgroundlowered toasentirelystones
    'Now the ground at the foot of the cliff was just stones.'

  166. hiddenNoqoggiyxiyiyet xidetrittr'i'ne,xeɬedznixiynetonhts'in'.
    stonesthey put in it quicklythey saycarefullythey place themas
    'And so they quickly put stones in it.'

  167. hiddenAxaxiɬdikxiyitɬ'el ni'aɬdiɬtr'i'ne.
    thenthey shook the ropethey say
    'And they shook the rope.'

  168. hiddenYitoyiggiyiɬnetr'i'neeyiggyichidlsoghluq,"ay'egh,ay'eghangduq!ay'eghangduqndagh,"yiɬne.
    thereuponhe saidthey saythathis younger brotherdearover thereup thereover thereup theresomewherehe said
    'Then he said to his younger brother, "over there! Go up over there."'30

  169. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktixgedrngilanhts'in',ngidiggxiyeghiduquyhxiɬdiyotithits'okhingo,eyggiyiynevayngilanhts'in',degdodixiidedig.
    thenminkhe isuphe ran innowit was risingwhilethatiterminehe isaround hereuphe also
    'And as the bucket was starting up, the young man turned into an ermine and went up too.'31

  170. hiddenAxaxiɬdikngidixixiɬdiganhtongoduxdontr'itlts'ok.
    thenupthenedgehereshelfshe pulled it up to
    'And then the person above pulled up the rope to the ledge where she was.'

  171. hiddenDuxdontr'idhuqonhxiyiɬ,viggigitr'idinaghɬningh,tr'i'ne.
    brinkshe pulled it upwhenshe cut itthey say
    'When she had pulled the rope right up to the brink, she cut it.'32

  172. hiddenEyggiiyvanditl'iche.
    thatitit crashed
    'It crashed.'33

  173. hiddenNgitthing,ngitthingvanditl'ichekeyggiy.
    downhillit crashedthat
    'Down it crashed.'

  174. hiddenEyggixizrogoxiyghun'didltluxxiyiɬ.
    theyindeedhereby herthey leapedthen
    'And then they leaped up right by her.'

  175. hiddenGoyitq'uxet'osr.
    heretherethey walked around
    'They walked around there.'

  176. hiddenAxaxiɬdiknginiggts'in'donxidiyoq.
    thenuplandtoshe went
    'Then she went back towards the woods.'34

  177. hiddenQ'odeɬoviyiɬ gidiyghedhit,tr'inedhinhts'in'.
    nowtrulyit missedsomeone was thinking
    'That was one time that it missed, someone was thinking.'35

  178. hiddenNginiggtr'edhayixxidhu'onh.
    backbeholdhousethere is
    'There was a house back there.'

  179. hiddenAxaxiɬdikdoyixixiɬdixidontithiyo.
    thendownthenshe went inside
    'Then she went down into her house.'

  180. hiddenYuxudzyixixiyno'isr.
    justtherethey're following her
    'They followed close after her.'36

  181. hiddenEngthixizroncheginaɬch'uxdi.
    out in roomsure enoughsomething was boiling
    'Out in the middle of the room there was (a pot) boiling.'

  182. hiddenAxaxiɬdikvavyiɬq'uxititl'inek.
    and thenfoodwithshe began to work
    'She began to prepare food.'

  183. hiddenNigitr'inathtth'aqengodz.
    she made ice creamon the other side
    'She made Indian ice cream.'

  184. hiddenNigitr'inathtth'aqdinadinatthi(ɬ)tled.
    she made ice creampeoplebrains
    'She made Indian ice cream from people's brains.'

  185. hiddenYitongogodinat'osinxeɬedz ts'in'nontr'o'oɬdughoneghiytavasr.
    meanwhilehereher backcarefullyshe concealedbehind herselfitchopping knife
    'Meanwhile she carefully concealed her chopping knife behind her back.'

  186. hiddenUxutux xiɬdi"goeyggivaxan'ithinekyan(')ine',"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    now thenthisthatlook out for itjustneverthelesshe saidthey say
    "'Watch out for it anyway," said (the mink).'

  187. hiddenAxaxiɬdikeyggivanhgiqviq'itr'iniɬnekts'in',yitots'in'xivoghdiyegitr'ighetlaq.
    thenthatice creamshe finished making itandalsofor themshe suddenly threw it into
    'Then when she had finished making the ice cream, she quickly put it in a dish for them.'

  188. hiddenYuxudzgoghididhuxda'nixiyaghɬcheth.
    justheretanned skinparkathey brought down
    'They pulled the neck band of their parkas of their parkas way out.'37

  189. hiddenGoyityuxudzgeɬixinixiydaghɬtrit.
    herein itallat oncethey flung it down
    'They chucked it all in.'38

  190. hiddenAnhtr'axiyaghɬt'etxiq'its'in',xiytth'ogxiyts'in'nonghiɬghiɬ.
    as ifthey had licked itas ifthey it bowlthey to hertossed back
    'As if they had devoured it they handed the bowl back to her (though they had actually thrown it aside).'

  191. hiddenNtr'iɬchetts'in',gotn-godotthetnontr'itathtonh.
    she took it backherehereat backshe started to put it
    'She took the bowl and began to replace it at the back of the house.'39

  192. hiddenXiyiɬchedidiyoq!
    thenalsoit happened
    'Then it happened!'

  193. hiddenYitoyigggoeygginhgidaghdhilinhgitth'ithgingilanhts'in'yitndigheghiɬ.
    thereuponherethat oneyoung manfeatherhe istherehe fell down
    'And then the young man quickly turned himself into a feather and fell down.'40

  194. hiddenGovoghdixiyuxudzdonetnditl'u'oyxindoɬtl'ittheyggiytavasrchux.
    hereoverheadfarin the backrafterit stuck inthatknifebig
    'Far overhead in the back rafter that big knife stuck in.'

  195. hiddenYityuxudzniyitlyiɬts'in',yitots'in'enganeyggidonyeloq.
    therejusthe grabbed it outandalsoacrosshehe flung it
    'He grabbed the knife and flung it across the room.'

  196. hiddenYuggonq'ithyadz titlt'otth.
    her armhalfhe cut it off
    'He cut off one of her arms.'

  197. hiddenYaɬts'iniycheaxadon'eloq.
    other sideitalsowithshe threw
    'Then she threw with the other.'

  198. hiddenDaɬine'vugho gatithnolts'in'ɬo'at.
    butnothing will touch himtruly
    'But nothing could touch him.'

  199. hiddenCheyaɬts'iniyyuggonchecheyadz titlt'otth.
    againother sideither armonce morehe cut off
    'He did the same thing again and cut off her other arm.'

  200. hiddenDidhoaxachechediyeloq,daɬine'viyan',cheyuxudzdonyeloq.
    her mouthwithsameshe did itbutno useagainsamehe did it
    'She did the same thing with her mouth but he did the same thing again.'

  201. hiddenYitviloy yighe'oyyadz titltuxyitoyiq.
    thereher headhe knocked offat once
    'He cut off her head.'

  202. hiddenEygginhvichidlsoghluq,"egha,"yiɬne,"ixudiniy,"yiɬne.
    thathis younger brotherdearolder brotherhe saidhurryhe said
    'The younger brother said, "hurry," he said.'

  203. hiddenYitoyiqnigidentl'ininghdieyggingidiqyoq'atanhtr'an(y)egditl'uqonnaq'atxiq'idixet'ayuxudzyityinotthidinxeloq,tr'i'ne.
    thereuponwhen he took a quick lookthatupsmokeholelikejustneedleeyelikeit isrighttherebefore himhe wentthey say
    'He bent his head and up through the smokehole as narrow as a needle's eye he went in a flash.'41

  204. hiddenEygginhvichidlsoghluqxonghoɬtlux.
    thathis younger brotherdearhe leaped out
    'His younger brother leaped out.'

  205. hiddenYityitl'oyixxitthidiɬ'ots'in'dontithine'ine'viche'yiɬniɬanxididltsitl,eygginhnevayngilanhts'in',eygginhvegha.
    thereafter himhis head stuck againsthe tried to followbuthis tailwithit closed togetherthaterminehe isasthathis older brother
    'As he leaped out, the smokehole snapped shut on his tail, the older brother, being an ermine.'

  206. hiddenYityughonon'iluggokts'in'yuxudzxiyaghɬtrithtr'i'neyit.
    thereto himhe ran backjusthe pulled him outthey saythere
    'He ran back quickly to him and pulled him out.'

  207. hiddenAxaxiɬdikdeggilevonnginetleyxit'anh,yixieyigginhvichidlsoghluq.
    thenthispocket?maybehe hastherethathis younger brotherdear
    'Now the younger brother had something in his pocket.'

  208. hiddenIydit'idolnekts'in'yitots'in'iy'odiyidongvixighela'ngin qoggxidighene'iy.
    ithe put his hand inandalsopreviouslyancientlythere waskind of rockthey called itthat
    'He put his hand in and pulled out what they used to call ngin qogg.'

  209. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyicheloydixeloq.
    thenhis tail endhe did
    'And then he (painted) the ermine's tail-tip.'

  210. hidden"Ye,egha!"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    hurrayolder brotherhe saidthey say
    "'Hurray, brother," he said.'42

  211. hidden"Agidegetiygetiyingitth'etidaghɬdixiyiɬ,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    that's itveryyou're prettyjust nowthenhe saidthey say
    "'Now you are really pretty."'

  212. hiddenXiɬdieyigginevayiyvicheloyyuxudzxidithitl'its.
    thenthatermineitits tail endallit became black
    'And that is how the tip of the ermine's tail became black.'

  213. hidden"Agideiy,"tr'i'ne.
    that's ititthey say
    "'That's that."'

  214. hidden"He."
    oh really

  215. hiddenTs'anaxaxiɬdikngitthengitthetr'anxet'ots.
    sothendown toward waterthey went back out
    'Then they went out again (to the cliff).'

  216. hidden"Gila,gilaxit'onghingidoɬ,"yiɬneeygginhdichidlsoghluq.
    go aheadgo back downhe saidthathis younger brotherdear
    "'Go ahead, go on down," he told his younger brother.'

  217. hidden"Tl'oy ts'in'xiyan'avanhtegh,gits'an-ghelnox.
    backwardsonlycarefullydon't turn around
    "'Go down backwards and be very careful and don't turn around.'44

  218. hiddenNgo uxuda'xit'iteɬtth'iɬ,"yiɬne.
    becauseyou will fallhe said
    'Because you will fall," he said.'

  219. hidden"Yitots'in'tl'oy ts'in'xiyan'xit'onghingidoɬ.
    andbackwardsonlyyou go down
    "'Just go down backwards.'

  220. hiddenGotniɬggudzi xiyozr ts'in'gotasdoɬyitongo,"yiɬne.
    hereshort timehereI will staymeanwhilehe said
    'I will stay here for a little while," he said.'

  221. hiddenTs'anxit'ontithiyotr'i'ne.
    so thenhe started to go downthey say
    'And so he went down.'

  222. hiddenXit'ontithiggisrghiluqtr'i'ne,eyggiiytixgedrngitthingtl'oy ts'in',deg anngitthing.
    he crawled back downdear they saythatitminkto waterbackwardsright heredownhill
    'The mink crawled down backwards (to the water).'45

  223. hiddenDegniɬggudz yozryitghedo'di,ts'anntithiyo.
    herea little whiletherehe stayedthenhe left
    'He stayed there a little while then he left.'

  224. hiddenYitots'in'gitth'ithgingilanhts'in',nontithighiɬts'in',vegha.
    thenfeatherhe ishe dropped downashis older brother
    'The older brother turned into a feather and dropped down.'

  225. hiddenDegdodixts'inxizronchenhxitr'ixeneg ts'in'ghiluq,eygginhvichidlsoghluq.
    herefrom abovesurelycarefullythathis younger brotherdear
    'The younger brother (was) carefully (climbing) down the cliff.'46

  226. hiddenAxaxiɬdikngitthexiɬdixeɬedzdighet'a'dinon'idiyo.
    thendown to waterthenwellwhere it washe went back down
    'And eventually he got to the water.'

  227. hidden"He,duxoghlingith ts'in'dingit'anh,"yiɬne.
    oh reallyhow longyou're doinghe said
    "'Why, how long you have been," said the man.'

  228. hidden"Ngogetiyxuxetrothdoduxts'in,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    wellveryit's hardcoming downhe saidthey say
    "'It was really hard getting down," he said.'

  229. hiddenTs'an ts'in'axaxiɬdik(v)iyedyenxot'ots.
    thenthencanoethey got back in
    'So then they got back in the canoe.'

  230. hiddenXiɬdidodo.
    thenno more
    'Then there was no more.'

  231. hiddenXitl'oghdixiditldaqts'in',eygginniɬ'oqay.
    after thisthey were quiet(?)thatpair
    'They weren't going to have any more adventures.'47

  232. hiddenAxaxiɬdikxitidhiqanh.
    thenthey paddled on
    'Then they paddled on.'

  233. hiddenDegngido'degngidaghsre'nixiniɬnek.
    around heredownriveraround herewherenot knownthey stopped
    'Finally they stopped somewhere.'

  234. hiddenDegndaghsre'nixiniɬnekxuyiɬyuxudzviɬ dixivitathdlen'.
    herewhereI don't knowthey stoppedandverythey became sleepy
    'They stopped somewhere and became very sleepy.'

  235. hiddenViɬ dixivitathdlen'getiytr'i'ne,eygginhvichidlsoghluqyiɬ.
    they became sleepyverythey saythathis younger brotherdearalso
    'The younger brother got very sleepy too.'

  236. hiddenXidigaɬxizronchenhniggi ts'in'dixidiyoqdi,dingit'a ixanengosindixitht'an.
    finallyindeedto shorewhen they wentbetter it had beenacrossthey had gone
    'Finally they went to shore, (but) it would have been better if they had gone to the other shore.'

  237. hiddenDeloyghottheghɬogoxiɬdinuq xineqanh.
    mountainbelowtrulythenthey landed
    'They landed right below a mountain.'

  238. hiddenTs'anetleyduquxidhu'otsyuxudz.
    soI supposethey went up the bankjust
    'And then they went up the bank.'

  239. hiddenYixixiviyiɬ xidoldhikeygginhgovichidlsoghluqyiɬdegviɬaɬtinghtr'i'ne.
    therethey fell asleepthatthishis younger brotherdearalsoherehe sleepsthey say
    'There they fell asleep both of them.'

  240. hiddenEygginhvichidlsoghluqdegviɬaɬtinghxiyiɬtr'antithidhit.
    thathis younger brotherdearherehe sleepswhilehe began to awaken
    'After a while the younger brother woke up.'

  241. hiddenIdiyiɬ non'idinek,tr'edhatr'i'negazrile.
    he's coming to his sensesbeholdthey saysomeone is singing
    'And as he was coming to his senses he heard someone singing.'

  242. hiddenYitoyiggidiyiɬ nitidltthitts'in',nixentl'i'an'.
    quicklyhe aroused himselfhe opened his eyes
    'He aroused himself and opened his eyes.'

  243. hiddenNdaghdongɬoeyggigodeloyxiyghottheghviɬandldaqdodixidongthixizroncheghiduqukdi.
    whentrulythatheremountainthey out from itthey were sleepingoverheadfartherindeedit was shoved
    'There was a part of the mountain above them that extended outward.'48

  244. hiddenYitongoengthiviloyiy yu'odisanhtuxang'eghnilividzk'idzyozrq'ugandiyeɬanhtr'adinaggadxiq'iiytr'i'ne.
    meanwhileoutits endthosesummerinall aroundbutterflieslittlesmallthey were flyinglikemosquitoesas ifitthey say
    'And on the end of it were little butterflies flying around like a swarm of mosquitoes.'

  245. hiddenEngthiviloyyigint'uqgileyet.
    outits endthey flewsongin
    'They were flying around out at the end of it singing.'

  246. hiddenYitoyiggtr'i'negoeygginhdeghainiɬtrit.
    thereuponthey sayherethathis older brotherhe poked
    'Thereupon he poked his older brother.'

  247. hidden"Q'idong!"yiɬne,eyggiytr'eyh yozryuxudzyiyenighaɬtluxts'in'got.
    too latehe saidthatcanoehe leapt intothis
    "'Too late," he said and quickly leapt into the canoe.'

  248. hiddenNiɬq'adzte'oggni'itlyiɬts'in',niɬk'osinnodtaxgititlghiɬ.
    double-bladedpaddlehe grabbedandeach sidetwicein waterhe struck
    'He grabbed a double-bladed paddle and struck the water twice on each side.'

  249. hiddenVididlqiteyggixivigitr'eyh yozrngine vitl'oy.
    something struckthattheir canoeits rear end
    'Something struck their canoe on the rear end.'

  250. hiddenYitoyiggyityuxudzxoghduquyhtr'i'ne,eygginhvichidlsoghluq,eyggitixgedrsoghluq.
    thereupontherejusthe popped outthey saythathis younger brotherdearthatminkdear
    'At that the mink just popped right up in the air, his younger brother, that dear little mink.'

  251. hiddenNgineyityuxudzniɬts'iyilo'eɬdatl.
    at reartherejusttogetherhis handshe clapped
    'He clapped both his hands down on the rear of the canoe.'

  252. hiddenYiq'iditl'inekts'in',yitots'in'dilo(')ghezraqts'in',gotniɬts'iyaghɬtrik.
    on ithe coveredandthenhis handshe spitandheretogetherhe clapped them
    'Covering something with his hands he spit on both his hands, and clapped them together.'

  253. hidden"Ye!egha,"yiɬne,tr'i'ne,"dinagiviyedaxaxiɬdiketth'etgetiy.
    hurrayolder brotherhe saidthey sayour canoethenit's prettyvery
    "'Fine, older brother," he said, "our canoe is really pretty now.'

  254. hiddenGogideyughongthixodhiɬts'in'go dadzxiyan'ditot'aɬgetiy,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    nowfar ahead of itit's happeningthisonlyit will beveryhe saidthey say
    "'Something is really going to happen down ahead of us," he said.

  255. hiddenAxaxiɬdikxitidhiqanh.
    so thenthey paddled on
    'And so they paddled on.'

  256. hiddenDeg,degxoqaɬ.
    herethey're paddling
    'On and on they paddled.'

  257. hiddenDegngido'ndadzsre'nuxoqaɬ.
    heredownriverhow farnot knownthey're paddling
    'How far they paddled I don't know.'

  258. hiddenUxuxiyiɬgoɬogotnechetdhu'onh.
    suddenlyheretrulyislandpointthere is
    'Suddenly they came to an island.'

  259. hiddenGoiyado'ts'in'tr'ixaghdidhu'odiiyts'in'xoqaɬ.
    thisitdownriverpointittothey're paddling
    'They went to the downriver end of the island.'

  260. hiddenXiyiɬgongido'viloytr'edhatxingxigidighe'oengtheghtagh.
    thenheredownriverits endbeholdstake protrudesout in middleunder water
    'At its end they saw a stake out in the water.'49

  261. hiddenTr'edhatixveɬvi'ithichith.
    beholdfishnetit's tied to it
    'There was a fishnet tied to it.'

  262. hiddenAɬonaɬeggchuxtixveɬyet.
    'There were big fish in the net.'

  263. hidden"Gogogogideiyvituxvel,anhngido'anh,"yiɬne.
    herehere it isithis fishnethedownriverhehe said
    'Here it is, his fishnet, the downriver person, he said.'

  264. hidden"Yitongotr'i'neangodzadotchechedeloychedhu'onh.
    meanwhilethey sayacrossfar downriveryet anothermountainagainit is
    'Now they say that far down and across there is still another mountain.'

  265. hiddenYitongogo degdodo'adotxiɬdixunhtr'i'ne,xighanotxitidhu'ochenh.
    meanwhileherejust downriverfar downriverthenquickthey saybendshort stretchalso
    'And down from here there is a sudden bend, a bend and a short stretch also.'

  266. hiddenAdo'gidet yixigide ngidosinqayxelanhdi,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    far downriverright theredownriver sidevillagewhere there ishe saidthey say
    'And far down there is a village on the other side, they say.'

  267. hiddenTs'anaxaxiɬdikxitidhiqanhngido'.
    sothenthey paddleddown
    'And so they paddled down.'

  268. hiddenTr'edhaeyggittr'ixaghdidhu'odigoedo'ts'in'xighano xidhiqanhxiyiɬ.
    beholdthatpointthistowards downriverthey paddled aroundalso
    'And downriver toward the point they came to the bend.'

  269. hiddenGododo'doniqqayndaghchuxxidhu'onh.
    herejust belowjust ashorevillagehowbigit is
    'And below it on the shore was the big village.'

  270. hiddenQayxit'achexechox.
    villageveryit's big
    'What a big village it was.'

  271. hiddenYuxudzgoyitxits'in'tr'ixidhiqanhxiyiɬ.
    swiftlythistheretowards itthey paddled outthen
    'They paddled swiftly towards it.'

  272. hiddenNonsrilxidilughosrtr'i'ne.
    there was a great outcrythey say
    'Then there was a great outcry.'

  273. hidden"Tr'igidiɬt'ighinhvito'yugho'inniɬidinagholinhts'in'tr'oqaɬtr'i'nets'in'.
    princessher fatheron account of herman-killertosomeone is paddlingthey say
    "'Someone is coming to the princess whose father is a man-killer," they were saying.'50

  274. hiddenTs'anngitthetnuq xineqanh.
    soin front of itthey landed
    'And so they landed at the village.'

  275. hiddenAxaxiɬdikduquxidhu'ots.
    and thenthey went up
    'And they went up the bank.'

  276. hiddenAxaxiɬdikngiyiqsraɬtth'etxiyexighe'ots.
    thenbelowkashimthey went in
    'They went to the kashim.'

  277. hiddenNgiyiqxiviq'i diyet'antr'i'ne.
    insidetheir own kindthey say
    'It was just like their own they say.'

  278. hiddenXivughun'xiyexighedatl.
    to themthey assembled
    'The people gathered around them.'

  279. hiddenXughoimedzdixitadhine'.
    to themkindlythey began to do
    'And they began to treat them kindly.'

  280. hidden"Getiy,"xixi'ne,"nqo xidina'getiylonghingantr'iɬtthonhdi.
    reallythey told themmenverymany peoplesomethingwe have seen
    "'Really, they told them, "we have seen many men come like this.'

  281. hiddenAgideq'aghntuxdiqaɬyitots'in'.
    that's itbackyou pl. will paddlethen
    'Really you should go back.'

  282. hiddenGoxiyiɬendhuxhil ts'in'.
    herethendon't camp
    'Don't camp here.'

  283. hiddenNgoq'aghntuxdiqaɬ.
    wellbackyou pl. will paddle back
    'It would be better for you to go back.'

  284. hiddenNgogetiynqo xidina'getiylonghinaxatthetuxinedhit.
    wellverymenverymanyby means ofthey have been destroyed
    'Many, many men have been destroyed.'51

  285. hiddenNgoyuxunhyuxudzditidhuxnel ts'in',"xiɬnetr'i'ne.
    nowyou pl.same wayyou pl. will not dothey saidthey say
    'Don't let the same thing happen to you," they said.'

  286. hiddenDaɬine'tr'i'neviyan',goeygginhgidaghdhilinhxidhiɬtth'onts'in'xiyiɬ.
    butthey saynothisthisyoung manhe did not listen to themthen
    'But no, this young man didn't listen to them.'

  287. hiddenGoyitengthityitxidoyxiq'idhniɬghun'dixathdoxiyiɬ.
    heretherein fronttheredoorwaybybeside each otherthey satthen
    'There at the doorway they sat side by side.'52

  288. hiddenNgi'inxits'in'xiditr'ighezreɬeyggitr'aɬtth'et.
    outsidefromshout arosethatkashim
    'Then outside the kashim a shout arose.'

  289. hidden"Xalzragtthaɬ qun'layoqotohoɬ,"tr'i'nets'in'.
    shavingssteambathmaterialforhe'll gothey say
    "'Let him get material for the steambath," someone said.'53

  290. hiddenYitoyiggyuxudzyitdi'et'alts'in'.
    quicklyjusttherehe did not remain
    'He did not remain there even for a moment.'

  291. hiddenNonghaɬtluxtr'i'ne.
    he jumped downthey say
    'He jumped down, they say.'

  292. hiddenGoeyggivichidlsoghluqchecheyuxudz,cheidedignonghaɬtlux.
    thisthathis younger brotherdearalsosamealsohe toohe jumped down
    'His younger brother did the same, he jumped down too.'

  293. hiddenNgu'otthaɬyettthanghiluggok.
    outsideporchthey ran outside
    'They ran out (to) the porch.'54

  294. hiddenGotthaɬyetngineghxizronchedhu'onhdiiy.
    hereporchback thereindeedit isit
    'There was something standing there in the porch.'

  295. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyidong,dinanotthidong,vixighela'uxodianxiyghun' nixixidididaɬtux,e',iychenhyitots'in'dighiddhq'idzdiydhu'onh.
    thenold timebefore uslong agoit wasthey themselvestheythey used to tell about itwhenyesitalsoandhis shoulderuponhe put it
    'He took a kind of implement people used in the old days, when they used to tell about it, and put it upon his shoulder.'55

  296. hiddenYitots'in'goyitxoniqxitidhu'ots.
    thenherethereback into the woodsthey went
    'Then they went back into the woods.'

  297. hiddenNginiggdegtr'edhatthitathton'yuxudztthitithuq'otsdoniggdodo'ts'in'ngin' qoggnasrilugguyh.
    backherebeholdnarrow trailallwell-worn trailbacktowards downriveron landrun (up on it)
    'Back behind the village was a narrow well-worn trail that ran downstream on land.'56

  298. hiddenDegyixixo'isr.
    around heretherethey're walking
    'And there they walked.'

  299. hiddenQayxinoghɬ'iyxighe'ots,xiq'idixet'axiyiɬ.
    villageout of sightthey walkedas ifthey arethen
    'They walked out of sight of the village.'57

  300. hiddenGogoxizronchexinthighisrxitlaggxiyozrxidhu'onh,gotingxuq'idh.
    hereindeedhastily thrown togetherpoorlittleit isheretrailbeside
    'And there they came upon a poor little (shack) beside the trail.'58

  301. hiddenXidiginiɬchethtr'i'ne.
    it is closed with curtainthey say
    'It was closed with a curtain.'

  302. hiddenYitoyiggeyggiyyo'oɬyitndaghɬningh.
    quicklythathe's carryingtherehe threw down
    'The man threw down the thing he carried.'

  303. hiddenGoq'ith giniɬnek.
    thishe pushed aside
    'He pushed it aside.'

  304. hiddenTr'anqaytsitlyozryeniɬoghk'odzxathdo.
    old womendirtylittle (pl.)opposite each otherthey're sitting
    'There were two dirty little old women sitting opposite each other.'

  305. hiddenDixizroncheuxuxiyiɬxizroncheeygginhgiɬigginh,"oghda'xidanhdongananh,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    apparentlysuddenlyapparentlythat personone personcousinwhere isacrosshimshe saidthey say
    'And one of them said, "cousin, who is this?'59

  306. hiddenAnhdinachoyyozrdinats'in'gandiɬ'aninh?"
    that personour grandsonlittleto uswhathe's doing
    'What is our little grandson doing to us?"'

  307. hiddenXiɬdiniɬiyiɬyitxiɬdixiditthixinetthiyh,eyggivichidlsoghluqyiɬ.
    thenwith each othertherethenthey poked their heads inthat personhis younger brotherdearwith
    'Then both of them poked their heads in, the man and his younger brother.'

  308. hidden"Ining,dinachoyyozr,inaghdidinaghelaxxiyiɬ,xiyiɬuxudzditeneɬts'in'.
    goodour grandsonlittleit's goodyou should come to usthenthusyou will die
    "'Good, our grandson, it's good that you have come to us even though you are going to die.'60

  309. hiddenInaghdidinaghelax.
    wellyou should come to us
    'It is good that you have come to us.'

  310. hiddenDingit'a sre'a'ots'in'ghiluqdidinaxithdlaghaygginhvaxatthitighedak hin,"xaɬnetr'i'ne.
    better thatsame waydearthey should have treated usthat personby means of itthe ones whose lives were lostthey saidthey say
    'It would have been better for them if those who lost their lives had treated us this way," they said.'

  311. hidden"He,ts'anyitots'in'."
    oh reallysothen
    "'Well, so then."'

  312. hiddenEyggingiɬigginhggathnoggatht'oddhtr'i'neyitl'oghe'onhxugho niɬggisryighe'onh.
    those peopleone personking salmonking salmon meatstripsthey sayhe gave to himto each of themshe gave
    'Then one of them gave each of the men strips of king salmon meat.'61

  313. hiddenYitots'ieygginhchechelighant'oddhxughoniɬggisrghe'onh.
    thenthat personagainsilver salmonstripsto themeachshe gave
    'And the other gave them strips of silver salmon.'

  314. hidden"Gongila',"xiɬnetr'i'ne.
    thisgo aheadthey saidthey say
    "'Take this," they said.'

  315. hiddenNgovilegang'inaniqxan'ithichith.
    nowhis dogsover thereback therethey are tied
    "'Now his dogs are tied up back over there.'

  316. hiddenIyghun'ndaghdituxt'eɬts'in',adituxt'anhdi,"xiɬnetr'i'ne.
    itbywhereyou pl. will gowhen you pl. will dothey saidone says
    'This is what you must do when you go by there," they said.'

  317. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktthanxet'otsyitots'in'.
    thenthey went outsidethen
    'Then they went outside.'

  318. hiddenYitxo'inxitidhu'ots.
    thereaway fromthey walked
    'They walked away from there.'

  319. hiddenDegnginiqxo'isrxiyiɬ,nginiqxizroncheniɬts'i dixiditl'u'o.
    herebackthey're goingthenbackindeeda pair was trying to get at each other
    'They went back there and at once, indeed a pair (of dogs) were trying to get at each other.'

  320. hiddenEyggigongiɬigginhxitl'oyighe'onxiyghun'niɬggisrdaghɬninghhingo,xiyoghdotuqxogh xine'ots.
    thatthis oneonethey gave to himthey to himeachthey threw towhilethey between themthey went by them
    'He took what the old women had given him and they threw these to each of them and thus they passed between them.'

  321. hiddenAxaxiɬdiknginiqxiɬditritrxelanhdinixine'ots.
    and thenbackthenwoodwhere there isthey two came
    'Then they arrived at a certain spot back in the woods.'

  322. hiddenDidlangchuxgetiyiyngiduxsinnigiytathtonh.
    sprucebigveryitfrom aboveit started to topple
    'There stood a big spruce that was throwing down (sharp branches) from above.'62

  323. hiddenNodxiq'idixet'a'ts'in',yits'in'niyaghɬts'okts'in',yitngin'q'idzdididltsitl.
    twicelikeit appearedasagainst ithe swungandtheregroundonit crashed
    'The man swung his axe twice against it and it crashed to the ground.'63

  324. hiddenYuxudzyughondidathtrit.
    very muchfrom ithe struck off the branches
    'He struck off all its branches.'64

  325. hiddenAxaxiɬdikeygginhdichidlsoghluq,"gila,"yiɬne,"viyiggginetthayh,"yiɬne.
    and thenthat personhis younger brotherdearcomehe saidunder itbracehe said
    'Then he told his younger brother, "come, put a brace under it."'

  326. hiddenTs'anyuxudzghiluqdiyeloq.
    sothusthuspoorhe did it
    'And so he did.'

  327. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktth'exinedrxiɬdiyiyixinithitthiyh.
    and thenin the middlethenunder ithe braced himself
    'And then he braced himself in the middle of it.'

  328. hiddenNginetvidilo'ngan'q'idzyidoggisr.
    behindits endgroundonhe dragged it
    'He dragged the end behind him.'

  329. hiddenYitots'in'eygginhdichidlsoghluqidinotthiyi(titl)tanh.
    andthat personhis younger brotherdearbefore himhe has him
    'And he sent his younger brother before him.'

  330. hiddenEygginhiygiɬigginhxitl'oyighe'onhyitl'onyighelots'in'.
    thatitone personthey gave himhe gave him backthen
    'He threw what they had been given to the dogs again.'

  331. hiddenIychexughun'niɬggisrniydaghɬningh.
    italsoto themeachhe threw it
    'He threw some to each one.'

  332. hiddenAxaxiɬdikxiydotuqxughon--- nixet'ots.
    thenthey between themthey went past them
    'And they were able to pass between them.'

  333. hiddenAxaxiɬdikngitthingeyggisraɬtth'exidoyniydaghɬtsitl.
    thendownthatkashimdoorhe dropped it
    'At the kashim door he suddenly dropped it.'

  334. hiddenEyggi ngiyixtraɬtth'engidixiɬatsyiɬnighedzaq.
    right downkashimoverheadearthwithit fell down
    'The earth fell down inside the kashim.'

  335. hiddenEyggit yityuxudzeyggiiyxiyaxayidinathtthatliyaxayuxudzyaxatthedixine'onh.
    right therethatitthey with itfelled ititwithwith ithe chopped into bits
    'Right on the spot with the axe with which they had felled it he chopped it into bits.'65

  336. hiddenXiɬdiniɬto'ithitsetsts'in'.
    thenhe smashed it to pieces
    'He smashed it to pieces.'

  337. hiddenE,go dadzdiyeloqts'in',yitots'in'xiyenxot'ots.
    yesthushe did itandthenthey went in
    'And then they went in (to the kashim).'

  338. hiddenNgittheeyggitdonxitht'ots.
    downtherethey got up
    'They got up on the seat over the entrance.'66

  339. hiddenNgittheyitniɬggudzixitodhiɬ.
    downtherea little whilethey waited
    'They waited a while down in the kashim.'

  340. hiddenXiyiɬey zrongi'inxits'ixiditr'ighezreɬ.
    thenall at onceoutsidefromsomeone shouted inside
    'Then from outside someone shouted to them.'67

  341. hiddenNixighyolayintthaɬghinednoqoggiyoqoxitodiɬ,"tr'i'nets'in'.
    tribesman to-besteambathmaterialstoneforhe will go forone saidthen
    "'The would-be tribesman will go for steambath stones," one said then.'

  342. hiddenYitoyiggiq'aghnonghaɬtluxeyggivichidlsoghluqyiɬ.
    immediatelybackhe leaped downthat personhis younger brotherdearalso
    'Right away he and his younger brother leaped out.'

  343. hiddenAxaxiɬdikngitthexidigiviyedxiɬdighun'tthanxidet'ots.
    thendowntheir canoethentothey went back down
    'Down they went to their canoe.'

  344. hiddenTs'anengannonxitithiqanh.
    soacrossthey paddled
    'And they paddled across.'

  345. hiddenEngodzxiɬdideloyghottheghxiɬdinuggineqanh.
    other sidenowmountainbelowthenthey landed
    'Below the cliff on the other side they got out.'

  346. hiddenEngodzyitxiɬdiyuxudzdonxiydine'onheyiggiytr'iyozr.
    other sidetherethenthey filled it upthatitcanoe
    'And they filled the canoe up.'

  347. hiddenXidigaɬyuxudzeyggivigughudzq'idz zrontathdlinghts'in'dixiyeloq.
    finallyjustthatits gunwalesclose toripplingthey did
    'Finally the water rippled at its gunwales.'68

  348. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyiyenghidiyo,eygginhvichidlsoghluqyiɬ,yiyenghidiyo.
    thenthey got back inthat personhis younger brotherdearalsothey got back in
    'Then both he and his dear younger brother got in.'

  349. hiddenNonxitithiqanh.
    they started to paddle back
    'They started to paddle back.'

  350. hiddenEngandaɬine'got,tth'etth'eɬtonedrxits'ixiytitl'u'oxiyiɬngidodzxizronchenhanhtr'at'asrq'idixidiyoqdi.
    acrossbutherestillout in the middlethey had not yet reachedthendownstreamindeedlikecharcoalit became likewhere
    'But when they had barely reached midstream the water became dark as charcoal on the downriver side.'

  351. hiddenNgidodztedidijik?yuxudz.
    from downriverwaterwaves sprayedjust
    '... a coal black cloud arose, downstream. The wind whipped off the tops of the waves.'69

  352. hidden"Agide,"yiɬnegoeygginhvichidlsoghluq.
    that's ithe saidthisthat personhis younger brotherdear
    "'Look there," cried the younger brother.'

  353. hiddenAxaxiɬdik,"yitxo'inqul,"yiɬne.
    thenthereafternothinghe said
    "'There's nothing there."'70

  354. hidden"Che at,"yiɬne.
    that's righthe said
    "'That's right," he said.'

  355. hidden"Ndadzdasroneɬ?"yiɬne.
    whatwe'll dohe said
    "'What shall we do?" he said'

  356. hiddenDegdododzxiyiɬtrix titlyetr,eygginhvichidlsoghluq.
    herejust downriverthenhe began to cry that personhis younger brotherdear
    'As it (story) got closer the younger brother began to cry.'

  357. hidden"Dalik,"yiɬne.
    stop ithe said
    "'Stop it," he said.'

  358. hidden"Inagh,dalik,"yiɬne.
    enoughbe quiethe said
    "'That's enough, stop it," he said'

  359. hidden"Chegodinats'i tthetixinedhit.
    alsoherewe are destroyed
    "'We are going to be destroyed.'

  360. hiddenQ'idongdinats'i tthetixunedhit di,dalik,"yiɬne.
    alreadywe are destroyedbe quiethe said
    'We are going to be destroyed anyway so stop it."'

  361. hiddenYuxudz goxivinedrdiydighelo.
    right hereclose to themit came
    'Right up close to them it came.'71

  362. hiddenYuxudzgetiygits'in',tr'i'ne.
    justverybadthey say
    'It was really bad, they say.'

  363. hiddenYitoyigg"dodixi,"yiɬne,"dodixixildingaldhiyh,"yiɬne.
    thereuponright on tophe saidright on topstrikehe said
    'Then the man said, "hit me right here on my back."'

  364. hiddenGo yuxudzyoghnesrinxontthaghdiyiɬts'in',yit'odzxilditl'idhiyh.
    right herebehind himhe stuck out his headandhis backhe struck
    'He stuck out his head and his younger brother struck him right on his back.'

  365. hiddenAxaxiɬdikvidhaggtr'igidit'iqdixizronche,eyggiidaghɬnoxeldhitvidhotr'iydaghɬninghnoqoggiy.
    thenhis throatit popped outsure enoughthatat timehe was bornhis mouthhe threw into itstone
    'And out of his throat popped the stones that he had been made to swallow when he was born.'

  366. hiddenAnganyixi yeg,q'idoghtuxdidijikixizrototthtthiɬq'ididijikengan.
    acrossover theresometimesit sprayedonlywaveon topit sprayedacross
    'All across the river the water was so stirred up it was nothing but spray on top of the waves.'

  367. hiddenEnganyixinonxitithiqanhdeghatlts'in',edeghatlts'in',yixinonxitithiqanhhingo.
    acrosstherethey paddled overit's calm yesit's calmtherethey went acrosswhile
    'But as they went across it became perfectly calm.'

  368. hiddenDo'eghyuxudzanhtr'a nyegvalgatsdhidloxiq'ixiɬditotth.
    just beyondjustas ifboatthey areas if thenwave
    'And they went across as easily as if they had been in a big boat in spite of the waves.'

  369. hiddenYitheteq'avon.
    thereoh reallyshore
    'They reached the shore.'

  370. hiddenXizronchedhu'onhdieyggiiynoqoggiy.
    indeedwhere it isthatitstone
    'And there was that stone.'

  371. hiddenDhonyidalningh.
    he swallowed it again
    'He swallowed it again.'

  372. hiddenTs'anaxaxiɬdikxidigitr'edraxaxiɬdiduqonxiytidltekeygginoqoggiy.
    so thenthenin their summer parkasthenthey brought upthatstone
    'Then they brought up the steambath rocks in their summer parkas.'

  373. hiddenNgiyixyuxudzqun' q'atengthiyuxudzdonxixidiniɬdzaq.
    downallfireplaceoutjustthey filled
    'They filled up the whole fireplace.'

  374. hiddenAxaxiɬdikxiyq'iniɬnekts'in',yuxudzngitthedonxitht'ots.
    thenthey finishedjustdown therethey went up again
    'And when they had finished they got up in the doorway.'

  375. hiddenYitongonginxiɬdixoghggoɬ dixiɬ'anheyiggixiviq'i diyet'anh hin.
    meanwhileindeedthenaround themthey're crowdingthosetheir own kind
    'Then the people like them crowded around them.'

  376. hidden"Dinaxoldhidtelaɬ,"xaɬnets'in'xiyiɬts'in',xiɬdiayuxudzdixi'nets'in'.
    our partneryou will bethey saidthenthenthatjustthey were saying
    'They were saying "you will be our partner.'

  377. hidden"Getiyyuxghotr'etsing'ine' an'atndadzxo'in,"dixi'ne.
    reallywe are stingy for you pl.butthusbecause ofthey told them
    'We really are reluctant to give you up but that is what must be."'

  378. hidden"He?Ndadzxaxdasroneɬ?"ne.
    oh reallywhatthenwe'll dohe said
    "'Oh, what shall we do now?" he said.'

  379. hiddenAxaxiɬdikxughun'tr'idinegiɬ.
    thento themsomeone brought (lit. poured) wood
    'So then someone brought them in wood.'

  380. hiddenXiɬdieyggixughun'tr'idinengiɬts'in',yitots'iengthixiɬdi,tsoxiɬditr'ititltsenh.
    thenheto themsomeone brought woodbeingalsomiddle of roomthencachethensomeone started to build
    'And the one who brought in the wood built a cache platform in the middle of the room.'

  381. hiddenEyigginoqoggiyyiɬxiɬdikvituxniyelyots'in'.
    thosestoneswiththenamong themhe placed them
    'And he placed the stones on it.'

  382. hiddenYitongotingiɬyetxiɬditexits'in'xiyenghiduqonh.
    meanwhilepailinthenwaterto themthey brought in
    'Meanwhile someone else brought a pail of water.'

  383. hidden"Deggansre'laygon?"xaɬnets'in'.
    thiswhatnot knownforthisthey saidthen
    "'What is this thing for?" they said.'

  384. hiddenAxaxiɬdikviq'itr'iniɬnekts'in',ngidiggtraɬtth'etxiq'idzxidoyxidixiniɬtsen'.
    thensomeone finished it upupkashimupondoorthey blocked up
    'And having finished their preparations, they blocked up the smokehole of the kashim.'

  385. hiddenViq'itr'iniɬnekts'in',yitots'in'xiɬdintsigighanhtl'otduxoghdinaɬt'atuxxiɬditr'iditlq'un'.
    someone finished itthenthenat the cornersall of themwhenthensomeone kindled fire
    'Then at all four corners of the wood someone kindled a fire.'

  386. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktthantr'et'otsts'in'yitots'ixiɬdingu'ot.
    thensomeone went outthenthenoutside
    'And then he went out.'

  387. hiddenGiggaddhxiq'inughontl'uquyxiɬdixidontr'iniɬtsitlngu'otthaɬyet.
    rootas ifit's shaped by cuttingthensomeone closed the doorwayoutporch
    'Then he took a root which had been carved to fit and closed the doorway to the porch.'

  388. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyolq'atnitsigighanhtl'otduxoghnaɬt'atuxvuq'uxxelanchexughelo.
    thensmokeholecornerall of themwhenits fatwhich there isalsohe brought them up
    'Then at each corner of the smoke hole he put skins full of whale oil.'72

  389. hiddenIyxiɬdiyuxudzvivitr'itadhinekeyggingiyixditidhuq'un'ts'in'.
    thisthenentirelyhe stripped themthatbelowit was burning
    'And he stripped them onto the fire that was burning below.'

  390. hiddenEyggivichidlsoghluq,"viyan"'ne.
    thathis younger brotherdearno usesaid
    "'It's no use," said the younger brother.'

  391. hidden"Gilaangineghnixelyax,"yiɬne.
    comeback theresearchhe said
    "'Come on, look around back there," he said.'

  392. hiddenDegyixinixiditritxiyiɬdichinh q'idhxechoxdixiq'ixelyo.
    heretherehe felt at oncecrackwhere it's bighe found
    'And there he immediately found a little crack.'

  393. hiddenYitxiyegheyo.
    therehe entered
    'He entered there.'

  394. hiddenXiɬdiidedignevayan'ithilats'in',yitxiyegheyo.
    thenhe himselferminehe became againhavingtherehe entered
    'Having turned into an ermine, he entered.'

  395. hiddenNgi'in ts'in'yitots'in',xuquxine'ots.
    toward entrancethenthey went up (through)
    'They went through it to the entrance.'73

  396. hiddenNgi'eghyiggxitathdo'.
    out theredownthey sat
    'And there they sat.'

  397. hiddenTs'andegnigidendhuq'onhts'in',qun'igathdlaxiyiɬ,xiɬdieyggingiyigg ts'in'xiyenxot'ots.
    soherefire died downasflameit becamethenthenthatdownwardthey two went
    'When the fire died down, the two of them went back down (into the kashim).'

  398. hiddenXiɬdixizrovanxididltth'onhdingi'iniyyadz tr'itidhu'onhts'in',xughun'ntr'et'ots.
    thenindeedwhen they heard someoneoutsideitsomeone took it awayto themsomeone came back in
    'They heard someone outside taking it (stump) away, and someone came in to them.'

  399. hiddenNgitthetxizronchenh.
    downsure enough
    'Down (in kashim), sure enough.'

  400. hiddenYuxudzdadz,yuxudzxithitl'enhts'in',dixizronchedixathdodieyggin.
    justthusentirelythey're clothedbeingsurelywhere they satthose people
    'Entirely clothed there they sat.'

  401. hiddenAxaxiɬdikeygginngi'eghxiɬdingiyiggidonxixeloq.
    thenthose peopleoutsidethendownthey went
    'Then those outside went down.'

  402. hiddenYux!Yitxizronchexathdodi!
    ohtheresure enoughthey sat
    'And sure enough there they sat!'

  403. hiddenXughonxisrigixidathddhet.
    they were thankful
    'They were thankful.'

  404. hidden"Hn!Ndaghoxdo'?"xixi'nets'in'.
    wellwhereyou pl. satthey said to them
    "'Well, where were you?" they said to them.'

  405. hidden"Ndadzgogidethe'?
    howright hereisn't it
    "'Isn't this the right place?'

  406. hiddenXeɬedzxizroghilechenhidan-gasroɬdixdigot.
    wellindeedit seemswe should have had steambathhere
    'We thought we were going to have a steambath here.'

  407. hiddenDinagilidtr'ixidinaghɬjitimk'i.
    our smokeit almost chokedalmost
    'The smoke almost choked us.'74

  408. hiddenGogidentr'et'ilts'in',"xiyiɬ,yitots'in'yuxudzxi'nets'in'.
    lookwe did not dressthenthenentirelythey said
    'Look we didn't even get dressed," they said to them.'

  409. hiddenTs'anaxaxiɬdikdodo.
    so thenthenthat's all
    'That's all.'

  410. hiddenAxaxiɬdikghiɬghatl.
    thenit was dark
    'Then it got dark.'

  411. hiddenGhiɬghatlyityitots'in'.
    it was darktherealso
    'It got dark there also.'

  412. hiddenAxaxiɬdikghiɬghatlts'in',yitots'ingi'inxiɬdiyits'itthineyo,eygginhvugho'indixit'antr'igidiɬt'ighinh.
    thenit got darkthenover therethento herhe went outsidethat personto herthe one they had comeprincess
    'Then when it got dark, he went out to her, the princess to whom they had come.'

  413. hiddenXiyghun'xidineyo,eyggivichidlsoghluqyiɬ.
    they to herwent insidethat personhis younger brotherdearalso
    'He went to her house and his younger brother did also.'75

  414. hiddenTs'anyityughun'yoghtathdo'.
    sothereto herby herhe sat
    'Right beside her he sat.'

  415. hiddenHingoxiɬdi"tthan-ghingidoɬ,"yiɬne.
    whilethengo back outhe said
    "'Go out," he said then.'

  416. hidden"Ngiyigggilanetayh."
    downgo aheadlie down
    "'Come lie down."'

  417. hiddenTs'anyuxudzghiluqdidiyoq.
    sothusdearhe did
    'And so he did.'

  418. hiddenAxaxiɬdiknodnadhoɬxiyiɬat,axaxiɬdik"nasridiqaɬ."
    thentwicehe sleptthenthatthenwe'll paddle back
    'After he had slept there twice they went away.'76

  419. hidden"Ngo,sidithinqayeghiluqxivughun'tsene ditl-'anhgetiy.
    wellmy parentsdearabout themI'm anxiousreally
    'He told her, "I am really worried about my dear old parents.'

  420. hiddenIdughun(')xithineg ts'in'.
    for themselvesthey can't work
    'They are too old to work.'77

  421. hiddenDadzdist'anhts'in'yitots'in',xivughun'tsene ditl-'anhgetiy,"netr'i'ne.
    thusI doasnowabout themI'm anxiousreallyhe saidthey say
    'All the time I'm doing these things I'm really worrying about them," he said.'

  422. hiddenTs'anviyedyenxiyaghɬtanhtr'i'ne,eygginhtr'igidiɬt'ighinh.
    sohis canoethey put her inthey saythatprincess
    'So he put the princess in his canoe.'

  423. hiddenEygginhdichidlsoghluqanhdidroggxinaghnonyiniɬtanhhingoeygginhtrigidiɬt'ighinhviyedyenyaghɬtanh.
    thathis younger brotherdearonehis breastbesidehe placed himwhilethatprincesshis canoehe put into
    'He had his younger brother sit in front of him with the princess behind him.'

  424. hiddenNixitithidatl.
    they went off
    'And they went away.'

  425. hiddenTs'anngine',eyggitngine'ts'in'xoqaɬtigitlchethdisne.
    soupriverthereuprivertothey paddlednet is setI say
    'Then they paddled and paddled going upriver to where that net I mentioned was set.'78

  426. hiddenIyxiyghun'ni'ididatlts'in'yitots'in'.
    itthey to itcamethen
    'They came to that place.'

  427. hiddenYitxiydhitlghanh,eygginhnuq'oɬonh.
    therethey killed herthatwoman
    'There they killed the woman.'

  428. hiddenXiɬdieyggitvito'tuxveɬghun'yitots'in'ediyu---yuxudzgenht'anixiyniɬtanhts'in',eyggituxveɬ.
    thenthather fatherfishnetatthenentirelyjustnakedthey put her into itandthatfishnet
    'They stripped her naked and put her into her father's fishnet.'

  429. hiddenGuggozrxiɬdixiyitlchith.
    float linethenthey tied it
    'They tied the float line.'

  430. hiddenHingoiɬt'enixitithiqanh.
    meanwhilestillthey went on
    'Then they continued on.'

  431. hiddenTs'anngine'degngine'ndaghsre'.
    soupstreamhereupstreamwherenot known
    'Far upstream (they paddled).'

  432. hiddenAxaxiɬdikngine'eyggityughun'nineyoghiluqdiyiyiɬni'idiqanh.
    thenupstreamthereto himhe camedearwherewith himhe paddled back
    'Then they went upstream to the place where the man had met the mink.'

  433. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyitduqonyitltanhtr'i'neeyggituxgedrsoghluq.
    thentherehe put him ashorethey saythatminkdear
    'There he put his dear companion mink ashore.'

  434. hidden"Gila,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    go aheadhe saidthey say
    "'Now," he said.'

  435. hiddenGan ixangoyitl'oghiɬnek.
    somethingthishe gave to him
    'He gave him something.'

  436. hiddenYitl'ogaghɬnektr'i'ne.
    he gave him somethingit is said
    'He gave him something.'

  437. hidden"Gongila'ngiye'tolaɬ,"yiɬne.
    thisgo aheadyour belongingit'll behe said
    "'Here, this will be yours," he said.'

  438. hiddenAxaxiɬdikduqon'ithiyoghiluqts'in'yitots'in.
    thenhe went ashoredearthen
    'And then he (the mink) went ashore.'

  439. hiddenAxaxiɬdikditthigits'ighni'iniɬnek.
    thenhis hoodhe pushed forward
    'And he pushed his hood forward.'

  440. hiddenTuxgedrngilanhts'in',yitq'u'edoyh.
    minkhe istherehe walked
    'And he became a mink and walked away.'

  441. hiddenGoxiɬdikvidroggxiluq'uɬxiyozryitongotr'i'ne.
    herethenhis breastit's whitelittlemeanwhilethey say
    'But his breast had become white.'

  442. hidden"Agideduxuyitots'in'dingdiyoqgetiyingtth'et,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    therewellthenyou have doneveryyou're prettyhe saidthey say
    "'There now, now you look first rate," he said.'

  443. hiddenHingoxiɬdikenganngine'nontithiqanhgeghadidithinqaysoghluqyeeyggixughun'idigitithitthiyhts'in'teq'avon.
    meanwhilethenacrossupriverhe started to paddle backthe older brotherhis parentsdear.plthaton their account he pushed him from shoreshore
    'Then he pushed his older brother's canoe off from shore towards where his parents were.'79

  444. hiddenNiɬq'idhyitxinxighe'odixizronchenh.
    side by sidetherethey were sticking upsure enough
    'Sure enough, they were sitting side by side on the shore.'

  445. hiddenYuxudzxughun'nixidiqanhts'in',duqon'ithiyo.
    rightup to themhe paddled close he went ashore
    'He paddled right up to them and went ashore.'

  446. hiddenXoqoxinayhtr'i'ne.
    to themhe's callingthey say
    'He called out to them, they say.'

  447. hiddenNgiyiggxits'itr'i'neghiluqdixidiɬniyh.
    downfromthey saydearthey hear noise
    'They heard a noise from far below.'

  448. hiddenXoqoxinayhtr'i'ne.
    to themhe calledthey say
    'He called to them they say.'80

  449. hidden"Ngoq'idongiyitr'athdlat,yitots'in'inaghdidina'idaɬdhik,"xaɬne.
    wellpastitwe becameandshouldleave us alonethey said
    "'We have begun to be of the past, so please leave us alone," they said.'

  450. hiddenAxaxiɬdikngidiggduqon'ithiyo.
    thenuphe went up
    'Then he went up on shore.'

  451. hiddenDitsoq'idadhiyo.
    his cacheuponhe went up
    'He went up on his cache.'

  452. hiddenNiɬ'ingitsaghthda'xiɬdixits'in'tthan'elyoxiɬdixinxidighelo.
    bothmarten skinparkathento themhe tookand thenhe put them on them
    'He brought marten parks to them both and put them on them.'

  453. hiddenXiɬdiiy'odisanh tuxattheghnchiyathxelanhts'in'xinxighe'ots'in'.
    andthatsummerdown by waterhummocksthey arethey're sticking up
    'And they sat side by side transformed into tussocks of grass.'

  454. hiddenYitots'in'yitxathdoine'xidigaɬxizronnigedayngilanhts'in'yidelninghdi,ngido'eq'agheyggixits'in'nixididatlyit.
    thentherethey satbutfinallyindeedhawkhe ishe flew off suddenlydownyesbackthoseto themthey wentthere
    'Then he turned into a hawk and flew off swiftly back downriver, back downriver to the people he had known before.'

  455. hiddenGeɬixyuxudzeyiggingido'qayxits'iyu'odidinitht'uqdindixidiɬniyhdixizronche.
    at oncereallythosedownrivervillageto themclosehe flewwhenthey were excitedindeed
    'As he approached close to the village they were excited.'

  456. hiddenAɬonaxiɬdixiyoqo di'nedieygginhnuq'oɬonh.
    beholdthenthey were talking about herthenthat personwoman
    'You see, they were talking about that woman.'

  457. hiddenAxaxiɬdikgoqayxoniggdidlangngithyuxudzyitxindighe'oyloydinitht'uq,xiyiɬxizronchenonsriltr'idilughosrdigoqay.
    nowthisvillagebehindsprucetalljusttherewhich sticks upendhe landedthenindeedwhen they set up a shoutthisvillage
    'Behind the village he landed at the top of a big spruce tree and at that they all shouted.'81

  458. hiddenNigozragginghe'oyq'idzdon'itht'uqtr'i'nets'in',xiɬdikgononsrilxidaɬdaqxiɬdixuxititldheɬhingo.
    (personal name)treeuponhe has landedone saidasthenherethey all shoutedthenthey rushedwhile
    'He has landed on Nigozrag's tree someone said, and they all rushed there shouting.'82

  459. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyuxudzanhtr'avits'in'xidighelyak.
    nowjust liketo itthey banked up
    'They started banking up earth around it.'

  460. hiddenXiyiggixiyk'odzniginetotlxiyiɬ.
    as soon asagainst ithe kicked itthen
    'Immediately he kicked against it with his feet.'83

  461. hiddenDiginathtl'enh,tr'i'ne.
    he was snaredthey say
    'He was snared, they say.'

  462. hiddenTs'anxiyiyiɬ yidenathtonh.
    sothey drew him down
    'And they brought him down.'

  463. hidden"Dingit'adigouxudiniyq'aveɬyetr'isiniɬtayhts'in',ngi'ints'isoghluqyeayiggitthuxdiqayxichetdidltth'enxivogh nisiɬtayh,"yentr'atitl'iningh,tr'i'ne.
    I wishthisquicklysnareinthey release meandyondertodear pl.over therealonevillageendthey who livebring me to themhe made up his mindthey say
    'I wish they would let me out of this snare, and bring me to my friends over there at the end of the village.'

  464. hiddenYitots'in'yuxudzdixiyeloq.
    so thenthusthey did it
    'And that is just what they did.'

  465. hiddenQ'aveɬyetr'ixiyniɬghiɬts'in'.
    snareinthey pulled offso
    'They pulled the snare off him.'

  466. hiddenYitots'in'"gila,ngi'ingilayuxgitsiysoghluqxivogh'odzyinuxɬtayhuxudiniyxiyatilvadr,"xaɬne.
    thengo aheadyondernowyour (pl.) grandmotherdearto themyou (pl.) take himquicklywhat they'll cook for themselvesthey said
    'Then they said, "take him over there to the little old ladies and they will cook him."'84

  467. hiddenYuxudzdixiyeloq.
    thusthey did it
    'And so they did.'

  468. hiddenXughun'xidixiyniɬtanh.
    to themthey took him inside
    'They took him to them.'

  469. hidden"Oghda',gilauxudiniy,"yiɬne.
    cousingo aheadquicklyhe said
    "'Cousin, come quickly," she said.'

  470. hiddenYuxudzyitthughon'itlch'iɬ.
    just(they) skinned him
    'Right away they pulled off his skin.'85

  471. hiddenYitxiyighonedtthaggnigidiniɬninghts'in'yitots'in'yuxudzxiviyiɬginighaɬch'uxts'in'.
    therethey for itfireplacethey put something onthenjustwith themit was boiling
    'They put him in the pot that was boiling on the fireplace.'

  472. hiddenDixiyiniɬqon'ts'in',xiyghehon'uxudiniy,yuxudzeyggixiytth'inyiɬxiytth'ithgiyiɬ.
    they dipped it outthey ate ithurriedlyeverythingthatthey its bonestoothey its featherstoo
    'And as soon as they pulled him out they ate him all up, everything bones and feathers and all.'

  473. hiddenEngthixitthixiydighengiɬ.
    out in the middlethey threw it in the fire
    'They threw into the fire.'

  474. hiddenYitoyiggingu'otanhtr'anontr'aghɬquyhxiq'i.
    immediatelyoutsideas ifhe had jumped downas if
    'At that moment it was as if he had jumped down outside.'

  475. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyiggi yeggan chego degngin' qoggvixelaninhtritriy'odieyiggixiɬdikdiggits'in'ngin' qoggxiq'a ntitl'inek.
    thenaround theresomethinghereon its surfacethat which iswoodthose thingsthatthenupwardon earthhe tried to get
    'It was as if he had broken through the surface of the earth, trying to climb up through the pieces of wood.'

  476. hiddenIne'chego degxits'inon'idoyhine'xitthe'iɬquyhq'aghyiggits'in'.
    butagainherefromhe goes so farbuthe bumped his headbackdownward
    'But everytime he bumped his head and fell back down.'

  477. hiddenYuxudz yiggi yeggidingidzyiɬedigovixelanhngi'eghxinithinek.
    all elsegrassalsoentireherethat isoutsidehe tried
    'He tried getting up through the grass.'86

  478. hiddenAxaxiɬdikchechegeɬixchedonyeloqyuxudzxoghdenolts'in'dixizronche.
    thenagainonce moreagainhe did it againentirelyhe never touchedindeed
    'Then he tried one more time and he never touched anything.'

  479. hiddenNgidiggxonghiliq'ak.
    uphe soared up
    'He soared up.'

  480. hiddenEygogidedegngin' qoggxizronchegodo'eghq'odetngin' qoggxelanhxiq'iyuxudzngine' ts'in'ts'ixinaghdon'idiyoq,eyggividithinqaysoghluqyexidighaɬtth'idixits'idz.
    yeshereheresurface of earthfor sureherearound usnowon earthit islikevery muchupriverto onlyhe wentthosehis parentsdear pl.where they sattowards
    'He flew back upriver (as a spirit) toward where his parents were.'

  481. hiddenGeɬixiyuxudzyitdonxeloqine'.
    one momentjusttherehe went backeven
    'He arrived there in the space of a moment.'

  482. hiddenDaɬine'iychecheniɬdhodts'in'di'et'al ts'in'
    butthereagainlonghe wasn't
    'However he did not remain there long.'

  483. hiddenQ'aghchengido'ts'idonxeloq.
    backagaindownriverhe went back
    'But he went back down again.'

  484. hiddenChegeɬixiyuxudzngido'yitdonxeloqeyggiiy.
    againat oncealldowntherehe arrivedthatit
    'In another moment he arrived there.'

  485. hiddenEyggiiydidlangloychedon'ithiyo.
    thatitsprucetopagainhe landed on again
    'He alit on top of the same spruce.'

  486. hiddenUxuxuyiɬnonyidoɬtanh.
    same timeeveryone screamed
    'At that everyone shouted.'

  487. hidden"Nigozra(g)ginighe'oyq'idzdon'ithiyo,"vazrnets'in'.
    (personal name)treeuponhe landed on againone is saying
    'He has landed on Nigozrag's tree.'

  488. hiddenChenuxuxiditldheɬyitoyiggidadz gidenitlningh di.
    againthey rushed to itthereuponhe looked sidewise
    'Again they rushed to it and he looked sidewise.'

  489. hiddenGoxizroncheq'aveɬyexitthaghɬ'o.
    hereindeedsnareinhe stuck his head
    'He stuck his head through the snare.'

  490. hiddenYuxudzngithiyiniɬtrithingo,k'odzyan-giditotl.
    thusawayhe pushed itwhileoffhe got away
    'But he pushed it away and sprang off.'

  491. hiddenAxaxiɬdikngine'iɬt'et,ngine'eyggididithinqaysoghluqyeghodixixiɬdichedon'initht'uq.
    thenuprivercontinuouslyupriverthat onehis parentsdear (pl.)abovethenagainhe landed again
    'Then (he went) upriver again, upriver to his dear parents, and there he alit.'

  492. hiddenYitdighedo'ine'xiɬdiviyan'.
    therehe stayedbutthenno use
    'He stayed there but to no avail.'

  493. hiddenAxaxiɬdikdodoxiɬdik.
    thenthat's allthen
    'That's all that happened.'

  494. hiddenAxaxiɬdikk'odzyan-gididitotlaxaxiɬdik,ndaɬts'idzsre'.
    thenoffhe got awaythenwherenot known
    'He flew away again, I wonder where.'

  495. hiddenDodoyitots'in'.
    that's allthen
    'That's all then'

  496. hiddenE,idixinlu'on'.
    'Yes, that is the end.'

  497. hiddenYuk!
    (listener's response at end of story)


  1. In Chapman's version, this sentence starts with a, which he glosses 'oh!' and which is glossed 'then' in Kari's version.
  2. tr'idexiyene' also means 'they started to hate him' (ED)
  3. ED uses both traɬtth'e(t) and sraɬtth'e(t) for 'kashim', as do other speakers.
  4. Chapman has dûtäsnĭˊɬ 'shall I do' here.
  5. Chapman translates triyuˊrz-û here as 'kyak', elsewhere as 'canoe'.
  6. Chapman's free translation
  7. This is close to Chapman's free translation. Kari's free translation: 'But never fear I will come back soon.'
  8. Kari explains: the skin of its head
  9. soogha (Kari's spelling) in Holikachuk (Deg Xinag is segha).
  10. This series of sentence fragments is as punctuated by Chapman.
  11. Chapman's translation of xididine'onh is 'shut off' is
  12. Chapman: 'They paddled towards it and soon were not far away.'
  13. Q\'oxoûû\'n tdûcr\'ecr dĭceh\'oĭltz\'an a yĭɬnĭ.
  14. Chapman translates vido' 'middle portion', and in the free translation has 'that's it, in the middle (of the song) there is something.'
  15. Kari has xitidhiqanh here.
  16. Chapman has dĭtäɬ'ă\'n'. ED wasn't sure about ditaɬ'an' here or in the next sentence.
  17. Chapman glosses vidaɬtuq as 'he let fly'. The previous word in Chapman's story is dĭt\'oxwûăˊndlû, which Kari interpreted as ixudiniy ( here uxudiniy). Chapman's free translation makes clear what is going at this point in the story: 'With a quick motion, he hurled a spear.'
  18. Chapman's free translation: 'On the instant, the young man lifted himself (clear of the boat by grasping the gunwales).'
  19. This is Chapman's free translation.
  20. Chapman's free translation
  21. Chapman's English version supplies some of the story line, not found in the Deg Xinag version: 'He recovered it with the other arm and threw it again. But the young man did the same that he had done before.'
  22. Chapman's free translation
  23. Chapman's free translation
  24. Chapman's sentence punctuation
  25. Chapman's free translation
  26. Chapman's free translation. viloy yighe'oy 'that (inanimate) which is on his/her/its end' seems to be a poetic way of referring to 'his head'.
  27. Chapman glossed ditigheɬ'el ts'in' 'you will not serve'.
  28. Chapman's free translation
  29. Chapman had nĭgŏdokhwŭɬdŭ 'something showed white'. ED wasn't sure about ngi'iluq'uɬ.
  30. Kari has ay'oogh instead of ay'egh.
  31. Chapman's free translation
  32. Kari has viqigitr'idinighiɬningh.
  33. Kari has vanditl'ichek. ED was not sure about this word.
  34. Kari has 'went back to her house'. Not long after, she does go into her house.
  35. Chapman's free translation
  36. Chapman's free translation
  37. Chapman's free translation
  38. based on Chapman's free translation
  39. Chapman glosses n-go 'indeed here'
  40. ED uses both q'idaghdhilinh and gidaghdhilinh.
  41. 'he bent his head' is Chapman/Kari's gloss of nigidentl'ininghdi; ED suggested 'he quickly looked'.
  42. Chapman has yeq 'hurrah'.
  43. Chapman's gloss is 'yes!'
  44. Chapman/Kari have (ngi)tthing nitthixudalning 'downward don't turn'.
  45. Chapman has -tthiyh (mink style of crawling?) instead of -ggisr.
  46. Chapman's sentence punctuation
  47. Chapman's translation of dixiditldaq is 'they will be quiet'. Chapman's free translation: 'They will never make any more trouble.'
  48. Chapman: 'was it shoved?'
  49. For 'stake protrudes' Kari has xun-gididighe'o, based on Chapman's q\'ongĭdûxai\'o.
  50. This is Chapman's translation of tr'igidiɬt'ighinh. More generally, this refers to someone (male or female) who is too choosy to get married.
  51. Kari has tthetixughedhit, based on Chapman's tçeˊtdûqaiˊûceˊt.
  52. Chapman/Kari have xiq'idz 'above' instead of xiq'idh 'beside'.
  53. Kari has idigozrag (not glossed) instead of ED's xalzrag. Kari has nixiyughilayinh anh, based on Chapman's nĭx\'axyûkh-lla\'i-an 'would be tribesman'. ED says this word further below, as nixighyolayin.
  54. Chapman's free translation: 'They ran out into the entrance.'
  55. Kari has xiyighun' ndighidididaɬ, based on Chapman's qai-yŏˊxŏ-ntdûxûdetdäˊll. ED wasn't sure about this.
  56. 'run (up on it)' was Chapman's gloss of his version of nasrilugguyh.
  57. Chapman's translation for xiq'i dixet'a xiyiɬ is 'seemingly also'
  58. Instead of xinthighisr, Kari has niɬigitl'ighosr, based on Chapman's nĭɬĭgĭtloxwŏrs.
  59. Chapman's free translation for this sentence is combined with the next: 'Cousin, said one of them, you over there, what has this grandson of ours come to see us for?'
  60. Kari has xungitolneɬ in place of uxudz diteneɬ.
  61. Chapman glosses his version of xogho niɬggisr as a unit, 'to each of them'.
  62. Kari has nigiyatathtonh.
  63. Kari has xuyeyighiɬts'ok.
  64. Kari has ntthidathtrit.
  65. Kari has tthetixune'onh.
  66. Chapman's free translation
  67. Kari has xuyiɬ eyiggi zro based on Chapman's qŏyĭɬ-ĕyûkû-zro 'all at once'.
  68. q'idz zro: 'close to' is Chapman's gloss; ntathdlingh: 'rippling' is also Chapman's gloss
  69. Chapman: Ñitdodzu tĕ-dĭdĭdjĭˊɬ yûqho\'tzû.
  70. Chapman's free translation: 'that's the end of us'
  71. Kari has yit dighelo.
  72. Kari has xitr'athdlo.
  73. Chapman glosses his version of xuquxine'ots 'they went through'.
  74. Kari/Chapman have xunaxdi instead of imk'i.
  75. Kari has ngin and Chapman nin as the second word of the sentence. Their gloss is 'it was'.
  76. Chapman glosses at 'that one'.
  77. Chapman/Kari's sentence ends in ine' 'but, however'.
  78. Chapman has Tsan 'so' in 'that's it' as an independent sentence, 'so that's that'.
  79. Kari/Chapman have ine' 'however' instead of ED's ngine' 'upriver'.
  80. Chapman has qai-yâˊkâ-qûnnaiˊq, suggesting xiyoqo xinayh, but the translation given is 'he called to them' rather than 'they called to him', which must be xoqo xinayh.
  81. In place of Kari's dinitht'uq, Chapman has dĭgĭcûkaiˊq 'he caught with one hand'.
  82. Chapman gives this personal name as Ennagozragu (interpreted by Kari as Inigozrag). ED hadn't heard the name before.
  83. The first word of Chapman's sentence is qaiyûˊkû-k'oˊdzû 'immediately'. Chapman's free translation is: 'at the same moment he sprung off.'
  84. Chapman has qaiyattoĭltlĭˊdzû 'they will cook him'.
  85. Chapman has qaiyûvwâçtrĭˊt 'they pulled off the skin'. Kari has tthe'itlch'iɬ.
  86. Chapman's free translation is: 'Everything, grass and everything else was lost.'