(The Blind People's Story)39

Recorded with Katherine Hamilton, 3-20-2004

  1. hiddenQaytr'i'nexidhu'onh.
    villageit is saidthere is
    'There was a village.'

  2. hiddenYitidaghdhilinxelanh.
    thereyoung menthere are
    'There were two young men there.'

  3. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'nenotinidaghdhilinxelanhdoyonh.
    thenit is saidtwo peopleyoung menthere arechief
    'There were two young men who lived there and they were chiefs.'

  4. hiddenYitots'in'yitxiɬdikxididltth'e,qayxichuxtr'i'ne.
    thentherethenthey livedvillagebigit is said
    'Now this was a big village where they lived.'

  5. hiddenGottr'i'neggaggdixiɬ'anhtr'i'ne.
    hereit is saidanimalsthey huntedit is said
    'And they hunted for game.'

  6. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'neannotinidaghdhilintth'exixitlchedts'in'tr'i'ne.
    and thenit is saidtheytwo peopleyoung menstillthey were unmarriedit is said
    'These two young men had not yet found wives.'

  7. hiddenTs'antr'i'neyitxathdo.
    soit is saidtherethey stayed
    'So they lived there by themselves.'

  8. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'neanhgiɬigginhidetthaviɬandldaq.
    thenit is saidheone of themfirsthe fell asleep
    'As was their custom one of them always went to sleep early.'

  9. hiddenYitotl'oghchenathtanh.
    afterwardsthe otherhe went to bed
    'And the other went to bed later.'

  10. hiddenYuxudzxiyan'dadzdixiɬ'anhtr'i'ne.
    alwaysthustheydidit is said
    'They always did that, it's said.'

  11. hiddenAxaxiɬdikngidiggixidiniɬchedhinhxitili'eyhtuxtr'i'neyigginhxingitl'oy hiyviɬnaɬdighinhduq'o'ghiɬzrek ts'in'xiɬdiknginuggdeloyq'idzq'u'edoyh.
    thenabovehe closed clothlikeit began to get lightwhenit is saidthat personthe last onehe fell asleephis arrowshe tookand thenback upmountainonhe walked around
    'Then in the morning when it began to get light, the one who had gone to bed later closed the curtain, took his arrows, and went up on the mountain.'

  12. hiddenGhinoyxiɬdiktogiɬdikts'in',yughontthe'ila'yitots'in'.
    caribouthenhe shoots with arrowsandhe skinns themthen
    'He shot caribou and skinned them.'

  13. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktraɬtth'etxidon'idoyh.
    and thenkashimhe goes back into
    'Then he went back to the kashim.'

  14. hiddenTr'edhavigiɬigginhvuqultr'i'ne.
    beholdhis partnerhe's goneit is said
    'He found that his partner was gone.'1

  15. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'nengiɬngath xiyozrts'in'yitdhido,xiyiɬvigiɬigginhyughun'xidon'idiyo.
    and thenit is saidin a little whiletherehe stayedthenhis partnerto himhe returned
    'After he had been there for a little while, then his partner came back.'

  16. hiddenXiyiɬtr'i'nedeɬne"ala,"yiɬnetr'i'ne,"isda',"yiɬnetr'i'ne,"ningidiyo he"'yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidhe saidwellhe saidit is saidfriendhe saidit is saidyou came backhe saidit is said
    "'Well," he said, "did you come back, friend?"'2

  17. hidden"Hǫ,"yiɬne,"goninisiyonin,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    yeshe saidhereI came backindeedhe saidit is said
    "'Yes, I came back here," said the other.'

  18. hidden"Gila,ntr'ixiditlq'oy,"yiɬne.
    okaylet's make a firehe said
    "'Okay, let's make a fire," he said.'

  19. hiddenAxaxiɬdikniɬtogixiditlt'isr.
    and thenthey split wood
    'So they split some wood.'

  20. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyadzgixititlcheth.
    thenasidethey moved clothlike
    'Then they opened the curtain.'

  21. hiddenAxaxiɬdiknixuxidiɬq'onh.
    thenthey made a fire
    'And they made a fire.'

  22. hiddenAxaxiɬdikxidon-gixiniɬcheth.
    thenthey closed clothlike
    'Then they closed the curtain.'

  23. hiddenAxaxiɬdikxivughun'tth'okdithit'anhchenh.
    thenby thembowlswere broughtagain
    'Then their food was brought in in bowls.'3

  24. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktth'okdaght'an'.
    thenbowls(they) did
    'And they busied themselves with that.'4

  25. hiddenYitotl'oghyiggixididltth'etr'i'ne.
    afterwardsthey sat downit is said
    'Afterwards they sat down.'

  26. hiddenAxaxiɬdikedinginiqyixnedryitdixathdodidixathdo.
    thenalwaysbackhousemiddletherewhere they sit upthey're sitting up
    'They sat in the middle of the kashim where they always sat.'5

  27. hiddenYitots'in'aɬixichilqayyigginxivigi'idaghdhilintthanxitithidatlxidiyixxits'in'.
    thentogetherboystheir cousinsthose peoplethey went back outtheir own housesto
    'The other young men, their cousins, went back to their own houses.'

  28. hiddenAnyan'tthanxitht'ozrts'in'iɬt'eyiggiyityixxathdo.
    theyonlythey did not go back outalwaysthattherehousethey stayed
    'But the two young men themselves did not go back to their own houses where they usually stayed.'

  29. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyigginhxongtthiviɬnaɬdaghinhcheviɬantl'idaq.
    thenthat personfirstwho usually falls asleepagainhe fell asleep
    'Then the one who always fell asleep first went to sleep'

  30. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'necheq'iydongxingitl'oyviɬndldagginhdiggathdo.
    thenit is saidagainyesterdaylast onewho fell asleephe sat up
    'And the one who had fallen asleep later the day before sat up.'

  31. hiddenYigginhxingitl'oyviɬndldagginhtr'i'netthidangith tuxxili'in'tr'i'ne.
    that personlastwho fell asleepit is saidat nightit is lightit is said
    'The one who fell asleep later it is said shone at night.'

  32. hiddenTs'antr'i'neyuxudz xiyan'dingit'atr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidalways like thathe doesit is said
    'He just did that.'

  33. hiddenYigginhtr'i'neviyenxithdhidts'in'iɬt'eyuxudz xiyan'xiq'aniɬniyh.
    that personit is saidhe isn't angrycontinuouslyalways like thathe tried
    'It was because he always tried to control his anger.'

  34. hiddenYitongoyigginhvigiɬigginhxili'in'qultr'i'ne,axaxiɬdikyigginhvigiɬigginhviɬndldaq.
    meanwhilethat personhis partnerlightnotit is saidthenthat personhis partnerwent to sleep
    'But his partner did not shine, his partner who went to sleep.'

  35. hiddenYitotl'oghxingithxiyiɬidedigchenhviɬndldaq,niɬggudz xiyozrtr'ixizroxi'ne.
    afterwardslong timethenhe tooalsohe fell asleepa little whileonlythey say
    'After a long time the second man also fell asleep for a little while.'

  36. hiddenAxaxiɬdikngiduggnixitili'eyh ts'in'xoqoxiniɬ'anh.
    and thenupas it was beginning to get lightfor ithe's watching
    'And then he watched for when it was beginning to get light.'

  37. hiddenYitots'in'xili'eyhtuxni'iditl'e.
    thenit was lightwhenhe dressed
    'Then, when it was light, he dressed.'

  38. hiddenYitots'in'axaxiɬdikchedeloyts'in'ntidoyh.
    thenthenagainmountaintohe returned
    'Then he went back up on the mountain.'

  39. hiddenYitots'in'axaxiɬdikyiggiyxon'ithiyoiydeloyq'idzyuxudz.
    thenthenthathe ascendeditmountainupentirely
    'He climbed all the way up the mountain.'

  40. hiddenEdiyixisraqayngilanhdongxits'in'yixiq'u'ithiyoiydeloy.
    alwaystherechildhe iswhentotherehe wentitmountain
    'He went up the mountain where he had always gone when he was a child.'

  41. hiddenAxaxiɬdikxentl-'an'.
    thenhe started to look around
    'Then he looked around.'

  42. hiddenTr'edhatr'i'neyixighinoydiɬ'anhditr'edhaine'guqul.
    beholdit is saidtherecaribouwhere he getsbeholdhowevernone
    'He saw no caribou where he usually got caribou.'

  43. hiddenNiɬq'adzxiniɬ'anh,tr'edhaghinoyqul.
    both wayshe lookedbeholdcaribounone
    'He looked both ways but there were no caribou.'

  44. hiddenYitongotr'i'nexoghli'eɬ.
    meanwhileit is saidit's getting light
    'Meanwhile it grew light.'

  45. hiddenNiɬq'adz ts'in'xiniɬ'anh.
    both wayshe looked
    'He looked both ways.'

  46. hiddenDodz ts'in'tr'i'netoqoggxichuxxelanh.
    toward the riverit is saidtundrabigthere is
    'Over toward the river there was a broad expanse of tundra.'

  47. hiddenEngosindeloyuxidet'an'tr'i'ne.
    other sidemountainit appearedit is said
    'On the other side were the mountains.'6

  48. hiddenXugito'oɬxiq'idixidiyoqtr'i'ne.
    the sun will riseas ifit appearedit is said
    'It looked like the sun was about to rise.'

  49. hiddenXiyiɬtr'i'nengitthettoqoggchuxtth'exinedrq'ithts'in'genathtonh.
    thenit is saiddown belowtundrabigin middlesidetowardshe glimpsed
    'Then he saw something out in the middle of the big tundra.'

  50. hiddenTr'edhatr'i'neyixxinegxidiniɬchedhidinetr'iyh.
    beholdit is saidhouseprettycurtainwind is blowing
    'It was a nice house with the curtain blowing outward.'7

  51. hiddenXidayq'odetxiniɬ'anh,ine'guqulyixi.
    where it isjust nowhe lookedbutnothingthere
    'He looked again but there was nothing there.'

  52. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'neinedhinhanhidaghdhilinh,dingit'axits'itidhisoy,inedhinh.
    so thenit is saidhe thoughtheyoung manbetterto thereI gohe thought
    'So then the young man thought, I should go there.'

  53. hiddenAxaxiɬdikduq'o'yitniynelo,dighalyiɬ.
    thenhis arrowstherehe put downhis packwith
    'So he put down his arrows and his pack.'

  54. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyixits'in'tadhiyoatthingyit.
    thendownwardshe went belowdownthere
    'He went down there below.'

  55. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyitnineyo.
    thentherehe stopped walking
    'He arrived there.'

  56. hiddenTr'edhatr'i'neyixxit'axezrenhtr'i'ne.
    beholdit is saidhouseveryit's prettyit is said
    'It was a very nice house.'

  57. hiddenAxaxiɬdikxidoynineyo.
    thendoorwayhe stopped walking
    'He went into the doorway.'

  58. hiddenAxaxiɬdikngi'eghxiniɬ'anh.
    thenoutsidehe's looking around
    'And he looked around outside.'

  59. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'nexiniɬ'anh,ine'tsoqultr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidhe's looking aroundbutcachenoneit is said
    'He looked around but there was no cache.'

  60. hiddenTingxiyiɬoqoxiniɬ'anhine'dinatingxuqultr'i'ne.
    trailthenforhe's looking aroundbutpersontracknoneit is said
    'He looked for a trail but there were no people's tracks.'

  61. hiddenAxaxiɬdikxiyodiɬ'anhtr'i'ne.
    thenhe thoughtit is said
    'Then he thought.'8

  62. hiddenInedhinhtr'i'ne,dinasre'xelanhdigoxits'in'taso,inedhinh.
    he thoughtit is saidpeopleI wonderwhere they areheretoI started to gohe thought
    'He thought, I wonder whether there are any people where I am going.'9

  63. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'nexiditadhiyotr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidhe started to enterit is said
    'Then he entered the house.'

  64. hiddenNgiyiggtthaɬyiggxiyegheyo.
    downwardkashim entryhe went down
    'He went down inside.'

  65. hiddenXidiniɬchedhq'idhiniɬnek.
    curtainasidehe pushed
    'He pushed open the curtain.'

  66. hiddenTr'edhatr'i'neviyiɬxilimaq.
    beholdit is saidsuddenlyit's bright
    'There was a sudden burst of light.'10

  67. hiddenAxaxiɬdikxidineyotr'i'ne.
    thenhe enteredit is said
    'Then he went inside.'

  68. hiddenYixxik'idzyozrtr'edhatr'i'ne.
    housesmalllittlebeholdit is said
    'The house was quite small.'

  69. hiddenAxaxiɬdikengosts'innineyotr'i'ne.
    thenacrosshe wentit is said
    'He went across to the other side.'

  70. hiddenEngosts'ingenathtonhtr'i'ne.
    acrosshe glancedit is said
    'He looked across.'

  71. hiddenUxuxiyiɬtr'i'neengodzngitthetnuq'oɬonhduxdathdo,nuq'oɬonhnegtr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidacrosson the shore sidewomanshelfshe sat upwomanprettyit is said
    'And over on the riverward side of the house a woman was sitting on the shelf, a very pretty woman.'

  72. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'neq'on-gidiɬqon' ts'in'tr'edhatr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidshe was sewingbeholdit is said
    'And she was sewing.'

  73. hiddenGenithtogits'in'tr'i'ne.
    she did not glanceit is said
    'She did not glance around.'

  74. hiddenAxaxiɬdikq'on-gidiɬqon'iydoghttheghxits'iyiniɬnek.
    thenshe was sewingthatdown in front of hertoshe pushed it
    'Then she put down her sewing in front of her.'

  75. hiddenAxaxiɬdikdi'nets'in'yigginhnuq'oɬonh,tr'ixinengo,"n-gidesixiyo'q'idaɬts'idztayo.
    thenshe saidthatwomanshe spoke outall rightmy wisdomdue tothis wayyou came
    'And she spoke out saying, "look, you have come this way on account of my wisdom.'1112

  76. hiddenGogideedingan'q'idzxintl-'anhine'divaine'anhnedrginistolts'in'.
    wellallworlduponI'm looking aroundbutsomeonebutthat personmeetingI didn't see
    'I looked all over the world but I didn't see anyone.'13

  77. hiddenNgideyan'ngit'iginistoyh,gongan'q'idz,"yiɬne.
    only youI caught sight of youthisworldonshe said
    'On all the world I only caught sight of you.'

  78. hidden"Soxoengizrenhduxo'in,siyixngits'itr'axiyannixinis'onh,"yiɬne.
    for meyou are goodbecausemy houseto youin the openI showedshe said
    "'Since you seem good to me I have shown you my house," she said.'

  79. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktthitadhiyotr'i'neyigginhnuq'oɬonh.
    thenshe started to go outit is saidthat personwoman
    'Then the woman went out.'

  80. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'netthineyo.
    thenit is saidshe went outside
    'Then she went out.'

  81. hiddenVadi xitidhu'o'.
    she was gone a long time
    'She was gone a long time.'

  82. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'nexidonghidoɬnuq'oɬonh.
    thenit is saidshe's coming back inwoman
    'And then she came back in.'

  83. hiddenTr'edhatr'i'netth'oknegvughun'ggusrquliyxidon'iduqonh.
    beholdit is saidbowlfineby himdirtnoneshe brought in
    'She brought him a fine clean bowl.'

  84. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'edhatr'i'nevisriɬde'oy.
    and thenbeholdit is saidit was steaming
    'And it was steaming.'

  85. hiddenTr'edhatr'i'nego idaghɬdi'iluqonh.
    beholdit is saidjust nowit has been dished out
    'The food had just been dished out.'

  86. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyitadhon'tr'i'ne.
    and thenhe began to eat itit is said
    'And he began to eat it.'

  87. hiddenUxuxiyiɬiytth'okyitl'onighetonh.
    thenitbowlhe gave back to her
    'Then he gave the bowl back to her.'

  88. hiddenVadi xidhu'onhhingoxidonghidoɬ.
    she was gonewhileshe's coming in again
    'She was gone for a moment then came back in.'

  89. hiddenTr'edhatr'i'neggaggdhithginginq'uxchuxxidon-ghoɬchith.
    beholdit is saidcaribouskinits backbonefatbigshe's bringing in
    'She brought in thick back sections of caribou skins.'14

  90. hiddenAxaxiɬdikenganyits'in'iɬt'eyiyiɬghuhoɬtr'i'ne.
    thenacrossto himstillwith itshe's goingit is said
    'And she went across to him with them.'

  91. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'neyiɬne,"gila'gonviq'idzdhetanh,"yiɬne.
    thenit is saidshe said to himokaythison ityou lieshe told him
    'Then she said to him, "all right you lie on this."'

  92. hiddenYiɬchetyitots'in'tr'i'ne.
    he took itand thenit is said
    'He took it from her then.'

  93. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'neyoghyiɬchettr'i'neduxdiyitlcheth.
    thenit is saidfrom herhe took itit is saidshelfhe put it up on
    'Then he put it on the shelf.'

  94. hiddenYitots'in'gitsaghthts'idcheyitl'oghiɬchethvitallay.
    thenmarten skinblankettooshe gave himhis matfor
    'She also gave him a marten skin blanket for his bedding.'

  95. hiddenYitots'in'nathtanh.
    thenhe lay down
    'So he lay down.'

  96. hiddenXinathdrit.
    they went to bed
    'They went to bed.'

  97. hiddenVenhda'chenhtr'ixinedhittr'i'ne.
    morningagainthey awokeit is said
    'In the morning they awoke.'

  98. hiddenYitots'in'noddranhnodtthidangithxiyiɬyitxiviyixdhidohingotthetingine'xitltthagts'in'hingo.
    thentwodaytwonightthentheretheir househe's stayingwhileoutsidehoweverhe did not seewhile
    'For two days and two nights he stayed in her house and never looked outside.'

  99. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'ixinedaqts'in',tthitadhiyo.
    thenthey got upshe started to go outside
    'Then when they were getting up she went out.'

  100. hiddenTr'edhatr'i'nenelangxidonghiduqoɬ.
    beholdit is saidmeatshe brought in
    'She brought in meat.'

  101. hiddenAxaxiɬdikcheltl'oyidighetrittr'i'ne.
    thenyoung manshe gave him foodit is said
    'She gave him food again.'15

  102. hiddenAxaxiɬdikgighehon'.
    thenhe ate
    'Then he ate.'

  103. hiddenAxaxiɬdikdranhxitadhitche chenhyixi.
    thendaythey spentagainthere
    'They spent the day there again.'

  104. hiddenAxaxiɬdikche chenhghiɬghatlxiyiɬchedeɬneyiggichel,"gothe'yixxiyan'tasdoɬhegot?"yiɬne.
    thenagainit was darkthenagainhe said thusthatyoung manhereyes/no QhouseonlyI'll stayyes/no Qherehe said
    'And when it got dark again the man said to her, "will I only stay here in the house?"'

  105. hidden"Hǫ,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    yesshe saidit is said
    "'Yes," she said.'

  106. hiddenUxuxiyiɬtr'i'nedeɬneyigginhchel"dixoghlingith ts'in'yixxiyan'tasdoɬts'i'adisidene,"yiɬne.
    thenit is saidhe said thusthat personyoung manhow longhouseonlyI'll staytell mehe said
    'And then the man said, "what a long time that you are telling me to stay in the house."'16

  107. hidden"Hǫ,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    yesshe saidit is said
    'She said, "yes.'

  108. hidden"Ganvuquliyoqotehoɬts'i'adidene"yiɬne.
    whatthat which is lackingforyou will goyou say thusshe said
    'Why, what do you lack that you speak thus?" she said.'

  109. hidden"Ngoq'idongdaɬine'siyetryedixengiloq,"yiɬnenuq'oɬonh.
    wellalreadyhowevermy lifeintoyou happenedshe saidwoman
    "'You have already become a part of my life," said the woman.'

  110. hiddenUxuxiyiɬyitl'ogidighetrit.
    thenshe gave him food
    'Then she gave him food.'

  111. hiddenQ'ixaghɬno'yitots'in'.
    they finished eatingthen
    'They finished eating.'

  112. hiddenIxuxuyiɬxinathdrit.
    thenthey went to bed
    'Then they went to bed.'

  113. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyigginhidaghdhilinhviɬadinhndalningh.
    thenthat personyoung mansleepwithouthe went
    'The young man stayed awake.'

  114. hiddenAxaxiɬdikeygginhengannuq'oɬonhviyiɬ vitithuquyh.
    thenthat personacrosswomanshe was about to go to sleep
    'Across from him the woman was about to go to sleep.'

  115. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'neanhidaghdhilinhtr'i'nedenedhinhtr'i'ne"edi ts'in'etle'godadzxiyan'ditast'eɬts'in',etle'got,"inedhinh.
    thenit is saidheyoung manit is saidhe thought thusit is saidalwaysperhapsherethusonlyI will doperhapsherehe thought
    'And then the young man thought, "perhaps I will always stay here in this way."'

  116. hiddenAxaxiɬdikinedhinhchenhtr'i'ne"ndadz xonetgodiyixsits'in'tr'axiyan (ni)xine'onh"inedhinhanh.
    thenhe thoughtagainit is saidfor what reasonthisher houseto meshe revealedhe thoughthe
    'Then he thought again, "why did she reveal this house of hers to me?"'

  117. hiddenYitots'in'chedenedhinhchetr'i'ne"dingit'avits'in'nidhisoyanh,"inedhinh.
    thenagainhe thought thusagainit is saidbetterto herI should goherhe thought
    'And he thought, "I should go over to her."'

  118. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'nediggidiniɬnek.
    thenit is saidhe arose
    'Then he arose.'

  119. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'neengtthitgoyughontthitnineyoxiyiɬtr'i'neyixizroviɬandldaqts'in'q'ididiyoq.
    thenit is saidin frontherein front of herhe stoppedthenit is saidjusthe fell asleephe became like
    'As he crossed the house and went in front of her he suddenly lost consciousness.'

  120. hiddenYiggitgoyughontthitnineyo.
    thereherein front of herhe stopped
    'Right in front of her he went.'

  121. hiddenXiyiɬgodidiyoq.
    thenhereit happened
    'There it happened.'

  122. hiddenViyiɬndaghxidhu'onhxiq'itr'i'ne.
    with himsomewherehe isas ifit is said
    'He could not tell where he was as if (in a dream).'17

  123. hiddenXiyiɬtr'i'neanhtr'atr'an-ghididhiɬxiq'itr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidlikehe is awakeningas ifit is said
    'Then it was as if he woke up.'

  124. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'neyiggitdiyixyigginithidotr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidtherehis placehe sat back downit is said
    'And then he sat back down in his own place.'18

  125. hiddenAxaxiɬdikdenedhinhndadzdist'anhts'igot?
    thenhe thoughthowI'm doinghere
    'Then he thought, what am I doing here?'

  126. hiddenGangodisiɬ'anh?inedhinhtr'i'ne.
    whathereshe does to mehe thoughtit is said
    'What is she doing to me here?'

  127. hiddenYitots'in'enganvits'in'ntasiyoghilechenhviɬaɬtingh,inedhinh.
    thenacrossto herI went backit seemedhe's asleephe thought
    'And he thought, I thought I was going over to her but it seems (I) was asleep.'19

  128. hiddenHingoengananhnuq'oɬonhgiɬghex.
    meanwhileacrossshewomanshe's snoring
    'Meanwhile the woman snored over on the other side.'

  129. hiddenInedhinhchenh,edisre'segodist'anh,"inedhinhtr'i'ne.
    he thoughtagainI wonderIhereI'm doinghe thoughtit is said
    'He thought again, I wonder what I'm doing here.'

  130. hidden"Dingit'achenhnondhisdoy,"inedhinhtr'i'ne.
    betteragainI will go overhe thoughtit is said
    'I think I'll go over again."'

  131. hiddenTs'anchenhtr'i'neniɬk'ontithiyo.
    thenagainit is saidhe departed
    'And so he got up again.'

  132. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'neyitxits'in'tr'i'negottthitl'u'onhdinineyodichenhtr'i'neviyiɬ viɬandldaqts'in'q'ididiyoq.
    thenit is saidtheretoit is saidherewhere her head iswhere he stoppedagainit is saidhe went to sleepit happened
    'And when he reached the place where her head lay once more, once more he lost consciousness.'

  133. hiddenDegviɬaɬtinghq'idingit'atr'i'ne.
    herehe's slepinghe did as ifit is said
    'It was as if he was asleep.'

  134. hiddenXiyiɬtr'i'netr'anghididhiɬxiq'itr'i'nechenh.
    thenit is saidhe is awakeningas ifit is saidagain
    'Then once again it was as if he awoke.'

  135. hiddenXiyiɬtr'i'neyiggitdiyixdhitanhyiɬ xiq'angholnek.
    thenit is saidtherehis placehe lieshe came to his senses
    'And he lay in his place and came to his senses.'

  136. hiddenXit'aengodzvitthe'ghun'ninisoghilechenh?inedhinhtr'i'ne.
    I wonder whyacrossher headtowardI wentit seemed he thoughtit is said
    'I wonder why it seemed as if I went across to where she lies.'

  137. hiddenYitots'in'inedhinhtr'i'nechenh,aɬa xiɬdiganditatl-'an'digot?inedhinh.
    thenhe thoughtit is saidagainthenwhatI started to doherehe thought
    'And he thought, what am I doing here?'20

  138. hiddenYitongotr'i'neengananhnuq'oɬonhviɬaɬtinghtr'i'neyitongo.
    meanwhileit is saidacrossshewomanshe's sleepingit is saidmeanwhile
    'Meanwhile the woman across the room continued to sleep.'

  139. hiddenNdadzsre'dist'anhts'igo?inedhinhtr'i'ne.
    whatI wonderI'm doingherehe thoughtit is said
    'Now I wonder what's happening to me?'

  140. hiddenDingit'achenhxan'enasitox,inedhinhchenh.
    betteragainI will tryhe thoughtagain
    'I think I'll try again, he thought.'

  141. hiddenAxaxiɬdikchenhyits'in'nontithiyo.
    thenagainto herhe returned
    'So he went back to her again.'

  142. hiddenAxaxiɬdikgoyitthe'q'idhduxditadhiyo.
    thenhereher headbyshelfhe went up
    'He went up to the bed where her head lay.'

  143. hiddenXiyiɬnginuggyixnedriyixizroyadz gititl'iqit.
    thenbackhousemiddlesuddenlyit opened up
    'Then all of a sudden the back of the house opened up in the middle.'

  144. hiddenYitoyiggtr'i'neyuxudztr'idilighith.
    thereuponit is saidentirelyhe got frightened
    'He became frightened.'

  145. hiddenUxu(xi)yiɬtr'ixilimaqndaghgetiycheyixixili'in'axatr'ixilimaq.
    thenit became lightwherereallyalsothereit shonewithit got bright
    'Suddenly it became very light, shining brightly.'

  146. hiddenUxu(xi)yiɬtr'igitr'aghɬdluqyixigidentlninghdindaghgidetxogh ggusr quldighedo'inhnuq'oɬonhngixits'iyughun'nigidluqtr'i'ne.
    thensomeone laughedtherewhere he turned aroundwhereveryclean placeone who stayedwomanfrom insideat himshe's laughingit is said
    'Then someone laughed and when he turned around there was a woman back in a clean place.'21

  147. hiddenYitongotr'i'ne,di'nenuq'oɬonh,"ndadzdingit'anh?"yiɬne.
    meanwhileit is saidshe saidwomanwhatyou're doingshe said
    'Then the woman said, "what are you doing?"'

  148. hidden"Ngo,singonhanh!"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    wellmy mothersheshe saidit is said
    "'Why that is my mother!" she said.'

  149. hiddenUxuxiyiɬtr'i'neyigginhchelanhviq'ay xontl'u'onhtr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidthat personyoung manhehe became ashamedit is said
    'Then the man became ashamed.'

  150. hidden"One,"yiɬnets'in'yits'itadhiyotr'i'ne.
    comeshe saidandto herhe wentit is said
    "'Come here," she said, and he went to her.'22

  151. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'nedi'netr'i'neyigginhnuq'oɬonh,"agidesingonhoxoingizrenhduxo'in,"yiɬnetr'i'ne,"gotdinayixngits'in'tr'axiyan nixine'onh,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    and thenit is saidshe spokeit is saidthat personwomannowmy motherforyou're goodbecauseshe saidit is saidthisour houseto youshe revealedshe saidit is said
    'And then the woman spoke to him, "now because you seemed good to my mother she revealed this house of ours to you."'

  152. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'nexidiyniɬtanh.
    thenit is saidshe brought him in
    'And then she brought him in.'

  153. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'neyinondigathdlo.
    thenit is saidshe undressed him
    'And then she undressed him.'23

  154. hiddenAxaxiɬdikdadzgenht'aniyniɬtanhtr'i'ne.
    thenthusnakedshe left himit is said
    'And then she left him naked.'

  155. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktenadhilyughun'nineqonhtr'i'ne.
    thenwaterwarmby himshe putit is said
    'Then she put warm water by him.'

  156. hiddenAxaxiɬdikguq'uxche.
    'And also fat.'

  157. hiddenYitots'in'yeyghet'otthtr'i'ne.
    thenshe cut it upit is said
    'She cut it into pieces'

  158. hiddenAxaxiɬdikveliqyili'anhtr'i'ne.
    thensoapshe used itit is said
    'That is what she used for soap.'

  159. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktonyitltanhtr'i'ne.
    thenshe bathed himit is said
    'Then she bathed him.'

  160. hiddenAxaxiɬdikvideloylaytr'i'neyitl'oghelo.
    thenhis clothesforit is saidshe gave him
    'Then she gave him clothing.'

  161. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'neyethtl'enhtr'i'ne,nadeloynegtr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidshe dressed himit is saidhuman clothingfineit is said
    'She dressed him in fine clothes.'

  162. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'neyethtl'enhxotl'oghtr'i'ne,axaxiɬdik"gilayiggidhedo,"yiɬnenuq'oɬonh.
    thenit is saidshe dressed himafterit is saidthennowsit downsaidwoman
    'And after she dressed him she told him to sit down.'

  163. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'ne,deɬnetr'i'ne,"gilangilo'nda',"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidshe saidit is saidnowyour handgive meshe saidit is said
    'Then she told him, "now give me your hand."'

  164. hiddenYittr'i'neyits'in'ndalnek.
    thereit is saidto herhe held out his hand
    'So he held out his hand to her'

  165. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'neiyloiɬchettr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidithandshe tookit is said
    'And she took his hand.'

  166. hiddenAxaxiɬdikdidhoyighelo.
    thenher mouthshe put them
    'She put it in her mouth.'

  167. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyilo'tathtth'etth.
    thenhis handshe started sucking
    'She started sucking on his hand.'

  168. hiddenXidigaɬyigginhnuq'oɬonhvidhotdixidinevinh.
    finallythat personwomanher mouthit was full
    'Finally the woman's mouth was full.'

  169. hiddenVidhotdixidinevinhts'in'yiggityiyet tonxidaɬtaghyeteghengiɬ.
    her mouthit's fulltherewashbasininwatershe poured
    'She spit the water from her mouth into the basin.'

  170. hiddenAxaxiɬdikxidigaɬnodiyuxudzdiyeloq.
    thenfinallytwicethusshe did it
    'She did that twice.'

  171. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyiqa'chenhdho ghalyo.
    thenhis footalsoshe put in her mouth
    'Then she put his foot in her mouth.'24

  172. hiddenAxaxiɬdikxidigaɬchenhvidhadixidinevinh.
    thenfinallyagainher mouthit's full
    'Finally her mouth was full.'

  173. hiddenYiggiyviyet tonxidaɬtaghyetteghengiɬ.
    thatwashbasininwatershe poured
    'She spit the water from her mouth into the basin.'

  174. hiddenXidigaɬchenhnodiyuxudzdiyeloq.
    finallyagaintwicethusshe did it
    'She did that twice also.'

  175. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'ne"gila'gonningiɬ'anh,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidnowthisyou look atshe told himit is said
    'Then she said to him, "look at this."'

  176. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'neyenitl-'an'.
    thenit is saidhe started to look at it
    'And he looked at it.'

  177. hiddenYiniɬ'anhts'in'yuxudzt'asrte'xiq'iyviyedhuqonh.
    he lookedasallcharcoalwateras if itin itthere is
    'The water looked just like charcoal in it.'

  178. hiddenAxaxiɬdikdeɬnetr'i'neyigginhniq'oɬonh,"gogideiynongiyaɬdongxuts'in'vaxatr'a'ingit'ixts'in'dangit'an',"yiɬne.
    thenshe saidit is saidthat personwomannowityou're growing upwhenfromwith ityou did evilyou didshe said to him
    'And then the woman said, "this is the evil that you have done since the time you grew up."'

  179. hidden"Gilagoningiɬ'anhn-gitr'ixet'agh,"yiɬne.
    nowherelook atyour sinshe said
    "'Look at your sins here," she said.'

  180. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'nedi'nets'in'chel,"hǫ"yiɬne,tr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidhe saidyoung manyeshe saidit is said
    'And the man said, "Yes."'

  181. hidden"Agide"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    okayhe saidit is said
    "'Okay," he said.'

  182. hidden"Agideduxuts'in'disengiloq,"yiɬne.
    nowall rightyou made mehe said.
    "'Now you have made me all right.'

  183. hidden"Agidegetiyngughun'xisrigasdhet,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    nowreallyto youI am thankfulhe saidit is said
    'Now I am very thankful to you."'25

  184. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'neyigginhchelniydighalyo' hiyyiggiviyettonxididltanyetteyigheloyuxudz.
    thenit is saidthat personyoung manwhat he was wearingthatin itin which he was washedinwaterhe put themall
    'Then that man put all the things he had worn into the water where he had been washed.'

  185. hiddenAxaxaɬdikchenhtthiytidhuqonh.
    thenalsoshe began to take it outside
    'She started to take it out.'

  186. hiddenAxaxiɬdik"nedhodiyin tengeɬ,"tr'i'ne.
    thenfar offyou will dump it outit is said
    "'Empty it far away," he said.'

  187. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyiɬdhotiyyiyiɬnineyo.
    so thenfar offitwith itshe went
    'So she went far away with it.'

  188. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyi'in yitidhingiɬtr'i'ne.
    thenshe dumped it outit is said
    'Then she dumped it out.'

  189. hiddenYiggiyiytth'okchenhiyyiyiɬyiggiyin yititlghuɬ.
    thatitbowlalsoitwith itinsideshe threw away
    'She also threw away the bowl it was in.'

  190. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyixixidon'idiyo.
    thenthereshe went back in
    'Then she went back inside.'

  191. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyitl'ogidighetrit.
    thenshe gave him food
    'She gave him food.'

  192. hiddenAxaxiɬdikgighehon'.
    thenhe ate
    'And he ate.'

  193. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyigginhnuq'oɬonhyiɬchettr'i'ne.
    thenthat personwomanshe married himit is said
    'Then the woman married him.'

  194. hiddenTs'an xiɬdikyityughun'tathdo'tr'i'ne.
    so thenthereby herhe stayedit is said
    'And he began to live there with her.'

  195. hiddenAxaxiɬdik"gosiyixxeɬedzxiningiɬ'anh,"yiɬne.
    thenheremy housewelllook around atshe told him
    'Then she told him, "look well around my house."'

  196. hiddenAxaxiɬdikxentl-'an'ts'in'yixxit'achexezrenhtr'i'ne.
    sohe started to look aroundandhouseveryit's prettyit is said
    'So he looked around, and it was very fine.'

  197. hiddenGoyixngan'q'idzvixelanh;dhithviyixdixidinevinh.
    herehousegrounduponthere areskinsher houseit's full
    'There were skins upon the earthen floor; the house was full of them.'

  198. hiddenTs'an axaxiɬdikgetiyqusqangilanhnuq'oɬonh.
    so thenreallyrichshe iswoman
    'That woman was a very rich person.'

  199. hiddenYigginhchelanhniq'oɬonhiɬnetr'i'ne,deɬne,tr'i'ne,"ndadz xughun'dingiɬ'anhdegiy?"yiɬne.
    that personyoung manhewomantoldit is saidhe saidit is saidhowyou do thisthisithe said
    'The man said to the woman, "how have you managed to do this?" he said.'

  200. hiddenXiyiɬchenhnuq'oɬonhdeɬnetr'i'ne,"ngodaɬine'yuxudzxughun'nginoghɬdatidhasnelts'in',"yiɬne.
    thenagainwomanshe spokeit is saidwellhoweverallabout itin your presenceI shall not sayshe said
    'And the woman replied, "well, I will not tell you about it yet," she said.'

  201. hiddenChenhdi'netr'i'nenuq'oɬonh,"nginhtr'alxiq'i telnek,"yiɬne.
    againshe saidit is saidwomanyoueventuallyyou will find outshe said
    "'Eventually you will find out," the woman said.'

  202. hiddenTs'anaxaxiɬdiktr'i'neyityughun'tathdo'tr'i'ne.
    thenthenit is saidtherewith herhe started to stayit is said
    'And so he stayed there with her.'

  203. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyityighun'dhidohingotr'i'netthetingxitltthaghingotr'i'ne.
    thentherewith herhe's stayingwhileit is saidoutsidehe did not seewhileit is said
    'All the time he stayed with her, he did not look outside.'

  204. hiddenNdadz ihinganyi'eheyhvinghitɬnigtr'i'ne.
    whateveranythinghe's eating (pl.)which she cookedit is said
    'Whatever he ate was already cooked.'

  205. hiddenYitongotr'i'neanhvonhyixvu'osindhido.
    meanwhileit is saidsheher motherhousenear hershe stays
    'Meanwhile, her mother stayed in a house nearby.'

  206. hiddenAnhtthin'idoyhtuxvintl'inegxidon'iduqoyh.
    sheshe goes back outwhenthat which is cookedshe brings in
    'She went out and brought in cooked food.'

  207. hiddenYuxudz xiyan'dixit'anhtr'i'ne.
    always like thatthey did thusit is said
    'That was how they lived.'

  208. hiddenXidigaɬtr'i'neyigginhvu'otxidigaɬtr'i'nevigogo'xethdlanhtr'i'ne.
    finallyit is saidthat personhis wifefinallyit is saidher childwas bornit is said
    'Finally, his wife bore a child.'

  209. hiddenTr'edhatr'i'nechel.
    beholdit is saidboy
    'It was a boy.'

  210. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'nexiyentlyonhtr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidthey raised himit is said
    'And they raised him.'

  211. hiddenXidigaɬtr'i'neq'utithiyotr'i'ne.
    finallyit is saidhe began to walk aroundit is said
    'Finally he began to walk around.'

  212. hiddenAxaxiɬdikdeɬnetr'i'ne"edigo dadzxiyan'ditast'eɬts'in'gohe'?"yiɬne.
    and thenhe spokeit is saidcontinuallythusonlyI will dohere(yes/no Q)he said to her
    'And then the man said, "am I always to live here in this way?"'

  213. hiddenXuyiɬtr'i'nedi'neyigginhnuq'oɬonh,"he'ndadz ihinditet'eɬts'i'adidene?"yiɬne.
    thenit is saidsaidthat personwoman(yes/no Q)whatyou'll doyou sayshe said
    'Then the woman said, "what would you do, that you speak this way?"'

  214. hidden"Duxoghlingith ts'in'yixxiyan'tasdoɬ?"yiɬne.
    for how longhouseonlyI'll stayhe said
    "'How long will I stay just in the house?"'

  215. hiddenXiyiɬchedi'neanhnuq'oɬonh"ganvuquliyiygho'inntenikts'in'adidene,"yiɬne.
    thenagainshe saidherwomanherenothingitforyou will workyou sayshe said
    'And the woman replied, "say what is wanting that you can get by working for it.'26

  216. hiddenTs'anyuxudzdiydighene'tr'i'ne.
    thenthusshe told himit is said
    'Thus she told him then.'

  217. hiddenTs'anxiɬdikyitxididltth'ediyitots'in'tr'i'ne.
    sothentherewhere they livedand thenit is said
    'So they continued to live there.'

  218. hiddenYitots'in'diyidighene'xotl'ogh,nedhots'inxitadhittr'i'ne.
    and thenshe told him soafterlong timeit passedit is said
    'Then after she said that to him, a long time passed.'

  219. hiddenAxaxiɬdikdeɬneyigginhnuq'oɬonh,"gilaxits'in'yiggiyganlongist'anhdixits'in'nginoghɬtr'ixitas'oɬ,"yiɬne.
    thenshe saidthat personwoman,nowfromthatwhatplentywhere I havefrom itto youI will showshe said
    "'Now I will show you where I get such riches."'

  220. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'ne,"gilaone,"yiɬne.
    thenit is saidnowcomeshe said
    "'Now come," she said to him.'

  221. hiddenYitots'in'yits'in'tadhiyo.
    thento herhe went
    'And he went to her.'

  222. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'neyughun'nineyo.
    thenit is saidwith herhe went out
    'He went out with her.'

  223. hiddenNginuqyixnedrts'in'nixine'ots,xiyiɬtr'i'nengiyiqngan'vidoxyadz elnek.
    back fromhousemiddletothey wentthenit is saidbelowgroundbefore himit opened up
    'They went to the back of the house, in the middle, and the ground opened up.'

  224. hidden"Gilaaxaxiɬdikngiyiqxiningiɬ'anh,"yiɬnenuq'oɬonh.
    nowthendownwardlookshe told himwoman
    "'Now look down below," she told him.'

  225. hiddenAxaxiɬdikngiyiggixiyeginighetonh.
    thendownwardhe looked in
    'He (stooped and) looked down.'

  226. hiddenXuyeginighetonhditr'edhatr'i'nengiyiqggaggxit'alongtr'i'ne,ngin'qoggxigiggaggxit'achelonghtr'i'ne.
    where he looked inbeholdit is saiddownwardanimalsverymanyit is saidearthanimalsveryalsomanyit is said
    'Down where he looked there were many animals, down in the earth, a great many.'

  227. hidden"Divasre'xeɬedzningiɬ'anh?"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    I wonderwellyou seeshe saidit is said
    "'Do you see them?" she asked.'

  228. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'neviq'ing'anhdi'ne,"hǫ,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidher husbandhehe said"yes,"he saidit is said
    'And her husband answered, "Yes."'

  229. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'nexidon-gidiniɬtsitl.
    thenit is saidshe slammed the door shut
    'Then she slammed the door shut.'

  230. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'nexidiyixnonxet'ots.
    thenit is saidtheir housethey returned
    'And they went back into their house.'

  231. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'neanhcheldiynedhinhtr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidthatyoung manhe thought thus to himselfit is said
    'Then the man thought to himself.'

  232. hiddenGodanlachexivugho'in,inedhinh,goqodist'anhdiyixiq'udhisiyodi,inedhinh.
    thesesurelyalsoon their accounthe thoughtforwhere I'm doingtherewhere I used to go around"he thought
    'This must surely be the reason for what happened where I used to go hunting.'27

  233. hidden"Godegsixidiyoqvizrochenh,"inedhinh,"vizrocheghinoyoqodaghst'an'yixighinoyqul,"inedhinhtr'i'ne.
    thishereit happened to meonlytoohe thoughtonlytoocaribouforI used to gettherecaribounonehe thoughtit is said
    "'Why there were no caribou where I always used to get caribou."'28

  234. hiddenUxuxiyiɬyigginhvu'otdeɬnetr'i'ne,"ndadzgits'in'q'uyengididhik,"yiɬneanhdiqing'.
    and thenthat personhis wifeshe said thusit is saidwhatevilyou're thinkingshe said toheher husband
    'And then his wife said to her husband, "what evil things are you thinking to yourself?"

  235. hidden"Agideyit xits'in'donggoningiyodong,"yiɬnetr'i'ne,"yiggiyit xits'in'q'uyengididhikyuxudzngixiyo'nitl-'anhq'idist'a,"yiɬne.
    nowsince thenwhenhereyou camewhenshe saidit is saidthatsince thenyou're thinkingallyour thoughtsI seeit seems to meshe said
    "'Now ever since the time when you first came here, I have seen all your thoughts."'

  236. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'nedeɬneyigginhnuq'oɬonh"agidetdina'oqoingizrenhxo'indinayixngits'in'tr'axiyan ntr'ixine'onh,"yiɬne.
    thenit is saidshe saidthat personwomannowfor usyou are goodbecauseour houseto youwe revealedshe said
    'Then the woman said, "because you seemed good to us, we revealed our house to you."'

  237. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'neanhchelanhdi'nets'in'"sidithinqayidisre'ghiluqxiviyetrxivughun'sre'xuvoghdenisdhit,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidheyoung manhehe spokemy parentsI wonderdeartheir breathon their accountI wonderabout themI thinkhe saidit is said
    'And then the man said, "I am thinking about my dear parents, wondering whether they are still alive."'

  238. hidden"Agide,"yiɬnevu'ot,"gogidediniyhdinixidaɬdhitgoningiyo di,"yiɬne.
    wellshe saidhis wifeherefourseasonherewhen you cameshe said
    "'Well," said his wife, "four seasons have passed since you came here."'

  239. hidden"He'?"yiɬnetr'i'ne."Gangonchenh?
    (yes/no Q)he saidit is saidwhatthisnow
    "'What?" he said.

  240. hiddenDiniyhdixiyan'nasoɬghilecheinisdhinh,"yiɬne.
    fouronlyI have stayedit seemsI thinkhe said
    "It seemed that I have stayed here only four (nights)."'

  241. hidden"Yuxudzxo'inyi'intthetingxiyiɬnixidodhiɬts'in'xiyiɬtr'ingidineg,"yiɬne.
    thusbecauseawayoutsidethenseason is passingthenyou did not knowshe said
    "'That is because you did not know that a year's time had passed outside," she said.'

  242. hidden"Gogidexiyiɬgiɬixsnaldinixidodhiɬ digoxits'anxididhiɬ,"yiɬne.
    all rightwithfifthseason is passingnowit's finishingshe said
    "'Right now the fifth season is passing.'

  243. hidden"Gogidetnaghun'ningiyots'in'xiq'inixinedhit,"yiɬne.
    this isto usyou cameas ifit has becomeshe said
    'It is now as it was when you came to us (nearly winter)."'

  244. hidden"He'?"yiɬne.
    (yes/no Q)he said
    "'What?" he said,

  245. hidden"Tthetingxiyetxintl-'anhxiq'ixiyiɬtasiniyh,"yiɬne.
    outsidein itI seeaccording tothenI'll know it,"he said
    "I'll look outside to know."'29

  246. hidden"Tthetingxiyexiningiɬ'anhts'ixiq'at?"yiɬne.
    outsideyes/no Qyou lookyou want toshe said
    "'Do you want to look outside?" she said.'

  247. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'ne,"gilatthinehoyh,"yiɬne.
    and thenit is saidgo ongo outsideshe said
    "'Go on, go outside."'

  248. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktthineyotr'i'ne.
    thenhe went outsideit is said
    'And so he went outside.'

  249. hiddenAxaxiɬdikxentl-'an'tr'i'ne.
    and thenhe started to look aroundit is said
    'And he looked around.'

  250. hiddenTr'edhaxeyts'in'xughun' nonxitithidhittr'i'ne.
    beholdautumnit's passingit is said
    'Indeed, autumn was passing.'

  251. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyixxidon'idiyo.
    and thenhousehe went back inside
    'And then he went back into the house.'

  252. hiddenAxaxiɬdikdeɬnetr'i'ne,"sidithinqayxivixunigoqonixinigi'anh,"yiɬne.
    thenhe saidit is said,my parentsnews of themforI look againhe said
    'And he said, "I should go find out about my parents."'

  253. hidden"E,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    yesshe saidit is said
    "'Yes," she said to him.

  254. hidden"Gilavenhda'vinxuɬts'egxutltritrlayoqotehoyh,"yiɬne.
    go ontomorrowearly morningsledwoodmaterialforyou goshe said
    "Go on tomorrow, early in the morning, go and get wood to make a sled."'

  255. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'nevenhdivinxuɬts'egtr'inedhit.
    so thenit is saidnext dayearly morninghe got up
    'So early the next morning he got up.'

  256. hiddenAxaxiɬdikxutltritrlayoqotadhiyotr'i'ne.
    and thensledwoodmaterialforhe wentit is said
    'He went for material for a sled.'

  257. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'nexutltritrlayuxudiniydaghɬ'an'tr'i'ne.
    and thenit is saidsledwoodmaterialquicklyhe gotit is said
    'He quickly gathered the wood for a sled.'

  258. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'neqayniydalyo.
    thenit is saidvillagehe brought them back
    'Then he brought it back to the settlement.'

  259. hiddenYitots'in'yitatlzrakzro.
    thenhe carved itonly
    'Then he did nothing but carve.'

  260. hiddenXutltritrniydalyo.
    sledwoodhe brought it back
    'He brought back the wood for the sled.'

  261. hiddenYititlzrakuxudiniy.
    he carved itquickly
    'And he carved it quickly.'

  262. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyitvenhdida'yiq'iniɬnek.
    thentherenext dayhe finished it
    'He finished it the next day.'

  263. hiddenAxaxiɬdikvenhdida'vu'ot"sidedigdingit'angiyiɬdidhist'an,"yiɬne.
    thennext dayhis wifeI toobetterwith youI should goshe said
    'Then the next day his wife said to him, "I should go with you, too."'

  264. hidden"Sre' linginh,"yiɬne.
    if you want tohe said
    "'If you want to," he said.'

  265. hiddenAxaxiɬdikxutlyetgighelo.
    thensledinhe put things
    'So he loaded up his sled.'

  266. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyiggiyxutldixiydiniɬdzaq.
    thenthatsledhe packed full
    'He packed it full (put his wife and baby in it).'

  267. hiddenAxaxiɬdikdeɬneanhchel"gila'idisre'dinaxudhil yetxitiɬdelinhsre'anh,"yiɬne.
    thenhe saidheyoung mannowI wonderhumansocietyshe does not care forperhapsshe,"he said
    'Then the man said, "I wonder if perhaps she does not like going among humans."'

  268. hiddenYigginhnuq'oɬonhvonh"isren' ila,"di'neanhchel.
    that personwomanher motherI don't knowshe said toheyoung man
    'And his wife's mother answered, "I don't know."'

  269. hiddenDi'neanhnuq'oɬonhvonh,"giladiniyhiydranhyan'duxt'anh,"xiɬne.
    she saidshewomanher motherokayfourdaysonlyyou pl. doshe told them
    "'Spend only four days there," she told them.'30

  270. hidden"Ey',"ne.
    yeshe said
    "'Yes," he said.'

  271. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'nedadzdeɬnetr'i'nechenh.
    thenit is saidthusshe saidit is saidalso
    'And then she said this further.'

  272. hidden"Ngitthingqaynu'ux'osrda'gila'eyigginhn-giɬigginhghela'inh,"yiɬne,"gila'vughoidiyiɬ ngidiniyh,"yiɬne.
    belowvillageyou two comewhennowthat personyour partnerwho wasshe saidnowfrom himbe carefulshe said
    "When you two come down to the village, be careful of the one who used to be your partner.'

  273. hidden"Vughun'idiyiɬ ngidiniyh.
    from himbe careful
    'Be careful of him.'

  274. hiddenGits'in'da'dingatadhine'da',(yi)ggiygits'in'dingatadhine'da',vughun'idiyiɬ ngidiniyh,"yiɬne.
    dangerifshe tells you soifthatevilshe tells you soiffrom himbe carefulshe said
    'If she (wife) tells you there is danger, something evil, heed that warning.'

  275. hidden"Ngo oghda'ngidenaghgits'iditeneɬ,"yiɬne.
    otherwiseconcerning youwrongyou will doshe said
    'Otherwise you will do wrong," she said.'31

  276. hidden"Ngo,anhvughun' dhedoninhdinaxudhil yesre'xitiɬdeɬ,"yiɬne.
    wellsheyour spousehumansocietyI doubtshe is accustomed toshe told him
    "'Your wife is not accustomed to human society," she told him.'

  277. hidden"Ngongin' qoggxidina'ghela'ts'ixiyan,"yiɬne.
    wellearthpeopleshe wasat allshe said
    "'She is not an earthly person at all."'32

  278. hidden"Gilagotidhux'otsda'gilagoyixxidhod,"yiɬne,"gilagoyixxoqoniginuxditoyh,"yiɬne.
    nowhereyou du. gowhennowthishouseaway fromshe saidnowthishousefor ityou pl. will lookshe said
    "'Now when you leave from this house, be sure to look back for the house," she told him.'

  279. hiddenAxaxiɬdikxitidhu'otstr'i'ne.
    and thenthey du. leftit is said
    'And then the two of them left.'

  280. hiddenYigginhxidigege'k'idzyiɬxutlyexiyaghɬtanh.
    that persontheir childlittlealsosledinthey put him
    'They also put their little child in the sled.'

  281. hiddenAxaxiɬdikxitidhu'ots.
    thenthey (du.) left
    'Then they left.'

  282. hiddenAxaxiɬdikviqing'anhgididedotr'i'ne.
    thenher husbandhehe pulledit is said
    'Her husband pulled (the sled).'

  283. hiddenVi'otyiɬyidiɬnektr'i'ne.
    his wifealsoshe pushed itit is said
    '(And) his wife pushed it.'

  284. hiddenAxaxiɬdikxitidhu'otstr'i'ne.
    thenthey (du.) leftit is said
    'Then they left.'

  285. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyiggiyyixxoqon-gixenthitonh.
    thenthathousefor itthey looked back
    'Then they looked back for their house.'

  286. hiddenTr'edhatr'i'neyiggiyyixxuqul.
    beholdit is saidthathousegone
    'Behold, the house had disappeared.'

  287. hiddenAxaxiɬdikngitthingxinadhoɬ.
    thenbelowthey camped
    'Down below there they camped.'

  288. hiddenAxaxiɬdikvenhda'chenhnixititht'otstr'i'ne.
    thennext dayagainthey left againit is said
    'The next day they went on.'

  289. hiddenAxaxiɬdikqaytr'ixiditl'ininghtr'i'ne.
    thenvillageit came into viewit is said
    'And then the village came in sight.'

  290. hiddenXivige'idaghdhilinh"vixedhinaghinhidiyiɬ nuxoɬtaɬ,"xi'nets'in'tr'i'ne.
    their young menone who was lostthey are bringingthey're sayingit is said
    'The young men of the village were saying, "they are bringing back the one who was lost!"'

  291. hiddenSrilxidilughusrtr'i'neyiggiyqayxit'an.
    they're shoutingit is saidthosevillagepeople
    'They were shouting, those people of the village.'

  292. hiddenAxaxiɬdikqayxine'otstr'i'ne.
    thenvillagethey du. arrivedit is said
    'And then they arrived at the village.'

  293. hiddenAxaxiɬdikduquxathdatl.
    thenthey went up
    'They went up.'

  294. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyigginhchelvonhxivughun'xidixinedatltr'i'ne.
    thenthat personyoung manhis motherto themthey wentit is said
    'And then they went to that man's parents.'

  295. hidden"Siyozr,"xaɬnets'in'xiyoghtathtr'ot.
    my childthey're sayingandthey hugged him
    'They said "my child", and they hugged him.'

  296. hidden(Yi)gginhxiyu'otyiɬoghtathtr'ot.
    that personthey his wifetoohugged
    'They hugged his wife too.'

  297. hiddenYigginxididltth'enndadzchedixiyaghlaxtr'otaxatr'i'ne.
    those peoplewho livedwhatevertoothey were ready to dolovewithit is said
    'Those people there were ready to do anything for them out of love for them.'

  298. hiddenAxaxiɬdikeyggivonhniginathtth'aqtr'i'ne.
    thenthat personhis mothershe whipped something upit is said
    'His mother made ice cream for them.'

  299. hiddenYitongotr'i'nedeɬneanhdiqing',"dinaxudhil yettr'ixinagided,"yiɬne.
    meanwhileit is saidshe saidsheher husbandhumansocietyI am not used toshe said
    'And then the woman said to her husband, "I am not accustomed to being amoung humans."'

  300. hiddenAxaxiɬdikxaɬts'in'nixinedhit.
    theneveningit came
    'Evening came.'

  301. hiddenXenathdrittr'i'ne.
    they went to bedit is said
    'They went to bed.'

  302. hidden"Gogilasingonhxivughun'netayh,"yiɬne.
    herenowmy motherbeside themyou layhe told her
    "'Sleep here with my mother," he told her.'

  303. hidden"Ngongiyiqseda`sughun'netayh'siɬne,"yiɬne.
    welldownmy cousinwith meyou liehe said to mehe told her
    "'My cousin has asked me to stay with him down in (the kashim)."'

  304. hiddenDaɬine'yughun'tathtsing'anhvu'ot.
    butfor himshe was possessiveshehis wife
    'But his wife did not want to let him go.'

  305. hidden"Daɬine'ngiyiqxiq'at,"ditadhine'tr'i'neyigginhviqing'.
    butdownwant,"he told herit is saidthat personher husband
    "'But I want to stay down there," her husband told her.'

  306. hiddenXidigaɬtr'i'ne"isren' linginh,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    finallyit is saiddo as you wantshe saidit is said
    'Finally she said, "do as you wish."'

  307. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'neyiggiyyedhitanxiɬchettr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidthatin which he lieshe tookit is said
    'And then he took his bedroll.'

  308. hiddenNgiyiqtraɬtth'etxiyegheyotr'i'ne.
    downkashimhe went intoit is said
    'He went down into the kashim.'

  309. hiddenAxaxiɬdikdedaghun'enathtanhtr'i'neniɬtthe' xidilu'oyixnedrtr'i'ne.
    thenhis cousinbyhe lay downit is saidhead to headhousemiddleit is said
    'Then he lay down beside his cousin, head to head with him, in the center of the kashim.'

  310. hiddenAxaxiɬdikxixitidhingotthidinengathts'in',niɬinoghɬndixaghdet'osrtr'i'ne.
    thenthey started talkingall night longto each otherthey told what had happened?it is said
    'They talked to each other all night, telling each other what had happened.'33

  311. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyiggittth'eyiggidhidonhnetr'i'ne,"ngi'ingilasu'otts'itthinehoyh,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    thenthatat homethe one who stayedhe saysit is said,overnowmy wifetogo outhe saidit is said
    'Then the one who hed remained at home said, "Go over there to my wife.'

  312. hidden"Yitots'in'sidechengu'otts'in'tasoɬ."
    thenI tooyour wifetoI will go
    "'Then I too will go to your wife."'

  313. hiddenDaɬine'yigginhnegyiɬnetr'i'ne,"ngongin' qoggxidina'ghela'anhvughun'dhisdonh,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    butthat persongoodhe saidit is saidwellearthpeopleshe is notshewith herthe one I stayhe saidit is said
    'But the good man said, "well, the one I stay with is not of earthly people."'

  314. hiddenDaɬine'tr'i'ne"gila',"yiɬnetr'i'neyigginhgiɬigginh.
    butit is saidGo onhe saidit is saidthat personother person
    'But the other said, "go on."'

  315. hidden"Daɬine'inagh,"yiɬneiɬt'et.
    butnohe saidcontinuously
    "'Oh no," said the first man.'

  316. hiddenDaɬine'yigginhgiɬigginh"gila,"yiɬne.
    howeverthat personother oneGo onhe said
    'However, the other kept saying, "Go on."'

  317. hiddenXidigaɬtr'i'ne"sre' linginh,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    finallyit is saidif you want tohe told himit is said
    'Finally he said, "All right, if you want to."'

  318. hiddenTs'an ts'in'yitots'in'yigginhiɬt'eqaydhidonhyiggineyonhvu'otts'in'tadhiyotr'i'ne.
    so thenthenthat personcontinuouslyvillagethe one who stayedthatwho wenthis wifetohe wentit is said
    'So the man who had stayed in the village went to the wife of the man who had gone.'

  319. hiddenTs'anyitots'in'yu'otts'in'chexiditadhiyotr'i'ne.
    so thenthenhis wifetoalsohe went upit is said
    'And (the one who had left) went to his (cousin's) wife also.'

  320. hiddenAxaxiɬdikeyigginhneyoninhvi'otts'in'xuditadhiyonhtthaɬyiqxiyeginot'enh.
    thenthat personthe one who wenthis wifetothe one who went insideentry wayhe sneaked into
    'The man who had stayed in the village crept into the entrance of the house.'34

  321. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyixxidineyotr'i'ne.
    thenhousehe enteredit is said
    'He entered the house.'

  322. hiddenTr'edhatr'i'nenginuggviɬaɬtinghnuq'oɬonh.
    beholdit is saidbackshe's sleepingwoman
    'Behold, the (unearthly) woman was sleeping back there.'

  323. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'neyits'in'tadhiyotr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidto herhe wentit is said
    'He went to her.'

  324. hiddenAxaxiɬdikgotyiq'idhduxdadhiyotr'i'ne.
    thenherebeside herbed platformhe went upit is said
    'And he got beside her in the bed.'

  325. hiddenIxuxuyiɬtr'i'neyixudztr'idilighithyigginuq'oɬonhtr'i'ne,yiniɬnekxiyiɬ.
    thenit is saidreallyshe was frightenedthatwomanit is saidhe pushed herthen
    'The woman became really frightened when he pushed her.'

  326. hiddenYitots'in'vuqultr'i'ne.
    thenshe was goneit is said
    'And then she was gone!'

  327. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'netthantithiyotr'i'ne.
    thenit is saidhe went back outsideit is said
    'Then he went back outside.'

  328. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'neyiggidiyixxidineyo.
    thenit is saidinsidehis own househe entered
    'He went into his own house.'

  329. hiddenAxaxiɬdiktr'i'neyigginhchelcheneyoninhyixxidon'idiyo.
    and thenit is saidthat personyoung manalsothe one who wenthouseentered
    'He entered the house of the young man who had gone.'

  330. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'nedadztr'i'neyinoghɬdidighene'.
    thenit is saidthusit is saidto himhe told about it
    'He told him what had happened.'

  331. hiddenYitoyiqnon-gidoɬcheth.
    right awayhe put on his parka
    'Right away, the husband put on his parka.'

  332. hiddenNgi'intthitadhiyo.
    awayhe went outside
    'He went outside.'

  333. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'neyitots'in'ngi'indingonhxiviyixxidon'idiyo.
    thenit is saidthenawayhis mothertheir househe entered
    'He entered his parents' house.'

  334. hiddenTr'edhatr'i'neyigginhdu'otyoqoxiniɬ'anhine'yitvuqultr'i'ne.
    beholdit is saidthat personhis wifefor herhe looked aroundbutthereshe's goneit is said
    'He looked for his wife, but she was gone.'

  335. hiddenYitoyiqtr'i'nentithiyo,ntitl'uggoktr'i'ne.
    immediatelyit is saidhe went backhe ran backit is said
    'Immediately he started running back.'

  336. hiddenYitots'in'xuxoghli'eɬhingoyitxits'an-ghidoɬtr'i'neazrineviye---vu'otni'idiyotr'i'ne.
    thenit's getting lightwhentherehe's coming fromit is saidsomeone saidhis wifeshe went backit is said
    'When it got light, as he was coming back, someone said that his wife had gone back.'35

  337. hiddenVitingxelanh.
    her tracksthere are
    '(Because) her tracks were there.'

  338. hiddenGoɬotr'i'neanhtsexithyi'in titluxdiyixini'idiyotr'i'ne.
    heresurelyit is saidnasalmucusshe threw awaywherethereshe returnedit is said
    'There was the place where she had blown her nose while she walked back.'

  339. hiddenAɬonacheitrixhingoyixini'idiyo.
    beholdshe's cryingwhilethereshe went back
    'Apparently she had been crying as she went back.'

  340. hiddenUxuxiyiɬchenheygginhviqing'vitr'evaditl'idhiyhtr'i'ne.
    thentoothat personher husbandhis sadnessit cameit is said
    'Then sadness came upon her husband.'

  341. hiddenYitots'in'chenhyiggiyqayni'idiyotr'i'ne.
    thenagainthatvillagehe returnedit is said
    'He returned to his village.'

  342. hiddenXidontithiyotr'i'ne.
    he went insideit is said
    'He went inside.'

  343. hiddenXidontithiyohingotthaɬyiqts'in'tr'i'nenon'idiyo,uxuxiyiɬtr'i'neyitxanqidhiɬdziqtr'i'ne.
    he went insidewhenentrywaytoit is saidhe enteredthenit is saidtherehis feet got stuckit is said
    'And when he entered the entryway of the kashim, right there his feet became stuck.'36

  344. hiddenNdadz go xaxayadz niytolaɬtr'i'ne.
    how in the worldthey will be separatedit is said
    'There was no way he could get free!'37

  345. hiddenYitdiggandidhithingotathtraxtr'i'ne.
    therehe standswhilehe started to cryit is said
    'He stood there and started to cry.'

  346. hidden"Agide,yitxo'indingidaghsne',"yiɬnets'in'yigginhnuq'oɬonhvonh.
    okaythatforI said that to youshe saidthat personwomanher mother
    "'Now that is why I told you what I did," said his wife's mother.'

  347. hidden"Giladalikts'in'!Xidonsiniɬtayh!"yiɬne.
    come onbe quietbring me inhe said
    "'Be quiet! Let me in!" he said.'

  348. hiddenDaɬine'tr'i'ne"viyan',"yiɬne.
    butit is saidnoshe said
    'But she said "no."'

  349. hiddenYitots'in'tr'i'neiɬt'etathtrax.
    thenit is saidcontinuousyhe started to cry
    'And he started to cry without ceasing.'

  350. hiddenItrixtr'i'nexidigaɬtthidinengathtr'i'ne,venhdida'chedranhtr'i'ne.
    he's cryingit is saidfinallyall night longit is saidnext dayalsodayit is said
    'While he cried, a night passed, and a day.'

  351. hiddenXidigaɬtr'i'neviqa'yadzdon'idiyoqtr'i'ne.
    finallyit is saidhis feetloosethey becameit is said
    'Finally his feet became loose.'

  352. hiddenNgiyiqtthaɬyiqxiyegheyotr'i'nechenh.
    belowkashim entryhe went init is saidagain
    'He tried to go into the entryway again.'

  353. hiddenYitots'in'chenhxanqadhitldziqtr'i'ne.
    thenagainfeet got stuckit is said
    'And once again, his feet got stuck.'

  354. hidden"Gila',xidonsiniɬtayh,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    come onbring me inhe saidit is said
    "'Please let me in," he said.'

  355. hidden"Daɬine'xidongitidhatltalts'in',"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    butI will not let you inshe saidit is said
    "'Oh no, I will not let you in," she said.'

  356. hidden"Dodongitthingnixitidheɬtthalts'ixizro,"yiɬne,"xidongitatltaɬ,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    no moredownyou do not seeplainlyshe saidI will let you inshe saidit is said
    "'If you never more look down (toward the river), I will let you in.'

  357. hidden"Ngonhyiɬngito'yiɬdodoxiviningiɬ'anh,"yiɬne.
    your motherandyour fatheralsono moreyou see themshe said
    "'You will never see your mother and your father anymore.'

  358. hidden"Oghdixizroxidongitatltaɬ,"yiɬne.
    onlyI'll let you inshe said
    "'Only then will I let you in.'

  359. hidden"Ngogetiysoxogits'idingidiyoq,"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    wellreallyfor mebadlyyou have doneshe saidit is said
    'You have done very badly by me.'

  360. hidden"Sigege'nguxo'ingitr'odighele',"yiɬne.
    my childbecause of youhe is unhappyshe said
    'Because of you, my child is unhappy.'

  361. hidden"Ngoxosidhuxdiy gidhikts'in'duxo'inxidongitatltaɬ,"yiɬne.
    for youI feel pitybecause of itI will let you inshe said
    'But since I have pity on you, I will let you in."'

  362. hiddenAxaxiɬdikxidonyiniɬtanhtr'i'ne.
    thenshe let him init is said
    'And then she let him in.'

  363. hiddenAxaxiɬdikeyggitdu'otyughun'xidon'idiyotr'i'ne.
    thentherehis wifeto herhe went init is said
    'He went inside to his wife.'

  364. hiddenTr'edhatr'i'neidedigvinoghyiqgathdlinghtr'i'ne.
    beholdit is saidshe toobelow her eyessomething flowedit is said
    'There she was, with her tears flowing.'

  365. hiddenXiyiɬtr'i'nedeɬneyigginhvu'ot,"ganvoqodaɬts'idzntadiyoy?"yiɬnediqing'anh.
    thenit is saidshe said thusthat personhis wifewhatfor itthis wayyou came backshe said toher husbandhe
    'And she said to her husband, "'why have you come back here?'

  366. hiddenDeɬne,"divanuq'oɬonhvits'ixidiningiyonh?
    she said thuswhowomanto herthe one you went in
    "'Who was that woman you went to?'

  367. hiddenDivasre'anhvughun'dhedots'i'at,"yiɬne.
    I wondershewith heryou stayshe said
    'I wonder if you mean to stay with her?"'

  368. hiddenChelchedi'netr'i'ne,"Sesuxuyo' ghun'ghodisiyoqts'ixi'adisidene?"yiɬnetr'i'ne.
    young manthenhe saidit is saidIof my own accordfromI didyou say so to mehe saidit is said
    'Then the man said, "Did I do that of my own accord, that you should say that to me?"'

  369. hiddenTs'anaxaxiɬdikyitxughun'ntithido'tr'i'ne.
    sothentherewith themhe began to stay againit is said
    'And then he began to live there with them again.'

  370. hiddenAxaxiɬdikgits'i'inntedolts'in'iɬt'et.
    thenelsewherehe did not gocontinuously
    'He never went anywhere else.'

  371. hiddenYitxiyan'xitathdo'tr'i'ne.
    thereonlythey began to stayit is said
    'He only stayed there.'

  372. hiddenAxaxiɬdikyigginhxivonhdiyixsriɬti xine'onhtr'i'ne.
    thenthat persontheir motherher houseshe hidit is said
    'The mother concealed the house again.'

  373. hiddenTs'anaxaxiɬdikyigginhchelanhdingonhyiɬnixidinegts'in'tr'i'ne.
    sothenyear after yearit is saidthat personyoung manhehis own motherwithhe did not returnit is said
    'And year after year, that man never returned to his own mother.'38

  374. hiddenTs'anxidigaɬvinixeɬtsen'tr'i'ne.
    sofinallyit is fenced offit is said
    'And so the story is finished.'


  1. Chapman/Kari contained azrine (Kari)/ aˊrzunĭ (Chapman), 'they say'. KH elected to leave this out.
  2. Chapman has allaˊ 'well'. Kari's version of this word is ala.
  3. Chapman has dûtĭçtaˊn 'were brought'. Kari has dititht'anh.
  4. For a third person plural subject, dixaght'an' is expected.
  5. sitting up on a platform
  6. This and the next sentence are combined in Kari's version, but are separate in Chapman's.
  7. Chapman's version has qoyûˊxûhlvwûˊt 'the curtain bellies out'. Kari transcribed this as xuyixiɬvit ( 'it is caused to be concave').
  8. Chapman: 'He turned it over in his mind.'
  9. This is Chapman's translation. Kari has 'He thought I wonder where the people are.'
  10. Chapman: 'Lo! they say, a sudden burst of light.' Chapman notes that viyiɬ could be either 'suddenly' or 'with him'.
  11. Chapman has Ăgûdeˊ and Kari agide.
  12. Chapman translates sŏˊqŏyoˊ (sixiyo') as 'my wisdom (meditation)'. His free translation of this sentence is 'it is because of my intention that you came here.'
  13. Chapman's version lacks nedr.
  14. Kari had dinganh 'backbone'. KH didn't know that word and substituted gingin 'fish backbone'.
  15. The Chapman/Kari version of this sentence is: Axaxiɬdik che yitl'oyidighetrit tr'i'ne. 'She gave him food again.' KH changed che 'again' to chel 'young man'.
  16. This free translation is based on Chapman. Kari's translation of the sentence was: 'And then the man said, "how long will I only stay in the house?"'
  17. Xidhu'onh normally means 'there is (3D object)'. Chapman translates qai\dh ûon 'is there?' and adds a footnote to that word: 'that is, he lost his sense to locality, his consciousness'.
  18. This is based on Chapman's translation of diyix and free translation of the sentence.
  19. Chapman has wuhlähltûˊñ '(but) I was asleep'. Kari has viɬaɬtingh, recorded here with KH. However, given the free translation of the sentence, a first person singular form would be expected, something like viɬagitingh.
  20. Chapman has ahlaˊ 'dear me' and qûˊhltĭ 'now'.
  21. Kari has ngiyixts'i 'from inside', which KH recorded as ngixits'i.
  22. one is Holikachuk. (Deg Xinag is on.)
  23. Kari has yandighelo 'she undressed him'. Chapman has yäntĭˊgellŏˊ' 'she took off his parka'.
  24. Kari has dhagg 'mouth, throat' instead of dho.
  25. Normally xisrigidasd(d)het.
  26. This free translation is based on Chapman. Kari had: "there is nothing lacking here that you can get by working, so why say that?"
  27. Instead of goqo dist'anhdi, Chapman has gâˊkâ ĭstăˊn qăĭ, which he translates 'where I used to hunt'. He adds a footnote: 'that is, I had no luck'.
  28. The first part of this sentence is not in Chapman.
  29. Chapman's free translation: "How could I tell how the time passed, since I never went outside?" Kari's free translation: "'How could I know that, since I never see outside?"'
  30. Chapman has tĕnnĭˊqtû dran 'four days'. Kari has diniyhdi dranh.
  31. Kari's ixuda' 'if'. Chapman has aˊĭtdû'û 'if thou shouldst (do that)'.
  32. ghela' ts'ixiyan' 'is not at all' is an unusual negative construction. Chapman has ûxaillûˊ' 'she is not' tsûqoyänˊ' 'at all'.
  33. Chapman had ntdûqaiqûˊxudetoˊĭrsr 'they tell what happened'. Kari's version was nidixaghidet'osr. KH didn't really know this word.
  34. KH unusually has vi'ot rather than vu'ot here.
  35. xoghli'eɬ is expected for 'it's getting light'.
  36. This was in the village he had lived with his wife, not his parents' village.
  37. Chapman has yädzûtoûniˊhl 'will he get free'.
  38. Kari has gits'anxatitl'idaq 'year after year' ( gits'anxatidldaq expected) in this sentence, based on Chapman's gĭtsanqŏˊqŏtĭhldyăˊk 'year in and year out'.
  39. Chapman's title was 'Story of a Young Man who was purified from Sin'. He noted it was told by 'Blind Andrew'. Kari's title was Nox Idinihoninh Gixudhoy 'The Blind Person's Story'. KH pluralized the title to Nox Idinuhon \ldots