(The young man searches for a wife)

Recorded with Alta Jerue, 3-26-2004

  1. hiddenQ'idaghdhilinhghiqaɬ.
    young manhe's paddling
    'A young man was going along in a canoe.'

  2. hiddenAntr'agatotth'eɬxiq'igits'anghalnoɬ,xiyiɬgidetth'onh.
    sohe listenedas ifhe turned aroundthenhe heard something
    'He listened, and he turned around, and he heard something.'

  3. hiddenTr'edhagazrile.
    beholdsomeone was saying something
    'Someone was speaking.'

  4. hiddenTr'edhanuq'oɬonhgidile."Ya xaxa na,"netr'i'ne.
    beholdwomanshe's singingshe saidit is said
    'It was a woman singing. "Ya xaxa na," she sang.'

  5. hiddenYitoyiqdiqadhiyo.
    thereuponhe went up
    'He went up the bank.'

  6. hiddenNuq'oɬonhteq'avonndidhit.
    womanon the shoreshe's standing
    'There was a woman standing on the shore.'

  7. hiddenVittheghxingithxelanh.
    her hairlongthere is
    'Her hair was long.'

  8. hiddenDitthe'ton'u'oxxilinghaxa.
    her headshe's washingcurrentin
    'And she was washing it in the current.'1

  9. hiddenGidile.
    she's singing
    'She was singing.'

  10. hiddenYitots'in'yoghniginot'enh.
    and thento herhe sneaked up
    'Then he sneaked up to her'

  11. hiddenYinesrinxitlyiɬ.
    her waisthe seized
    'And seized her around the waist.'

  12. hidden"Dinaitla'ts'in'!Dinaitla'ts'in'!"yiɬnenuq'oɬonh.
    humanI am nothumanI am notshe said to himwoman
    "'I am not human! I am not human!" cried the woman.'

  13. hiddenYandighetritanhchel.
    he released herheyoung man
    'The man released her.'

  14. hiddenAɬona chenhq'eyhtritrtinighe'oxi.
    beholdbirchtreeit's leaning into water
    'Behold there was a birch tree leaning over the water.'

  15. hiddenVitthe'tuxnilingh.
    its branchesthroughcurrent is flowing
    'The current was flowing through its branches.'2

  16. hiddenChelq'eyheting'.
    young manbirchhe's holding
    'The man was grasping the birch tree.'

  17. hiddenViye xudolningh.
    he was angry
    'He became angry'

  18. hiddenTr'eyhyenaghdiyo.
    canoeinhe went again
    'And got back into his canoe'

  19. hiddenYitots'in'ntithiqanh.
    thenhe started paddling again
    'And started paddling again.'

  20. hiddenChenoghdiqaɬ.
    againhe's paddling along
    'He paddled on.'

  21. hiddenAntr'agatotth'eɬxiq'igits'an-ghanoɬ,xiyiɬgidetth'onh.
    thenhe listenedas ifhe turned aroundthenhe heard something
    'Then he turned and listened, and he heard something.'

  22. hiddenTr'edhagazrileche chenhnuq'oɬonhxiq'i.
    beholdsomeone singingagain againwomanlike
    'Once again, someone was singing, like a woman.'

  23. hidden"Cheq'odetxiq'i,"inedhinh.
    againjust nowlikehe thought
    "'Just as before," he thought.'

  24. hidden"Divasre'gila',"inedhinh.
    I wonder whatnowhe thought
    "'I wonder what it is now," he thought.'

  25. hidden"Divasre'ɬo'its'in'nuq'oɬonhgodi'ne?"inedhinh.
    I wonderindeedwomanthisshe sayshe thought
    "'Is it indeed a woman making noise?"'

  26. hiddenCheyidetth'onh.
    againhe listened
    'He listened some more.'

  27. hiddenTr'itltuxgazrile."Aya yo ha ya,"netr'i'ne.
    willowamongsomeone is singingshe saysit is said
    'Someone was singing anong the wilows. "Aya yo ha ya," she sang.'

  28. hiddenDiqadhiyo.
    he went up
    'The man went up the bank.'

  29. hiddenNuq'oɬonhxit'angizrenh.Gighe'dhithaxaxandlchith.
    womanveryshe's prettytoothbeltwithshe was girded
    'There was a very pretty woman wearing a belt made of teeth.'

  30. hiddenGaɬtimdiɬ'anh.
    willow barkshe's gathering
    'She was gathering willow bark.'

  31. hiddenYinesrinxitlyiɬ.
    her waisthe seized
    'He seized her by the waist.'

  32. hidden"Dinaitla'ts'in'!Dinaitla'ts'in'!"yiɬne.
    humanI am nothumanI am notshe said
    "'I am not human! I am not human!" she cried.'

  33. hiddenYandighetrit.
    he released her
    'He released her.'

  34. hidden"Dinauxlanhxiq'ixileche.
    humanyou pl. areas ifit seems
    "'It seems to me that you are human enough.'3

  35. hiddenGileaxayuxyedigididax,"yiɬne.
    songwithin you pl.noise ishe said
    'You are making such a noise with your songs," he said to her.'

  36. hiddenGguxngilanhts'in'ngi'inghoɬtliɬ.
    rabbitshe isasawayshe hopped
    'She turned into a rabbit and hopped away.'

  37. hiddenViye xidolninghntithiqanh.
    he was angryhe started paddling again
    'Angrily he started off paddling again.'

  38. hiddenChegidetth'onh.
    againhe heard something
    'Once more he heard something.'

  39. hiddenTr'idilughusr.
    someone was playing
    'Someone was playing.'

  40. hiddenNgi'inxits'in'diqadhiyo.
    awayto therehe went up the bank
    'He went up the bank near it.'

  41. hiddenTr'itltuxghuhoɬ.
    willowamonghe's going
    'He went among the willows.'

  42. hiddenGotr'edhadinaxit'achelonghdasrq'idzyigaɬdzoghtl.
    herebeholdpeopleverymanysand bankonthey were playing ball
    'Behold, a lot of people were playing ball on the bank.'

  43. hiddenDinaxit'achendinek.
    peopleveryare handsome
    'They were very handsome people.'

  44. hiddenNuq'oɬdaɬinchilqayyiɬniɬtux.
    '(There were) women and men together.'

  45. hiddenGidingidztuxtathdo'.
    grassamonghe sat
    'He sat amid the grasses.'

  46. hiddenXituxxiniɬ'anh.
    among themhe looked
    'He peeked at them.'

  47. hidden"Sesixitlghuɬda'nuq'oɬonhgitatlyiɬ,"inedhinh.
    Ithey throw to meifwomanI will grab someonehe thought
    "'If they throw it my way, I'll grab a woman," he thought.'

  48. hiddenXidigaɬyixixiytitlghuɬxiyiggiyititlyiɬ.
    finallytherethey threw it to himimmediatelyhe caught her
    'Finally they threw it his way, and immediately he caught a woman.'

  49. hiddenDiggantl'itlux.
    he jumped up
    'He jumped up.'

  50. hidden"Dinaitla'ts'in',dinaitla'ts'in'!"ne.
    humanI am nothumanI am notshe says
    "'I am not human, I am not human!" cried the woman.'

  51. hiddenNuq'oɬonhyik'odznixindilughuɬ.
    womanaway from himshe struggled
    'She struggled away from him.'

  52. hiddenYandighetrit.
    he released her
    'He released her.'

  53. hiddenVidalzringzroyuxo'inghizriɬ.
    Canada gooseonlyaway from himshe's screaming
    'And she went screaming away from him in the shape of a Canada goose.'4

  54. hiddenDilughusrindits'inxathdlat.
    the ones playinggeesethey became
    'All the players became geese.'

  55. hiddenNigenthiyiɬ.
    they flew away
    'And flew away.'

  56. hiddenViye xidolninghcheltr'eyhyenoghdiyo.
    he's angryyoung mancanoeinhe went back
    'Angry again, the man got back in his canoe.'

  57. hiddenNtithiqanhuxuxiyiɬchegidetth'onh.
    he started paddlingsuddenlyagainhe heard something
    'He started off paddling, and then he heard something.'

  58. hiddenXinatr'idilughusrxinadi'nets'igidetth'onh.
    people are talkingthey're speakinghe heard
    'He heard people talking.'

  59. hiddenDiqadhiyo.
    he went up
    'He went up the bank.'

  60. hiddenNginuggxinadi'nexits'in'tadhiyo.
    up from riverthey're speakingtowards themhe went
    'He went away from the river, toward the speakers.'

  61. hiddenTr'itltuxtr'edhavinq'itdegdinalonghtaxnixiditl'iyo.
    willowamongbeholdlakeherepeoplemanyin waterthey are standing
    'Among the willows was a lake, and a number of people were standing in the water.'

  62. hiddenTr'idiyinhdinachuxtadhinhchuxdiyinh.
    someone is making medicinemanbigold manbighe's making medicine
    'There was a big old man making medicine.'

  63. hiddenTixet'andhithda'ndaɬcheth.
    otterskinparkahe's wearing
    'He wore an otter-skin parka.'

  64. hiddenGodadzdi'nediyinh,"deg goq'odetyixtoqulxiq'i,"ine.
    thushe saysmedicine manherenowyou pl. will be goneas ifhe says
    'Said the medicine man, "it seems that you will perish right here."'5

  65. hidden"Daɬine'dingit'agotr'atoɬtth'eɬdinadangine'ine',"xi'nedina.
    butbetterherewe will stayyou told usalthoughthey saidpeople
    "'In spite of what you say to us, we will stay here," said the people.'

  66. hiddenGidingidztuxxits'itr'itr'eɬtluxeyigginhq'idaghdhilinh.
    grassamongfromsomeone leaped outthat personyoung man
    'Then the young man leaped out of the grass.'

  67. hiddenEngithiteyigginhdiyininhghun'tr'i'eɬtlux.
    in front ofthat personmedicine manathe leaped out
    'He jumped down at the medicine man.'

  68. hiddenDiyininhtixet'anhathdlat.
    medicine manotterhe became
    'The medicine man became an otter.'

  69. hiddenTigheyoyitots'iq'utithivanh.
    he dove in waterthenhe started to swim around
    'He dove into the water and swam away.'

  70. hiddenYitots'iyuxudzdinatixighedatl,ggaggxinoxinelanhts'in',tixgedr,vichingadhyiɬtodzingyiɬ.
    thenallpeoplethey went in the wateranimal?they arebeingminkmuskratandcommon loonalso
    'Then all the other people went into the water and became animals, mink, muskrat, and the arctic loon and the common loon.'6

  71. hiddenYitots'in'taxxiyan'xididltth'e.
    thenunderwateronlythey stay
    'They stayed only under the water.'

  72. hiddenYitots'in'eyigginhchelnigedayathdlat.
    thenthat personyoung mangoshawkhe became
    'The man became a goshawk.'

  73. hiddenYitots'in'net'uq.
    thenhe flew
    'And he flew away.'

  74. hiddenGoxits'inixinilu'on'.
    thisto itit is the end
    'That is the end.'

  75. hiddenYuk.
    (end of story)


  1. Chapman has a different verb.
  2. AJ pronounces this sentence with question intonation.
  3. Kari has ghilechenh.
  4. 'Canada goose' is normally vidhalzring.
  5. Alta says ga instead of go.
  6. Chapman and Kari also contained tek'otrix yiɬ "and arctic loon".