(Fox song)

Jim Dementi

  1. hiddenGiɬigg,teqa,toggnoghniychux
    One, two, three big rabbits

  2. hiddenGidingidztuxyigixiɬnoyh.
    Are eating in the grass.

  3. hiddenChoghlugguyxo’odzghuhoɬts’in’
    A fox is walking towards them

  4. hiddenXiɬdigetiydetsan’ts’in’.
    Because he’s very hungry.

  5. hiddenToggnoghniychuxtthixititldatl.
    The three big rabbits ran away scared.

  6. hiddenTr’itltuxxixentlyet.
    They ran off into the willows.

  7. hiddenToggnoghniychuxq’atl’odiɬyitl.
    He couldn’t grab the three big rabbits.

  8. hiddenChoghlugguytth’edetsan’ts’in’.
    The fox is still hungry.
