(I have a dog (some dogs))

Edna Deacon

  1. hiddenŁekist’anh.Łekist’anh.I have a dog. I have a dog.

  2. hiddenGiɬigg,teqa,toggɬekOne, two, three dogs

  3. hiddenŁekist’anh.I have some dogs.

  4. hiddenSilegngichux.Silegngichux.My dog is big. My dog is big.

  5. hiddenGiɬigg,teqa,toggɬekOne, two, three dogs

  6. hiddenŁekist’anh.I have some dogs

  7. hiddenŁeggoyist’anh.Łeggoyist’anh.I have a puppy. I have a puppy.

  8. hiddenGiɬigg,teqa,toggɬeggoyOne, two, three puppies

  9. hiddenŁeggoyist’anh.I have some puppies.

  10. hiddenSileggoyngistl’i.Sileggoyngistl’i.My puppy is little. My puppy is little.

  11. hiddenGiɬigg,teqa,toggɬeggoyOne, two, three puppies

  12. hiddenŁeggoyist’anh.I have some puppies.
