Haiti Babi

In February of 2012, I began working with my business partner Katlin Jackson to develop a non-profit that would provide jobs and empower women in Haiti. We now employ 9 women in Haiti to crochet baby blankets that we sell to an upscale market in the United States. As Co-Founder I wear many hats, but my major focus is to define and implement the creative direction of Haiti Babi. I have developed the brand, the product, the packaging, the website, the event decor and experience, the retail displays, and all of the the marketing collateral. For more information about Haiti Babi and our mission, please visit our website.

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Haiti Babi Website

Kari Davidson

Women and Water

In June of 2012, ten students from University of Washington were selected for an exchange program with Southeastern University in Nanjing, China. We were asked to create a poster series dealing with issues surrounding water in developing countries. My focus addressed the effects which directly impact women when clean water is not accessible.

Kari Davidson


Gamechangers is a publication geared toward curious individuals interested in global topics requiring aid and assistance. Gamechangers magazine looks to connect individuals to projects and bring light to current topics.

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Gamechangers Full Publication

Kari Davidson