Start Now!
“Start Now” is as educational campaign encouraging graduating seniors to look into their future finances. The campaign provides students with resources and information as they enter the “real world.” Focusing on savings, building credit, and paying off student loans, the campaign asks students to walk away with one simple thought, Start Now!
Team Members

Looking at minimizing e-waste by disrupting the current consumer cycle for cell phones and asking users to recycle their old devices during the onboarding of their new device.
Team Members

Lady Boss Workshop
The Lady Boss workshop is a curriculum and booklet designed to help young women tell their own story about what it means to be a strong individual in today’s world. This spring, Mae and Chloe created the Lady Boss Workshop for Seattle based non-profit Young Women Empowered (Y-WE). They teamed up with Y-WE to design activities and materials that would help the women take the skills and experiences gained within the organization and think about how they could be used moving forward.
Team Members

Currently 8.5 million US citizens are unemployed. We wanted to learn more about the contextual disability of unemployment. We learned that giving people skills is more valuable than placing them in jobs. We created elevate to give people the tools and resources they need to enter the workforce.
Elevate lives on a truck which is the platform for all of our services. Elevate offers workshops such as interview skills and resume building. Also, Elevate provides mentors that help with connections, support, and guidance. The elevate truck lives in a warehouse and it provides an address for job application. Elevate goes to different locations to meet the needs of different types of people, it’s a service that comes to you.
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