Radiation Safety in Fluoroscopy

The FDA has issued an advisory to facilities that use fluoroscopy for invasive procedures. Recommendations of this advisory include the following:
1. that facilities assure appropriate credentials and adequate training for physicians performing fluoroscopy.
2. that all operators be trained and understand system operation including the implications for radiation exposure for each mode of operation.
3. that facilities ensure that physicians performing fluoroscopic procedures have education.
4. that patients be counseled regarding the symptoms and risks of large radiation exposures
5. that physicians justify and limit the use of high dose rate mode of operation.

The Office of Medical Staff Appointments is currently providing the materials below as part of a credentialing privileges process for MD medical staff. Please go to https://depts.washington.edu/omsa/PrivForms/Fluoroscopy.html if you are UW Medicine MD medical staff.

For non-MD medical staff, the documents below are provided as part of a UW Medicine site license. Please read the site license document before proceeding.

Please do not share this material with anyone not employed by UW Medicine. You will need an UWNetID to access these documents.

Fluoroscopy Booklet (PDF)

Fluoroscopy Booklet Executive Summary (PDF)

Dr. Kanal's Rad Safety Lecture

Dr. Kanal's Rad Safety Lecture (PDF - User friendly)

For questions regarding these materials, please contact:

Kalpana M. Kanal, Ph.D., DABR
Email: kkanal@u.washington.edu
Phone: 206-616-9166

Brent K. Stewart, Ph.D., DABMP
Director, Diagnostic Physics
Email: bstewart@u.washington.edu
Phone: 206-616-1314

Send mail to: diagphys@u.washington.edu
Last modified: 6/03/2009 2:23 PM