Cost issues  


There are several benefits that are longer lasting than the initial costs of an Eco-lawn.

Depending on what type of seed mixture you buy, and Eco-lawn could be more or less than establishing a normal Kentucky Blue-grass lawn from seed, or another lawn with more exotic grass species. The key factor with Eco-lawns is that they are longer lasting and will cost less in the long run due to less maintenance. A normal lawn is usually mowed more often, watered more often, fertilized, and treated with herbicides to be rid of weeds and pests. An Eco-lawn, once established, can be mowed less, watered only a few times over the summer and doesn't need any fertilizer after planting. Because of the varied plant species weeds and pests aren't a problem, and due to the variety of plants the soil has a longer life, also adding to the longer life of the lawn. The cost of water, herbicide and either gas/electricity for a mower could save people with Eco-lawns quite a lot of money over the years after installing an Eco-lawn.


There is another side to this idea however, and that is what an Eco-lawn can contribute to the environment. By requiring less water and no fertilizer or herbicide, these chemicals aren't added to the environment and there is less polluted ground water. In many cases, when fertilizer is applied to normal turf lawns, the grasses do not absorb all of it, and the left over fertilizer can be washed away into groundwater.  By having a lawn with a deeper root system, it can retain more water during a storm and reduce storm-water run-off in general. For areas prone to drought, and Eco-lawn retains water in the soil longer and can help relieve water shortages. Grubs, a common problem in normal turf lawns like the moist environment of a frequently watered lawn, so by watering less it cuts down on possible pest problems as well. Healthier soils produce a healthier environment for earthworms and other organisms in the soil maintain the lawn longer and more green plants in an urban environment can help cool and area during the hot seasons. The cost of an Eco-lawn can be outweighed by the benefits monetarily and environmentally when considered on a scale of a lifetime, rather than a few years.