ISOM Department e-Newsletter

Summer 2015 ISOM e-Newsletter



Mamani Solo


HAMED MAMANI has been promoted to Associate Professor.  Professor Mamani began his career at the University of Washington in 2008.  He made his transition after graduating from MIT with a PhD in Operations Research.

KAMRAN MOINZADEH was voted by the the TMMBA Class 15 as the Faculty of the Quarter for Summer 2015.
ELINA HWANG was selected to receive the prestigious Herb Simon Doctoral Dissertation Award at Carnegie Mellon University: Tepper School of Business.  The competition for this university-level award is in honor of a CMU colleague, Herbert Alexander Simon which recognizes individuals for their behavioral science research applied to the problems of administrative behavior, an area which Prof. Simon’s research helped to define and to develop.

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I-FU ‘Tony’ CHEN (PhD), TED KLASTORIN, and MICHAEL WAGNER.  (Summer 2015).  Incentive Contracts in Serial Stochastic Projects.  Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Volume 17 (3), 290-301.
DEB DEY, A. Lahiri, and PhD alum G. Zhang. (July 2015).  Optimal Policies for Security Patch Management.  INFORMS Journal on Computing, Volume 27 (3), 462-477.
ANDY SIEGEL and A. Woodgate.  (2015).  How Much Error is in the Tracking Error?  The Impact of Estimation Risk on Fund Tracking Error.   Journal of Portfolio Management, Volume 41 (2), 84-99.  doi: 10.3905/jpm.2015.41.2.084
MICHAEL WAGNER and D. Hochbaum. (June 2015).  Range Contracts: Risk Sharing and Beyond.  European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 243 (3), 956-963.
MICHAEL WAGNER.  (Aug. 2015).  Robust Policies and Information Asymmetry in Supply Chains with a Price-Only Contract.  IIE Transactions, Volume 47 (8), 819-840.
*This article was selected to be featured in the Industrial Engineer magazine.  Volume 47(7), 52-53.
YONG TAN,  PhD alum Y.J. Lee, and K. Hosanagar.  (September 2015).  Do I Follow My Friends or the Crowd? Information Cascades in Online Movie Ratings.  Management Science, Volume 61 (9), 2241-2258.
YONG-PIN ZHOU,  N. Gans, H. Shen, N. Korolev, A. McCord, and H. Ristock.  (July 2015).  Parametric Forecasting and Stochastic Programming Models for Call-Center Workforce Scheduling.  Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.  Retrieved from:
ELINA HWANG, P. Singh (PhD alum), and L. Argote.  “Knowledge Sharing in Online Communities:  Learning to Cross Geographic and Hierarchical Boundaries,” Organization Science.

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Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (MSOM)
Toronto, Canada   |   June 28 – 30, 2015
Pictured from left to right: Prof. Wagner, Prof. Klastorin, PhD students Sareh Nabi-Abdolyousefi and I-Fu ‘Tony’ Chen,
Prof. Zhou, and Prof. Chen
SHI CHEN presented a paper co-authored by YONG-PIN ZHOU and Qinqin Zhang entitled: “Supply Chain Sustainability and Transparency under NGO Scrutiny.”
ELNAZ JALILIPOUR ALISHAH (PhD) presented her paper co-authored by HAMED MAMANI and YONG-PIN ZHOU entitled: “The Impact of Competition for Common Customer Base on Agent’s Compensation Plan.”
TED KLASTORIN and I-FU ‘Tony’ CHEN (PhD) co-presented their paper co-authored by MICHAEL WAGNER entitled: “On Coordinating Contracts in Decentralized Sequential Projects.”
HAMED MAMANI and SHIMA NASSIRI’S (PhD) paper entitled “Bundled Payments vs. Fee-for-Service: Impact of Payment Scheme on Performance,” was accepted for presentation at the conference.  Their co-author, Elodie Adida, presented the paper.
FOAD IRAVANI served as a judge for the 2015 MSOM Best Student Paper Competition.
YONG-PIN ZHOU also served as a Special Interest Group discussant.
China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM)
Hefei, China   |   June 27 – 28, 2015
Professor Fan attended the 9th annual conference that was held at the Hefei University of Technology.  The purpose of the workshop is to create a bridge to promote exchange and collaborations between information systems scholars in China and other countries.  This year’s theme was “Data Science for Business Analytics.”
YONG TAN Three of his papers were accepted for presentation at the workshop.

  1. “Economic Value of Firm Social Media Engagement,” co-authored by FEI WAN (VISIT Student) and Fei Ren was accepted for presentation at the conference.   Fei Wan presented the paper.
  2.  “Loyalty Program: the Dilemma of Shipping Fee,” co-authored by XUE ‘Jane’ TAN (PhD) and former PhD student YI-CHUN ‘Chad’ HO.  Xue Tan presented the paper as pictured below (left.)
  3. “Optimizing Two Sided Promotion for Consumer Learning for Transportation Network Companies,” co-authored by JINYANG ZHENG (PhD) and Xi Chen.  Jinyang Zheng presented the paper as pictured below (right.)

Yong Tan also served as part of the Data Science for Business Analytics panel during the conference.

CSWIM 2015
International Conference on Operations Research 2015
Vienna, Austria   |   September 1 – 4, 2015
FOAD IRAVANI and HAMED MAMANI attended the conference hosted by the University of Vienna.  The German Operations Research Society (GOR) coordinates this annual conference to discuss Operations Research topics such as energy, financial models, risk management, game theory, health care systems, supply chain management, logistics and transportation, to name a few.  Participants from around the world with backgrounds in mathematics, business/ economics, and computer science attend.
Professors Chen and Moinzadeh visited Microsoft – Cloud Infrastructure Operations on August 6, 2015.  Prof. Chen gave a seminar about “Supply Chain Management under Demand Uncertainties.”  They also discussed potential opportunities including: consulting, PhD student internships, and research projects.
ANDY SIEGEL Prof. Siegel presented “Information Content of Credit Rating Changes: Evidence from Trading Volume Using a New Nonparametric Test” on August 13, 2015 as part of the Joint Statistical Meetings, representing joint work with Jonathan Brogaard and Jennifer L. Koski, University of Washington Foster School of Business, as a Financial Econometrics Contributed Paper sponsored by the Business and Economic Statistics Section of the American Statistical Association.
YONG TAN Prof. Tan visited the School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University in Beijing, China as the Chang Jiang Scholar Chair Visiting Professor.  He enjoyed interacting and collaborating with the faculty and doctoral students there.
YONG-PIN ZHOU On June 17, 2015 Prof. Zhou visited Alibaba’s headquarters in Hangzhou, China and participated in a one-day conference and learned about the company’s future strategic focuses, such as Internet finance, globalization, and a comprehensive logistics network. During the conference, various Alibaba subject matter experts shared information and their thoughts, creating future research opportunities.

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Structural Modeling Applications for Research in Technology (SMART) Workshop
Pittsburgh, PA   |   August 22 – 23, 2015
Pictured from left to right: Jinyang Zhou, PhD alumns Hossein Ghasemkhani and Chad Ho, Kyung Sun ‘Melissa’ Rhee, Behnaz Ghahestani Bojd, and Shahryar Doosti.
The ISOM team made up of Shahryar Doosti, Kyung Sun ‘Melissa’ Rhee, and Behnaz Ghahestani Bojd were awarded second place during the SMART Workshop.  The challenge presented to the teams was to estimate the parameters of a dynamic game structural model.
Prof. Yong Tan also served as a Chair for the 2nd annual workshop held at Carnegie Mellon University.

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Welcome to the Foster MSIS Class of 2016! The Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS) students started their program in June and have just completed their first quarter at UW. This year’s class comes in with an average of 4.2 years of work experience, mostly from the technology and software industries. When these students complete the program in June 2016, they will have learned how to effectively use and manage information technologies to solve complex, unstructured business problems and provide innovative ideas about how to take advantage of new business opportunities.   Learn more about the Foster MSIS Program on their website.

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The field of Supply Chain Management is witnessing worldwide growth. There are increasing opportunities on both ends of supply chains—from global sourcing of goods to distribution, sales and fulfillment. The new Master of Supply Chain Management (MSCM) degree program is designed to address the need locally, nationally, and internationally for successful supply chain managers.

MSCM is a one-year program designed for early- to mid-career professionals, with evening and weekend classes offering a work-compatible schedule. It’s targeted to both career advancers and those looking to begin a career in supply chain. The curriculum provides a balanced combination of business and supply chain management skills. An industry component integrates theory with real-world experience through projects and seminars led by supply chain leaders.

The first MSCM class will begin in June 2016.  Learn more about the Foster MSCM Program on their website.

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