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Camp Courage Week in Review

by Gina, Anything Goes Web Designs

Summary 1

July 13, 1997: Today is the first day of Camp Courage Internet and College Preview Camp. This is the 3rd session. This program helps kids with disabilities to develop skills that are necessary for the world of college and careers by using computers. First, our whole group gathered together to watch a video on adaptive technology. Then, from the core group, we split into two groups: web page design for the returning members and Basic Internet Training and College Preparations (Bit & CP) for the new campers. In the BIT & CP, we learned the ropes to the Web, by learning how to surf the Internet, via Netscape Navigator and Yahoo to browse sites. We also watched a video on other summer camps around the world.

The other group is the Web Page Design Team. It set up like a Web Page Design firm where we are being hired by Camp Courage to design another branch of their web page. Also, we thought of a name for our web team; ANYTHING GOES WEB DESIGN. We also distributed tasks to complete our page.

Summary 2

July 14, 1997:
Today, we began our session in a large group. Our Web Development team gave a progress report and a summary of yesterday's events for the main group. Then, the Web Development Team assigned the task of writing biographies about themselves to the BIT & CP group. Then the BIT & CP group learned the joys of e-mailing through Hotmail, which is a free e-mail service and can be accessed through any computer that uses Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer. In the afternoon, the BIT & CP group listened to five college-aged kids talk about how they applied for college and advice on college. The Web Page Design team learned basic HTML scripting, writing their bios, and practiced what they had learned, by creating sample pages.

Summary 3

July 15,1997:
Today, Andrea recieved bios through e-mail and we got our pictures taken with the digital camara by Nick and Brandon. The BIT & CP team helped the Web Page Design Team by searching for applicable URLs. Then, this afternoon we listened Connie Light, who told us the process of college admissions. She also talked about the ACTS and SATS. Then, our web team worked on the general layout of the web page.

Summary 4

July 16,1997:
Today, our entire group went to St. Cloud State University, which is a school that is very equipped and accessible for people with special needs. The first thing we did, was have tour guides show us around the campus, like the math and science buildings, and Atwood Center. This is a place where college kids can hang out. We were also shown the art gallery. They showed us the theater, where they have their big classes. Last, but not least, they showed us their radio station. Then, we got to have lunch at a fast food place of our choice. It was a really hot day but everyone seemed to enjoy it.

Summary 5

July 17,1997:
This morning, we met in one group to discuss our progress on the web page and learnig about the Internet. The BIT & CP group learned how to search Gopher, which is a bit dated, but still useful to some people. Today, our web page development group is working on our graphic design for the web page. The page is coming along quite nicely, and this evening we will continue to work on it.

Summary 6

July 18, 1997:
Today, when we we met in a large group the web design group gave a detailed summary of yesterday's events. Then, the BIT & CP were taught how to use FTP. The BIT & CP were able to use a program called Fetch to transfer files. BIT& CP were able to use and explore this and other homepages. The Web Design team were able to work on their parts of the web page.

Summary 7

July 19, 1997:
Today, our large group gathered together to hear a presentation on the technological side of computers. We heard about different speeds of cables that keep computers and the Internet running. We were also informed of how to put ourselves on a mailing list with the DO-IT program. The DO-IT program consists of high school students who are in this program as actual members. The program also has mentors who are in college, on job field, and past participants in the Do-It program. This afternoon, the BIT & CP group listened to the camp director, Roger Upcraft, who talked about how one would be able to get a job. He also talked about the skills needed to do well on a job interview. Roger also talked about how to tell your boss that you have a disability, and how to tell your boss what kind of adaptions you'll need at your job. The Web Page Design team worked on the web page all day.

Summary 8

July 20th, 1997
Today, being the last day of Computer Camp we are putting final touches on the web page, like spell checking, working on the photo gallery etc. The BIT & CP are having free time to surf the Net, and then are playing a scavenger hunt on the web by completing a check list of designated items to find on the web. In conclusion, after a week's worth of hard work, everyone feels like this session has been a success and looks forward to using their new found Internet knowledge at home and at school. To sum it all up, here are some quotes taken from campers during the week:

Until Next year, everyone....

Camp Courage July 1997