The Island of Doom

The following story was composed by Camp Courage Campers. One Camper started the story and sent it to another camper. That person added to the story and moved it along until everyone had a chance to contribute. We hope you enjoy reading this silly story as much as we did writing it.

Island of Doom

It was a foggy day outside Camp Courage,and the campers in the computer lab were restless. There was a mysterious and foggy force at work. A mysterious and evil force. It creeped among the campers like the wisps of the morning fog. Before long the entire lab was in an uproar. It was the devilish work of Camp Courage's very own evil mini-me lake monster.

Mini-me wormed his way through the minds of the campers using the network. After a period of non-connecting, the Internet sudddenly opened to the Camp Courage home page. There were two instructions on the screen. 1. Go to the lake, gather all the boats, and row across the lake. 2. Once on land, walk ten paces and wait under the big tree on the left of Mink Island. The campers were hesitant to follow these instructions because they did not know what might lie ahead. But they followed them anyway.

Just as they reached the big tree, suddenly Mini-me hopped out of the tree and scared everyone. Mini-me lead the campers further to the the island. Suddenly they heard something but they didn't know what it was. They turned around and there was a giant brown rabbit staring right at Mini-me. It was a superhero rabbit with glowing muscles and a powerful punch. It captured Mini-me and saved the campers. All the campers were so very happy to have been spared their lives and they went back to camp with a great sigh of relief.

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