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Saturday, July 17

Picture of computer lab cabin
Our computer lab cabin!


Picture of computer lab
Campers working at computers

Campers and staff members listed their email addresses. A few campers signed up for email addresses on, but most were familiar with email and used their previous email addresses. They sent messages to other campers and staff.

Plans for a camper website were discussed. Campers wrote short bios for the website, describing their interests, and sent them to Sam, the intern.

Kris discussed lab rules, netiquette, and safety on the Internet.

We watched the video: Camp: Beyond Summer.

Campers explored the home page and camp links at

Campers matched current and future skills with career positions by completing the ISEEK Skills Assessment at Then they explored three careers.

Then campers tried an O-Net Skills Search at Campers discussed what they learned about their careers of interest and how they will get the skills they need.


Campers presented and Sheryl wrote computer terms on a flip chart (URL, link, hyperlink, site, search engine, keyword, http, Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer, bookmark/favorite, home page, electronic mail, discussion list, mailing list, listproc/listserv subscribe, netiquette, etc.). Campers helped define each term.

At computers, campers completed the Princeton Skills Search at

They tried the Major to Career Converter at

They also entered a college major to see what career choices match best at the What Can I Do With a Major In? website at

3 - 5:20 pm
Campers chose recreational activities or open computer lab.

Picture of boat ride
Afternoon boat ride