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Friday, July 1

Camp Courage Journal by Paula

This morning, I woke up and went to breakfast, where we had fruit and granola with yogurt.

After breakfast, we had to go right onto the bus to go to St. Ben’s for our fieldtrip. The ride there was quite boring but at least we got out into the outside world.

Once we got there, we were given a presentation on St. Ben’s; some of the subjects covered were the percent of male and female students, the tuition, the average GPAs of the students that are accepted, and the average SAT score. Tuition was kind of high but that is to be expected because St. Ben’s is a private school.

During the presentation, we also talked about the majors offered there. They do not have a creative writing major but they have an English major. It is a liberal arts school, which basically means that they like their students to have a little bit of knowledge in everything before they graduate. It’s also a Catholic school, but they stress that everybody, no matter what their faith, is invited to apply.

Then we went on a tour of the school. It was very interesting because we got to see the library, which is bigger than my high school library. They told me that there are quiet study rooms for people to sign up for. I could probably use that for working on voice-activated. After touring the library, we toured the science center, which had a lot of science classrooms with chemicals and stuff that you don’t generally get to use in high school science. Then we went to a dorm room and it looked pretty accessible, because everything was reachable for someone in a wheelchair.

While we were on the tour, I asked questions like do they help students set up PCA services. I was told to e-mail them on that. They have on campus jobs available, like proof-reading, that they will pay you for or they will take the amount you will be paid off you school tuition. They also talked about how students can get a lot of help with tuition through scholarships and things like that.

Tonight I am going on a campout so I won’t have evening program to talk about but I will have a lot of stories about stuff around the campfire. I will talk about that in tomorrow’s journal.

After the college preview field trip to St. Ben’s College, I went on a campout. We had to wait for a lot of people before we headed out. Once we got there we spent a lot of time setting up. Then Laura came to see how the tent setting-up and and started our fire. She told us hot to make a tin foil dinner that consisted of potatoes, hamburger meat, carrot, onions and soup seasoning. After that we talked a lot and discussed Korean culture with Helen. She is a very cool counselor from Korea. Then for dessert I decided to eat a pottage. They thought I ate like an elephant. Then we started the fire back up and told stories until we had to go to bed. I didn’t go to bed until 11:00 because I was talking with Megan who was one of the people in the previous after-lights-out talking incident. (For which I now take full responsibility.) After we finally stopped talking I fell asleep but I woke up several times because it was uncomfortable sleeping on the ground in sleeping bags. I woke up and I was achy all over.