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Sunday, July 3

Camp Courage Journal

After breakfast Roger Upcraft, who runs Camp Courage, told us about important things to include in a resume, how to dress for an interview, how to handle questions in an interview and how to be successful in a job.

Then Sheryl told us what we should consider putting on a resume - Name and contact information, career goal, education, employment and volunteer experiences, and references. It's important to tailor a resume to the job you are applying for and to have a short cover letter. Then we typed up resumes on our computers and printed them out to take home.

After lunch we looked at the iMovie documentary that the interns put together with their helper Allissa. It was reallly neat and we each got to take home a DVD copy. Sheryl encouraged us to join the DO-IT Pals program of teenagers with disabilities and mentors online. She said we just need to send email to and ask to join DO-IT Pals. It sounds like fun. Then we had an Internet Scavenger Hunt. We were each given a list of words to find pictures of on the Internet - like canoe, peanut butter, computer mouse. When we found the picture Sheryl or Kris would put their initials by the name on our sheets. In the end, Kyle had the most pictures found so he got to choose a "valuable prize" first. They we all got to choose prizes. After a few rounds of this we came up with a lot of cool stuff to take home. Those of us who finished the program got a notebook and a certificate to take home.