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Thursday, June 30

Camp Courage Journal by Paula

This morning we woke up and went to breakfast and had waffles and sausage. Then I went into the cabin and talked a little bit and got to see a frog that we had captured. After looking at it for a while we set it free.

Then I came down to college preview and took a learning styles inventory. It turned out that I am an auditory learner. That means that I learn by listening, which makes sense because I like to listen to lecture instead of reading books. Two other types of learning are visual, where you use your eyes to learn. Tactile is where you use touching stuff to learn. There are several different accommodations for each learning style. For example, a tactile learner would probably benefit from touching materials. A visual learner would benefit from things like graphs and charts. An auditory learner would benefit from being able to listen to lectures. During our discussion learning styles we also talked about how professors aren’t obligated to give you stuff that goes with your learning style if it’s not approved by the DSS but they usually do. Some have issues with copy write.

After our discussion we looked at web sites about role models, and famous people with disabilities. I thought it was very interesting because I did not know that so many famous people had disabilities. After that we emailed people that participate in the DO-IT program so we can make contacts after camp. Then we had lunch and had hotdogs and sauerkraut and a brownie.

After lunch we watched a video which talked about the advantage of going to a two-year school before going to a four-year school, that way you can get ready for it. IT also said that you had to make sure that your credits from the two-year school transfer over to the four-year school.

Then we had a guest speaker who used to be in admissions for the University of Wisconsin. She gave us very many helpful tips some of the most helpful tips include information like: you should check on the school you want to go to, to make sure you take all the required classes in high school, to get into that school. You should probably check to see what major the school offers and if the majors have an application deadline that’s earlier then other majors. You should also try to take the PSAT in sophomore or junior year so you can get lots of practice. If you are not proficient enough in one area of study you should probably take extra classes to make sure you make the minimum standard for the school you want to go to. That you should probably check to make sure that your classes are accessible and what kind of student services your college has. If you don’t like one area of study when you are younger as it gets more complicated you might build up and interest and actually like it.

After the guest speaker we went on line and looked at what our majors might look like for careers. Some of the careers for creative writing are writer, proofreader, book reviewer, critic, and humorist. Tomorrow I will talk about what happens tonight.

After college preview I went swimming and it was really relaxing. Then we went to dinner and had cheeseburgers and chips (not very healthy, but good.) I spent most of the meal talking to people so I had to eat my burger in the last five minutes. After dinner we went to Courage Stock and I talked to people most of the time and I tie-dyed a shirt purple and pink. I also made a protest sign that says Camp Courage Rules. During Courage Stock, they also painted a car; it was very interesting because it had personal sayings including one that said a particular person was cute, and it was located right in front. I got my face painted with a red flower and made a hemp bracelet with red beads. I made a memory book for people to sign. After Courage Stock, we came back to the cabin and because it was late, we had t ogo to bed right away.

Last night after college preview we went to dinner and had pizza. Before that we were in the cabin listening to music. In between dinner and college preview I went swimming. After dinner we played capture the flag. Our team won, but unfortunately I wasn’t able to participate because my wheelchair ran out of batteries so I wrote letters to friends and family instead, There weren’t as many mosquitoes last night in the cabin. I had fun talking to the girls about girl stuff. I got to know a lot about them. The camp out was postponed until Friday.