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Wednesday, June 29

Camp Courage Journal by Paula

Today I woke up and went to breakfast, we had eggs, muffins and hash browns.

Then I came to college preview and it was storming outside. During the first part of the morning we talked about tech words such as, hard drive, gigabyte and jpeg. Then we went onto the computer and did a skills assessment on two different web-sites. The first web-site was the results are as follows:

Blue-Collar Worker Supervisors
Agrictural Worker Supervisors
Sales Representatives
Compliance Officers and Inspectors
University and College Teachers
Adult and Vocational Education Teachers
Engineering Technicians
Producers and Directors
Transportation Inspectors
Securities Salespeople
Social Workers
Business Executives
Buyers and Purchasing Agents
Personnel and Training Managers
Financial Managers

The second web-site was the results as follows again:

Lodging Managers
Social and Community Service Managers
Training and Development Managers
Mental Health Counselors
Probation Officers and Correctional Treatment Specialists
Substance Abuse and Behavioral Disorder Counselors

These are the careers that they chose for me. I don’t know why the second one didn’t have writer as an option for me. I can understand why they picked probation officer for me because I like to keep people in line. I can also understand why they would want me to be a mental health counselor because I like to listen to people’s problems although I would probably put to much personal narration into it. I could be a financial manager because I like to plan. I could be a collage professor because I like to teach people. For most of the jobs listed on the web-sites the main requirement is that you know how to tell people what to do, I think I am good at that.

After the first part of the day, we went to lunch. We had mashed potatoes,chicken tenders, and cookies.

After lunch, we came back to the computer lab. We discussed internal and external assets a couple examples of internal assets are: people skills, creativity, and thinking skills. An example of external assets would be your family or other people you talk to for support. After we discussed assets we watched a movie about how you have to do most of the stuff around college to be successful. After that we watched another movie about people who ran a soap-making business and how they helped each other even though one of them had a disability. Then we talked about how we get help from people and what we view as success. I said that success is achieving your goals. We also talked about the most important people in our support system and I said it was basically my family and my case manager. I’ll talk about what happens tonight on tomorrow’s journal.