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Top > Camper/Intern 2005 > Aaron


Aaron's picture

My name is Aaron and I am 20. Yet again this
summer I am humbled in the presence of the DO-IT staff.
It's an honor to be an intern this year. This is year
number 50 for Camp Courage as mentioned on the front
page. I've only been involved in the last 3 and
let me tell you, it's an honor and a pleasure to return
each year to see the different people who are
attracted here from all ranges of disabilities and all walks
of life. A bridge is what we need to be, connecting
the able to the disabled and visa versa. I just
realized that camp is as old as Disneyland. When Walt Disney opened it, in his dedication speech "To
all who enter this happy place, welcome." Well
this is my happy place right here. I can interact with
people and maybe, just maybe inspire them with
some magic.