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Sunday, July 2

Camp Courage Journal

We watched the video: Learn and Earn: Tips for Teens.

Roger Upcraft, the Camp Courage Director, talked about the value of having work experience before college. He gave us advice about resume building and writing and interviewing. He told us how to find and apply for jobs and other work-based learning opportunities and gave us advice for succeeding on the job.

Then we create a resume in Word. We included:
-Name, address, phone, email
-Career Goal?
-Education (school, grade in school, favorite subjects, training like our camp)
-Job experiences (volunteer ok too)
-Interests/Other Activities

12:30 Lunch, followed by open computer lab.

We completed an Action Plan worksheet that we could take home.

Travis and Rob showed us our website.

We saw our video, too. We get to take a copy home on a DVD.

We competed in the Internet Scavenger Hunt and everyone won lots of prizes.

Just for fun: games we could play some games:

We each got a certificate, notebook, and group picture.

5:00 We had our own special BBQ – great food!