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Tuesday, June 27

Camp Courage Journal

8:30 Breakfast

9:30 am - 12:20 pm
Sheryl, Rick, Kris, Alissa, Rob, Travis, and Samson introduced themselves and what things they are doing for the camp. Then we campers introduced ourselves and said where we are from and how old we are and what we wanted to learn from the program. We said we wanted to learn about computers and get ready for college.

We watched the DO-IT video College/Career and Internet Preview Camp 2006, which was made by campers like us. Then we talked about what we want to include in the video we will make this year.

Sheryl told about the program goals, topics, and schedule – most days 9:30-12:20; 1:30-2:50; 3-5 optional open lab. Friday we’ll take a field trip to a university right after breakfast. After our last session Sunday we will have our own special BBQ at 5:00.
Sheryl showed us the notebook we get to take home with us.

We looked at some websites made by past campers. Rob and Travis will create our website but we have to come up with the content. We decided that we want these things on our website:
 bio and picture of each of us
 daily journal of what we are doing
 pictures of computer lab, bbq, and of participants around camp
 quotes from us to “sell” this program to others
 words of wisdom about preparing for college/careers
 Geek Speak: Geeky sentences with computer terms we’ve learned

We will send our bios, quotes and words of wisdom to Sheryl and she will send it to Travis to put on the website.

We watched the DO-IT video, College: You can DO-IT!
We talked about the three primary individuals/organizations that are key to our success in college: us, the professor, and the disability services counselor - and we are the managers.

We talked about what it means to have a “major” in college. Then, at the computers we explored two website that show what careers majors lead to:
What Can I Do With a Major In?,
Major to Career Converter,

Then we saw how our skills match with careers at
Skills Assessment,
Skills Search,
Princeton Review Career Quiz,

We talked about what we learned about careers of interest to us and how we will get the skills we need.

12:30 Lunch, followed by open computer lab

1:30 - 2:50
We watched the video, Taking Charge: Stories of Success and Self-Determination. It showed three kids, one blind, one quadriplegic, and one with a learning disability, telling about how they are successful. Then we made a list on flip chart of examples of internal and external factors (assets) that can help us succeed.

We talked about the value of role models and mentors and about how we can join the DO-IT Pals program to communicate with DO-IT teenagers and mentors about preparing for college, careers and independent living. At the computers we read about successful people with disabilities at
Role models:
Famous people:
Looking through the DO-IT Snapshots: printed publication ( that includes email addresses, we found some kids to send email messages to.

3 - 5:00 pm Some of us choose camp activities and some stayed in the open computer lab with Samson.

5:30 Dinner, followed by evening activities.