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Wednesday, June 28

Camp Courage Journal

8:30 am Breakfast followed by open computer lab

9:30 am - 12:20 pm
Jeni Mundl from Courage Center came to demonstrate technology that benefits people with disabilities. She showed us some modified games and a switch-operated camera.

We watched the DO-IT video, Building the Team. It told us again about the roles of college disability services, professors, and us (as managers of the services).

Connie Light talked to us about applying for college, different types of colleges, and how to select a college. She also told us about things we can do in high school to get ready for college, like take science and math classes. She also told as about different tests we need to take before we go to college and that we can request accommodations if we need them.

We learned about our learning style (audio, visual, tactile) at

12:30 Lunch, followed by open computer lab

1:30 – 2:50 pm
Travis and Rob demonstrated Skype, which lets you talk like on a telephone over the Internet. They showed us Google Earth where we can look at our houses and schools and other places on satellite maps.

At the computers we went to, selected “college”, and selected “College preparation…” We could look at the resources there, but Sheryl told us to be sure to check out Students with Disabilities Prepare for Postsecondary Education: Know your Rights and Responsibilities and Colleges, Universities and Financial Aid

3 - 5:20 pm We videotaped camp activities with Alissa.

5:30 Dinner, followed by evening activities.