The Bevan Series on
Sustainable Fisheries (2004)

The Bevan Seminar Series is on sabbatical this winter. In lieue of this, we offered an exciting new feature in the Bevan series on sustainable fisheries:

Fishing Rights or Fishing Wrongs?

April 29-30, 2004
University of Washington
School of Aquatic & Fishery Sciences

This two-day symposium featured world-renowned experts on the subject of rights-based fishery management. Abstracts and, when available, video footage can be viewed by going to the Schedule.

What is the solution to the race for fish, declining catches, and dwindling stocks? Can incentive-based market forces help correct overcapitalization? Would individual transferable quotas work for all fisheries—and socioeconomic situations—or just some? Are cooperatives or state auctioning more appropriate? Please join us for an in-depth and provocative analysis of this timely issue. Speakers with expertise in biology, fisheries management, economics, law, policy, and anthropology compared and contrasted concepts, opinions, and case studies as the Bevan Series set the stage for future use of rights-based fishery management in the USA.