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What freshmen students say about Early Fall Start

"The Early Fall Start program was an amazing new experience for me, especially since I am an international student. It introduced me to the way of life in the dorms, something I was unaccustomed to before and most of all gave me an excellent base to come in contact with many people and make lots of exciting friends. An experience worth the long journey." Arjun Dutta
"I really enjoyed the fact that by the time everyone had moved in I already had a good base of friends. Coming from Texas I didn't know anyone and EFS really helped me to get going." Eric Hansen
"Early Fall Start was a great experience that helped me get a head start on college. It also helped me get situated and make a lot of friends in the process. I highly recommend it to every incoming freshman." Kalani Kam
"Early Fall Start made the transition to college so easy and enjoyable. I moved in a month early, had a small class with a great professor, had time to explore Seattle, made many great friends, and had a lighter schedule during Autumn quarter. I have yet to meet one EFS student who doesn't rave about their experience. . ." John Mitchell
"My main purpose for participating in Early Fall Start was to 'get ahead of the game' and learn my way around campus before the thousands of other students arrived. It was a great opportunity and my expectations were definitely met. By only having one class, there was a lot of free time to expleor everything that the University of Washington has to offer. I would recommend this program to any freshman starting here." Tova Perlow
"Early Fall Start was an excellent opportunity for me as it provided an environment for me to comfortably transition from High School to College. Not only did it allow me the chance to get credits completed early, it also gave me time to get to know the area in which I now live. It consumed enough time to keep me busy but also allowed time for me to pursue other goals that I might not have had the opportunity to participate in had I just come in the autumn quarter." Christopher Reynoso
"I loved the class, I loved the convenience, but definitely the best parts of the whole experience were the people I met. I think that people involved in the Early Start Program had a chance to get to know one another and just have fun, while easing into the academic year. because we all were taking only one class, everyone had time to hang out, and I made a good number of friends. the other great thins about Early Fall Start is the you can take two five credit classes during fall quarter if you want! Which right now I find very helpful!" Will Ritthaler
"The thing I liked most about Early Fall Start was the chance to get to know the Seattle area and the other people in the dorms before Fall Quarter started. When It did start, I already felt acclimated to life at U-Dub." Scott Rosen
"Early Fall Start allowed me to get to know people and the compus before everyone else started. It really helped make the transition into college manageable. I really felt comfortable and made my freshman year much more enjoyable." Christina Schneck
"I enjoyed my Early Fall Start experience immensely. From my excellent astronomy class with 20 students instead of 80 to the small group of people I met on the floor of my dorm, I couldn't have had a better time. The class was probably the most intellectually challenging course I have ever taken, and since there was only one, I had time to make friends, explore Seattle, and just lay back and enjoy my free time. I loved it." Rafa Sonnenfeld
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