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On this page:
Discovery Seminars
Preparing for College Writing
Exploration Seminars

Listed below are the courses being offered in the Early Fall Start program. As Early Fall Start approaches, please check the appropriate website for last minute changes in course meeting times or location. All courses are offered for 5 credits.

Courses for new freshmen

Discovery Seminars
Below is a list of Discovery Seminars. Additional details, registration instructions, and course descriptions can be found on the Discovery Seminar website.

  • 700 Million Miles an Hour: Photography Then and Now   CLOSED
  • Coding + Walking = Art Experience
  • CSI Seattle   CLOSED
  • Culture Clash! Beyond the Berlin Wall   CLOSED
  • Digital Expression
  • Digital Musical Instrument Design and Creation
  • Empire, Literature and the Map of the Modern World
  • Exploring Cultural Diversity Through the Performing Arts
  • Fictionalizing Autobiography: A Writing Studio   CLOSED
  • Flight and Space Exploration   CLOSED
  • Food!   CLOSED
  • Fossils, Evolution, and Creationism
  • Indistinguisable from Magic: New Technologies, Science Fiction, and Us   CLOSED
  • Justice, Power, and Persuasion   CLOSED
  • Law and Society: Landmark Cases in Social Justice   CLOSED
  • Learning from Ants and Bees: The Science of Biological Swarms
  • Part of Nature, Part of Us: A Poetry Workshop
  • Perception and the Arts   CLOSED
  • Secret Codes and Online Security   CLOSED
  • Television Comedies: A Creative and Performance Workshop
  • The Creative Process
  • The Farther Reaches of (Human) Nature   CLOSED
  • What is Sound
  • Who were the First Americans
  • Why Lance and Michael Always Win: The Physiology of Exercise   CLOSED

Preparing for College Writing


If you would like to register for one of these specially designed courses to help new freshmen who are unsure about their writing get off to a good start with college writing, click on the course title. You may register for any of the five classes. They are all taught in the same way and none of the classes are reserved for a special group of students. Additional registration information, including instructions on how to drop these courses, can be found on the Registration page of this website. There is a $1045.00 fee for the courses. The courses meet during Early Fall Start, August 24 through September 18.

ENGL 108 A Writing Ready: Preparing for College Writing (5 credits)   CLOSED

Class meeting time: MTWTh 9:30 - 12:00
Class meets in 211 Smith Hall
Instructor: Melanie Hernandez

ENGL 108 B Writing Ready: Preparing for College Writing (5 credits)   CLOSED
Class meeting time: MTWTh 9:30 - 12:00
Class meets in 205 Smith Hall
Instructor: Allison Gross

ENGL 108 C Writing Ready: Preparing for College Writing (5 credits)   CLOSED

Class meeting time: MTWTh 9:30 - 12:00
Class meets in 105 Smith Hall
Instructor: Tanvi Patel

ENGL 108 D Writing Ready: Preparing for College Writing (5 credits)   CLOSED

Class meeting time: MTWTh 9:30 - 12:00
Class meets in 311 Smith Hall
Instructor: Lee Einhorn

ENGL 108 E Writing Ready: Preparing for College Writing (5 credits)   CLOSED

Class meeting time: MTWTh 9:30 - 12:00
Class meets in 309 Smith Hall
Instructor: Cathryn Cabral

ENGL 108 F Writing Ready: Preparing for College Writing (5 credits)   CLOSED

Class meeting time: MTWTh 9:30 - 12:00
Class meets in 305 Smith Hall
Instructor: Raj Chetty

ENGL 108 G Writing Ready: Preparing for College Writing (5 credits)   CLOSED

Class meeting time: MTWTh 9:30 - 12:00
Class meets in 307 Smith Hall
Instructor: Brian Larsen

Courses for currently enrolled UW students

Exploration Seminars
There are 33 Exploration Seminars offered during Early Fall Start. These month-long study abroad programs provide a unique out-of-the-classroom and "outside-the-box" cohort-based learning experience. Many have closed but some are still open. For a complete list, additional details, registration instructions, and course descriptions please visit the Exploration Seminar website.