Evaluation: Emerging infections

Your Name:

Your email address (essential):

Please rate the following on a scale of 1 to 5:
How effective is this web site for learning about emerging infections?

   1 - poor    2 - fair    3 - poor    4 - good    5 - excellent

Which sections did you use?

All Sections
Course Introduction and Overview of Emerging Infections
Emerging Infectious Diseases; Worldwide and in the Americas
Tuberculosis: Global Impact and Drug Resistance
Prions and Species Jumping
Trade-related Infections
West Nile Virus
Workup on the Unknown - Epi Investigations
Workup on the Unknown - Lab Investigations
Malaria and Vaccine Development
WHO Response - SARS and Emerging Infections

Does your institution offer any courses on emerging infections?

Yes        No        Not Applicable

When compared to other sites that you use, how quickly was your computer able to download the information?

Much Faster   Faster   Average  Slower   Much Slower

Did slow access inhibit your use of the site?

No        Yes

Were the slides and pictures clear?

No        Yes

Were the slides and pictures slow to load?

No        Yes

Is this material something you would look at again?

Yes        No        Don't Know

Will you recommend the site to your colleagues or students?

Yes        No        Don't Know


Please tell us what you liked best about this site.

What did you like least about this site?

Suggestions for improvement and comments