ENGL 546 -- Spring Quarter 2007

American & 20th/21st Century Publication Workshop Allen TTh 1:30-3:20

It is increasingly important to begin publishing as a graduate student if your goal is an academic job. In this workshop we will be preparing previously-drafted graduate seminar papers or MA essays for journal publication.

So come with an essay approximately 20-35 pages in length. We will read each others' work, make suggestions for revision, identify appropriate journals for publication and aim toward sending the finished essays out at the end of the quarter. In the course of the seminar we'll also work on writing manuscript reviews, investigating journals in relevant fields, considering the politics of publishing, learning about the submission and publication process. and taking up other relevant topics of interest to the workshop.

The course is open to anyone with a graduate-level scholarly essay that is ready to revise for publication on a topic relevant to literatures, theories and cultures from the late nineteenth-century forward.

Required texts: We will make a packet of the essays; in addition you'll need the MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing (2nd edition). Recommended, but not required: Getting Published (William Germano).

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