ENGL 324A -- Spring Quarter 2010

SHAKESPEARE AFT 1603 (Shakespeare after 1603) Coldewey TTh 3:30-5:20 13143

Engl 324 explores some of Shakespeare's later plays, including the four "great" tragedies (Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth) and two of his late romances (The Winter's Tale, The Tempest). We will be concerned with discovering how tragedy frees and traps, and how Shakespeare transcended form in his last dramatic visions.

1) The Norton Shakespeare, Second edition, Stephen Greenblatt, et al.,
eds. (Norton, 2008)

2) The Bedford Companion to Shakespeare, Second edition, by Russ
Mcdonald. (St. Martin's, 2001)

3) Shakespearean Tragedy, by A. C. Bradley. (Penguin, 1991)

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